Jodi Arias Penalty

Jodi Arias ‏@JodiAnnArias 1h

I'm reading Bram Stoker's "Dracula" for Halloween.

she is a strong person to be able to hold up under such a burden.

Her only burden is to figure out what lie she'll be regurgitating at her next sentencing trial.

How fitting that she's reading about Dracula. The REAL Dracula, which that book is based very loosely on, loved to torture people before killing them. Coincidence that she'd be reading that and post about it? I think not! It's another of her little games. Fortunately, sane people know this, therefore, she loses.

Maybe she's getting inspiration for the method of execution she will choose.

Wouldn't it be great if she got impaled "Vlad Tepes" style? :woohoo:

And put out front for all to see! Many of Vlad's victims were impaled in such a way that they were left alive for days. Considering what Jodi did to Travis, not a bad idea. That might actually deter someone else from doing what she did.
i think how badly she was abused is causing her to read the book.

Your blind devotion to that murdering whore is truly pathetic. But maybe you can serve a purpose after all. The next time you head down to the prison to lick Psycho Jodi's feet, could you give her the following message from me?

Dear rotten fruit of the Arias family tree,

Can you please die in a fire? Like a fire infested with AIDS so you get Fire-AIDS? I'm asking you to contract Fire-AIDS and die. If you can.

Sir Rattius of Mozarella

Jodi Arias ‏@JodiAnnArias 7h

"Angel" is now available at XXXX


Jodi Arias ‏@JodiAnnArias 7h

If you pre-ordered a limited-edition print of "Sailing At Sunset," shipping has started.

your orders will be arriving soon.
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Jodi Arias ‏@JodiAnnArias 7h

"Angel" is now available at XXXX …


Jodi Arias ‏@JodiAnnArias 7h

If you pre-ordered a limited-edition print of "Sailing At Sunset," shipping has started.

your orders will be arriving soon.

And all profits will be used to purchase cutlery in order to slaughter some of her cellmates. :eusa_shhh:
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And all profits will be used to purchase cutlery in order to slaughter some of her cellmates. :eusa_shhh:

Good point! She does have her current 'fake-pissed-off-rant' about Nurmi in front of a judge right now. Maybe she's going to make him her next piece of work.
And all profits will be used to purchase cutlery in order to slaughter some of her cellmates. :eusa_shhh:

Good point! She does have her current 'fake-pissed-off-rant' about Nurmi in front of a judge right now. Maybe she's going to make him her next piece of work.

I saw her 12 page handwritten affidavit posted on another board. One of the reasons she gave for wanting him dismissed is that he refuses to listen to any of her "poetry". :cuckoo:
Jodi Arias ‏@JodiAnnArias 7h

At this time, I won't be offering limited-edition prints of "Angel."

i believe her because she is a victim of abuse.
Jodi Arias ‏@JodiAnnArias 7h

At this time, I won't be offering limited-edition prints of "Angel."

i believe her because she is a victim of abuse.

You must be so upset. I'm sure you had a place of honor set aside for her goofy "art" piece. :lol:
Maybe she got hit with another copyright infringement suit. LOL

As far as her being an abuse victim, it's just another of her lies. The only person that abused her was herself. Victims of abuse do not want to have anything to do with those that abused them. Travis was the one abused - he wanted nothing more to do with her. She is the one that went to see him.
Hey, I found Psycho Jodi's limited edition Christmas painting.


Let's hope the red isn't blood.
very talented

Jodi Arias ‏@JodiAnnArias 2 Nov

"If you want to know who your friends are, get yourself a jail sentence." - Charles Bukowski
very talented

Jodi Arias ‏@JodiAnnArias 2 Nov

"If you want to know who your friends are, get yourself a jail sentence." - Charles Bukowski

Jodi isn't talented in anything but lying. Even then, she isn't able to keep her lies straight.

You do realize Jodi isn't the one coming up with the quotes, don't you? I'm sure she'd put her name on them if she thought she could get away with it.

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