It really bugs me the rightwing thinks Americans are "exceptional"

Your Appeal to Authority, and he's wrong, is getting old. America is a Liberal Nation. If you aren't Liberal, then get out since it's not a country for you.

Right with 24% saying they are Liberal and the rest are Conservative and Moderate.
The Majority of this nation is not Liberal. Especially Socialist Liberals.
24% of this nation does not have the right to rule over the Majority like they are doing.
We Founded it, you get out if you don't like it, and it's not a Democracy.


No sir, the opposition to individual freedom did not found the United States.

The United States was founded upon the principle that all men are created equal BEFORE GOD; endowed by GOD with rights SO CERTAIN that no human power can remove them.

Now... let's run down your professed views:

Right to self defense through the ownership and effective use of a firearm... ? Las time we discussed it you were dead set against this.

Right to freely practice one's religion... you feel that such a right is limited to exercising such in church, and that such is limited to 'keeping it to yourself'.

The Right to one's Life... Now, we've discussed THIS MANY TIMES and you feel that this right is predicated upon whether or not one's life is convenient to the person who conceived ya, through their own willful and
wanton behavior. And where one's life IS INCONVENIENT... one has no right to one's life.

So... you and those like you... would have been tarred, feathered and likely castrated prior to being hung from a sufficiently tall tree.

Your predilection for reposting the same already-refuted crapola and expecting different results has been summarily and universally accepted as humble concession. Again.

So you come to pretend that you've refuted something, without feeling the slightest burden to reference that refutation?


Now isn't that PRECIOUS?

Children and Fools... they can be so... Entertaining.

But just IMAGINE where the US would be if some idiots ever provided them a voice in Government policy.

Good LORD!

We'd probably be looking at a world where their perverse notions of "FAIRNESS!" supplanted the actuarial lending principles that sustain the financial markets. Which could ONLY lead to a collapse of those markets... where they'd DEMAND that the institutions which succumbed to their unprincipled reasoning be BAILED OUT! At a cost of unimaginable tolls to the treasury... Men would be marrying men, women would be marrying their dogs and good GOD! They'd probably Elect a Muslim Marxist right in the wake of the catastrophc collapse of socialist policy and in the midst of a war with Islam!

OK! But honestly... who would be so foolish as to let the intellectually less fortunates VOTE?

How many times have you cut and pasted that same post over and over, loser? It didn't work the last four times, it ain't working this time. Move the fuck ON.

" ... in which government controls every aspect of ones life, such as what light bulb they use, or how big a drink they can buy, whether they can engage in business, and how much of their business is controlled or confiscated by government, and specific groups are treated with preference or penalty under the law, dependent on their race or success in life...."

Not Liberalism, then or now.
It is exactly what liberalism is doing now. They desperately deny it even as they put more such programs in place, of course - can't let the frog realize the heat is slowly being turned up.

All you're doing is misusing a term you don't understand and then blaming those you just hung the label on.
The McCarthyites tried that 60 years ago. Horseshit then, horseshit now.

Well scamp, here's a little FYI for ya: the McCarthyites, have LONG since been proven to have been 100% correct.

So, that nonsense you're sputtering has long since been correct-ed.

See how that works?

Pffft. No, not even close except in your revisionist history. That shit died in the gutter of its own comsumption, like McCarthy himself. Just because some demagogue who lied his way into everything he ever had also misused a political term doesn't give him some kind of booga-booga power to redefine words. Fuck him and the whores he rode in on.
I don't deny the fact that exceptional people built this nation. That is without question. I'm proud of that. However, this idea that Americans of today are more exceptional than other people in this world is such non sense. Stupid, entitled, materialistic, and arrogant is what Americans are.

My god, just look at the Tea Party. There are foreigners who admire America, but when they look at the Tea Party, they just scoff or laugh. Tea baggers, in terms of intelligence, are much stupider than the average person the world over. They are also selfish, arrogant and racist. I mean this is the movement who bitches about government spending but also insists on ridiculous tax cuts. How can you respect people who don't understand the concept of revenue?

And yes, I do think there are some great Americans living today. I just don't think being American has anything to do with it.

