It’s Time to Formally Declare America A Christian Nation.

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All the things you think are OK and have mentioned in this discussion are highly destructive. Gay sex, masturbation, sex outside marriage, artificial birth control. All are harmful, and I've laid out the case why.

The only case you have laid out is either bullshit or rehashing the rules of the RCC. Neither show harm.
"None are so blind as those who refuse to see"

None are so hostile as a Christian wanting to control people.

Your "case" has been laughably wrong.

Gay sex is just mutual masturbation? lol
Masturbation ruins a man?
Sex outside of marriage?
Birth control is destructive?

All nonsense.
I know that the suicide rate is higher for gays. It's largely due to all those ignorant outside pressures.
A thought to offer: Suicide rates are high among prostitutes as well. Compare this to not all gay people are at risk for suicide. Is it possible that suicide is simply greater among those who flaunt their sexuality, whose lives are primarily about their sexual identity? If we are to lessen suicides, it is vital to address all the issues.

1. Flaunting sexuality (attributing more importance to sexuality than is the norm)
2. Knowing they have the disapproval of some for flaunting that sexuality
3. (I think that may be something personal to each suicide)

Again, just a thought.
A thought to offer: Suicide rates are high among prostitutes as well. Compare this to not all gay people are at risk for suicide. Is it possible that suicide is simply greater among those who flaunt their sexuality, whose lives are primarily about their sexual identity? If we are to lessen suicides, it is vital to address all the issues.

1. Flaunting sexuality (attributing more importance to sexuality than is the norm)
2. Knowing they have the disapproval of some for flaunting that sexuality
3. (I think that may be something personal to each suicide)

Again, just a thought.

You make a very good point.

I also think the massive amount of disapproval puts a weight on them.
Where did Jesus in the bible mention thermonuclear war?
It wasn't a concept then . But government was. I'm going to quote Paul again, since you never answered it the first time.

"Let everyone submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which derives from God, and whatever authorities exist have been instituted by God. Consequently, anyone who resists authority is rebelling against what God has appointed, and those who so resist will bring judgment upon themselves.

Rulers are a source of fear not to those who do good but rather to those who do evil. Do you wish to be free of fear from someone in authority? Then continue to do what is right and you will receive his approval. For he is acting as God’s representative for your welfare. But if you do what is evil, then be afraid for he does not wear a sword for nothing. People in authority are God’s servants to mete out punishment to wrongdoers." ( Romans 13: 1-4)

Now why did God institute a Pagan government to rule over Christians in the 1st century? It stands to reason that if God did that then, He must have instituted this Atheist government today, n'est-ce pas?
Because a secular government does not discriminate on the basis of religion. Marriage as dictated by the state is a contract that confers rights and privileges to the spouses. Your church does not want to perform a religious ceremony, it is free to not do so. but denying the same rights to 2 committed adults is discrimination in the civil sphere. That's what you religious nuts fail to see. A marriage is 2 completely separate ceremony, one civil and one religious. You can have one without the other. Equality and justice under the law, it's the basic premise of our government.
You make a very good point.

I also think the massive amount of disapproval puts a weight on them.
Not so much today. People are a lot more tolerant. When I was growing up, my church told me I was a sinner, and not just any sinner, a sinner bound for hell with no chance of redemption. The state criminalized me just because I was me. When my parents found out I was gay. My father tried to kill me and my mother loved me unconditionally and went into immediate denial. Most of my friends would have nothing to do with me and the isolation was almost unbearable. No human beings should we made to feel all that hatred and intolerance. If you wonder at all why do people commit have higher suicide rates that would be the main reason.
Not so much today. People are a lot more tolerant. When I was growing up, my church told me I was a sinner, and not just any sinner, a sinner bound for hell with no chance of redemption. The state criminalized me just because I was me. When my parents found out I was gay. My father tried to kill me and my mother loved me unconditionally and went into immediate denial. Most of my friends would have nothing to do with me and the isolation was almost unbearable. No human beings should we made to feel all that hatred and intolerance. If you wonder at all why do people commit have higher suicide rates that would be the main reason.
Typo at the end. " If you wonder at all why gay people have higher suicide rates, that would be the main reason.
In studies comparing heterosexual and homosexual couples, love making was very similar. An average of 30 minutes foreplay followed by 7.3 minutes of actual sex. There was a lot of variation, but most all agreed that over 2 hours is too long. I'm sure newlyweds would be an exception to that.
Well atheism is officially classified as a religion. And as far as I'm concerned all religions are garbage, and you're partially right they should all be banned so people can move ahead and move on with their lives and be responsible for themselves. Not relying on gods to ask help from or to blame when things go wrong. Self-determination is always the best policy.
Are you and Mashmont now having a contest to see who can be the biggest idiot?
Finally, a government action that moves closer to Christian principles instead of away from them. When we ban artificial birth control and gay marriage, we will definitely be going in the right direction.

Ultimately, I hope we can amend the ill-advised promotion of government atheism under the guise of 'separation of church and state'. I'm pushing for the Christian amendment.
"America will heretofore never violate the teachings of the Catholic Church".
Finally, a government action that moves closer to Christian principles instead of away from them. When we ban artificial birth control and gay marriage, we will definitely be going in the right direction.

Ultimately, I hope we can amend the ill-advised promotion of government atheism under the guise of 'separation of church and state'. I'm pushing for the Christian amendment.
"America will heretofore never violate the teachings of the Catholic Church".

The removal of Roe v. Wade only effects the federal gov't's involvement in the issue. It is now up to the states.
The removal of Roe v. Wade only effects the federal gov't's involvement in the issue. It is now up to the states.
Interesting to see those who openly endorse the overthrow of the Republic, whether for ideological or illogical reasons, such as turning it into an annex of the Vatican..
Finally, a government action that moves closer to Christian principles instead of away from them. When we ban artificial birth control and gay marriage, we will definitely be going in the right direction.

Ultimately, I hope we can amend the ill-advised promotion of government atheism under the guise of 'separation of church and state'. I'm pushing for the Christian amendment.
"America will heretofore never violate the teachings of the Catholic Church".
Next up…..Sharia Law
Finally, a government action that moves closer to Christian principles instead of away from them. When we ban artificial birth control and gay marriage, we will definitely be going in the right direction.
You’ve got no closer to a ruling that life begins at conception or at ejaculation per the Church of Rome Taliban rules..

ALL you’ve done is angered women and their mates that heretofore voted with Republicans or didn’t bother to vote at all which will now change immediately for a midterm election. You have aroused every Democrat that has been nonchalant about midterm elections. We outnumber the Taliban in this country by a lot.

But the worst thing you’ve done for your sick cause, you have exposed that the United States Supreme Court has become an extension of the Vatican and is no longer to be expected or respected to preserve religious freedom in this country. That is a horrible thing and something must be done to get us back to our constitutional rights Relative to religious freedom
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Finally, a government action that moves closer to Christian principles instead of away from them. When we ban artificial birth control and gay marriage, we will definitely be going in the right direction.

Ultimately, I hope we can amend the ill-advised promotion of government atheism under the guise of 'separation of church and state'. I'm pushing for the Christian amendment.
"America will heretofore never violate the teachings of the Catholic Church".

So you propose to turn over control of our nation to a foreign power? Yeah, I can't wait to see that constitutional amendment go down in flames.
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