Judge Emmett Sullivan should resign or dismiss the Flynn case.

Flynn’s new lawyers cite these notes, which were presumably written by then-FBI counterintelligence chief Bill Priestap, as supposed smoking-gun evidence that the FBI was seeking to entrap Flynn in a lie. The trouble with that argument is that absolutely nothing forced Flynn not to tell the truth in that interview. And while FBI officials appear to have discussed the strategic purpose of the interview, there’s nothing whatsoever wrong with that. To be sure, a possible criminal prosecution based on the Logan Act case was weak leverage, given that the statute has virtually no history of enforcement, but agents hold relatively weak leverage over witnesses all the time. And yes, it’s wrong for the bureau to set up an interview in the absence of a viable case in order to induce a witness to lie for purposes of prosecution, but there’s no evidence that is what happened—merely evidence that the possibility was on a list of possible strategic goals for the interview. And yes, the bureau will sometimes confront a witness with a lie and specifically warn the person about lying being a felony, but that is not a legal requirement.

In fact, the Flynn interview gave Flynn every opportunity to tell the truth. As the FBI’s partially redacted memo documenting Flynn’s interview reflects, the questions were careful. They were specific. The agents, as Strzok later recalled in a formal FBI interview of his own, planned to try to jog Flynn’s memory if he said he could not remember a detail by using the exact words they knew he had used in his conversation with Kislyak. And Flynn, as he admitted in open court—twice—did not tell the truth. That is not entrapment or a set-up, and it is very far indeed from outrageous government conduct. It’s conducting an interview—and a witness at the highest levels of government lying in it.
Flynn’s new lawyers cite these notes, which were presumably written by then-FBI counterintelligence chief Bill Priestap, as supposed smoking-gun evidence that the FBI was seeking to entrap Flynn in a lie. The trouble with that argument is that absolutely nothing forced Flynn not to tell the truth in that interview. And while FBI officials appear to have discussed the strategic purpose of the interview, there’s nothing whatsoever wrong with that. To be sure, a possible criminal prosecution based on the Logan Act case was weak leverage, given that the statute has virtually no history of enforcement, but agents hold relatively weak leverage over witnesses all the time. And yes, it’s wrong for the bureau to set up an interview in the absence of a viable case in order to induce a witness to lie for purposes of prosecution, but there’s no evidence that is what happened—merely evidence that the possibility was on a list of possible strategic goals for the interview. And yes, the bureau will sometimes confront a witness with a lie and specifically warn the person about lying being a felony, but that is not a legal requirement.

In fact, the Flynn interview gave Flynn every opportunity to tell the truth. As the FBI’s partially redacted memo documenting Flynn’s interview reflects, the questions were careful. They were specific. The agents, as Strzok later recalled in a formal FBI interview of his own, planned to try to jog Flynn’s memory if he said he could not remember a detail by using the exact words they knew he had used in his conversation with Kislyak. And Flynn, as he admitted in open court—twice—did not tell the truth. That is not entrapment or a set-up, and it is very far indeed from outrageous government conduct. It’s conducting an interview—and a witness at the highest levels of government lying in it.

As you know, and refuse to acknowledge, the notes in the recently declassified documents are not the only thing pointing to questionable behavior by the prosecution. They also withheld exculpatory evidence from the defense. A major issue!
This is one of the more comprehensive refutations of Billy the Bagman's pile of shit that I've seen.

The Justice Department’s Faulty Arguments in the Flynn Case

Charges against President Trump's former national security adviser Michael Flynn should have never been brought, Ken Starr said Saturday.

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Awe, poor babies. So frustrated because a judge won't let a convicted felon off the hook.


That would have been if the bitch had won.
I've seen the video. It's hilarious watching Gowdy get his shorts in a bunch over the FBI correctly exercising its discretion over whether they felt Hillary's actions deserved to be prosecuted.

BTW, nice deflection from the Flynn case.
As you know, and refuse to acknowledge, the notes in the recently declassified documents are not the only thing pointing to questionable behavior by the prosecution. They also withheld exculpatory evidence from the defense. A major issue!
As you know, that's a lie.
That would have been if the bitch had won.
I've seen the video. It's hilarious watching Gowdy get his shorts in a bunch over the FBI correctly exercising its discretion over whether they felt Hillary's actions deserved to be prosecuted.

BTW, nice deflection from the Flynn case.

It's not deflection when all this shit's connected to Hillary in one way or another.
Charges against President Trump's former national security adviser Michael Flynn should have never been brought, Ken Starr said Saturday.

