Judge Emmett Sullivan should resign or dismiss the Flynn case.

Charges against President Trump's former national security adviser Michael Flynn should have never been brought, Ken Starr said Saturday.

Here's more...

Ken Starr?????? Don't make me laugh.

Whose funnier Ken Starr or:
Janet Reno?
Eric Holder?
Adam Schiff?
Jerry Nadler?
Emmit Sullivan?
Loretta Lynch?
Robert Mueller?
James Comey?

IMHO the democrats are MUCH funnier, should have been comedians.

All of the people on your list are elected officials who rendered distinguished service to their country throughout their lives.

Ken Starr spent 6 1/2 years and $100 million in taxpayers money and got a lie about a blow job and a coerced allegation of rape against Bill Clinton that Republicans have been using ever since the malign Clinton’s character because they couldn’t otherwise undermine the most popular President since Kennedy.

Funny? I don’t find any of it funny. Republicans have nothing to run on. Ever time they get behind the wheel of the American economy, they run it off the road into a tree.

Patching it up after 2008 wasn’t easy and like the family car that’s been in one wreck too many, this may spell the end for the USA.

Trump tore up all your trade deals before this mess. The Chinese will be calling their loans after the way Trump has acted over the virus. And America can’t pay.

Wouldn’t it be delicious after this if the USA has to sign over all of its assets to China because of Trump’s debts?

Even worse, Ken Starr should never have been allowed to investigate Bill Clinton since he had already filed an amicus curaie on behalf of Paula Jones lawsuit against Clinton.

For our lowbrow righties here who are simply incapable of understanding that -- Judge Sullivan just asked retired judge John Gleeson to submit an amicus curaie on behalf of his court to weigh charges of perjury on Flynn. Appointing Starr to investigate Clinton would be like now appointing Gleeson to investigate Impeached Trump. How well do you rightards think such an appointment would go over?

Bullshit. Sullivan is CIA, appointed by Bill Clinton.
He's a dead chicken with strings attached. You don't get more deep state puppet than him.
Charges against President Trump's former national security adviser Michael Flynn should have never been brought, Ken Starr said Saturday.

Here's more...

Ken Starr?????? Don't make me laugh.

Whose funnier Ken Starr or:
Janet Reno?
Eric Holder?
Adam Schiff?
Jerry Nadler?
Emmit Sullivan?
Loretta Lynch?
Robert Mueller?
James Comey?

IMHO the democrats are MUCH funnier, should have been comedians.

All of the people on your list are elected officials who rendered distinguished service to their country throughout their lives.

Ken Starr spent 6 1/2 years and $100 million in taxpayers money and got a lie about a blow job and a coerced allegation of rape against Bill Clinton that Republicans have been using ever since the malign Clinton’s character because they couldn’t otherwise undermine the most popular President since Kennedy.

Funny? I don’t find any of it funny. Republicans have nothing to run on. Ever time they get behind the wheel of the American economy, they run it off the road into a tree.

Patching it up after 2008 wasn’t easy and like the family car that’s been in one wreck too many, this may spell the end for the USA.

Trump tore up all your trade deals before this mess. The Chinese will be calling their loans after the way Trump has acted over the virus. And America can’t pay.

Wouldn’t it be delicious after this if the USA has to sign over all of its assets to China because of Trump’s debts?

Even worse, Ken Starr should never have been allowed to investigate Bill Clinton since he had already filed an amicus curaie on behalf of Paula Jones lawsuit against Clinton.

For our lowbrow righties here who are simply incapable of understanding that -- Judge Sullivan just asked retired judge John Gleeson to submit an amicus curaie on behalf of his court to weigh charges of perjury on Flynn. Appointing Starr to investigate Clinton would be like now appointing Gleeson to investigate Impeached Trump. How well do you rightards think such an appointment would go over?

Bullshit. Sullivan is CIA, appointed by Bill Clinton.
He's a dead chicken with strings attached. You don't get more deep state puppet than him.

You are a Trump puppet. There is no deep state.
Charges against President Trump's former national security adviser Michael Flynn should have never been brought, Ken Starr said Saturday.

Here's more...

Ken Starr?????? Don't make me laugh.

