Judge Emmett Sullivan should resign or dismiss the Flynn case.

Charges against President Trump's former national security adviser Michael Flynn should have never been brought, Ken Starr said Saturday.

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Flynn shoulda thought about that before he pissed Sullivan off

He's fucked if trump doesn't get re elected.
My the Trump haters are flocking in today aren't they ?:rolleyes:
Even the moderators, right
Peter Coyote ?
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Charges against President Trump's former national security adviser Michael Flynn should have never been brought, Ken Starr said Saturday.

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Ken Starr? The bozo who ran the real witch hunt to get Clinton, and failed.
Imagine if Flynn was a black general under Obama ?:icon_sjung:
The 180°
by the left would be so obvious it's not funny.
But more to the issue, the problem with Flynn's argument is that once he pled guilty, he was convicted and gave up any right to appeal his conviction. It's FINAL. That's how guilty pleas work. Flynn gives up rights, and the govt recommends a "lenient" sentence. Because Flynn hasn't been sentenced, he in theory at least could be allowed to withdraw his guilty plea.
He should be able to withdraw his plea. Especially when the prosecutors failed to turn over exculpatory evidence. They have basically admitted to doing so and have asked the Court to dismiss the case on that basis.

But Flynn or anyone else has to have a reason to be allowed to withdraw the plea. Flynn's basic reason is his lawyers didn't know that the FBI was not totally behind his being questioned in the first place. Personally, I agree the FBI should not have basically gone fishing for perjury. (See Bill Clinton above) But the problem is that Flynn cannot now say "oh I didn't lie." Remember how that worked out for Clinton.
So, you propose that they cannot/should not set a perjury trap, but if they do, and be pleads guilty, they have him in another perjury trap and he can either maintain his ill-gotten guilty plea, or be prosecuted for perjury FROM HIS ILL-GOTTEN GUILTY PLEA???

So I don't see how Judge Sullivan can just say "poof" and make it all go away. Not after the guilty plea. I think he can sentence Flynn to the absolute minimum under the federal sentencing guidelines and in a sentencing hearing he can express "outrage" a the FBI. And Trump can pardon him the day after the election.
Why not? Why can't the judge, who by all accounts, has no discretion to deny a joint or agreed motion to dismiss a criminal matter, do his ministerial non-discretionary duty and dismiss the case, like thousands of other judges have done for centuries?

Why is this case different? Because this is a big political battle and the judge is playing politics? I can't see any other reason for the judge's actions. He is acting as prosecutor now.

Name a party with standing in a criminal case who could object or appeal Sullivan's decision to grant the joint motion to dismiss? NOBODY!!!

That is, unless the judge INVITES people who have no standing to object, so he can give himself an excuse to deny it.

This REEKS of politics.


Whether Flynn fell to politics or not is not really any of the Judge's business. Whether you like or I like it isn't really an issue. I certainly didn't like it when Starr maneuvered Clinton into perjury. But … SHIT HAPPENS. Slick was guilty. Flynn is guilty.

One more time. He pled guilty. That means he is really guilty. The only way out is if J. Sullivan lets him withdraw his plea. The problem is that J. Sullivan appears to convinced Flynn is a lying scum. We know that while Flynn was advising candidate Trump, he was taking money from Turkey without telling Trump … or anyone. We also know that Flynn did not list his trips to Saudi Arabia to discuss NUCLEAR REACTORS on his application to renew his security clearance. They blew up the Towers. That doesn't seem like something one would "forget."

But Trump can just pardon him.
One more time. He pled guilty. That means he is really guilty.
No it doesn't. Coercing a guilty plea by prosucatorial misconduct and failure to produce exculpatory evidence does not make him guilty.

Once again, you are decrying the abusive use of a perjury trap and admitting that it was prosecutorial misconduct, but you appear to not even want to allow him a trial, much less allow the prosector to dismiss the case. You can't see how blindingly obtuse you are being by telling us "Oh, well. Tough shit. Sucks for him."

This is all politics and you want Flynn to go down out of pure politics. Admit it.

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One more time. He pled guilty. That means he is really guilty.
No it doesn't. Coercing a guilty plea by prosucatorial misconduct and failure to produce exculpatory evidence does not make him guilty.

Once again, you are decrying the abusive use of a perjury trap and admitting that it was prosecutorial misconduct, but you appear to not even want to allow him a trial, much less allow the prosector to dismiss the case. You can't see how blindingly obtuse you are being by telling us "Oh, well. Tough shit. Sucks for him."

This is all politics and you want Flynn to go down out of pure politics. Admit it.

His guilty plea makes him guilty. Nothing changes that.
Charges against President Trump's former national security adviser Michael Flynn should have never been brought, Ken Starr said Saturday.

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Flynn shoulda thought about that before he pissed Sullivan off

He's fucked if trump doesn't get re elected.

You can bet whatever you like that if Flynn's case is not dismissed and Trump is not re-elected then he will issue a pardon to Flynn before he leaves office. AS HE SHOULD, this whole sorry miscarriage of justice is despicable. At that point there ain't jack shit the Dems can do to Flynn after that.
Imagine if Flynn was a black general under Obama ?:icon_sjung:
The 180°
by the left would be so obvious it's not funny.

