John Kelly goes on the record to confirm several disturbing stories about Trump


You most certainly do not believe him.
I most certainly do, presumptive morn pinhead.

Kelly was annoyed that Trump criticized John McCain, boo hoo. McCain in turn was so overcome with hatred for Trump that he forbade him from attending his funeral.
Maybe because he knew Trump is a traiterous scumbag.
Multiple sources in multiple accounts all confirm the same thing………Trump has no respect for the military and considers those who were wounded or captured to be losers.

He called John McCain and George HW Bush losers for being shot down
He considers the wounded and crippled to be yucky and does not want to be seen with them
He does not understand why someone would fight for their country and sees no reason to honor the dead
McCarthy made sure he sent Trump a long distance kiss to his assbuddy Trump today even though Trump threw him under the bus. Not one of those MAGATS, including McCarthy have spoken out about this.

Once a MAGAT, always a MAGAT.
Exclusive: John Kelly goes on the record to confirm several disturbing stories about Trump

Yep, Kelly goes on record to begin with by saying he has nothing new to add that people haven't already heard before, but that is news to you. :21:

“What can I add that has not already been said?” Kelly said

Jackass. Repeating a lie doesn't make it less false.
Yep, Kelly goes on record to begin with by saying he has nothing new to add that people haven't already heard before, but that is news to you. :21:

“What can I add that has not already been said?” Kelly said

Jackass. Repeating a lie doesn't make it less false.
Truth is a bitch. Suck it up, MAGA snowflake.
Kelly was annoyed that Trump criticized John McCain, boo hoo. McCain in turn was so overcome with hatred for Trump that he forbade him from attending his funeral.
Bone Spurs trump hates the military and does not want to be seen with disabled vets. That is all we need to know about trump.

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