Whose funnier Ken Starr or:
Janet Reno?
Eric Holder?
Adam Schiff?
Jerry Nadler?
Emmit Sullivan?
Loretta Lynch?
Robert Mueller?
James Comey?

IMHO the democrats are MUCH funnier, should have been comedians.

All of the people on your list are elected officials who rendered distinguished service to their country throughout their lives.

Ken Starr spent 6 1/2 years and $100 million in taxpayers money and got a lie about a blow job and a coerced allegation of rape against Bill Clinton that Republicans have been using ever since the malign Clinton’s character because they couldn’t otherwise undermine the most popular President since Kennedy.

Funny? I don’t find any of it funny. Republicans have nothing to run on. Ever time they get behind the wheel of the American economy, they run it off the road into a tree.

Patching it up after 2008 wasn’t easy and like the family car that’s been in one wreck too many, this may spell the end for the USA.

Trump tore up all your trade deals before this mess. The Chinese will be calling their loans after the way Trump has acted over the virus. And America can’t pay.

Wouldn’t it be delicious after this if the USA has to sign over all of its assets to China because of Trump’s debts?

Even worse, Ken Starr should never have been allowed to investigate Bill Clinton since he had already filed an amicus curaie on behalf of Paula Jones lawsuit against Clinton.

For our lowbrow righties here who are simply incapable of understanding that -- Judge Sullivan just asked retired judge John Gleeson to submit an amicus curaie on behalf of his court to weigh charges of perjury on Flynn. Appointing Starr to investigate Clinton would be like now appointing Gleeson to investigate Impeached Trump. How well do you rightards think such an appointment would go over?

Bullshit. Sullivan is CIA, appointed by Bill Clinton.
He's a dead chicken with strings attached. You don't get more deep state puppet than him.

You're fucked in the head, conspiracy nut. :cuckoo:

Before Clinton appointed him to his current position, GHW Bush had appointed him to another bench. And before that, Ronald Reagan had appointed him to another one.

And there's no evidence Sullivan is CIA. :cuckoo:
Charges against President Trump's former national security adviser Michael Flynn should have never been brought, Ken Starr said Saturday.

Here's more...

Well he'd know. LOL first fcking hand.

But more to the issue, the problem with Flynn's argument is that once he pled guilty, he was convicted and gave up any right to appeal his conviction. It's FINAL. That's how guilty pleas work. Flynn gives up rights, and the govt recommends a "lenient" sentence. Because Flynn hasn't been sentenced, he in theory at least could be allowed to withdraw his guilty plea.

But Flynn or anyone else has to have a reason to be allowed to withdraw the plea. Flynn's basic reason is his lawyers didn't know that the FBI was not totally behind his being questioned in the first place. Personally, I agree the FBI should not have basically gone fishing for perjury. (See Bill Clinton above) But the problem is that Flynn cannot now say "oh I didn't lie." Remember how that worked out for Clinton.

So I don't see how Judge Sullivan can just say "poof" and make it all go away. Not after the guilty plea. I think he can sentence Flynn to the absolute minimum under the federal sentencing guidelines and in a sentencing hearing he can express "outrage" a the FBI. And Trump can pardon him the day after the election.
So I don't see how Judge Sullivan can just say "poof" and make it all go away. Not after the guilty plea.
Knowing the facts of the case, as the whole world now does , he is obligated to say 'poof' and dismiss this horrendous case of injustice, or show himself to be a lowlife partisan hack.

Adam Schiff should be a witness in a new trial for withholding exculpatory evidence if you want to talk about guilt and innocence.. A normal judge would be absolutely livid over the FBI's gross abuse of power and the prosecution
deceiving his court in this manner.
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This stuff doesn't happen except in the rarefied world of partisan politics. In the real world if a prosecutor decides to drop the case for whatever reason the judge dismisses it.
A sitting judge with many years & an unblemished record being used in a total party over sanity move. SAD
A sitting judge with many years & an unblemished record being used in a total party over sanity move. SAD
He's been quietly putting people away for a corrupt FBI and CIA with a 99% conviction rate in the Eastern District of Virginia. That's being part of the deep state, not an honorable judge. Sully is another swamp creature who needs to swim away.
So I don't see how Judge Sullivan can just say "poof" and make it all go away. Not after the guilty plea.
Knowing the facts of the case, as the whole world now does , he is obligated to say 'poof' and dismiss this horrendous case of injustice, or show himself to be a lowlife partisan hack.