Obama wouldn’t have hired him. Obama would have vetted him, found the bribery from Russia and Turkey, and taken a pass.

Obama actually vetted people’s qualifications and history before appointing them. If you weren’t both qualified and free from corruption, you weren’t hired.

Trump didn’t do any of that. His cabinet was the least educated and the least qualified in history and the most corrupt.
His guilty plea makes him guilty. Nothing changes that.
Then I want every motherfucker whoever pled guilty who was later exonerated via DNA evidence to go right back to jail where they belong or to the chair.

Any motherfucker who was beaten within an inch of his life and coerced to plead guilty is now, hereby declared guilty AND NOTHING CAN CHANGE THAT.

Let's go back to 1950s Mississippi and start beating black dudes in the confessing and pleading guilty, then IGNORE such government misconduct and deny all efforts of those black dudes to withdraw those coerced pleas. The reason: BECAUSE THEY PLEAD GUILTY!!!


Let's do this shit, you ignorant fucks. Surely this will never happen to you someday.

His guilty plea makes him guilty. Nothing changes that.
Then I want every motherfucker whoever pled guilty who was later exonerated via DNA evidence to go right back to jail where they belong or to the chair.

Any motherfucker who was beaten within an inch of his life and coerced to plead guilty is now, hereby declared guilty AND NOTHING CAN CHANGE THAT.

Let's go back to 1950s Mississippi and start beating black dudes in the confessing and pleading guilty, then IGNORE such government misconduct and deny all efforts of those black dudes to withdraw those coerced pleas. The reason: BECAUSE THEY PLEAD GUILTY!!!


Let's do this shit, you ignorant fucks. Surely this will never happen to you someday.

Faun is a disinformation agent.
I stopped taking him /her ? seriously a long time ago.
(Funny how him/her and candycorn are very similar...wonder if that's a coincidence)
Charges against President Trump's former national security adviser Michael Flynn should have never been brought, Ken Starr said Saturday.

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Flynn shoulda thought about that before he pissed Sullivan off

He's fucked if trump doesn't get re elected.

You can bet whatever you like that if Flynn's case is not dismissed and Trump is not re-elected then he will issue a pardon to Flynn before he leaves office. AS HE SHOULD, this whole sorry miscarriage of justice is despicable. At that point there ain't jack shit the Dems can do to Flynn after that.

Yea free martha stewart too

Fuck tha police we can lie to em
Yea free martha stewart too

Fuck tha police we can lie to em
The children's board is down below, Huckleberry.

Ohhh the hypocrisy comes out

This is normal pig stuff and you people are shocked exculpatory evidence was withheld and people can be held accountable for lying to law enforcement. Welcome to the real world you fucking retards

Mike Flynn and his dumbass son are scum bags. Fuck em
As you know, and refuse to acknowledge, the notes in the recently declassified documents are not the only thing pointing to questionable behavior by the prosecution. They also withheld exculpatory evidence from the defense. A major issue!
As you know, that's a lie.

You're way too easy. Instead of CNN, MSNBC, MediaMatters and other sources you love, you need to get out a bit more.

Newly Filed Court Documents Include Exculpatory Evidence For Michael Flynn
New documents filed under seal in federal court include exculpatory information about former White House National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, an FBI official told The Federalist on Friday.
APRIL 24, 2020 By Sean Davis
New court documents filed under seal include significant exculpatory information about Michael Flynn, President Donald Trump’s former National Security Adviser, an FBI official familiar with the situation told The Federalist on Friday. The new documents, which were filed under seal by the Department of Justice Friday, allegedly include exonerating evidence about Flynn, who pleaded guilty to lying to federal investigators about his conversations with foreign diplomats as Trump’s top incoming foreign policy adviser and is currently attempting to withdraw his plea, as well as evidence of malfeasance by the FBI during its investigation of Flynn.
Ohhh the hypocrisy comes out

This is normal pig stuff and you people are shocked exculpatory evidence was withheld and people can be held accountable for lying to law enforcement. Welcome to the real world you fucking retards

Mike Flynn and his dumbass son are scum bags. Fuck em
Not shocked. Happy to see the truth coming out about, as the old left would have been. But the new Trump-hating left are not very smart as you prove every time you post something. You're the fucking hypocrite, but you're scared to face it.
Charges against President Trump's former national security adviser Michael Flynn should have never been brought, Ken Starr said Saturday.

Here's more...

Flynn shoulda thought about that before he pissed Sullivan off

He's fucked if trump doesn't get re elected.

You can bet whatever you like that if Flynn's case is not dismissed and Trump is not re-elected then he will issue a pardon to Flynn before he leaves office. AS HE SHOULD, this whole sorry miscarriage of justice is despicable. At that point there ain't jack shit the Dems can do to Flynn after that.

So we shouldn't prosecute friends of the president because they stand a good chance of being pardoned?

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