In terms of citizens, America is not at all superior to the rest of the world. Let's stop pretending that it is.
The liberal Blue part of America IS exceptional. They've created the best colleges, the best technology, they are the best in Science and so on. America IS exceptional, just not the conservative part, which, by very definition could never be exceptional.
What makes America "exceptional" are the "exceptional" people that have come from countries that wouldn't allow them to benefit from their
exceptionalism. America is the ONLY country in the world that is made up of people from around the world...that were/are exceptional.
That's why America is "exceptional" has been the freedom to be "exceptional"!
Almost all the major advancements in the past 150 years have been because America rewards people that are exceptional and those exceptional people took their OWN chances,energy lives to advance themselves. All because these exceptional people recognized one simple common fact.
The United States rewards exceptionalism! Math,science,building things, running things, i.e. all the activities that a country needs to advance their society was achieved by these "exceptional" people.
And all you critics of American exceptionalism are seen as idiots by these "exceptional" people that have come from countries where women HAVE to walk behind a man! Where a member of a "caste" will never get ahead... but in America CAN. From countries that practice barbaric acts on their people and the "exceptional" ones have escaped!
YES... America is exceptional because Americans are comprised of people from other countries THAT ARE EXCEPTIONAL and ONLY in America can they become what their exceptionalism provides... the freedom to be exceptional!!!

Horseshit. You'll find as much if not more people-diversity in, say, Canada. Or Brasil. Less racism too.
Get your head out of the sand mirror. You and I are no 'better' than a random Swede, Indian or Japanese.

This elitism crap belongs in the crapper.

ROFLMNAO! Yes, yes... People all over the planet are RUSHING Canada for the FREEDOM!!

(The Reader should recall when this contributor, cited above, recently came running to 'inform' a thread that "CANADA HAD BANNED FOX NEWS!"... Which of course is not true, but the point is that she now wants to point to Canadian DIVERSITY.)

In truth, Canada is what it is, because it has the USA as its neighbor. Just as Europe can bray about its respective defense spending, because the US handles its defense... . Except they intentionally leave out that the US IS Europe's defense.

But hey... such is the nature of evil.
" ... in which government controls every aspect of ones life, such as what light bulb they use, or how big a drink they can buy, whether they can engage in business, and how much of their business is controlled or confiscated by government, and specific groups are treated with preference or penalty under the law, dependent on their race or success in life...."

Not Liberalism, then or now.
It is exactly what liberalism is doing now. They desperately deny it even as they put more such programs in place, of course - can't let the frog realize the heat is slowly being turned up.

All you're doing is misusing a term you don't understand and then blaming those you just hung the label on.
The McCarthyites tried that 60 years ago. Horseshit then, horseshit now.

Well scamp, here's a little FYI for ya: the McCarthyites, have LONG since been proven to have been 100% correct.

So, that nonsense you're sputtering has long since been correct-ed.

See how that works?

Pffft. No, not even close except in your revisionist history. That shit died in the gutter of its own comsumption, like McCarthy himself. Just because some demagogue who lied his way into everything he ever had also misused a political term doesn't give him some kind of booga-booga power to redefine words. Fuck him and the whores he rode in on.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
What makes America "exceptional" are the "exceptional" people that have come from countries that wouldn't allow them to benefit from their
exceptionalism. America is the ONLY country in the world that is made up of people from around the world...that were/are exceptional.
That's why America is "exceptional" has been the freedom to be "exceptional"!
Almost all the major advancements in the past 150 years have been because America rewards people that are exceptional and those exceptional people took their OWN chances,energy lives to advance themselves. All because these exceptional people recognized one simple common fact.
The United States rewards exceptionalism! Math,science,building things, running things, i.e. all the activities that a country needs to advance their society was achieved by these "exceptional" people.
And all you critics of American exceptionalism are seen as idiots by these "exceptional" people that have come from countries where women HAVE to walk behind a man! Where a member of a "caste" will never get ahead... but in America CAN. From countries that practice barbaric acts on their people and the "exceptional" ones have escaped!
YES... America is exceptional because Americans are comprised of people from other countries THAT ARE EXCEPTIONAL and ONLY in America can they become what their exceptionalism provides... the freedom to be exceptional!!!

Horseshit. You'll find as much if not more people-diversity in, say, Canada. Or Brasil. Less racism too.
Get your head out of the sand mirror. You and I are no 'better' than a random Swede, Indian or Japanese.

This elitism crap belongs in the crapper.

What other Nation in the world has a Government by the People with unalienable rights that men's laws can't touch?
The liberal Blue part of America IS exceptional.

There is no "liberal Blue part" of America.

