It's time to start thinking about resistance.

What a load of horseshit.
They could have arrested Koresh during one of his many trips to town.
They blew it and kids died because of it.
And no the branch davidians didnt set the fire it was caused by the tear gas canisters,just like in the Chris Dorner stand off.
They know these canisters will start a fire.

Bullshit. The Davidians themselves were recorded saying they were dousing the compound with Coleman fuel before setting it on fire themselves. Spontaneous fires ignited in three separate locations around the compound. It was a mass suicide. Some of the bodies recovered were found to have died by gunshot wounds. Some of them shot themselves rather than die by fire. If it wasn't suicide, they would have fled the compound when the fires started, they wouldn't have stayed inside and committed suicide. They would have gotten their children out. It was a mass suicide. Deal with it.

Betcha your nose was totally out of joint about the "Hands Up -- Don't Shoot" fantasy in St. Louis -- wasn't it?
You probably have SITUATIONAL problems with state Authority.. And view govt over-use of force as some kind of really useful tool to use against people you DON'T like.

Let's test your consistency here. Tell me how much you APPROVE of this BOMBING of an entire black neighborhood to end a "stand-off"... Hope you've heard of it..

25 Years Ago: Philadelphia Police Bombs MOVE Headquarters Killing 11, Destroying 65 Homes | Democracy Now!

Regarding Michael Brown... when the story broke, I thought the cop was wrong based in the limited information released. With all the information known now, Wilson acted appropriately.

As far as Philadelphia... I don't know enough about to to render an opinion.

Waco, I followed closely.

Well NOW that you KNOW they bombed out an entire black neighborhood in Philadelphia -- you're saying you have "NO OPINION" on that over-use of force? Perhaps you OUGHT to know about it. Wasn't a fringe religious group that time -- you MIGHT find an ounce of outrage. OR ------------------ maybe not..

Not liking the fact you didn't know about it or don't want to read some about it..
Seems to me -- that might cause your head to explore with cognitive dissonance.. Go form an opinion and then GET BACK TO ME on Waco...

Without knowing all the details of what happened in Philadelphia, how could I possibly render an an informed opinion based on your claim that police bombed an entire neighborhood?

Regardless... if you don't like my opinion on Waco -- don't read my posts about it then. Simple, eh?

And you're not INTERESTED in 19 dead people and 65 houses BOMBED?? Kinda tells me WHY you are so invested in your Waco propaganda and not really interested in Govt abuse or liberty or natural rights at all.

All I really need to know. When I meet folks that aren't interested in the Philly MOVE beat-down --- they usually are VERY opinionated about WACO.. Why you think that is?? I KNOW why that is..
The Constitution exists solely in the context of its case law, as determined by the Supreme Court, not as perceived by wrongheaded conservative reactionaries, ignorant libertarians, and TPM nitwits.

This is unquestionably the most ignorant post ever made on USMB. Seriously. It truly is. There are a zillion way to prove that this is 100% wrong (and astoundingly ignorant) but I'll just point out the obvious and move on:

If the Constitution existed "solely in the context of its case law, as determined by the Supreme Court" what did the U.S. do for THREE YEARS between the Constitution being ratified and the first Supreme Court case?!?! Did we not have a Constitution? Was there no supreme law of the land? :eusa_dance:

You sir, are a monumental jack-ass and you have humiliated yourself in front of the world by your astounding lack of knowledge about the U.S. Constitution and basic U.S. history. Since nobody could be this stupid, I have to assume that this is your desperate (not to mention very weak and sad) attempt to convince the American people of why your side should have the right to violate the Constitution.

Nah, if you want to see the dumbest post ever made on this forum, go read your own post where you claim the economy was "just fine" when bush left office.

What a load of horseshit.
They could have arrested Koresh during one of his many trips to town.
They blew it and kids died because of it.
And no the branch davidians didnt set the fire it was caused by the tear gas canisters,just like in the Chris Dorner stand off.
They know these canisters will start a fire.

Bullshit. The Davidians themselves were recorded saying they were dousing the compound with Coleman fuel before setting it on fire themselves. Spontaneous fires ignited in three separate locations around the compound. It was a mass suicide. Some of the bodies recovered were found to have died by gunshot wounds. Some of them shot themselves rather than die by fire. If it wasn't suicide, they would have fled the compound when the fires started, they wouldn't have stayed inside and committed suicide. They would have gotten their children out. It was a mass suicide. Deal with it.

Betcha your nose was totally out of joint about the "Hands Up -- Don't Shoot" fantasy in St. Louis -- wasn't it?
You probably have SITUATIONAL problems with state Authority.. And view govt over-use of force as some kind of really useful tool to use against people you DON'T like.

Let's test your consistency here. Tell me how much you APPROVE of this BOMBING of an entire black neighborhood to end a "stand-off"... Hope you've heard of it..

25 Years Ago: Philadelphia Police Bombs MOVE Headquarters Killing 11, Destroying 65 Homes | Democracy Now!

Regarding Michael Brown... when the story broke, I thought the cop was wrong based in the limited information released. With all the information known now, Wilson acted appropriately.

