Joan Rivers : Obama is gay, Michelle a Tranny

I love Joan Rivers.

Her style of snarky, shock humor cracks me up. But she is a three dimensional person too. I went to a very intimate show she did at CSUN a year or two ago. It was basically an hour and half long interview with her and a moderator on the stage sitting on a comfortable sofa. I didn't know what to expect, I'd been gifted the tickets by a friend at the last minute. Well, she held the entire audience in her hand like the pro she is. One minute we were laughing out loud (for real!) the next we were moved to tears. She knows how to tell a story!! It was one of the best shows I've ever seen. She was so real and candid, so comfortable on stage. I absolutely loved it.

I hope she makes a mint from this.....:D
There's nothing imaginary about how the obama's have been ruining America and acting like dictators. They can both go to hell. I have zero respect for either of them.


Look, I believe Obama is the worst excuse for a President the USA has had during the past 100 years.

But I have NEVER used the language Joan Rivers did to describe Michelle Obama.

If you think that independent voters are impressed with the depictions you use, then I'm here to tell you: You are Wrong.

Wanna win elections? Stop sounding like an 8th grader.
And just how is it you have divined the power to speak for ALL INDEPENDENTS? You haven't, so stop acting as though you have some other than worldly powers of perception.

It's not the independent vote that wins elections anyway, it's the CONSERVATIVE vote, and conservatives are none to happy with that pair of racist assholes in the white house. Calling a spade a spade is what people want, not some watered down, lame, mamby pamby, luke warm garbage.

This is FIGHT to take back power from the leftards, who by all measure have been ruining America under the kenyan, so that's the way to approach it, as a FIGHT, so don't expect any milk and cookies talk from me or the majority of other conservatives.

Yeah, Continue to throw poo. No doubt that will be very helpful in communicating a message that says you represent a superior ideology.

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007 must be a teaper!

I can smell the thought of superiority and sense of privilege from here.
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It's nice to see good ol' Joan's still got it — the humor and the moxie.

Bought her latest book for my mom for her birthday last year, and I liked it so much that I had to buy a copy for myself, too.

Keep doin' what you do, Joan Rivers. You're the best.
Nutz has a Teaper fetish!

Define fetish! I could be a teaper if they denounced the racist faction that defines them!

Most of the posts I've seen from you included some backhanded dig at the Tea Party even if it's off topic. Just an observation! Thoughts about the Tea Party seem to have taken a residence in your mind.
Nutz has a Teaper fetish!

Define fetish! I could be a teaper if they denounced the racist faction that defines them!

Most of the posts I've seen from you included some backhanded dig at the Tea Party even if it's off topic. Just an observation! Thoughts about the Tea Party seem to have taken a residence in your mind.

That is a fair deduction. Honestly, I just think most of the Teapers on this forum are dicks or ***** who spew nothing but nonsense and reel of hypocrisy. I hate hypocrisy more than racism. Racism can be fun, hypocrisy is just stupidity. BUT, I could have a fetish for a hot teaper female in an off color stocking and high heels!
I've always held to a strict rule for myself that the First Lady is off limits. I think she's held her office with great style and dignity. I think the comments Joan Rivers made are insulting and have no place in politics.. she has every right to say whatever it is she feels, but for me- there's a line of decency.


Negged for being a partisan hack
I've always held to a strict rule for myself that the First Lady is off limits. I think she's held her office with great style and dignity. I think the comments Joan Rivers made are insulting and have no place in politics.. she has every right to say whatever it is she feels, but for me- there's a line of decency.

You do know that Joan Rivers is older than dirt, and insults just about everyone. don't you?
I've always held to a strict rule for myself that the First Lady is off limits. I think she's held her office with great style and dignity. I think the comments Joan Rivers made are insulting and have no place in politics.. she has every right to say whatever it is she feels, but for me- there's a line of decency.

You do know that Joan Rivers is older than dirt, and insults just about everyone. don't you?

Yes... lol

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