As a Moderator on this very board recently noted:


Ya see scamp, Nature precludes one from simultaneously adhering to BOTH: The Thesis and the Antithesis.

It simply cannot be done.
Liberalism, is merely a cultural virus, comprised of Foreign Ideas that are Hostile to American Principles. You exist in the United States... and have NO KINSHIP with "America", which is a concept... NOT A PLACE.

LOL! But, in fairness... there was NO WAY you could have known that... .
I don't deny the fact that exceptional people built this nation. That is without question. I'm proud of that. However, this idea that Americans of today are more exceptional than other people in this world is such non sense. Stupid, entitled, materialistic, and arrogant is what Americans are.

My god, just look at the Tea Party. There are foreigners who admire America, but when they look at the Tea Party, they just scoff or laugh. Tea baggers, in terms of intelligence, are much stupider than the average person the world over. They are also selfish, arrogant and racist. I mean this is the movement who bitches about government spending but also insists on ridiculous tax cuts. How can you respect people who don't understand the concept of revenue?

And yes, I do think there are some great Americans living today. I just don't think being American has anything to do with it.

In terms of citizens, America is not at all superior to the rest of the world. Let's stop pretending that it is.
The liberal Blue part of America IS exceptional. They've created the best colleges, the best technology, they are the best in Science and so on. America IS exceptional, just not the conservative part, which, by very definition could never be exceptional.
Yet it was the church that built the first university in the usa.
" ... in which government controls every aspect of ones life, such as what light bulb they use, or how big a drink they can buy, whether they can engage in business, and how much of their business is controlled or confiscated by government, and specific groups are treated with preference or penalty under the law, dependent on their race or success in life...."

Not Liberalism, then or now.
It is exactly what liberalism is doing now. They desperately deny it even as they put more such programs in place, of course - can't let the frog realize the heat is slowly being turned up.

All you're doing is misusing a term you don't understand and then blaming those you just hung the label on.
The McCarthyites tried that 60 years ago. Horseshit then, horseshit now.

Well scamp, here's a little FYI for ya: the McCarthyites, have LONG since been proven to have been 100% correct.

So, that nonsense you're sputtering has long since been correct-ed.

See how that works?

Pffft. No, not even close except in your revisionist history. That shit died in the gutter of its own comsumption, like McCarthy himself. Just because some demagogue who lied his way into everything he ever had also misused a political term doesn't give him some kind of booga-booga power to redefine words. Fuck him and the whores he rode in on.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

Got yer concussion right here pal... :fu:
What makes America "exceptional" are the "exceptional" people that have come from countries that wouldn't allow them to benefit from their
exceptionalism. America is the ONLY country in the world that is made up of people from around the world...that were/are exceptional.
That's why America is "exceptional" has been the freedom to be "exceptional"!
Almost all the major advancements in the past 150 years have been because America rewards people that are exceptional and those exceptional people took their OWN chances,energy lives to advance themselves. All because these exceptional people recognized one simple common fact.
The United States rewards exceptionalism! Math,science,building things, running things, i.e. all the activities that a country needs to advance their society was achieved by these "exceptional" people.
And all you critics of American exceptionalism are seen as idiots by these "exceptional" people that have come from countries where women HAVE to walk behind a man! Where a member of a "caste" will never get ahead... but in America CAN. From countries that practice barbaric acts on their people and the "exceptional" ones have escaped!
YES... America is exceptional because Americans are comprised of people from other countries THAT ARE EXCEPTIONAL and ONLY in America can they become what their exceptionalism provides... the freedom to be exceptional!!!

Horseshit. You'll find as much if not more people-diversity in, say, Canada. Or Brasil. Less racism too.
Get your head out of the sand mirror. You and I are no 'better' than a random Swede, Indian or Japanese.

This elitism crap belongs in the crapper.

You're confusing diversity with freedom.
The two are very different.
" ... in which government controls every aspect of ones life, such as what light bulb they use, or how big a drink they can buy, whether they can engage in business, and how much of their business is controlled or confiscated by government, and specific groups are treated with preference or penalty under the law, dependent on their race or success in life...."

Not Liberalism, then or now.
It is exactly what liberalism is doing now. They desperately deny it even as they put more such programs in place, of course - can't let the frog realize the heat is slowly being turned up.
Yes, legislation continues to happen. Of course, when your definition of "extending government control" is nearly any law that doesn't lower taxes, it's easy to find examples to support your "theory" in any functioning legislature.

