It's down to us.

High-Communism is the future. Join us now, why wait? Socialism is inevitable thanks to advanced 21st century automation technology and artificial intelligence. You might as well join us now and get a good seat.
Here's what you delusional idiots conveniently forget ....
Every retarded communist revolution that happened in the 20th century REQUIRED MASS-MURDER to come to be, before ultimately failing, of course.
Didn't you read the OP?
It's up to YOU now!
Whatchya gonna do about us "deplorables"?
Go ahead and tell, WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT US "DEPLORABLES"??????????????????
We will simply continue to remind everyone of just how sick and dangerous you lunatics really are.

“DEPLORABLE” doesn’t capture how disgusting you in particular are.

You proudly boast of your own deep fascist desires. But we defend freedom, the Constitution and rule of law, and can see clearly the threat you extreme Trump cultists represent. Act on your treasonous criminal boasts and threats and see how long you last. Trump too, sooner or later, will go down. Then you poor fascist fuckers will have what? Will you build yourself a real American Nazi party and try to come after half the country who voted against your Orange turd?

Time to line up the box cars, turn on the showers and fire the ovens.
The demented LEFT are big mad.

Sick mother fuckers these demented avenger subverted demoralized Stalinist Marxist Leninist zombies are.
Enough said.
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Nope, communism murdered. It's a sickness.
You can repeat that like a mindless robot, but it doesn't make it true. Capitalism killed many more and advanced automation and artificial intelligence will force us by necessity to adopt socialism (a non-profit, centrally planned system of mass production). You can deny it all you want, but it's coming, whether you like it or not.
The entity riding to the rescue is us.........or it all comes down.
I guess the problem here is the definition of the word "us".

Personally, I learned in 2016 that America isn't what I thought it was. I would have bet pretty much anything that at least 80% of us were too savvy and too informed to fall for a blatantly transparent celebrity con man and a never-ending string of preposterous paranoid conspiracy theories. I was wrong.

So yeah, it will depend on the vote. But look the current polls. The fact that it's this close tells you quite a bit about the condition of this country, so who knows.
The practical consequence of a Trump victory and a favorable SC ruling on immunity is Trump feeling at liberty to do anything necessary, including another coup, to stay in power in 2028.
the truth is sometimes crazy. facts are sometimes hard to accept. but truth and facts always prevail.

Do you even read the rants that you post and ask……Do other people think I am Crazy Train?
she is a lying corrupt tool of the lying corrupt dems. nothing more. she will be removed from her job and the case will be dismissed.
Fani enjoined a grand jury that voted to indict Trump and his co-defendants for the crimes they committed based on the evidence. 4 co-defendants have already plead guilty to their crimes.
Here's what you delusional idiots conveniently forget ....
Every retarded communist revolution that happened in the 20th century REQUIRED MASS-MURDER to come to be, before ultimately failing, of course.
What your retarded ass fails and refuses to recognize is that socialism allows markets in the beginning stages of its development (i.e. China the second largest economy in the world, a communist revolution still going strong), North Korea, Cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela, are still socialist, despite America's economic sanctions and threats of war. Western Europe, according to Republican asshole-standards of what constitutes communism, is completely socialist, due to its mixed economies.

Do you believe capitalism replaced feudalism overnight or with one single swoop of its sword? It took centuries for capitalism to replace feudalism and monarchal aristocracies, it didn't happen with one revolution or victory. So why do you demand that socialism replace capitalism in one revolution or victory if it's a legitimate, effective political philosophy and system of mass production? Because you can't think. You're a stupid trailer-park redneck retard.

Trump 2024: I'm too Pretty to go to Prison!

The court is giving Trump a gift by delaying this until the Summer, to be sure, when this is a slam dunk case. No one will believe that the Court will grant Presidents absolute immunity, with impeachment being the only remedy. Even this court isn't that reckless.

But by dragging its feet, they will make it harder to get a conviction on the two federal charges by summer. The trials might start before then, however, and that might be bad for Trump.

But at the end of the day, it's not up to the courts to stop Trump, it's up to the voters.
Well if they gave him immunity, Biden could order Seal Team Six to hunt Trump down and kill him...

Trump's legal team stated that would not be against the law, if either the Congress or 1/3 Senate let him off...

Since he could send other teams to assassinate any member of the Senate that disagreed with him, again legally according to Trump's legal team...

Then just kill all the judges on the supreme court who disagree with him....

This is what Trump's legal team wants...
In the grand scheme of things I suppose it always has been.

