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Judge Sullivan Scrambles For A Lifeline To Bail HIMSELF Out Of Dropped Flynn Case

And he should sentence flynn. Flynn was not railroaded and he plea bargained to save himself from crimes they had him on.

See, THAT was a LIE...ne that has been repeatedly debunked...but don't let that stop you from continuing to parrot it over and over.

It's also amazing how Joe Biden can give a video-taped confession of committing extortion.....and you snowflakes bend over backwards trying to convince us what we saw was not what we REALLY saw....

...and Comey goes on TV during an interview and brags about how he blew off standard procedure of notifying the WH / WH Counsel of their intent to interview a Senior member of the WH so they could catch Flynn off guard and without legal counsel, and snowflakes again try to give us their Liberal / Probama interpretation of what we saw / heard.

We don't need your snowflake translation because we can see and hear for ourselves...and snowflake translation is just BS 90% of the time anyway.
The Swamp runs deep.

But GOD WINS this time (it always does really).:thup: Bless Trump Bless all patriots.
This pandemic is an act of god. Pay attention to how the US has been hit the hardest. God is not pleased with the US most of all and trump is the reason why.

Seriously. The Falwells and the Grahams are always quick to blame Acts of God on bad behaviour by Democrats - approving gay marriage, abortions, anything they don't like. But not a word about this pandemic which arrived within weeks of Trump's acquital in the Senate.

Followed by waves of tornados, and now, murder hornets. God must be totally pissed. And all of this started after Trump declared himself the "Chosen One", and these fools started staying God chose Donald Trump as his "imperfect vessel". God said "The hell he is".

Why would God choose a man who torments the poor and the children, who tears families apart, and only worships money? You had your chance to end the Presidency and you didn't and since then America has been utterly destroyed.
AMEN! Somebody tell it!

You said THAT to DL?!

Bwuhahaha..... Someone should tell that Obama keener what she needs to do to earn any ounce of credibility back is to admit she and Schiff lied about the Whistle Blower Law or provide that link she still claims exists....but can't seem to find to post it. :p Bwuhahahahaha...

'Amen! Somebody tell it!'

Well, if it is a LIE you want someone to tell, that Beau cave will do it.
And he should sentence flynn. Flynn was not railroaded and he plea bargained to save himself from crimes they had him on.

See, THAT was a LIE...ne that has been repeatedly debunked...but don't let that stop you from continuing to parrot it over and over.

It's also amazing how Joe Biden can give a video-taped confession of committing extortion.....and you snowflakes bend over backwards trying to convince us what we saw was not what we REALLY saw....

...and Comey goes on TV during an interview and brags about how he blew off standard procedure of notifying the WH / WH Counsel of their intent to interview a Senior member of the WH so they could catch Flynn off guard and without legal counsel, and snowflakes again try to give us their Liberal / Probama interpretation of what we saw / heard.

We don't need your snowflake translation because we can see and hear for ourselves...and snowflake translation is just BS 90% of the time anyway.

That is not a lie and it hasn't been debunked. In fact both Barr and Trump have been excoriated from all sides for this bullshit.

But keep trying to sell your bullshit Evgeny. It hasn't worked to this point, and it's really not working now.

80,000 dead,
The Swamp runs deep.

But GOD WINS this time (it always does really).:thup: Bless Trump Bless all patriots.
This pandemic is an act of god. Pay attention to how the US has been hit the hardest. God is not pleased with the US most of all and trump is the reason why.

Seriously. The Falwells and the Grahams are always quick to blame Acts of God on bad behaviour by Democrats - approving gay marriage, abortions, anything they don't like. But not a word about this pandemic which arrived within weeks of Trump's acquital in the Senate.

Followed by waves of tornados, and now, murder hornets. God must be totally pissed. And all of this started after Trump declared himself the "Chosen One", and these fools started staying God chose Donald Trump as his "imperfect vessel". God said "The hell he is".

Why would God choose a man who torments the poor and the children, who tears families apart, and only worships money? You had your chance to end the Presidency and you didn't and since then America has been utterly destroyed.

I love how you desperately attempt to twist every thread about Democrat scandal and crime into an attack on Trump and Republicans....totally against the rules of USMB.

'Amen' Somebody tell it!'

Go ahead, Obama keener!
That is not a lie and it hasn't been debunked. In fact both Barr and Trump have been excoriated from all sides for this bullshit.

Yes, yes, Democrats, their propaganda-pushing media, and proven liars like yourself have attacked Barr and Trump in the face of insurmountable, overwhelming evidence against the Democrats! Newsflash, Beau Cave, no one is listening to your Canuck BS any more - they are paying attention to the actual FACTS and evidence.
Judge Sulliven was right when he accused Flynn of being treasonous. Glad he is taking the time to consider this at least.
you define what flynn did as "treasonous" yet what schiff and obama and the left have done to trump (and no i don't care you hate trump and seem to feel he deserves different treatment than the rest of us because of that) - then yet again another reason why we will always have a hard time talking about this.

you go from talking over an issue to TREASONOUS!!! - an extreme view.

you don't appear to have, or at least discuss, middle of the road not pissed at trump views. they're all extreme; ergo...
We have redefined the definition of treason.
Treason is anything you do that doesn't conform to the two-tiered justice system that protects Democrats but convicts Republicans without evidence or probable cause.
The evidence against Flynn isn’t in doubt.

Sullivan mentioned treason but later apologized for it.

Vox, one of the lefties of lefty websites, called foul on it. I agree. People mentioning treason for Flynn are baseless.

Flynn needs to be free. He is a patriot who was railroaded by a corrupt Obama.