As far as Philadelphia... I don't know enough about to to render an opinion.

Waco, I followed closely.

Well NOW that you KNOW they bombed out an entire black neighborhood in Philadelphia -- you're saying you have "NO OPINION" on that over-use of force? Perhaps you OUGHT to know about it. Wasn't a fringe religious group that time -- you MIGHT find an ounce of outrage. OR ------------------ maybe not..

Not liking the fact you didn't know about it or don't want to read some about it..
Seems to me -- that might cause your head to explore with cognitive dissonance.. Go form an opinion and then GET BACK TO ME on Waco...

Without knowing all the details of what happened in Philadelphia, how could I possibly render an an informed opinion based on your claim that police bombed an entire neighborhood?

Regardless... if you don't like my opinion on Waco -- don't read my posts about it then. Simple, eh?

How can you render an informed opinion??? READ THE DAMN LINK.. Then find another one to corroborate it... I want to see you defend that escalation of force, the lying by authorities, and the massive risks to innocents. Because those crazy black militia guys "deserved it".. Maybe THEY committed suicide also. And should have sent their kids out..

MOVE Bombing at 30: "Barbaric" 1985 Philadelphia Police Attack Killed 11 & Burned a Neighborhood | Democracy Now!

MOVE 30: Inside the May 1985 Assault on MOVE


Last edited:
What a load of horseshit.
They could have arrested Koresh during one of his many trips to town.
They blew it and kids died because of it.
And no the branch davidians didnt set the fire it was caused by the tear gas canisters,just like in the Chris Dorner stand off.
They know these canisters will start a fire.

Bullshit. The Davidians themselves were recorded saying they were dousing the compound with Coleman fuel before setting it on fire themselves. Spontaneous fires ignited in three separate locations around the compound. It was a mass suicide. Some of the bodies recovered were found to have died by gunshot wounds. Some of them shot themselves rather than die by fire. If it wasn't suicide, they would have fled the compound when the fires started, they wouldn't have stayed inside and committed suicide. They would have gotten their children out. It was a mass suicide. Deal with it.

And you have Janet Reno stating that if she had KNOWN the Davidians were spreading fuel -- she would have STOPPED the assault. Testimonies vary as to what was actually heard. But either they KNEW the Davidians were spreading fuel and lobbed those incendiary devices ANYWAY or they never heard anything of the sort -- they staged a millitary style attack on civilians without any regard for providing an evac or safety plan.. You love yourself some military justice ---- don't ya???

The FBI was recording the Davidians and their conversation about dousing their own compound with Coleman fuel was happening as law enforcement was tearing down walls and firing tear gas. There's no evidence I'm aware of that Janet Reno was listening live as they carried out their own demise.

So all you have is the word of the killers?
If it was the cops you wouldnt believe em.

Yes, the word of the killers being the Davidians themselves. I heard the audio where they were discussing dousing their own compound with fuel.

It was a mass suicide.

You miserable piece of shit

I want you to provide a link supporting your totally erroneous slanderous post.

Bullshit. The Davidians themselves were recorded saying they were dousing the compound with Coleman fuel before setting it on fire themselves. Spontaneous fires ignited in three separate locations around the compound. It was a mass suicide. Some of the bodies recovered were found to have died by gunshot wounds. Some of them shot themselves rather than die by fire. If it wasn't suicide, they would have fled the compound when the fires started, they wouldn't have stayed inside and committed suicide. They would have gotten their children out. It was a mass suicide. Deal with it.

Betcha your nose was totally out of joint about the "Hands Up -- Don't Shoot" fantasy in St. Louis -- wasn't it?
You probably have SITUATIONAL problems with state Authority.. And view govt over-use of force as some kind of really useful tool to use against people you DON'T like.

Let's test your consistency here. Tell me how much you APPROVE of this BOMBING of an entire black neighborhood to end a "stand-off"... Hope you've heard of it..

25 Years Ago: Philadelphia Police Bombs MOVE Headquarters Killing 11, Destroying 65 Homes | Democracy Now!
Regarding Michael Brown... when the story broke, I thought the cop was wrong based in the limited information released. With all the information known now, Wilson acted appropriately.

As far as Philadelphia... I don't know enough about to to render an opinion.

Waco, I followed closely.

Well NOW that you KNOW they bombed out an entire black neighborhood in Philadelphia -- you're saying you have "NO OPINION" on that over-use of force? Perhaps you OUGHT to know about it. Wasn't a fringe religious group that time -- you MIGHT find an ounce of outrage. OR ------------------ maybe not..

Not liking the fact you didn't know about it or don't want to read some about it..
Seems to me -- that might cause your head to explore with cognitive dissonance.. Go form an opinion and then GET BACK TO ME on Waco...
Without knowing all the details of what happened in Philadelphia, how could I possibly render an an informed opinion based on your claim that police bombed an entire neighborhood?

Regardless... if you don't like my opinion on Waco -- don't read my posts about it then. Simple, eh?

