Jimmy Carter was not the worst president we ever had.

People dislike Carter for the Iran hostage situation, and I think there was also a fuel crisis which might have been related.

I wouldn't attack Reagan's foreign policy as a whole, but it was a dirty trick to convince the Iranians not to release the hostages before the election.

Tricky Dick also made an election deal with the North Vietnamese. And I also think Nixon did some good things as well, for example he founded the EPA.

People need to learn context, from a source other than the propagandists.

Nixon's "shock doctrine" (1971) is what triggered both the runaway inflation and the oil crises (note plural -- it began in 1973). Both of those infected the terms of both Ford and Carter and both of them paid for it The Iran hostage thing goes back to the meddling of the Dulles Brothers who sent the CIA to overthrow a democratically elected prime minister and install a Shah that the country resented. The Shah's ejection was the chickens coming home to roost from that ill-advised venture. Without the Nixon Shock the inflation and the oil conundrum probably don't happen, and without the Dulles meddling nor do the hostages.

So the oil thing is born in 1971 and the hostages, 1953. Yet Nixon and Eisenhower somehow get to watch Carter get pinned with them as if they just magically appeared out of nothing. Poof.
There are worse Presidents than Carter. James Buchanan comes to mind.
Andrew Jackson's Indian Removal Act is hard to top.
But his mug's still on our $20 isn't it ?

Jackson for his actions, Buchanan for his inactions, both worthy candidates. Add in Andrew Johnson; Harding and Grant are usually in the conversation for corruption.

In my analysis the four worst POTUSes since 1900 are in order of appearance Wilson (for incessant meddling internationally and overbearing domestically), Hoover (for failure to address the Depressiion), Truman (for incompetent bumbling into the Cold War) and Shrub (for Iraq).
Jimmy Carter was a bad president because he was useless. He didn't know what he was doing. I remember the Carter years as the most depressing in my lifetime.
Are you a war profiteer ?
They hate peace.

War wankers got nothing to wank with in the Carter years. For the rest of us any head of state who "fails" to take us into yet another war gets an automatic 50 bonus points on that alone. They shouldn't, but since we've made war the norm rather than the exception, everybody kind of starts 50 points in the hole until they shake it off.

That's what's behind this propaganda. They need to instill the value that war is somehow a "good thing". Carter didn't do it, therefore "not good". Sometimes propaganda is really sick when you look under the hood.
So Carter started with a 50 and then lost another 50 with his economic policies. During Carter the price of gas doubled. Interest rates skyrocketed. Nobody respected America anymore. The best we could do is win a hockey game.
Jimmy Carter was a bad president because he was useless. He didn't know what he was doing. I remember the Carter years as the most depressing in my lifetime.
Are you a war profiteer ?
They hate peace.

War wankers got nothing to wank with in the Carter years. For the rest of us any head of state who "fails" to take us into yet another war gets an automatic 50 bonus points on that alone. They shouldn't, but since we've made war the norm rather than the exception, everybody kind of starts 50 points in the hole until they shake it off.

That's what's behind this propaganda. They need to instill the value that war is somehow a "good thing". Carter didn't do it, therefore "not good". Sometimes propaganda is really sick when you look under the hood.
So Carter started with a 50 and then lost another 50 with his economic policies. During Carter the price of gas doubled. Interest rates skyrocketed. Nobody respected America anymore. The best we could do is win a hockey game.

Once AGAIN, see the Nixon Shock Doctrine already posted above.

Your desperate "nobody respected 'America' [sic-ironic] anymore" is relegated to speculative Argument from Emotion and as such, dismissed.
So Carter started with a 50 and then lost another 50 with his economic policies. During Carter the price of gas doubled. Interest rates skyrocketed. Nobody respected America anymore. The best we could do is win a hockey game.

America had already lost respect . Slavery, genocide, hegemony, the massacre we call the Vietnam War...etc.
Carter was seen as the peaceful guy who would change all that.
So Carter started with a 50 and then lost another 50 with his economic policies. During Carter the price of gas doubled. Interest rates skyrocketed. Nobody respected America anymore. The best we could do is win a hockey game.

America had already lost respect . Slavery, genocide, hegemony, the massacre we call the Vietnam War...etc.
Carter was seen as the peaceful guy who would change all that.

Seems to me "America [sic]" already lost respect when it engineered a coup in Iran to install its own dictator, and then did the same thing in Guatemala a year later, and then saw the French quitting Vietnam and went "hey, we'll take that!".

Again, inconvenient context they'd rather ignore.
So Carter started with a 50 and then lost another 50 with his economic policies. During Carter the price of gas doubled. Interest rates skyrocketed. Nobody respected America anymore. The best we could do is win a hockey game.