Is there some other way to define a law that increases the cost of doing business, decreasing the number of people who can start a business, axiomatically limiting the freedom to do so?

Please enlighten the board as how you would otherwise define such.

Naturally, you're inevitable failure to do so will be accepted as your concession to the little acorn. So don't sweat it. When a reasonable period of time passes, I duly note and summarily accept your concession.

Hysterics aside, what you're saying is that you really do feel that most any law that doesn't lower taxes is aimed at increasing government control?


(You did the very BEST YOU COULD!)

Your formal concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

(Once again, the reader can readily see that the Key to Americans defeating anti-Americans in debate, rests upon two fundamental elements:

1-Find a Liberal.
2- Get them to speak.
What makes America "exceptional" are the "exceptional" people that have come from countries that wouldn't allow them to benefit from their
exceptionalism. America is the ONLY country in the world that is made up of people from around the world...that were/are exceptional.
That's why America is "exceptional" has been the freedom to be "exceptional"!
Almost all the major advancements in the past 150 years have been because America rewards people that are exceptional and those exceptional people took their OWN chances,energy lives to advance themselves. All because these exceptional people recognized one simple common fact.
The United States rewards exceptionalism! Math,science,building things, running things, i.e. all the activities that a country needs to advance their society was achieved by these "exceptional" people.
And all you critics of American exceptionalism are seen as idiots by these "exceptional" people that have come from countries where women HAVE to walk behind a man! Where a member of a "caste" will never get ahead... but in America CAN. From countries that practice barbaric acts on their people and the "exceptional" ones have escaped!
YES... America is exceptional because Americans are comprised of people from other countries THAT ARE EXCEPTIONAL and ONLY in America can they become what their exceptionalism provides... the freedom to be exceptional!!!

Horseshit. You'll find as much if not more people-diversity in, say, Canada. Or Brasil. Less racism too.
Get your head out of the sand mirror. You and I are no 'better' than a random Swede, Indian or Japanese.

This elitism crap belongs in the crapper.

What other Nation in the world has a Government by the People with unalienable rights that men's laws can't touch?

I don't happen to have the Constitutions of every nation strapped to my wrist but that's not what his post was about anyway. It was about (1) pretending nobody has the melting pot we do and (2) naked jingoist elitism. He didn't post anything about governments or rights.

But since those nasty Liberals founded this one, it's been copied and adapted --- a lot.
What makes America "exceptional" are the "exceptional" people that have come from countries that wouldn't allow them to benefit from their
exceptionalism. America is the ONLY country in the world that is made up of people from around the world...that were/are exceptional.
That's why America is "exceptional" has been the freedom to be "exceptional"!
Almost all the major advancements in the past 150 years have been because America rewards people that are exceptional and those exceptional people took their OWN chances,energy lives to advance themselves. All because these exceptional people recognized one simple common fact.
The United States rewards exceptionalism! Math,science,building things, running things, i.e. all the activities that a country needs to advance their society was achieved by these "exceptional" people.
And all you critics of American exceptionalism are seen as idiots by these "exceptional" people that have come from countries where women HAVE to walk behind a man! Where a member of a "caste" will never get ahead... but in America CAN. From countries that practice barbaric acts on their people and the "exceptional" ones have escaped!
YES... America is exceptional because Americans are comprised of people from other countries THAT ARE EXCEPTIONAL and ONLY in America can they become what their exceptionalism provides... the freedom to be exceptional!!!

Horseshit. You'll find as much if not more people-diversity in, say, Canada. Or Brasil. Less racism too.
Get your head out of the sand mirror. You and I are no 'better' than a random Swede, Indian or Japanese.

This elitism crap belongs in the crapper.

You're confusing diversity with freedom.
The two are very different.

Actually I think you confused them Peach. See my last post. :)
What makes America "exceptional" are the "exceptional" people that have come from countries that wouldn't allow them to benefit from their
exceptionalism. America is the ONLY country in the world that is made up of people from around the world...that were/are exceptional.
That's why America is "exceptional" has been the freedom to be "exceptional"!
Almost all the major advancements in the past 150 years have been because America rewards people that are exceptional and those exceptional people took their OWN chances,energy lives to advance themselves. All because these exceptional people recognized one simple common fact.
The United States rewards exceptionalism! Math,science,building things, running things, i.e. all the activities that a country needs to advance their society was achieved by these "exceptional" people.
And all you critics of American exceptionalism are seen as idiots by these "exceptional" people that have come from countries where women HAVE to walk behind a man! Where a member of a "caste" will never get ahead... but in America CAN. From countries that practice barbaric acts on their people and the "exceptional" ones have escaped!
YES... America is exceptional because Americans are comprised of people from other countries THAT ARE EXCEPTIONAL and ONLY in America can they become what their exceptionalism provides... the freedom to be exceptional!!!