And you're not INTERESTED in 19 dead people and 65 houses BOMBED?? Kinda tells me WHY you are so invested in your Waco propaganda and not really interested in Govt abuse or liberty or natural rights at all.

All I really need to know. When I meet folks that aren't interested in the Philly MOVE beat-down --- they usually are VERY opinionated about WACO.. Why you think that is?? I KNOW why that is..
Stuff it. There are beyond thousands upon thousands of incidents over time where people get kilked. I'm not about to go studying up on them because some yahoo in a forum wants to "test" me.

Meanwhile, in Waco... the Davidians committed suicide.
Bullshit. The Davidians themselves were recorded saying they were dousing the compound with Coleman fuel before setting it on fire themselves. Spontaneous fires ignited in three separate locations around the compound. It was a mass suicide. Some of the bodies recovered were found to have died by gunshot wounds. Some of them shot themselves rather than die by fire. If it wasn't suicide, they would have fled the compound when the fires started, they wouldn't have stayed inside and committed suicide. They would have gotten their children out. It was a mass suicide. Deal with it.

Betcha your nose was totally out of joint about the "Hands Up -- Don't Shoot" fantasy in St. Louis -- wasn't it?
You probably have SITUATIONAL problems with state Authority.. And view govt over-use of force as some kind of really useful tool to use against people you DON'T like.

Let's test your consistency here. Tell me how much you APPROVE of this BOMBING of an entire black neighborhood to end a "stand-off"... Hope you've heard of it..

25 Years Ago: Philadelphia Police Bombs MOVE Headquarters Killing 11, Destroying 65 Homes | Democracy Now!
Regarding Michael Brown... when the story broke, I thought the cop was wrong based in the limited information released. With all the information known now, Wilson acted appropriately.

As far as Philadelphia... I don't know enough about to to render an opinion.

Waco, I followed closely.

Well NOW that you KNOW they bombed out an entire black neighborhood in Philadelphia -- you're saying you have "NO OPINION" on that over-use of force? Perhaps you OUGHT to know about it. Wasn't a fringe religious group that time -- you MIGHT find an ounce of outrage. OR ------------------ maybe not..

Not liking the fact you didn't know about it or don't want to read some about it..
Seems to me -- that might cause your head to explore with cognitive dissonance.. Go form an opinion and then GET BACK TO ME on Waco...
Without knowing all the details of what happened in Philadelphia, how could I possibly render an an informed opinion based on your claim that police bombed an entire neighborhood?

Regardless... if you don't like my opinion on Waco -- don't read my posts about it then. Simple, eh?

How can you render an informed opinion??? READ THE DAMN LINK.. Then find another one to corroborate it... I want to see you defend that escalation of force, the lying by authorities, and the massive risks to innocents. Because those crazy black militia guys "deserved it".. Maybe THEY committed suicide also. And should have sent their kids out..

MOVE Bombing at 30: "Barbaric" 1985 Philadelphia Police Attack Killed 11 & Burned a Neighborhood | Democracy Now!

MOVE 30: Inside the May 1985 Assault on MOVE


I don't take orders from you and I'm not brushing up on a piece of history from long ago because you want to "test" my consistency." I have plenty of material already on these fora providing sufficient quantities of opinions for you to work with.
Bullshit. The Davidians themselves were recorded saying they were dousing the compound with Coleman fuel before setting it on fire themselves. Spontaneous fires ignited in three separate locations around the compound. It was a mass suicide. Some of the bodies recovered were found to have died by gunshot wounds. Some of them shot themselves rather than die by fire. If it wasn't suicide, they would have fled the compound when the fires started, they wouldn't have stayed inside and committed suicide. They would have gotten their children out. It was a mass suicide. Deal with it.

And you have Janet Reno stating that if she had KNOWN the Davidians were spreading fuel -- she would have STOPPED the assault. Testimonies vary as to what was actually heard. But either they KNEW the Davidians were spreading fuel and lobbed those incendiary devices ANYWAY or they never heard anything of the sort -- they staged a millitary style attack on civilians without any regard for providing an evac or safety plan.. You love yourself some military justice ---- don't ya???
The FBI was recording the Davidians and their conversation about dousing their own compound with Coleman fuel was happening as law enforcement was tearing down walls and firing tear gas. There's no evidence I'm aware of that Janet Reno was listening live as they carried out their own demise.

So all you have is the word of the killers?
If it was the cops you wouldnt believe em.
Yes, the word of the killers being the Davidians themselves. I heard the audio where they were discussing dousing their own compound with fuel.

It was a mass suicide.

You miserable piece of shit

I want you to provide a link supporting your totally erroneous slanderous post.


I asked him for a link...he's got nothing.
Betcha your nose was totally out of joint about the "Hands Up -- Don't Shoot" fantasy in St. Louis -- wasn't it?
You probably have SITUATIONAL problems with state Authority.. And view govt over-use of force as some kind of really useful tool to use against people you DON'T like.

Let's test your consistency here. Tell me how much you APPROVE of this BOMBING of an entire black neighborhood to end a "stand-off"... Hope you've heard of it..