America had already lost respect . Slavery, genocide, hegemony, the massacre we call the Vietnam War...etc.
Carter was seen as the peaceful guy who would change all that.

Seems to me "America [sic]" already lost respect when it engineered a coup in Iran to install its own dictator, and then did the same thing in Guatemala a year later, and then saw the French quitting Vietnam and went "hey, we'll take that!".

Again, inconvenient context they'd rather ignore.

old poggie, da STIK IN DA MUD
So Carter started with a 50 and then lost another 50 with his economic policies. During Carter the price of gas doubled. Interest rates skyrocketed. Nobody respected America anymore. The best we could do is win a hockey game.

America had already lost respect . Slavery, genocide, hegemony, the massacre we call the Vietnam War...etc.
Carter was seen as the peaceful guy who would change all that.

Seems to me "America [sic]" already lost respect when it engineered a coup in Iran to install its own dictator, and then did the same thing in Guatemala a year later, and then saw the French quitting Vietnam and went "hey, we'll take that!".

Again, inconvenient context they'd rather ignore.

old poggie, da STIK IN DA MUD

I know right? Always confining myself to them "facts".

Facts are BORING.
“Worst ever” is hard for most people living today to say. I have had smart people point out that Woodrow Wilson was the worst ever and the evidence convinced me.

All I can say is “Worst in MY lifetime” and that would be Obama by a mile, then would come Carter. Best in my lifetime is Trump, Reagan next and then everyone else in the middle.
He was the worst.

Wow, that's deep. I'm impressed by the erudition of your copious research here. Nanoseconds of work went into this post, I can tell. The way you constructed those arguments, citing all that context and background, my head swims.:bowdown:
Honey, I lived it.

Although most of the things cited in the OP as good things were huge mistakes, still, imo Carter was not nearly as bad as Obama.
All I can say is “Worst in MY lifetime” and that would be Obama by a mile, then would come Carter. Best in my lifetime is Trump, Reagan next and then everyone else in the middle.
You are the reason I started this thread - people like you who are certain all your facts are correct when you're actually dead wrong.
Speaking of access to independent journalism....

Absent the patience to sit through eighteen minutes of video just to find the point, he seems to be whining that YouTube is not prioritizing the "most popular".

I fail to see the issue in that. Sitcoms and McDonalds food and fake wrestling get numbers too, but it doesn't make them meritorious. Far as I'm concerned any move away from Ratings Mentality is a good thing.
Poppy, Dick and Rummy ran the Reagan Administration while he signed stuff he never read, ate jellybeans and said funny things to the press.

Speaking of access to independent journalism....

Absent the patience to sit through eighteen minutes of video just to find the point, he seems to be whining that YouTube is not prioritizing the "most popular".

I fail to see the issue in that. Sitcoms and McDonalds food and fake wrestling get numbers too, but it doesn't make them meritorious. Far as I'm concerned any move away from Ratings Mentality is a good thing.

It goes into the whole grand design of censoring dissenters.
So Carter started with a 50 and then lost another 50 with his economic policies. During Carter the price of gas doubled. Interest rates skyrocketed. Nobody respected America anymore. The best we could do is win a hockey game.

America had already lost respect . Slavery, genocide, hegemony, the massacre we call the Vietnam War...etc.
Carter was seen as the peaceful guy who would change all that.

Seems to me "America [sic]" already lost respect when it engineered a coup in Iran to install its own dictator, and then did the same thing in Guatemala a year later, and then saw the French quitting Vietnam and went "hey, we'll take that!".

Again, inconvenient context they'd rather ignore.
When a Democrat is in the WH you blame everything on America.
When a Democrat is in the WH you blame everything on America.
It's my opinion that since 1963, America's been run from Langley, Virginia, ( along with the Pentagon) not Washington DC.
Until Trump the White House puppet just signed stuff and acted goofy.
So Carter started with a 50 and then lost another 50 with his economic policies. During Carter the price of gas doubled. Interest rates skyrocketed. Nobody respected America anymore. The best we could do is win a hockey game.

America had already lost respect . Slavery, genocide, hegemony, the massacre we call the Vietnam War...etc.
Carter was seen as the peaceful guy who would change all that.

Seems to me "America [sic]" already lost respect when it engineered a coup in Iran to install its own dictator, and then did the same thing in Guatemala a year later, and then saw the French quitting Vietnam and went "hey, we'll take that!".

Again, inconvenient context they'd rather ignore.
When a Democrat is in the WH you blame everything on America.

Kinda makes post 42 hard to explain, donut.

Partisan hacks are such cat toys.
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