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Ken Starr?????? Don't make me laugh.

Whose funnier Ken Starr or:
Janet Reno?
Eric Holder?
Adam Schiff?
Jerry Nadler?
Emmit Sullivan?
Loretta Lynch?
Robert Mueller?
James Comey?

IMHO the democrats are MUCH funnier, should have been comedians.

All of the people on your list are elected officials who rendered distinguished service to their country throughout their lives.

Ken Starr spent 6 1/2 years and $100 million in taxpayers money and got a lie about a blow job and a coerced allegation of rape against Bill Clinton that Republicans have been using ever since the malign Clinton’s character because they couldn’t otherwise undermine the most popular President since Kennedy.

Funny? I don’t find any of it funny. Republicans have nothing to run on. Ever time they get behind the wheel of the American economy, they run it off the road into a tree.

Patching it up after 2008 wasn’t easy and like the family car that’s been in one wreck too many, this may spell the end for the USA.

Trump tore up all your trade deals before this mess. The Chinese will be calling their loans after the way Trump has acted over the virus. And America can’t pay.

Wouldn’t it be delicious after this if the USA has to sign over all of its assets to China because of Trump’s debts?
Charges against President Trump's former national security adviser Michael Flynn should have never been brought, Ken Starr said Saturday.

Here's more...

Ken Starr?????? Don't make me laugh.

Whose funnier Ken Starr or:
Janet Reno?
Eric Holder?
Adam Schiff?
Jerry Nadler?
Emmit Sullivan?
Loretta Lynch?
Robert Mueller?
James Comey?

IMHO the democrats are MUCH funnier, should have been comedians.

All of the people on your list are elected officials who rendered distinguished service to their country throughout their lives.

Ken Starr spent 6 1/2 years and $100 million in taxpayers money and got a lie about a blow job and a coerced allegation of rape against Bill Clinton that Republicans have been using ever since the malign Clinton’s character because they couldn’t otherwise undermine the most popular President since Kennedy.

Funny? I don’t find any of it funny. Republicans have nothing to run on. Ever time they get behind the wheel of the American economy, they run it off the road into a tree.

Patching it up after 2008 wasn’t easy and like the family car that’s been in one wreck too many, this may spell the end for the USA.

Trump tore up all your trade deals before this mess. The Chinese will be calling their loans after the way Trump has acted over the virus. And America can’t pay.

Wouldn’t it be delicious after this if the USA has to sign over all of its assets to China because of Trump’s debts?

Even worse, Ken Starr should never have been allowed to investigate Bill Clinton since he had already filed an amicus curaie on behalf of Paula Jones lawsuit against Clinton.

For our lowbrow righties here who are simply incapable of understanding that -- Judge Sullivan just asked retired judge John Gleeson to submit an amicus curaie on behalf of his court to weigh charges of perjury on Flynn. Appointing Starr to investigate Clinton would be like now appointing Gleeson to investigate Impeached Trump. How well do you rightards think such an appointment would go over?
Ken Starr is a hack. Always has been.

But this guy (whom I knew personally, but don't ask how, fuck you, I am a night janitor) was Ken Starr's professor at Duke Law:


This guy had a VERY long career as a law professor and administrator (he is [or was] a Democrat, by the way). Back in 2000 or 2001, he told me that Ken Starr was the brightest student he ever had. He said that Ken Starr scored the highest grade he has ever awarded a law student, something that, as far as I know, has held up for nearly 50 years. So, there's that.

But, fuck Baylor. I hate those bastards as much as I hate the asswipes in Austin (if not more). Anybody working for Baylor is my mortal enemy so Ken Starr he can suck my red ass.

Charges against President Trump's former national security adviser Michael Flynn should have never been brought, Ken Starr said Saturday.

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Ken Starr is severely biased.

He's a really boring speaker too, if you listened to him during the "impeachment" hoax.
If he just wasn't so damn honest, huh ?
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Charges against President Trump's former national security adviser Michael Flynn should have never been brought, Ken Starr said Saturday.

Here's more...

Fake news.

Billy boy shouldn't be telling his prosecutors to cheat.

This nation paid dearly so Nancy Pelosi could engage her party in a circle jerk rather than preparing themselves for bad times like the Covid-19 outbreak. President Trump tells his people to get it right and let the lumps fall where they may. But you knew that, of course.

No one could have foreseen this. Many states were prepared for slowdowns but something like tihis is entirely different.

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