It's already started: Muslim Woman Attacked over Boston Bombings


Gold Member
Sep 18, 2012
Heba Abolaban, Muslim Woman, Says She Was Attacked Over Boston Bombings

Heba Abolaban, a Palestinian doctor who immigrated to the United States from Syria, says she was punched in the shoulder in Malden, Mass., on Wednesday by a man who shouted "F*** you Muslims!" and "You are involved in the Boston explosions," according to the Malden Patch.

The man, described as a white male in his 30s, allegedly shouted at Abolaban for about two minutes before continuing on his way, Patch reports.

Police Chief Kevin Molis told the Boston Globe the department was looking for the suspect.

“No investigative strategy will be overlooked in order to determine who’s responsible for this,” Molis said. “This is something that as a city and as a police department we take seriously.”

Any of the fringe-righties or hateful teabaggers on USMB want to own up to this?

Come forward, turn yourself in.
heba abolaban, muslim woman, says she was attacked over boston bombings

heba abolaban, a palestinian doctor who immigrated to the united states from syria, says she was punched in the shoulder in malden, mass., on wednesday by a man who shouted "f*** you muslims!" and "you are involved in the boston explosions," according to the malden patch.

The man, described as a white male in his 30s, allegedly shouted at abolaban for about two minutes before continuing on his way, patch reports.

Police chief kevin molis told the boston globe the department was looking for the suspect.

“no investigative strategy will be overlooked in order to determine who’s responsible for this,” molis said. “this is something that as a city and as a police department we take seriously.”

any of the fringe-righties or hateful teabaggers on usmb want to own up to this?

Come forward, turn yourself in.

pretty sick..
Heba Abolaban, Muslim Woman, Says She Was Attacked Over Boston Bombings

Heba Abolaban, a Palestinian doctor who immigrated to the United States from Syria, says she was punched in the shoulder in Malden, Mass., on Wednesday by a man who shouted "F*** you Muslims!" and "You are involved in the Boston explosions," according to the Malden Patch.

The man, described as a white male in his 30s, allegedly shouted at Abolaban for about two minutes before continuing on his way, Patch reports.

Police Chief Kevin Molis told the Boston Globe the department was looking for the suspect.

“No investigative strategy will be overlooked in order to determine who’s responsible for this,” Molis said. “This is something that as a city and as a police department we take seriously.”

Any of the fringe-righties or hateful teabaggers on USMB want to own up to this?

Come forward, turn yourself in.
he should be charged with simple assault .
Heba Abolaban, Muslim Woman, Says She Was Attacked Over Boston Bombings

Heba Abolaban, a Palestinian doctor who immigrated to the United States from Syria, says she was punched in the shoulder in Malden, Mass., on Wednesday by a man who shouted "F*** you Muslims!" and "You are involved in the Boston explosions," according to the Malden Patch.

The man, described as a white male in his 30s, allegedly shouted at Abolaban for about two minutes before continuing on his way, Patch reports.

Police Chief Kevin Molis told the Boston Globe the department was looking for the suspect.

“No investigative strategy will be overlooked in order to determine who’s responsible for this,” Molis said. “This is something that as a city and as a police department we take seriously.”

Any of the fringe-righties or hateful teabaggers on USMB want to own up to this?

Come forward, turn yourself in.

The man should be apprehended and possibly prosecuted for his ways.

And many Christians and Christian churches are the first ones to come to that woman's aid.

Meanwhile, you prance around as one of biggest hypocries with your sickening defenses of pure evil. There is no telling how many more thousands or millions must die across the globe before you admit that fanatical Islam is the real evil and problem in this world.

No instead you go hunting for the lone wolves and play your sick games. You obfuscate the truth, you truly act as a coward IMO.
heba abolaban, muslim woman, says she was attacked over boston bombings

heba abolaban, a palestinian doctor who immigrated to the united states from syria, says she was punched in the shoulder in malden, mass., on wednesday by a man who shouted "f*** you muslims!" and "you are involved in the boston explosions," according to the malden patch.

The man, described as a white male in his 30s, allegedly shouted at abolaban for about two minutes before continuing on his way, patch reports.

Police chief kevin molis told the boston globe the department was looking for the suspect.

“no investigative strategy will be overlooked in order to determine who’s responsible for this,” molis said. “this is something that as a city and as a police department we take seriously.”

any of the fringe-righties or hateful teabaggers on usmb want to own up to this?

Come forward, turn yourself in.

the man should be apprehended and possibly prosecuted for his ways.

And many christians and christian churches are the first ones to come to that woman's aid.