Adam Schiff should be a witness in a new trial for withholding exculpatory evidence if you want to talk about guilt and innocence.. A normal judge would be absolutely livid over the FBI's gross abuse of power and the prosecution
deceiving his court in this manner.
You're a nut, he's under no such obligation. He doesn't work for the Justice Department, though he can consider recommendations they may offer. His duty is to the justice embodied in his court. And in that court is a man who pleaded guilty.
Some of y’all seem to have an unhealthy obsession with fantasizing about the deaths of people.
Instead of suicide you can all move to China for all I care.
Y’all seem to be mixing violence and politics.

Not good.
That's what 3 1/2 years of lies from the DNC and MSM about our president
does to people.

Actually...that's what having Trump as a cult leader does to people.
Charges against President Trump's former national security adviser Michael Flynn should have never been brought, Ken Starr said Saturday.

Here's more...

Ken Starr?????? Don't make me laugh.

Whose funnier Ken Starr or:
Janet Reno?
Eric Holder?
Adam Schiff?
Jerry Nadler?
Emmit Sullivan?
Loretta Lynch?
Robert Mueller?
James Comey?

IMHO the democrats are MUCH funnier, should have been comedians.

All of the people on your list are elected officials who rendered distinguished service to their country throughout their lives.

Ken Starr spent 6 1/2 years and $100 million in taxpayers money and got a lie about a blow job and a coerced allegation of rape against Bill Clinton that Republicans have been using ever since the malign Clinton’s character because they couldn’t otherwise undermine the most popular President since Kennedy.

Funny? I don’t find any of it funny. Republicans have nothing to run on. Ever time they get behind the wheel of the American economy, they run it off the road into a tree.

Patching it up after 2008 wasn’t easy and like the family car that’s been in one wreck too many, this may spell the end for the USA.

Trump tore up all your trade deals before this mess. The Chinese will be calling their loans after the way Trump has acted over the virus. And America can’t pay.

Wouldn’t it be delicious after this if the USA has to sign over all of its assets to China because of Trump’s debts?

Even worse, Ken Starr should never have been allowed to investigate Bill Clinton since he had already filed an amicus curaie on behalf of Paula Jones lawsuit against Clinton.

For our lowbrow righties here who are simply incapable of understanding that -- Judge Sullivan just asked retired judge John Gleeson to submit an amicus curaie on behalf of his court to weigh charges of perjury on Flynn. Appointing Starr to investigate Clinton would be like now appointing Gleeson to investigate Impeached Trump. How well do you rightards think such an appointment would go over?

Bullshit. Sullivan is CIA, appointed by Bill Clinton.
He's a dead chicken with strings attached. You don't get more deep state puppet than him.

It seems like the only way for Trumpists to rationalize anyone who speaks the truth or follows the law where it comes to Trump is to assign them a Deep State residency. That conspiracy theory is full of people. Don't know how you keep it straight.

Sullivan was appointed by Reagan, Bush, and Clinton.
But more to the issue, the problem with Flynn's argument is that once he pled guilty, he was convicted and gave up any right to appeal his conviction. It's FINAL. That's how guilty pleas work. Flynn gives up rights, and the govt recommends a "lenient" sentence. Because Flynn hasn't been sentenced, he in theory at least could be allowed to withdraw his guilty plea.
He should be able to withdraw his plea. Especially when the prosecutors failed to turn over exculpatory evidence. They have basically admitted to doing so and have asked the Court to dismiss the case on that basis.

But Flynn or anyone else has to have a reason to be allowed to withdraw the plea. Flynn's basic reason is his lawyers didn't know that the FBI was not totally behind his being questioned in the first place. Personally, I agree the FBI should not have basically gone fishing for perjury. (See Bill Clinton above) But the problem is that Flynn cannot now say "oh I didn't lie." Remember how that worked out for Clinton.
So, you propose that they cannot/should not set a perjury trap, but if they do, and be pleads guilty, they have him in another perjury trap and he can either maintain his ill-gotten guilty plea, or be prosecuted for perjury FROM HIS ILL-GOTTEN GUILTY PLEA???

