Zone1 I've been an atheist for 60 years and have never once been tempted to believe in any god

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LOL. you're a Christian mocking the NT. I get it now you're just a troll.

If you say so. Means nothing to me coming from you, honestly. Also, it isn't mocking, simply a historical description of it, even if you don't like to hear it.

I am still a follower of Jesus, you can see me how you wish lol, it bears no impact on that.
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One believes he is the Messiah and the other doesn’t. But they both believe in the same triune God. Jesus was a Jew.
Exactly. So you have two distinct religions that share some of the same Biblical content, believe in the same "God" yet one religion maintains that if you do not believe that Jesus is Lord and Savior, you are going to Hell. That's not just some trifling difference.
I've angered you but I assure you that it was unintentional. I expected that the information you received would have already been known.

The correct talking point for Christians is t bring back creation and make it work alongside of Darwinian evolution.

None have done that so far, so there's an opportunity for you!
There have been attempts though.

Check this out: Pierre Teilhard de Chardin - Wikipedia
Acts 2:38
Acts 4:12
John 14:6
Titus 3:5
Ephesians 2:8-9
John 3:16-18
Romans 10:9-10
John 15

Typically for the language of Jesus? Who for heavens sake "speaks" in such totally crazy ways with each other - except someone "speaks" only with other bible nerds or an AI?

I've been an atheist for 60 years and have never once been tempted to believe in any god​


That is like saying: "I was born blind and so have never once cared to or missed seeing a sunrise!"

Did it ever occur to you for an instant that you are selected to believe in God by the Almighty as a gateway to higher knowledge according to one's readiness to advance beyond worldly affairs and that fleeting glimpse at his effulgence, at the possibilities of his being is what turns people into believers and religious in the first place, not the other way around?!

Only idiots think they become religious THEN find God.
If that's how you want to see it, good for you. My beliefs don't hinge on what other do or don't do. But from everything I have seen, it's cyclical. At a society level and a personal level. Progress is seldom a straight line.

And none of that has anything to do with you being a militant atheist. That is only determined by your actions.

I'm not a militant anything. And I have already stated that gods may very well exist so again by definition not an atheist.

And religions are not gods religions are human constructed institutions and are not immune from criticism
No, You don't. You are only here for your own amusement and to confirm your biases. You offer nothing of value whatsoever. You don't understand how good comes from bad. You only understand bad and you naively believe there should be no bad. Good luck with that. You'll end up eating your young because of it.
Like you are confirming your biases that your god is perfect ?

Pot Kettle, Donkey
Time doesn't exist as a physical phenomenon. The best anyone can say is that time is a convenient measure of the expansion of the universe.

So outside of our existence time is meaningless. But to your point there cannot be an infinite number of causes which is precisely why God is the logical answer to the first cause.

You are basing this on a sample size of 1 universe. And we do not understand 95% of the universe we perceive and that says nothing about the aspects of this universe we cannot perceive or even begin to conceptualize.

So all your probability theory is based on a sample size of 1 and without comparing 1 object to other like objects there can be no probability statistics.
So you are using only empty phrases and have no own experience. What a luck that you have an overwhelming intelligence and intelellect and a "prophet" who seem to know what you do not know.
Notice how I tend to ask nothing from you.. ever.. There's a reason for that..
Now quit humping my leg, son.
Notice how I tend to ask nothing from you.. ever.. There's a reason for that..
Now quit humping my leg, son.

Should it not be "I ask nothing from you - never"? Thought your culture prefers a double confirmation instead of a positive double negation as we are doing.
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Most Christians are convinced gods do not exist - on very good reasons. And also Hinduists see all their gods only as an expression of one god.

You are an atheist.

No I am not.

Because I do not believe in your version of what you call a god you call me an atheist.

I am not so arrogant to think I can put a name to the processes that were involved in the inception of the universe and I certainly am not arrogant enough to imbue that process with human personality traits.

For all we know the universe itself is eternal and what we perceive is just an infinitesimally small part of the whole.

The fact is no one really knows. I am humble enough to admit that. You are not.
Ah yes, the new testament of which was decided after long deliberation by politically well-connected humans in the Roman Empire. Centuries after Jesus's death. Nice lol.

We noticed in 1629 a Christmas song whose text is 300 years older. Such things had been totally normal in former times. As you can see in comparison of our bible textes with the Qumram textes the transmission of such textes was always very exact.
... The fact is no one really knows. I am humble enough to admit that. You are not.

Ever heard from Christians in the last 2000 years the sentence "I believe in god"? Ever tried to think about what "to believe" could mean?
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