January 6 defendant commits suicide

The police were well armored and did almost all the clubbing and gassing.
The police were and always are brutal and without principles.
The protestors were only trying to be heard, and did as little harm as possible.
An insurrection requires weapons the protestors did not have.

A Progressive who is not a bootlicking authoritarian in disguise. What a rare find. You must feel very lonely these days.
They were about to give him even more charges.

I bet the left is laughing about this.
Or they were taking away his ability to buy, sell and get a job. . .

Banishment from the Financial System: the War on Dissent​

Feb 21, 2022

It is reported. If this is so, then someone needs to pay for this. MORE than one someone. These people have been charged with no more than trespassing. This was a set up by DC cops/Capitol police with Pelosi's blessing. This hag should die a horrible death the sooner the better. These poor people have been used in an attempt to destroy President Trump and the left doesn't care if they destroy americans to do it. This is only going to cement the will of the right to address the lawlessness and persecution by the left.

Now i fully expect leftists here to gloat and cheer this man's death.
Yeah but Ukraine! Covid ! Drumph ! Insurrection!

Destroyed by vicious scumbags who want most of us dead ....
Trump's riot hurt a lot of people.
BLM riots hurt a lot of people but you people obsessed over one day vs. three months. Your hypocrisy is delicious. Yum yum yum. Perhaps if 75% of the votes Biden received weren’t done via absentee ballots the optics would be better and there would not have been a riot. Glad you admit it’s a riot and not an insurrection.
white said:
He was not a defendant. He pleaded guilty at his trial, so he was convicted as charged by his own admission. Nobody had filed any new charges. He made an unfortunate decision, again.

jackass. These people have been in this jail for now over a year and it has been shown they were set up. They have been mistreated, forced into vaxxes if they didn't want in order to see their attorney. They have had to endure terrible conditions ON PURPOSE. and you say he just made a bad decision. the left is sickening. all of you. What you don't realize is this behavior you condone now...will come for you eventually. that's history.
The right, so often demanding people take responsibility for their actions, are demanding no responsibility for actions this time. How convenient.

He had few abilities to take control of his actions you jackass. You have no clue what he had to endure and i just hope you get the opportunity to experience it. Then run your stupid mouth. I"ve no doubt you couldn't make it a week.
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The police were well armored and did almost all the clubbing and gassing.
The police were and always are brutal and without principles.
The protestors were only trying to be heard, and did as little harm as possible.
An insurrection requires weapons the protestors did not have.
Blue Lives Matter, my ass.
jackass. These people have been in this jail for now over a year and it has been shown they were set up. They have been mistreated, forced into vaxxes if they didn't want in order to see their attorney. They have had to endure terrible conditions ON PURPOSE. and you say he just made a bad decision. the left is sickening. all of you. What you don't realize is this behavior you condone now...will come for you eventually. that's history.
Trump spent 5 weeks setting them up.

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