James Comey’s Book

Ethical?! You leaked work papers to a friend in the hopes of provoking an appointment of a special counsel!

But that can be argued as having been an ethical action, considering the behavior he hoped to end is much more unethical.
In his absorbing new book, “A Higher Loyalty,” the former F.B.I. director James B. Comey calls the Trump presidency a “forest fire” that is doing serious damage to the country’s norms and traditions.
“This president is unethical, and untethered to truth and institutional values,” Comey writes. “His leadership is transactional, ego driven and about personal loyalty.”

James Comey unleashed.
What Comey has stated has been repeated thousands of times by generals, ambassadors, former CIA operatives and even people working for him.

James Comey Has a Story to Tell. It’s Very Persuasive. — The New York Times

Two observations of Comey's which I believe reinforce the idea that he's a first class noticer. The first one I noticed myself months ago. It's the white lines under Trump's eyes. That led me to believe that he does, in fact, use a tanning bed.

The second observation I only heard one other person say. It was when Al Franken mentioned that he never heard Trump laugh. That's extremely odd. He doesn't even really smile in the traditional sense; he grins.

Now for my own assessment which I've held months before the 2016 election and which has only gotten stronger in the 15 months that Trump has been president.

I don't think that Trump is 'normal.' I don't know if it's pathological (a physical aliment) or psychological in nature, but something is plainly not right with him. It even manifests itself in his appearance: the ridiculous hair, the tanning bed and orange hue of his skin. Then there's the fact that he doesn't laugh, there's his childish behavior, and his nonstop and blatantly transparent lying. It all screams out that he's not well mentally and emotionally.
Haha, not how it works, Cletus. You don't vomit any silly claim that originates in your lower colon, and then expect everyone to prove it wrong...else it's true. In fact, the clear truth that you believe this is the case shows how completely bereft of intellectual standards and understanding of logic you are.

Have you read the report?

Have you?



Maybe this will be informative:

Nobody is going to spend even a shred of energy debunking every wingnut pipe dream that poofs into existence. Even if the most ridculous, extreme stuff you claim is 100% true, this is nothing compared to the abject corruption of the Trump circle and the global effect of the dangerous Trump presidency. The underculture of wingnut fantasies will always exist, and I harbor no delusion that I will even dent it, despite my best effort.

Deflection, how regressive of you. LMAO Now the question is will the DOJ pursue charges against McCabe with the same gusto as Martha Stewart.

And what would be the charges? Lack of candor?
I listened carefully to Comey's interview with George Stephanopoulos on ABC. Comey is a pompous, self-serving asshole! He needlessly cost Hillary the presidency. He negated the millions of voters who voted for Hillary - 3 million more than Trump. Why didn't he also mention right before the election that Trump had also been under FBI investigation since July 2016? He didn't tell us that fact until March 20, 2017 - after Trump had been president for 2 months. Comey's Daffy Duck stupidity has set America back decades.

March 20, 2017: Comey Confirms FBI Investigation of Trump
I listened carefully to Comey's interview with George Stephanopoulos on ABC. Comey is a pompous, self-serving asshole! He needlessly cost Hillary the presidency. He negated the millions of voters who voted for Hillary - 3 million more than Trump. Why didn't he also mention right before the election that Trump had also been under FBI investigation since July 2016? He didn't tell us that fact until March 20, 2017 - after Trump had been president for 2 months. Comey's Daffy Duck stupidity has set America back decades.

March 20, 2017: Comey Confirms FBI Investigation of Trump

Geez...nice spin.

Maybe this will be informative:

Nobody is going to spend even a shred of energy debunking every wingnut pipe dream that poofs into existence. Even if the most ridculous, extreme stuff you claim is 100% true, this is nothing compared to the abject corruption of the Trump circle and the global effect of the dangerous Trump presidency. The underculture of wingnut fantasies will always exist, and I harbor no delusion that I will even dent it, despite my best effort.

Deflection, how regressive of you. LMAO Now the question is will the DOJ pursue charges against McCabe with the same gusto as Martha Stewart.

And what would be the charges? Lack of candor?

Lying to federal investigators 2 counts, perjury 2 counts and obstruction of justice 4 counts. And that's just on the facts we know now, the next IG report could include conspiracy and others.