By now I should have known better than to be shocked by the Court's decision to take on the Trump immunity case. But I still was. The very fact that the court is taking up this case with absolutely, unequivocally, no merit means in no uncertain terms that the conservative majority is doing what it can to make sure that Jack Smith's prosecution of Trump for the failed insurrection will not occur before the election. They are with him. Do they really think the American public will not see this for what it is? Delay is a victory for Trump and a defeat for justice. Something the conservatives understand implicitly.

Beyond the absurdity of taking the case in the first place is the way they have laid out the schedule. Oral arguments do not begin until April 22nd. An inexplicable delay after taking two and a half weeks to decide to take the case. This, after Smith asked the Court to decide whether to take it prior to the appellate court's unanimous decision no President has such immunity after being thrown out at the district court level.

Jack Smith, the special counsel prosecuting former President Donald J. Trump on charges of plotting to overturn the 2020 election, urged the Supreme Court on Wednesday to reject a request from Mr. Trump to put the case on hold while he pursues appeals.

“Delay in the resolution of these charges threatens to frustrate the public interest in a speedy and fair verdict — a compelling interest in every criminal case and one that has unique national importance here, as it involves federal criminal charges against a former president for alleged criminal efforts to overturn the results of the presidential election, including through the use of official power,” Mr. Smith wrote.

Special Counsel Asks Supreme Court to Move Quickly in Trump Immunity Case

The Court's ruling on the case is all but a foregone conclusion. It is not legally possible for the Court to claim that presidents have lifetime immunity from criminal prosecution for crimes they commit while in office. Trump's contention the administration of elections falls within the scope of his official duties being laughable. So instead, their strategy is to ensure that the American people will be denied knowing what the verdict in the case is before they cast their votes. Because the trial that was set to begin just days from now in early March is now on hold. In 7 weeks oral arguments will start. Even if the Court were to make an expedited ruling (not likely since it would defeat the purpose of the conservatives) Judge Chutkan will be up against the DoJ prohibition of not engaging in actions so close to an election that it could influence the outcome. The prohibition Repub Jim Comey violated before the 2016 election. It's as though the conservatives were looking at a calendar to inform their decisions. Of course they were.

So, it's down to us. The institutions of government in the era of Trumpery are no longer aligned with the public's interest in preserving democracy. We, that is those of us who see what is happening and know what is at stake, must save ourselves now. The entity riding to the rescue is us.........or it all comes down.

Sadly, the military was our last line of defense to save us but commie dems own it as well.

Sadly, the military was our last line of defense to save us but commie dems own it as well.

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If American Dems are communists, then all of Western Europe is communist. You Republicans are fucking stupid, identifying simple social democracy as communism. You give "commies" like me plenty of ammunition, with your hyperbolic rhetoric against social democracy. You right-wingers are dumb, for calling labor unions, commie. Universal Medicare, commie. Tuition free college and vocational job training, commie. School lunch programs, commie. Whatever the government does, that serves the public good, is commie commie commie...etc. You motherfuckers are so fucking stupid. Dumbasses.

I hope you right-wingers take up arms that way the country will have a legal excuse to get rid of you.
If American Dems are communists, then all of Western Europe is communist. You Republicans are fucking stupid, identifying simple social democracy as communism. You give "commies" like me plenty of ammunition, with your hyperbolic rhetoric against social democracy. You right-wingers are dumb, for calling labor unions, commie. Universal Medicare, commie. Tuition free college and vocational job training, commie. School lunch programs, commie. Whatever the government does, that serves the public good, is commie commie commie...etc. You motherfuckers are so fucking stupid. Dumbasses.

I hope you right-wingers take up arms that way the country will have a legal excuse to get rid of you.

GOP is stuck in 1950s McCarthyism

Just call anyone who disagrees with you a Communist
GOP is stuck in 1950s McCarthyism

Just call anyone who disagrees with you a Communist
I'm a real communist, but I try to be as honest as I can. There's social democracy, which is plenty of capitalism with some socialism. A mix of the two. Communism is marketless, no markets, completely centrally planned. Why the hell are they identifying social democracy as communism? They're dishonest, or maybe I should just say that they're full of shit.
Sadly, the military was our last line of defense to save us but commie dems own it as well.

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Military can't save us from dumb uninformed like you...

Go learn what a Communist is....

But thanks for your post, we now know you are an ill informed idiot...

What does it feel like to be that ridiculed for your lack of knowledge... Do your friends apreciate how stupid you are or have you managed to find a group at your level?

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