25 Years Ago: Philadelphia Police Bombs MOVE Headquarters Killing 11, Destroying 65 Homes | Democracy Now!
Regarding Michael Brown... when the story broke, I thought the cop was wrong based in the limited information released. With all the information known now, Wilson acted appropriately.

As far as Philadelphia... I don't know enough about to to render an opinion.

Waco, I followed closely.

Well NOW that you KNOW they bombed out an entire black neighborhood in Philadelphia -- you're saying you have "NO OPINION" on that over-use of force? Perhaps you OUGHT to know about it. Wasn't a fringe religious group that time -- you MIGHT find an ounce of outrage. OR ------------------ maybe not..

Not liking the fact you didn't know about it or don't want to read some about it..
Seems to me -- that might cause your head to explore with cognitive dissonance.. Go form an opinion and then GET BACK TO ME on Waco...
Without knowing all the details of what happened in Philadelphia, how could I possibly render an an informed opinion based on your claim that police bombed an entire neighborhood?

Regardless... if you don't like my opinion on Waco -- don't read my posts about it then. Simple, eh?

And you're not INTERESTED in 19 dead people and 65 houses BOMBED?? Kinda tells me WHY you are so invested in your Waco propaganda and not really interested in Govt abuse or liberty or natural rights at all.

All I really need to know. When I meet folks that aren't interested in the Philly MOVE beat-down --- they usually are VERY opinionated about WACO.. Why you think that is?? I KNOW why that is..
Stuff it. There are beyond thousands upon thousands of incidents over time where people get kilked. I'm not about to go studying up on them because some yahoo in a forum wants to "test" me.

Meanwhile, in Waco... the Davidians committed suicide.

And you have Janet Reno stating that if she had KNOWN the Davidians were spreading fuel -- she would have STOPPED the assault. Testimonies vary as to what was actually heard. But either they KNEW the Davidians were spreading fuel and lobbed those incendiary devices ANYWAY or they never heard anything of the sort -- they staged a millitary style attack on civilians without any regard for providing an evac or safety plan.. You love yourself some military justice ---- don't ya???
The FBI was recording the Davidians and their conversation about dousing their own compound with Coleman fuel was happening as law enforcement was tearing down walls and firing tear gas. There's no evidence I'm aware of that Janet Reno was listening live as they carried out their own demise.

So all you have is the word of the killers?
If it was the cops you wouldnt believe em.
Yes, the word of the killers being the Davidians themselves. I heard the audio where they were discussing dousing their own compound with fuel.

It was a mass suicide.

You miserable piece of shit

I want you to provide a link supporting your totally erroneous slanderous post.


I asked him for a link...he's got nothing.

He is the typical fucked up berner.

The FBI was recording the Davidians and their conversation about dousing their own compound with Coleman fuel was happening as law enforcement was tearing down walls and firing tear gas. There's no evidence I'm aware of that Janet Reno was listening live as they carried out their own demise.

So all you have is the word of the killers?
If it was the cops you wouldnt believe em.
Yes, the word of the killers being the Davidians themselves. I heard the audio where they were discussing dousing their own compound with fuel.

It was a mass suicide.

You miserable piece of shit

I want you to provide a link supporting your totally erroneous slanderous post.


I asked him for a link...he's got nothing.

He is the typical fucked up berner.


It's the same old liberal tactic of playing stupid,or they really are,I have yet to decide.
Betcha your nose was totally out of joint about the "Hands Up -- Don't Shoot" fantasy in St. Louis -- wasn't it?
You probably have SITUATIONAL problems with state Authority.. And view govt over-use of force as some kind of really useful tool to use against people you DON'T like.

Let's test your consistency here. Tell me how much you APPROVE of this BOMBING of an entire black neighborhood to end a "stand-off"... Hope you've heard of it..

25 Years Ago: Philadelphia Police Bombs MOVE Headquarters Killing 11, Destroying 65 Homes | Democracy Now!
Regarding Michael Brown... when the story broke, I thought the cop was wrong based in the limited information released. With all the information known now, Wilson acted appropriately.

As far as Philadelphia... I don't know enough about to to render an opinion.

Waco, I followed closely.

Well NOW that you KNOW they bombed out an entire black neighborhood in Philadelphia -- you're saying you have "NO OPINION" on that over-use of force? Perhaps you OUGHT to know about it. Wasn't a fringe religious group that time -- you MIGHT find an ounce of outrage. OR ------------------ maybe not..

Not liking the fact you didn't know about it or don't want to read some about it..
Seems to me -- that might cause your head to explore with cognitive dissonance.. Go form an opinion and then GET BACK TO ME on Waco...
Without knowing all the details of what happened in Philadelphia, how could I possibly render an an informed opinion based on your claim that police bombed an entire neighborhood?

Regardless... if you don't like my opinion on Waco -- don't read my posts about it then. Simple, eh?

How can you render an informed opinion??? READ THE DAMN LINK.. Then find another one to corroborate it... I want to see you defend that escalation of force, the lying by authorities, and the massive risks to innocents. Because those crazy black militia guys "deserved it".. Maybe THEY committed suicide also. And should have sent their kids out..