I listened carefully to Comey's interview with George Stephanopoulos on ABC. Comey is a pompous, self-serving asshole! He needlessly cost Hillary the presidency. He negated the millions of voters who voted for Hillary - 3 million more than Trump. Why didn't he also mention right before the election that Trump had also been under FBI investigation since July 2016? He didn't tell us that fact until March 20, 2017 - after Trump had been president for 2 months. Comey's Daffy Duck stupidity has set America back decades.

March 20, 2017: Comey Confirms FBI Investigation of Trump

I guess you weren't listening to close, he explained that Trump wasn't under investigation and the investigation was too young and they didn't know where it would go, if anywhere.

In his absorbing new book, “A Higher Loyalty,” the former F.B.I. director James B. Comey calls the Trump presidency a “forest fire” that is doing serious damage to the country’s norms and traditions.
“This president is unethical, and untethered to truth and institutional values,” Comey writes. “His leadership is transactional, ego driven and about personal loyalty.”

James Comey unleashed.
What Comey has stated has been repeated thousands of times by generals, ambassadors, former CIA operatives and even people working for him.

James Comey Has a Story to Tell. It’s Very Persuasive. — The New York Times

Two observations of Comey's which I believe reinforce the idea that he's a first class noticer. The first one I noticed myself months ago. It's the white lines under Trump's eyes. That led me to believe that he does, in fact, use a tanning bed.

The second observation I only heard one other person say. It was when Al Franken mentioned that he never heard Trump laugh. That's extremely odd. He doesn't even really smile in the traditional sense; he grins.

Now for my own assessment which I've held months before the 2016 election and which has only gotten stronger in the 15 months that Trump has been president.

I don't think that Trump is 'normal.' I don't know if it's pathological (a physical aliment) or psychological in nature, but something is plainly not right with him. It even manifests itself in his appearance: the ridiculous hair, the tanning bed and orange hue of his skin. Then there's the fact that he doesn't laugh, there's his childish behavior, and his nonstop and blatantly transparent lying. It all screams out that he's not well mentally and emotionally.
I also wonder about his inability to carry on an intelligent conversation. His interviewers become interpreters. He speaks at a third grade level and in most of his statements he goes overboard indulging in hyperbole and often changing subjects in middle of a sentence. This was not the Trump of 10 or 15 years ago.

In interviews Trump gave in the 1980s and 1990s with Tom Brokaw, David Letterman, Charlie Rose, and others, he spoke articulately, used sophisticated vocabulary, inserted dependent clauses into his sentences without losing his train of thought, and strung together sentences into a polished paragraph. Take a look at his 1987 interview with Larry King.

Trump used to be more articulate. What could explain the change?

Compare that with his linguistic skills today. It is a shocking decline.
"People want the border wall. My base definitely wants the border wall, my base really wants it — you’ve been to many of the rallies. OK, the thing they want more than anything is the wall. My base, which is a big base; I think my base is 45 percent. You know, it’s funny. The Democrats, they have a big advantage in the Electoral College. Big, big, big advantage. … The Electoral College is very difficult for a Republican to win, and I will tell you, the people want to see it. They want to see the wall.”

By 2020, his cognitive decline is going to be so obvious that even his most ardent supporters will question his ability to govern.
In his absorbing new book, “A Higher Loyalty,” the former F.B.I. director James B. Comey calls the Trump presidency a “forest fire” that is doing serious damage to the country’s norms and traditions.
“This president is unethical, and untethered to truth and institutional values,” Comey writes. “His leadership is transactional, ego driven and about personal loyalty.”

James Comey unleashed.
What Comey has stated has been repeated thousands of times by generals, ambassadors, former CIA operatives and even people working for him.

James Comey Has a Story to Tell. It’s Very Persuasive. — The New York Times

Two observations of Comey's which I believe reinforce the idea that he's a first class noticer. The first one I noticed myself months ago. It's the white lines under Trump's eyes. That led me to believe that he does, in fact, use a tanning bed.

The second observation I only heard one other person say. It was when Al Franken mentioned that he never heard Trump laugh. That's extremely odd. He doesn't even really smile in the traditional sense; he grins.

Now for my own assessment which I've held months before the 2016 election and which has only gotten stronger in the 15 months that Trump has been president.