Meanwhile, you prance around as one of biggest hypocries with your sickening defenses of pure evil. There is no telling how many more thousands or millions must die across the globe before you admit that fanatical islam is the real evil and problem in this world.

No instead you go hunting for the lone wolves and play your sick games. You obfuscate the truth, you truly act as a coward imo.

millions dying across the globe because of evil muslims ??..where ?...when ?
Heba Abolaban, Muslim Woman, Says She Was Attacked Over Boston Bombings

Heba Abolaban, a Palestinian doctor who immigrated to the United States from Syria, says she was punched in the shoulder in Malden, Mass., on Wednesday by a man who shouted "F*** you Muslims!" and "You are involved in the Boston explosions," according to the Malden Patch.

The man, described as a white male in his 30s, allegedly shouted at Abolaban for about two minutes before continuing on his way, Patch reports.

Police Chief Kevin Molis told the Boston Globe the department was looking for the suspect.

“No investigative strategy will be overlooked in order to determine who’s responsible for this,” Molis said. “This is something that as a city and as a police department we take seriously.”

Any of the fringe-righties or hateful teabaggers on USMB want to own up to this?

Come forward, turn yourself in.

This happened on Wednesday, before the suspects were identified at Muslim along with another incident in NY.

Heba Abolaban, Muslim woman, details Malden assault in believed bombing blowback | GlobalPost

I believe the actions are awful and I hope he is caught. There are those who probably will never get past 9-11 ( not saying this makes it okay at all) and those who are just bigots, and idiots period. I hope this woman and her family remain okay along with all other innocents.
How many did batboy alone kill .. 24, With 58 Injured...newtown...28 dead...children !
these guys kill what ? 4 people ? and it throws a nation into fits of hatred, racism
paranoia.. a city in lock down in virtual martial law...because two guys have killed 4 people ?
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A racist white guy randomly attacks someone based on faulty information? Not surprising
I'm not surprised.

shocked that it may be bullshit or shocked that blood is not running in the streets in areas of Boston with a heavy population of folks who appear semitic etc.?

You're right. The story could be bullshit.

But if it is true, it's not surprising to me.

I don't think that "blood will run in the streets", or that attacks like this would be commonplace - but it's certainly not something that I would consider "unlikely".
Heba Abolaban, Muslim Woman, Says She Was Attacked Over Boston Bombings

Heba Abolaban, a Palestinian doctor who immigrated to the United States from Syria, says she was punched in the shoulder in Malden, Mass., on Wednesday by a man who shouted "F*** you Muslims!" and "You are involved in the Boston explosions," according to the Malden Patch.

The man, described as a white male in his 30s, allegedly shouted at Abolaban for about two minutes before continuing on his way, Patch reports.

Police Chief Kevin Molis told the Boston Globe the department was looking for the suspect.

“No investigative strategy will be overlooked in order to determine who’s responsible for this,” Molis said. “This is something that as a city and as a police department we take seriously.”
Any of the fringe-righties or hateful teabaggers on USMB want to own up to this?

Come forward, turn yourself in.

A Massachusetts citizen, odds he's an Obama supporter.
I’d protect any innocent person. I am tired of being told they are always Muslims or black, Mexicans or left-handed or red haired Irish. I can figure it out. Thing is, I am not gonna give out any free passes either because they are Irish, Muslim or Mexicans, either.
heba abolaban, muslim woman, says she was attacked over boston bombings

any of the fringe-righties or hateful teabaggers on usmb want to own up to this?

Come forward, turn yourself in.

the man should be apprehended and possibly prosecuted for his ways.

And many christians and christian churches are the first ones to come to that woman's aid.

Meanwhile, you prance around as one of biggest hypocries with your sickening defenses of pure evil. There is no telling how many more thousands or millions must die across the globe before you admit that fanatical islam is the real evil and problem in this world.

No instead you go hunting for the lone wolves and play your sick games. You obfuscate the truth, you truly act as a coward imo.

millions dying across the globe because of evil muslims ??..where ?...when ?

TheReligionofPeace - About the List of Islamic Terror Attacks

Check out the link above. 20,730 attacks across the globe since 9/11/01 by Islamics cells of various stripes, but all doing so because they are adhering to what they believe Allah or the Koran or Muhammad are preaching for them to do. The great majority I believe are upon civilians, not military targets, such as the beheading of three 11 year old Christian girls in Indonesia on their way to school. Because they do not believe the same as the “freedom fighters” or “soldiers of god” or whatever you prefer to refer to them as.

Did I embellish the truth by using the word “millions?” Is that enough for you to walk away feeling justified you have no obligation to God or man on this matter?