MOVE Bombing at 30: "Barbaric" 1985 Philadelphia Police Attack Killed 11 & Burned a Neighborhood | Democracy Now!

MOVE 30: Inside the May 1985 Assault on MOVE


I don't take orders from you and I'm not brushing up on a piece of history from long ago because you want to "test" my consistency." I have plenty of material already on these fora providing sufficient quantities of opinions for you to work with.

Oh I understand you don't work for me. But I'm fascinated that when presented with a death toll and a picture of an actual BOMBED OUT NEIGHBORHOOD --- that you would not have 5 minutes to read the links and declare that "these people TOO -- committed suicide and they TOO deserved it"..

Don't have an interest huh??
We're pretty much done because now I now you are nowhere NEAR a champion of Rights and Liberty and are only in the thread because "resistance" is a word LICENSED by leftists such as yourself. The Philly neighbors that got bombed -- THOUGHT they were a resistance that leftists like you would at least remember and suppport...
What a load of horseshit.
They could have arrested Koresh during one of his many trips to town.
They blew it and kids died because of it.
And no the branch davidians didnt set the fire it was caused by the tear gas canisters,just like in the Chris Dorner stand off.
They know these canisters will start a fire.

Bullshit. The Davidians themselves were recorded saying they were dousing the compound with Coleman fuel before setting it on fire themselves. Spontaneous fires ignited in three separate locations around the compound. It was a mass suicide. Some of the bodies recovered were found to have died by gunshot wounds. Some of them shot themselves rather than die by fire. If it wasn't suicide, they would have fled the compound when the fires started, they wouldn't have stayed inside and committed suicide. They would have gotten their children out. It was a mass suicide. Deal with it.

Betcha your nose was totally out of joint about the "Hands Up -- Don't Shoot" fantasy in St. Louis -- wasn't it?
You probably have SITUATIONAL problems with state Authority.. And view govt over-use of force as some kind of really useful tool to use against people you DON'T like.

Let's test your consistency here. Tell me how much you APPROVE of this BOMBING of an entire black neighborhood to end a "stand-off"... Hope you've heard of it..

25 Years Ago: Philadelphia Police Bombs MOVE Headquarters Killing 11, Destroying 65 Homes | Democracy Now!

Regarding Michael Brown... when the story broke, I thought the cop was wrong based in the limited information released. With all the information known now, Wilson acted appropriately.

As far as Philadelphia... I don't know enough about to to render an opinion.

Waco, I followed closely.

Well NOW that you KNOW they bombed out an entire black neighborhood in Philadelphia -- you're saying you have "NO OPINION" on that over-use of force? Perhaps you OUGHT to know about it. Wasn't a fringe religious group that time -- you MIGHT find an ounce of outrage. OR ------------------ maybe not..

Not liking the fact you didn't know about it or don't want to read some about it..
Seems to me -- that might cause your head to explore with cognitive dissonance.. Go form an opinion and then GET BACK TO ME on Waco...

Without knowing all the details of what happened in Philadelphia, how could I possibly render an an informed opinion based on your claim that police bombed an entire neighborhood?

Regardless... if you don't like my opinion on Waco -- don't read my posts about it then. Simple, eh?

I'm not sure what FCT's point is about the MOVE bombing but I'm very familiar with that event; I lived there at the time. Not in that neighborhood but in the city, although I had friends that lived around there.

MOVE was a naturalist group that lived in one of the houses communally and the police made the ill-advised move of dropping C4 explosives from a helicopter into the house from above. Colossally stupid idea. The resulting fire took out adjoining houses for blocks.

I'm not aware of it having been a "black neighborhood", nor would that have had anything to do with the incident if it had been, but again I don't know what the point's supposed to be here.
Bullshit. The Davidians themselves were recorded saying they were dousing the compound with Coleman fuel before setting it on fire themselves. Spontaneous fires ignited in three separate locations around the compound. It was a mass suicide. Some of the bodies recovered were found to have died by gunshot wounds. Some of them shot themselves rather than die by fire. If it wasn't suicide, they would have fled the compound when the fires started, they wouldn't have stayed inside and committed suicide. They would have gotten their children out. It was a mass suicide. Deal with it.

And you have Janet Reno stating that if she had KNOWN the Davidians were spreading fuel -- she would have STOPPED the assault. Testimonies vary as to what was actually heard. But either they KNEW the Davidians were spreading fuel and lobbed those incendiary devices ANYWAY or they never heard anything of the sort -- they staged a millitary style attack on civilians without any regard for providing an evac or safety plan.. You love yourself some military justice ---- don't ya???
The FBI was recording the Davidians and their conversation about dousing their own compound with Coleman fuel was happening as law enforcement was tearing down walls and firing tear gas. There's no evidence I'm aware of that Janet Reno was listening live as they carried out their own demise.

So all you have is the word of the killers?
If it was the cops you wouldnt believe em.
Yes, the word of the killers being the Davidians themselves. I heard the audio where they were discussing dousing their own compound with fuel.

It was a mass suicide.