I don't think that Trump is 'normal.' I don't know if it's pathological (a physical aliment) or psychological in nature, but something is plainly not right with him. It even manifests itself in his appearance: the ridiculous hair, the tanning bed and orange hue of his skin. Then there's the fact that he doesn't laugh, there's his childish behavior, and his nonstop and blatantly transparent lying. It all screams out that he's not well mentally and emotionally.
I also wonder about his inability to carry on an intelligent conversation. His interviewers become interpreters. He speaks at a third grade level and in most of his statements he goes overboard indulging in hyperbole and often changing subjects in middle of a sentence. This was not the Trump of 10 or 15 years ago.

In interviews Trump gave in the 1980s and 1990s with Tom Brokaw, David Letterman, Charlie Rose, and others, he spoke articulately, used sophisticated vocabulary, inserted dependent clauses into his sentences without losing his train of thought, and strung together sentences into a polished paragraph. Take a look at his 1987 interview with Larry King.

Trump used to be more articulate. What could explain the change?

Compare that with his linguistic skills today. It is a shocking decline.
"People want the border wall. My base definitely wants the border wall, my base really wants it — you’ve been to many of the rallies. OK, the thing they want more than anything is the wall. My base, which is a big base; I think my base is 45 percent. You know, it’s funny. The Democrats, they have a big advantage in the Electoral College. Big, big, big advantage. … The Electoral College is very difficult for a Republican to win, and I will tell you, the people want to see it. They want to see the wall.”

By 2020, his cognitive decline is going to be so obvious that even his most ardent supporters will question his ability to govern.

Hell that's an easy answer, the culprit is Twitter. Too many people trained their brains to communicate in 140 characters.


Maybe this will be informative:

Nobody is going to spend even a shred of energy debunking every wingnut pipe dream that poofs into existence. Even if the most ridculous, extreme stuff you claim is 100% true, this is nothing compared to the abject corruption of the Trump circle and the global effect of the dangerous Trump presidency. The underculture of wingnut fantasies will always exist, and I harbor no delusion that I will even dent it, despite my best effort.

Deflection, how regressive of you. LMAO Now the question is will the DOJ pursue charges against McCabe with the same gusto as Martha Stewart.

And what would be the charges? Lack of candor?

Lying to federal investigators 2 counts, perjury 2 counts and obstruction of justice 4 counts. And that's just on the facts we know now, the next IG report could include conspiracy and others.

Lack of Candor is about the only charge that might hold up and that's doubtful. I suggest you read the report findings a little more carefully. This report is a lot of hog wash spurred by the president's inability to get to Mueller or Comey. There are real questions about McCabe’s performance at the FBI. But there are even deeper questions about Trump’s public vendetta against McCabe.

Trump is using his office as a tool to attack his enemies but most disturbing he believes his enemies are enemies of the country and each day in office his list of enemies grows as does his paranoia. It's only a question of time before he breaks down.

Maybe this will be informative:

Nobody is going to spend even a shred of energy debunking every wingnut pipe dream that poofs into existence. Even if the most ridculous, extreme stuff you claim is 100% true, this is nothing compared to the abject corruption of the Trump circle and the global effect of the dangerous Trump presidency. The underculture of wingnut fantasies will always exist, and I harbor no delusion that I will even dent it, despite my best effort.

Deflection, how regressive of you. LMAO Now the question is will the DOJ pursue charges against McCabe with the same gusto as Martha Stewart.

And what would be the charges? Lack of candor?

Lying to federal investigators 2 counts, perjury 2 counts and obstruction of justice 4 counts. And that's just on the facts we know now, the next IG report could include conspiracy and others.

Lack of Candor is about the only charge that might hold up and that's doubtful. I suggest you read the report findings a little more carefully. This report is a lot of hog wash spurred by the president's inability to get to Mueller or Comey. There are real questions about McCabe’s performance at the FBI. But there are even deeper questions about Trump’s public vendetta against McCabe.

Trump is using his office as a tool to attack his enemies but most disturbing he believes his enemies are enemies of the country and each day in office his list of enemies grows as does his paranoia. It's only a question of time before he breaks down.

Lack of candor is a polite way of saying he lied.