The more “benign” Arab / Muslim nations only attacked the nation of Israel five times since 1948 because of a sick lie the world either buys into or looks away. This was never “their land, their nation” nor did the Jews steal anyone’s land. But I digress.

(*) What about the war between Iraq and Iran in the 1980’s? Was there no villain in that war? Did the hundreds of thousands who died in that war die by a bad throw of the dice? It couldn’t be that Islam played a role in it of course?

The Iran-Iraq War

(*) The Iran-Iraq war was fought for nearly nine years, during which time both countries suffered millions of casualties and billions of dollars in damage. The collateral damage to the economies of other nations was also immense…
The essentially secular Iraqi leadership became more of an issue after the Iranian revolution, when Ayatollah Khomeini, who had spent part of his exile in Iraq (he was expelled in October 1978), began encouraging his former colleagues to overthrow Saddam Hussein in Iraq because his regime was anti-Islamic. This was part of Khomeini's broader strategy of spreading the Islamic revolution throughout the Middle East….
No one is sure of the total casualties during the Iran-Iraq war, but estimates range from 500,000 to 1 million dead, 1-2 million wounded, and more than 80,000 prisoners. There were approximately 2.5 million refugees, and whole cities were destroyed.
Christians are no better......In fact, are worse. In fact I would hope every Christian who carries the same attitude that I see here on USMB I wish was in the Boston bombing.

A true Christian does not need to demean another faith.

A true Christian demonstrates the mercy of Christ through compassion and understanding. I haven't met one Christian on this board that demonstrates those virtues. Therefore all deserve to or I wish were in the bombing attacks.
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Heba Abolaban, Muslim Woman, Says She Was Attacked Over Boston Bombings

Heba Abolaban, a Palestinian doctor who immigrated to the United States from Syria, says she was punched in the shoulder in Malden, Mass., on Wednesday by a man who shouted "F*** you Muslims!" and "You are involved in the Boston explosions," according to the Malden Patch.

The man, described as a white male in his 30s, allegedly shouted at Abolaban for about two minutes before continuing on his way, Patch reports.

Police Chief Kevin Molis told the Boston Globe the department was looking for the suspect.

“No investigative strategy will be overlooked in order to determine who’s responsible for this,” Molis said. “This is something that as a city and as a police department we take seriously.”

Any of the fringe-righties or hateful teabaggers on USMB want to own up to this?

Come forward, turn yourself in.

Heba Abolaban, Muslim Woman, Says She Was Attacked Over Boston Bombings

Heba Abolaban, a Palestinian doctor who immigrated to the United States from Syria, says she was punched in the shoulder in Malden, Mass., on Wednesday by a man who shouted "F*** you Muslims!" and "You are involved in the Boston explosions," according to the Malden Patch.

The man, described as a white male in his 30s, allegedly shouted at Abolaban for about two minutes before continuing on his way, Patch reports.

Police Chief Kevin Molis told the Boston Globe the department was looking for the suspect.

“No investigative strategy will be overlooked in order to determine who’s responsible for this,” Molis said. “This is something that as a city and as a police department we take seriously.”

Any of the fringe-righties or hateful teabaggers on USMB want to own up to this?

Come forward, turn yourself in.

Now tell us again how you know it was a 'rightie'or a 'tea bagger.' For that matter tell us again how you know it is true. I believe the opeartive word in the article is alleged.
Christians are no better......In fact, are worse. In fact I would hope every Christian who carries the same attitude that I see here on USMB I wish was in the Boston bombing.

A true Christian does not need to demean another faith.

A true Christian demonstrates the mercy of Christ through compassion and understanding. I haven't met one Christian on this board that demonstrates those virtues. Therefore all deserve to or I wish were in the bombing attacks.

And you know this to be true and the perp to be a Christain, how, now?
Christians are no better......In fact, are worse. In fact I would hope every Christian who carries the same attitude that I see here on USMB I wish was in the Boston bombing.

A true Christian does not need to demean another faith.

A true Christian demonstrates the mercy of Christ through compassion and understanding. I haven't met one Christian on this board that demonstrates those virtues. Therefore all deserve to or I wish were in the bombing attacks.

who care what you think, you're something shot right outta a pigs ass.
I'm not surprised.

shocked that it may be bullshit or shocked that blood is not running in the streets in areas of Boston with a heavy population of folks who appear semitic etc.?

You're right. The story could be bullshit.

But if it is true, it's not surprising to me.

I don't think that "blood will run in the streets", or that attacks like this would be commonplace - but it's certainly not something that I would consider "unlikely".

I see you qualified it, thx.

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