You miserable piece of shit

I want you to provide a link supporting your totally erroneous slanderous post.

Oh? You wanna link?

Sure, here ya go --> link
Bullshit. The Davidians themselves were recorded saying they were dousing the compound with Coleman fuel before setting it on fire themselves. Spontaneous fires ignited in three separate locations around the compound. It was a mass suicide. Some of the bodies recovered were found to have died by gunshot wounds. Some of them shot themselves rather than die by fire. If it wasn't suicide, they would have fled the compound when the fires started, they wouldn't have stayed inside and committed suicide. They would have gotten their children out. It was a mass suicide. Deal with it.

Betcha your nose was totally out of joint about the "Hands Up -- Don't Shoot" fantasy in St. Louis -- wasn't it?
You probably have SITUATIONAL problems with state Authority.. And view govt over-use of force as some kind of really useful tool to use against people you DON'T like.

Let's test your consistency here. Tell me how much you APPROVE of this BOMBING of an entire black neighborhood to end a "stand-off"... Hope you've heard of it..

25 Years Ago: Philadelphia Police Bombs MOVE Headquarters Killing 11, Destroying 65 Homes | Democracy Now!
Regarding Michael Brown... when the story broke, I thought the cop was wrong based in the limited information released. With all the information known now, Wilson acted appropriately.

As far as Philadelphia... I don't know enough about to to render an opinion.

Waco, I followed closely.

Well NOW that you KNOW they bombed out an entire black neighborhood in Philadelphia -- you're saying you have "NO OPINION" on that over-use of force? Perhaps you OUGHT to know about it. Wasn't a fringe religious group that time -- you MIGHT find an ounce of outrage. OR ------------------ maybe not..

Not liking the fact you didn't know about it or don't want to read some about it..
Seems to me -- that might cause your head to explore with cognitive dissonance.. Go form an opinion and then GET BACK TO ME on Waco...
Without knowing all the details of what happened in Philadelphia, how could I possibly render an an informed opinion based on your claim that police bombed an entire neighborhood?

Regardless... if you don't like my opinion on Waco -- don't read my posts about it then. Simple, eh?

I'm not sure what FCT's point is about the MOVE bombing but I'm very familiar with that event; I lived there at the time. Not in that neighborhood but in the city, although I had friends that lived around there.

MOVE was a naturalist group that lived in one of the houses communally and the police made the ill-advised move of dropping C4 explosives from a helicopter into the house from above. Colossally stupid idea. The resulting fire took out adjoining houses for blocks.

I'm not aware of it having been a "black neighborhood", nor would that have had anything to do with the incident if it had been, but again I don't know what the point's supposed to be here.

There were HEAVILY ARMED black militants holed up in those "compounds". Long stand-off. Police got bored. BOMBED the buildings from helicopters. What more do you need to know?

Firearms, resistance, over-use of force. Did THEY commit suicide? Should THEY have sent the children out?
So how do we start?

It's quite simple.........Quit voting for Republicans.
We start locally. Put constitutional candidates who will defend their locals from the feds, and kick federal agents offbpublic lands. If necessary, use deadly force.
Yeah, cause that worked out so well for the right-wing kooks who took over public property in Oregon.

Unlike you asshats on the left, we on the right do things because they are the right thing to do. It doesn't matter if the odds aren't I our favor, it doesn't matter how large and powerful our opponent is, if it's the right thing to do, we do it.
No you don't. You righties are like petulant 4 year olds who cry and stomp your feet when you don't get your way. This thread is a perfect example where rightards are threatening to kill federal employees because America is not electing who they want or because federal officials won't kiss their ass.



Educate yourself about US government.
Betcha your nose was totally out of joint about the "Hands Up -- Don't Shoot" fantasy in St. Louis -- wasn't it?
You probably have SITUATIONAL problems with state Authority.. And view govt over-use of force as some kind of really useful tool to use against people you DON'T like.

Let's test your consistency here. Tell me how much you APPROVE of this BOMBING of an entire black neighborhood to end a "stand-off"... Hope you've heard of it..

25 Years Ago: Philadelphia Police Bombs MOVE Headquarters Killing 11, Destroying 65 Homes | Democracy Now!
Regarding Michael Brown... when the story broke, I thought the cop was wrong based in the limited information released. With all the information known now, Wilson acted appropriately.

As far as Philadelphia... I don't know enough about to to render an opinion.

Waco, I followed closely.

Well NOW that you KNOW they bombed out an entire black neighborhood in Philadelphia -- you're saying you have "NO OPINION" on that over-use of force? Perhaps you OUGHT to know about it. Wasn't a fringe religious group that time -- you MIGHT find an ounce of outrage. OR ------------------ maybe not..

Not liking the fact you didn't know about it or don't want to read some about it..
Seems to me -- that might cause your head to explore with cognitive dissonance.. Go form an opinion and then GET BACK TO ME on Waco...
Without knowing all the details of what happened in Philadelphia, how could I possibly render an an informed opinion based on your claim that police bombed an entire neighborhood?

Regardless... if you don't like my opinion on Waco -- don't read my posts about it then. Simple, eh?

