Its a Celebration... Kavanaugh is now a Supreme Court justice

Far left heads all across America.
Confirmation party should be at Dr Ford's crib, I understand that there will be music and beer

Plus, she has an extra front door, so it'll be easier for guests to get in
Na na na hey hey hey good by ..

You're actually celebrating about a SCOTUS confirmation?

Unless you are awaiting a hearing at the SCOTUS - that speaks volumes about your life.

Me? I could care less. Elect 6 dogs and a parrot for all I care.

Yet you posted in the thread about it.


And you said you COULD care you do care, but it’s possible for you to care less.


I don’t care about Taylor Swift, so I don’t go to message boards and post in threads about her that I don’t care about her.
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Na na na hey hey hey good by ..

You're actually celebrating about a SCOTUS confirmation?


Unless you are awaiting a hearing at the SCOTUS - that speaks volumes about your life.

Me? I could care less. Elect 6 dogs and a parrot for all I care. In fact, I would rather they did.

A brilliant must be a Liberal, huh?
Na na na hey hey hey good by ..

You're actually celebrating about a SCOTUS confirmation?


Unless you are awaiting a hearing at the SCOTUS - that speaks volumes about your life.

Me? I could care less. Elect 6 dogs and a parrot for all I care. In fact, I would rather they did.

Congratulations to President Trump. George Bush would have withdrawn the nomination the minute the crazy left tried to lynch Judge Kavanaugh. It's a victory for the Trump administration and no doubt it will be the central topic in his Kansas rally.
Antifa said they would take the revolution to the streets with guns and hand grenades. Has it started yet?
They were disrupting from the gallery.

Funny how none of the protesters are all in for their cause.
I thought it was defeat Kavanaugh by all means necessary.
You would think at least one of them would have thrown themselves off the gallery.
Makes me believe it's all fake. No heart.
Kavanaugh is seated. Sauron is dead. :auiqs.jpg:

Lol you assclowns will milk any victory you get huh? Let’s be honest: Republicans couldn’t even get ACA repealed so you’re secretly having a sigh of relief right now. Finally the GOP is able to actually govern!
Justice has prevailed, literally in this case.

The false accusation brigade has been defeated. Republicans finally grew at least an ounce of balls.
Congratulations to President Trump. George Bush would have withdrawn the nomination the minute the crazy left tried to lynch Judge Kavanaugh. It's a victory for the Trump administration and no doubt it will be the central topic in his Kansas rally.

The benefits of having someone with balls in the office are too numerous to count.

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