So I don't see how Judge Sullivan can just say "poof" and make it all go away. Not after the guilty plea. I think he can sentence Flynn to the absolute minimum under the federal sentencing guidelines and in a sentencing hearing he can express "outrage" a the FBI. And Trump can pardon him the day after the election.
Why not? Why can't the judge, who by all accounts, has no discretion to deny a joint or agreed motion to dismiss a criminal matter, do his ministerial non-discretionary duty and dismiss the case, like thousands of other judges have done for centuries?

Why is this case different? Because this is a big political battle and the judge is playing politics? I can't see any other reason for the judge's actions. He is acting as prosecutor now.

Name a party with standing in a criminal case who could object or appeal Sullivan's decision to grant the joint motion to dismiss? NOBODY!!!

That is, unless the judge INVITES people who have no standing to object, so he can give himself an excuse to deny it.

This REEKS of politics.

Here's an update, despite the disinformation trolls posting here.:rolleyes:

That's not an update, that's Flynn's attorney looking to find another judge who will just acquiesce to Impeached Trump's Justice Department, without even considering Flynn's guilty plea, and let her client walk free.
Here's an update, despite the disinformation trolls posting here.:rolleyes:

That's not an update, that's Flynn's attorney looking to find another judge who will just concede to the Justice Department, without even considering Flynn's guilty plea, and let her client walk free.

It seems like the only way for Trumpists to rationalize anyone who speaks the truth or follows the law where it comes to Trump is to assign them a Deep State residency. That conspiracy theory is full of people. Don't know how you keep it straight.

Sullivan was appointed by Reagan, Bush, and Clinton.
Clever girl.
Keep playing your little game of hide and seek with the facts
until the truth comes up behind you.
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It seems like the only way for Trumpists to rationalize anyone who speaks the truth or follows the law where it comes to Trump is to assign them a Deep State residency. That conspiracy theory is full of people. Don't know how you keep it straight.

Sullivan was appointed by Reagan, Bush, and Clinton.
Clever girl.
Kepp playing your little game of hide and seek with the facts
until the truth comes up behind you.

I prefer facts to conspiracy theory.
But more to the issue, the problem with Flynn's argument is that once he pled guilty, he was convicted and gave up any right to appeal his conviction. It's FINAL. That's how guilty pleas work. Flynn gives up rights, and the govt recommends a "lenient" sentence. Because Flynn hasn't been sentenced, he in theory at least could be allowed to withdraw his guilty plea.
He should be able to withdraw his plea. Especially when the prosecutors failed to turn over exculpatory evidence. They have basically admitted to doing so and have asked the Court to dismiss the case on that basis.

But Flynn or anyone else has to have a reason to be allowed to withdraw the plea. Flynn's basic reason is his lawyers didn't know that the FBI was not totally behind his being questioned in the first place. Personally, I agree the FBI should not have basically gone fishing for perjury. (See Bill Clinton above) But the problem is that Flynn cannot now say "oh I didn't lie." Remember how that worked out for Clinton.
So, you propose that they cannot/should not set a perjury trap, but if they do, and be pleads guilty, they have him in another perjury trap and he can either maintain his ill-gotten guilty plea, or be prosecuted for perjury FROM HIS ILL-GOTTEN GUILTY PLEA???

So I don't see how Judge Sullivan can just say "poof" and make it all go away. Not after the guilty plea. I think he can sentence Flynn to the absolute minimum under the federal sentencing guidelines and in a sentencing hearing he can express "outrage" a the FBI. And Trump can pardon him the day after the election.
Why not? Why can't the judge, who by all accounts, has no discretion to deny a joint or agreed motion to dismiss a criminal matter, do his ministerial non-discretionary duty and dismiss the case, like thousands of other judges have done for centuries?

Why is this case different? Because this is a big political battle and the judge is playing politics? I can't see any other reason for the judge's actions. He is acting as prosecutor now.

Name a party with standing in a criminal case who could object or appeal Sullivan's decision to grant the joint motion to dismiss? NOBODY!!!

That is, unless the judge INVITES people who have no standing to object, so he can give himself an excuse to deny it.

This REEKS of politics.

No, they shouldn't. None of that is relevant to Flynn's guilty plea. He pled guilty because he lied, he knew he lied, and was hoping he could strike a deal with prosecutors so they'd go easy on him. Nothing changes that.

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