I'm not sure what FCT's point is about the MOVE bombing but I'm very familiar with that event; I lived there at the time. Not in that neighborhood but in the city, although I had friends that lived around there.

MOVE was a naturalist group that lived in one of the houses communally and the police made the ill-advised move of dropping C4 explosives from a helicopter into the house from above. Colossally stupid idea. The resulting fire took out adjoining houses for blocks.

I'm not aware of it having been a "black neighborhood", nor would that have had anything to do with the incident if it had been, but again I don't know what the point's supposed to be here.

There were HEAVILY ARMED black militants holed up in those "compounds". Long stand-off. Police got bored. BOMBED the buildings from helicopters. What more do you need to know?

Firearms, resistance, over-use of force. Did THEY commit suicide? Should THEY have sent the children out?

Look, I know the incident very well; I don't need an edumacation on what it was or who it was. And no, they were not "black militants", they were fringe weirdos led by a charismatic nutball. Semi-Rastafarian animal rights activists with a penchant for guns and for being obnoxious. I haven't claimed that they "committed suicide" or commented on how they handled the children or anything else. I don't know what your point is here; I simply said I'm familiar with it.

Ramona Africa, the only resident of the house to be imprisoned, was awarded something like a half million for having her civil rights violated. My opinion, if that's what you're asking, is that while the city was justified in addressing the situation in the interest of keeping the peace, it went WAY overboard in its escalation and destroyed 61 homes unnecessarily. It's a story primarily of police excess.
And you have Janet Reno stating that if she had KNOWN the Davidians were spreading fuel -- she would have STOPPED the assault. Testimonies vary as to what was actually heard. But either they KNEW the Davidians were spreading fuel and lobbed those incendiary devices ANYWAY or they never heard anything of the sort -- they staged a millitary style attack on civilians without any regard for providing an evac or safety plan.. You love yourself some military justice ---- don't ya???
The FBI was recording the Davidians and their conversation about dousing their own compound with Coleman fuel was happening as law enforcement was tearing down walls and firing tear gas. There's no evidence I'm aware of that Janet Reno was listening live as they carried out their own demise.

So all you have is the word of the killers?
If it was the cops you wouldnt believe em.
Yes, the word of the killers being the Davidians themselves. I heard the audio where they were discussing dousing their own compound with fuel.

It was a mass suicide.

You miserable piece of shit

I want you to provide a link supporting your totally erroneous slanderous post.

Oh? You wanna link?

Sure, here ya go --> link

So ya got nothen....
Regarding Michael Brown... when the story broke, I thought the cop was wrong based in the limited information released. With all the information known now, Wilson acted appropriately.

As far as Philadelphia... I don't know enough about to to render an opinion.

Waco, I followed closely.

Well NOW that you KNOW they bombed out an entire black neighborhood in Philadelphia -- you're saying you have "NO OPINION" on that over-use of force? Perhaps you OUGHT to know about it. Wasn't a fringe religious group that time -- you MIGHT find an ounce of outrage. OR ------------------ maybe not..

Not liking the fact you didn't know about it or don't want to read some about it..
Seems to me -- that might cause your head to explore with cognitive dissonance.. Go form an opinion and then GET BACK TO ME on Waco...
Without knowing all the details of what happened in Philadelphia, how could I possibly render an an informed opinion based on your claim that police bombed an entire neighborhood?

Regardless... if you don't like my opinion on Waco -- don't read my posts about it then. Simple, eh?

I'm not sure what FCT's point is about the MOVE bombing but I'm very familiar with that event; I lived there at the time. Not in that neighborhood but in the city, although I had friends that lived around there.

MOVE was a naturalist group that lived in one of the houses communally and the police made the ill-advised move of dropping C4 explosives from a helicopter into the house from above. Colossally stupid idea. The resulting fire took out adjoining houses for blocks.

I'm not aware of it having been a "black neighborhood", nor would that have had anything to do with the incident if it had been, but again I don't know what the point's supposed to be here.

There were HEAVILY ARMED black militants holed up in those "compounds". Long stand-off. Police got bored. BOMBED the buildings from helicopters. What more do you need to know?

Firearms, resistance, over-use of force. Did THEY commit suicide? Should THEY have sent the children out?

Look, I know the incident very well; I don't need an edumacation on what it was or who it was. And no, they were not "black militants", they were fringe weirdos led by a charismatic nutball. Semi-Rastafarian animal rights activists with a penchant for guns and for being obnoxious. I haven't claimed that they "committed suicide" or commented on how they handled the children or anything else. I don't know what your point is here; I simply said I'm familiar with it.

Ramona Africa, the only resident of the house to be imprisoned, was awarded something like a half million for having her civil rights violated. My opinion, if that's what you're asking, is that while the city was justified in addressing the situation in the interest of keeping the peace, it went WAY overboard in its escalation and destroyed 61 homes unnecessarily. It's a story primarily of police excess.