You might try actually reading the IG report, it details how McCabe twice lied to investigators in interviews, twice more under oath and on tape. Oh and according to Comey he also lied to him.

Lying to investigators is a felony, perjury is a felony and both can be obstruction.

Your deflection is noted, but this discussion isn't about Trump.

Last edited:
Anyone find out who actually wrote the Comey book? There is literally and virtually no way a retard like Comey (same for Butthurt Obama and Crooked Hillary) actually wrote a book.

Maybe this will be informative:

Nobody is going to spend even a shred of energy debunking every wingnut pipe dream that poofs into existence. Even if the most ridculous, extreme stuff you claim is 100% true, this is nothing compared to the abject corruption of the Trump circle and the global effect of the dangerous Trump presidency. The underculture of wingnut fantasies will always exist, and I harbor no delusion that I will even dent it, despite my best effort.

Deflection, how regressive of you. LMAO Now the question is will the DOJ pursue charges against McCabe with the same gusto as Martha Stewart.

And what would be the charges? Lack of candor?

Lying to federal investigators 2 counts, perjury 2 counts and obstruction of justice 4 counts. And that's just on the facts we know now, the next IG report could include conspiracy and others.

Lack of Candor is about the only charge that might hold up and that's doubtful. I suggest you read the report findings a little more carefully. This report is a lot of hog wash spurred by the president's inability to get to Mueller or Comey. There are real questions about McCabe’s performance at the FBI. But there are even deeper questions about Trump’s public vendetta against McCabe.

Trump is using his office as a tool to attack his enemies but most disturbing he believes his enemies are enemies of the country and each day in office his list of enemies grows as does his paranoia. It's only a question of time before he breaks down.
So Trump was able to 'get to' the IG and the FBI?
How much money did he pay?
I listened carefully to Comey's interview with George Stephanopoulos on ABC. Comey is a pompous, self-serving asshole! He needlessly cost Hillary the presidency. He negated the millions of voters who voted for Hillary - 3 million more than Trump. Why didn't he also mention right before the election that Trump had also been under FBI investigation since July 2016? He didn't tell us that fact until March 20, 2017 - after Trump had been president for 2 months. Comey's Daffy Duck stupidity has set America back decades.

March 20, 2017: Comey Confirms FBI Investigation of Trump
Like most of the country, Comey was convinced that Hillary was going to win the election but that is not justification for him to speak out days before the election. In hindsight, I think it was a mistake for him to release a report of the Clinton investigation and would have been a mistake to release any statement about a Trump investigation at that time.

I do believe Comey is motivated by very strong, personal convictions about what is right; maybe to a fault. In his decision to release information on the email investigation, he admits that he was swayed by his belief that Hillary was going to win the election. That admission was a huge political blunder. Did he not know that Trump forces would have a field day with that statement? It seems to me his overwhelming desire to explain his actions was far more important to him than what the Trump camp's response might be.

Maybe this will be informative:

Nobody is going to spend even a shred of energy debunking every wingnut pipe dream that poofs into existence. Even if the most ridculous, extreme stuff you claim is 100% true, this is nothing compared to the abject corruption of the Trump circle and the global effect of the dangerous Trump presidency. The underculture of wingnut fantasies will always exist, and I harbor no delusion that I will even dent it, despite my best effort.

Deflection, how regressive of you. LMAO Now the question is will the DOJ pursue charges against McCabe with the same gusto as Martha Stewart.

And what would be the charges? Lack of candor?

Lying to federal investigators 2 counts, perjury 2 counts and obstruction of justice 4 counts. And that's just on the facts we know now, the next IG report could include conspiracy and others.

Lack of Candor is about the only charge that might hold up and that's doubtful. I suggest you read the report findings a little more carefully. This report is a lot of hog wash spurred by the president's inability to get to Mueller or Comey. There are real questions about McCabe’s performance at the FBI. But there are even deeper questions about Trump’s public vendetta against McCabe.

Trump is using his office as a tool to attack his enemies but most disturbing he believes his enemies are enemies of the country and each day in office his list of enemies grows as does his paranoia. It's only a question of time before he breaks down.
So Trump was able to 'get to' the IG and the FBI?
How much money did he pay?
Presidents don't buy people off not with money. They use political favors.

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