Jodi Arias Penalty

After so many stories and "on the record" comments about why JA was allowed in gen pop (and would be until trial was over) as well as media contact....I haven't been able to find a single comment about why (how/who) that was changed!

That is what the sheriff decided.

And with that I think I need to stop thinking about our legal system.

Yay--Nancy Grace 'never lost'--never had a jury not return the verdict she wanted. She is tough. ?Martinez is, too.

I suppose that is necessary.I couldn't watch/listen to much of that.

It probably would be best if I didn't follow the trial of the CO shooter. I can only imagine if they put him on the stand and utilized similar strategies he would have some strange answers. shrug--I suppose he is on some sort of meds--and perhaps his attorneys will choose not to have him testify. When it is empirically clear that you are guilty it would seem that accepting a plea would be best. what do I know.
Death Penalty Sought in Colorado Shooting Trial -
I don't know if my ever lost a case but she was brought up in prosecutorial misconduct charges three times
Boyd asked, "What would you say to Arias if you had a moment with her?"
Zevakos replied, "Yeah, I'd really like to talk to Jodi. But I'd like to ask her the questions that everybody wants to ask her. What really happened?"

Bwahaha. Wait until he gets a load of her television interviews. She was pissed when asked. He hasn't a clue who she is.

is this interviewer and jury foreman? Pretty please summarize the rest so I don't have to watch the interview. I've reached maximum capacity and am content with her in her little cell and trolling the political threads for a while :)
Boyd asked, "What would you say to Arias if you had a moment with her?"
Zevakos replied, "Yeah, I'd really like to talk to Jodi. But I'd like to ask her the questions that everybody wants to ask her. What really happened?"

Bwahaha. Wait until he gets a load of her television interviews. She was pissed when asked. He hasn't a clue who she is.

is this interviewer and jury foreman? Pretty please summarize the rest so I don't have to watch the interview. I've reached maximum capacity and am content with her in her little cell and trolling the political threads for a while :)

Sorry, I just read an article, didn't listen, and excerpted that part. I can't tell you if the tone was sincere in really wanting to know and thinking he might get an answer, or if it was more sarcastic in that he knew he would never get a straight answer. I would guess the former, since I think he believed that she was emotionally abused.
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I just don't have the motivation to listen either. I'd rather read sometimes.
After so many stories and "on the record" comments about why JA was allowed in gen pop (and would be until trial was over) as well as media contact....I haven't been able to find a single comment about why (how/who) that was changed!

That is what the sheriff decided.

And with that I think I need to stop thinking about our legal system.

Yay--Nancy Grace 'never lost'--never had a jury not return the verdict she wanted. She is tough. ?Martinez is, too.

I suppose that is necessary.I couldn't watch/listen to much of that.

It probably would be best if I didn't follow the trial of the CO shooter. I can only imagine if they put him on the stand and utilized similar strategies he would have some strange answers. shrug--I suppose he is on some sort of meds--and perhaps his attorneys will choose not to have him testify. When it is empirically clear that you are guilty it would seem that accepting a plea would be best. what do I know.
Death Penalty Sought in Colorado Shooting Trial -
I don't know if my ever lost a case but she was brought up in prosecutorial misconduct charges three times

Nancy? I watched her one time outside the courtroom and that was enough for the rest of my life. Whenever she practiced it must have been long ago "when I was a prosecutor, they would tell me to have my witness come in and I had better have them there so I had them there!! Er.. I don't know if this is the case here or what hap---- JENKA!! WHAT IS IT THAT HAPPENS NOW???!!!" (Continues to beat Jenkasaurus to a bloody pulp for what SHE doesn't know)

She's a mouthpiece leech and Jenka needs a raise for being her whipping bitch.
I'm not really sure what you mean my take...I think they did the best they could. I also think this piña colada is delicious
I'm not really sure what you mean my take...I think they did the best they could. I also think this piña colada is delicious

I already said that about the jurors. The statement above. Oh, nevermind, enjoy.
The jury foreman was no ball of fire. Basically he just said she spent too long on the stand and had too many contradictory statements. He felt she was verbally and emotionally abused but that in no way excused what she did. He did not believe self defense. He was especially moved by the VIS and said the jury agreed (sort of) not to show emotion while in the court, but that it came out once they were in the jury room. And he said when he first saw Arias she was far from what he thought a murderer looked like, or something like that. Or, he didn't see how she could have done this. It was a short interview.

I totally missed where he was asked what he would ask her if he had the chance.
Yeah that's the one test a.I'm from Florida originally. Santa having a blast on the water now having drinks

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