You're good on those details. Just want to hear from Faun that they deserved it, that they committed suicide, and that they should have sent the children out..
Well NOW that you KNOW they bombed out an entire black neighborhood in Philadelphia -- you're saying you have "NO OPINION" on that over-use of force? Perhaps you OUGHT to know about it. Wasn't a fringe religious group that time -- you MIGHT find an ounce of outrage. OR ------------------ maybe not..

Not liking the fact you didn't know about it or don't want to read some about it..
Seems to me -- that might cause your head to explore with cognitive dissonance.. Go form an opinion and then GET BACK TO ME on Waco...
Without knowing all the details of what happened in Philadelphia, how could I possibly render an an informed opinion based on your claim that police bombed an entire neighborhood?

Regardless... if you don't like my opinion on Waco -- don't read my posts about it then. Simple, eh?

I'm not sure what FCT's point is about the MOVE bombing but I'm very familiar with that event; I lived there at the time. Not in that neighborhood but in the city, although I had friends that lived around there.

MOVE was a naturalist group that lived in one of the houses communally and the police made the ill-advised move of dropping C4 explosives from a helicopter into the house from above. Colossally stupid idea. The resulting fire took out adjoining houses for blocks.

I'm not aware of it having been a "black neighborhood", nor would that have had anything to do with the incident if it had been, but again I don't know what the point's supposed to be here.

There were HEAVILY ARMED black militants holed up in those "compounds". Long stand-off. Police got bored. BOMBED the buildings from helicopters. What more do you need to know?

Firearms, resistance, over-use of force. Did THEY commit suicide? Should THEY have sent the children out?

Look, I know the incident very well; I don't need an edumacation on what it was or who it was. And no, they were not "black militants", they were fringe weirdos led by a charismatic nutball. Semi-Rastafarian animal rights activists with a penchant for guns and for being obnoxious. I haven't claimed that they "committed suicide" or commented on how they handled the children or anything else. I don't know what your point is here; I simply said I'm familiar with it.

Ramona Africa, the only resident of the house to be imprisoned, was awarded something like a half million for having her civil rights violated. My opinion, if that's what you're asking, is that while the city was justified in addressing the situation in the interest of keeping the peace, it went WAY overboard in its escalation and destroyed 61 homes unnecessarily. It's a story primarily of police excess.

You're good on those details. Just want to hear from Faun that they deserved it, that they committed suicide, and that they should have sent the children out..

:dunno: Can't comment on that, but I do know the details and background. Apparently not a lot of people do who weren't there at the time.

But then I'm bored, still waiting for Buttsoiler's response to 932.

I wouldn't say they should have sent the children out considering the assault the police were waging on the place all day, firing so many bullets they had to have more ammo sent in. The police of course were appearing in the role of the "good guy with a gun", and it's a lesson on where firearms escalation leads.
Well NOW that you KNOW they bombed out an entire black neighborhood in Philadelphia -- you're saying you have "NO OPINION" on that over-use of force? Perhaps you OUGHT to know about it. Wasn't a fringe religious group that time -- you MIGHT find an ounce of outrage. OR ------------------ maybe not..

Not liking the fact you didn't know about it or don't want to read some about it..
Seems to me -- that might cause your head to explore with cognitive dissonance.. Go form an opinion and then GET BACK TO ME on Waco...
Without knowing all the details of what happened in Philadelphia, how could I possibly render an an informed opinion based on your claim that police bombed an entire neighborhood?

Regardless... if you don't like my opinion on Waco -- don't read my posts about it then. Simple, eh?

I'm not sure what FCT's point is about the MOVE bombing but I'm very familiar with that event; I lived there at the time. Not in that neighborhood but in the city, although I had friends that lived around there.

MOVE was a naturalist group that lived in one of the houses communally and the police made the ill-advised move of dropping C4 explosives from a helicopter into the house from above. Colossally stupid idea. The resulting fire took out adjoining houses for blocks.

I'm not aware of it having been a "black neighborhood", nor would that have had anything to do with the incident if it had been, but again I don't know what the point's supposed to be here.

There were HEAVILY ARMED black militants holed up in those "compounds". Long stand-off. Police got bored. BOMBED the buildings from helicopters. What more do you need to know?

Firearms, resistance, over-use of force. Did THEY commit suicide? Should THEY have sent the children out?

Look, I know the incident very well; I don't need an edumacation on what it was or who it was. And no, they were not "black militants", they were fringe weirdos led by a charismatic nutball. Semi-Rastafarian animal rights activists with a penchant for guns and for being obnoxious. I haven't claimed that they "committed suicide" or commented on how they handled the children or anything else. I don't know what your point is here; I simply said I'm familiar with it.

Ramona Africa, the only resident of the house to be imprisoned, was awarded something like a half million for having her civil rights violated. My opinion, if that's what you're asking, is that while the city was justified in addressing the situation in the interest of keeping the peace, it went WAY overboard in its escalation and destroyed 61 homes unnecessarily. It's a story primarily of police excess.

You're good on those details. Just want to hear from Faun that they deserved it, that they committed suicide, and that they should have sent the children out..
that they committed suicide, and that they should have sent the children out..

David and his Koreshians?

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