Horseshit. You'll find as much if not more people-diversity in, say, Canada. Or Brasil. Less racism too.
Get your head out of the sand mirror. You and I are no 'better' than a random Swede, Indian or Japanese.

This elitism crap belongs in the crapper.

ROFLMNAO! Yes, yes... People all over the planet are RUSHING Canada for the FREEDOM!!

(The Reader should recall when this contributor, cited above, recently came running to 'inform' a thread that "CANADA HAD BANNED FOX NEWS!"... Which of course is not true, but the point is that she now wants to point to Canadian DIVERSITY.)

In truth, Canada is what it is, because it has the USA as its neighbor. Just as Europe can bray about its respective defense spending, because the US handles its defense... . Except they intentionally leave out that the US IS Europe's defense.

But hey... such is the nature of evil.

You sir, are a fucking categorical liar. I never posted anything about "Canada banned Fox News".
Go forth and fuck yourself.
" ... in which government controls every aspect of ones life, such as what light bulb they use, or how big a drink they can buy, whether they can engage in business, and how much of their business is controlled or confiscated by government, and specific groups are treated with preference or penalty under the law, dependent on their race or success in life...."

Not Liberalism, then or now.
It is exactly what liberalism is doing now. They desperately deny it even as they put more such programs in place, of course - can't let the frog realize the heat is slowly being turned up.
Yes, legislation continues to happen. Of course, when your definition of "extending government control" is nearly any law that doesn't lower taxes, it's easy to find examples to support your "theory" in any functioning legislature.

Is there some other way to define a law that increases the cost of doing business, decreasing the number of people who can start a business, axiomatically limiting the freedom to do so?

Please enlighten the board as how you would otherwise define such.

Naturally, you're inevitable failure to do so will be accepted as your concession to the little acorn. So don't sweat it. When a reasonable period of time passes, I duly note and summarily accept your concession.

Hysterics aside, what you're saying is that you really do feel that most any law that doesn't lower taxes is aimed at increasing government control?


(You did the very BEST YOU COULD!)

Your formal concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

(Once again, the reader can readily see that the Key to Americans defeating anti-Americans in debate, rests upon two fundamental elements:

1-Find a Liberal.
2- Get them to speak.

lol, thanks for being the official stenographer for people terrified of discussions, I guess.
I don't deny the fact that exceptional people built this nation. That is without question. I'm proud of that. However, this idea that Americans of today are more exceptional than other people in this world is such non sense. Stupid, entitled, materialistic, and arrogant is what Americans are.

My god, just look at the Tea Party. There are foreigners who admire America, but when they look at the Tea Party, they just scoff or laugh. Tea baggers, in terms of intelligence, are much stupider than the average person the world over. They are also selfish, arrogant and racist. I mean this is the movement who bitches about government spending but also insists on ridiculous tax cuts. How can you respect people who don't understand the concept of revenue?

And yes, I do think there are some great Americans living today. I just don't think being American has anything to do with it.

In terms of citizens, America is not at all superior to the rest of the world. Let's stop pretending that it is.
The liberal Blue part of America IS exceptional. They've created the best colleges, the best technology, they are the best in Science and so on. America IS exceptional, just not the conservative part, which, by very definition could never be exceptional.
Yet it was the church that built the first university in the usa.

The Churches were the first schools throughout the United States... and educated colonists learned to read WITH THE BIBLE.

Again, these are fact which provide us the means to rest assured that the Ideological Left has NO KINSHIP with America. As the Ideological Left is the very Antithesis of America.

America was founded upon soundly reasoned, objective principle.

Where the Ideological Left is founded upon the subjective, un-principled machinations of Relativism. In short, the Ideological Left is nothing less than unadulterated: E V I L . . .
It is exactly what liberalism is doing now. They desperately deny it even as they put more such programs in place, of course - can't let the frog realize the heat is slowly being turned up.
Yes, legislation continues to happen. Of course, when your definition of "extending government control" is nearly any law that doesn't lower taxes, it's easy to find examples to support your "theory" in any functioning legislature.

Is there some other way to define a law that increases the cost of doing business, decreasing the number of people who can start a business, axiomatically limiting the freedom to do so?

Please enlighten the board as how you would otherwise define such.

Naturally, you're inevitable failure to do so will be accepted as your concession to the little acorn. So don't sweat it. When a reasonable period of time passes, I duly note and summarily accept your concession.

Hysterics aside, what you're saying is that you really do feel that most any law that doesn't lower taxes is aimed at increasing government control?


(You did the very BEST YOU COULD!)

Your formal concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

(Once again, the reader can readily see that the Key to Americans defeating anti-Americans in debate, rests upon two fundamental elements:

1-Find a Liberal.
2- Get them to speak.

lol, thanks for being the official stenographer for people terrified of discussions, I guess.

OH! Now isn't that PRECIOUS?

A second concession to the same standing points... .

Scamp, while I appreciate your eagerness, once you concede to a point, you're not required to keep doing so.

Although, it's always nice to see someone who is willing to show just how wrong they really were.

Good stuff...
I don't deny the fact that exceptional people built this nation. That is without question. I'm proud of that. However, this idea that Americans of today are more exceptional than other people in this world is such non sense. Stupid, entitled, materialistic, and arrogant is what Americans are.

My god, just look at the Tea Party. There are foreigners who admire America, but when they look at the Tea Party, they just scoff or laugh. Tea baggers, in terms of intelligence, are much stupider than the average person the world over. They are also selfish, arrogant and racist. I mean this is the movement who bitches about government spending but also insists on ridiculous tax cuts. How can you respect people who don't understand the concept of revenue?

And yes, I do think there are some great Americans living today. I just don't think being American has anything to do with it.

In terms of citizens, America is not at all superior to the rest of the world. Let's stop pretending that it is.
The liberal Blue part of America IS exceptional. They've created the best colleges, the best technology, they are the best in Science and so on. America IS exceptional, just not the conservative part, which, by very definition could never be exceptional.
Yet it was the church that built the first university in the usa.
How many years ago was that?
Yes, legislation continues to happen. Of course, when your definition of "extending government control" is nearly any law that doesn't lower taxes, it's easy to find examples to support your "theory" in any functioning legislature.

Is there some other way to define a law that increases the cost of doing business, decreasing the number of people who can start a business, axiomatically limiting the freedom to do so?

Please enlighten the board as how you would otherwise define such.

Naturally, you're inevitable failure to do so will be accepted as your concession to the little acorn. So don't sweat it. When a reasonable period of time passes, I duly note and summarily accept your concession.

Hysterics aside, what you're saying is that you really do feel that most any law that doesn't lower taxes is aimed at increasing government control?


(You did the very BEST YOU COULD!)

Your formal concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

(Once again, the reader can readily see that the Key to Americans defeating anti-Americans in debate, rests upon two fundamental elements:

1-Find a Liberal.
2- Get them to speak.

lol, thanks for being the official stenographer for people terrified of discussions, I guess.

OH! Now isn't that PRECIOUS?

A second concession to the same standing points... .

Scamp, while I appreciate your eagerness, once you concede to a point, you're not required to keep doing so.

Although, it's always nice to see someone who is willing to show just how wrong they really were.

Good stuff...

:laugh: So more of a fiction writer, then. Let me know when you want to come back to reality...
I don't deny the fact that exceptional people built this nation. That is without question. I'm proud of that. However, this idea that Americans of today are more exceptional than other people in this world is such non sense. Stupid, entitled, materialistic, and arrogant is what Americans are.

My god, just look at the Tea Party. There are foreigners who admire America, but when they look at the Tea Party, they just scoff or laugh. Tea baggers, in terms of intelligence, are much stupider than the average person the world over. They are also selfish, arrogant and racist. I mean this is the movement who bitches about government spending but also insists on ridiculous tax cuts. How can you respect people who don't understand the concept of revenue?

And yes, I do think there are some great Americans living today. I just don't think being American has anything to do with it.

In terms of citizens, America is not at all superior to the rest of the world. Let's stop pretending that it is.
The liberal Blue part of America IS exceptional. They've created the best colleges, the best technology, they are the best in Science and so on. America IS exceptional, just not the conservative part, which, by very definition could never be exceptional.
Yet it was the church that built the first university in the usa.
How many years ago was that?

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