Why does a "patriot" lie his ass off to everyone and their mother?
Lie about what?

Did he lie, or did he just forget saying hello to some Russian prick during a party?

Apparently that's all he did.

He lied about liking Hanna Montana or some stupid insignificant shit, but people with TDS want him in prison. Hope the same happens to them.
You don’t even know? This has been in the news for years. How do you not know?

What was his specific lie? What was in the 302?

Yes. It was in the 302. How do you not know this?
Yeah......the falsified 302s. Not the original 302s that Obama had removed from the record.
The 302 was not falsified. The original was not removed from the record. These are lies.
Okay, Skippy.
You must watch MSNBC or CNN......because they refused to cover this story.
It’s pretty hard to cover things that never happened.

I’ve read the allegations. The judge smacked them down. Powell is a hack and has been chastised for unprofessional behavior before the court. Not even Trump’s DoJ hack makes this claim.
And yet Powell is winning.

Only because Flynn has political connections and Barr is personally interfering.
whatever keeps the hate alive, huh?

no. not deranged and led by emotion at all, no.

What ever you say dude. It has nothing do with "hate" and everything to do with facts.

Twice now, Barr has UNPRECEDENTLY intervened in trials - against his own DoJ, against the prosecutors (who quit in protest). That should tell you something.

The judge in the case, who has seen all the released documentation, doesn't have a political horse in this charade, has declined to allow the plea to be withdrawn and rejected the claims.

Flynn TWICE plead guilty, TWICE accepted responsibility, TWICE stated he wasn't tricked or coerced or trapped.

Those are FACTS - and you prove my point exactly. You promotly label it "hate" and "emotion" and "TDS" because it does not agree with your view.


Why is it only those with close connections to Trump get this special intersession unprecedented from Barr?

Presumably all those DoJ career attorneys are now going to be labeled deep state, the judge (who was appointed to posts by Reagan, Bush, and Clinton) is now being labeled "Rhino" and deep state (seriously? Rhino? As if a judge should ever be political)?

But ya, sure dude - chalk it all up to hate :)
If he plead guilty to trumped up charges it doesn't matter how many times he was forced to do it. It was still, according to Declassified Court Documents, a miscarriage of justice from day-one. Barr had little to do with the fact that prosecutors had to drop charges. A guilty plea under duress does not change that fact.

Barr had everything to do with it. They wouldn't have been dropped otherwise nor were they trumped up. He lied. He didn't have to. That is a fact.
are you sure it's a fact or do you just believe it?
The Swamp runs deep.

But GOD WINS this time (it always does really).:thup: Bless Trump Bless all patriots.
This pandemic is an act of god. Pay attention to how the US has been hit the hardest. God is not pleased with the US most of all and trump is the reason why.

Seriously. The Falwells and the Grahams are always quick to blame Acts of God on bad behaviour by Democrats - approving gay marriage, abortions, anything they don't like. But not a word about this pandemic which arrived within weeks of Trump's acquital in the Senate.

Followed by waves of tornados, and now, murder hornets. God must be totally pissed. And all of this started after Trump declared himself the "Chosen One", and these fools started staying God chose Donald Trump as his "imperfect vessel". God said "The hell he is".

Why would God choose a man who torments the poor and the children, who tears families apart, and only worships money? You had your chance to end the Presidency and you didn't and since then America has been utterly destroyed.
Exactly. This pandemic is a plague that god has put on us. Our nation has been hit the hardest with it even though we have the most money, the best doctors, the best facilities, the greatest research institutions but still we cannot stop the infections and death. God is pissed at America the most for our sinful ways and our refusal to stop doing them. trump wants to blame china but American christian hypocrisy is why we are the nation suffering the most from this pandemic. Those terrible sinful Muslims aren't suffering like we are.

If we re elect trump America will be destroyed. God will not continue tolerating trump and if these republicans are wise, they better drop trump before their party gets destroyed as well. God does not play and when he is pissed there ain't a damn thing anybody can do to stop the asswhippin he is going to dish out.

The trump supporters will diss this and I'll get all the laughs and crazy, but that's OK, because the deaths continue to increase, now we see the rural red states with increasing cases of COVID19. America has been put in time out and no amount of what these losers do or say changes that. .
That is not a lie and it hasn't been debunked. In fact both Barr and Trump have been excoriated from all sides for this bullshit.

Yes, yes, Democrats, their propaganda-pushing media, and proven liars like yourself have attacked Barr and Trump in the face of insurmountable, overwhelming evidence against the Democrats! Newsflash, Beau Cave, no one is listening to your Canuck BS any more - they are paying attention to the actual FACTS and evidence.
She has spoken facts. That's why:

Barr called on to resign over Flynn case by nearly 2,000 ex-Justice Department officials

Nearly 2,000 former Justice Department and FBI officials on Monday signed a letter demanding Attorney General William Barr resign over his “unprecedented” decision to drop the prosecution of Michael Flynn.

“If any of us, or anyone reading this statement who is not a friend of the President, were to lie to federal investigators in the course of a properly predicated counterintelligence investigation, and admit we did so under oath, we would be prosecuted for it,” the letter said.

The employees called for Mr. Barr to resign and asked Congress to censure the nation’s top law enforcement officer over “his repeated assaults on the rule of law and doing the president’s personal bidding rather than acting in the public interest.”

A judge who finds out he got played like a fiddle by the prosecution - a prosecution who lied to him, withheld evidence, trampled the accused Constitutional and Civil rights - and does not get PISSED and go off on them but instead chooses to go for what he stated 2 dozen times he would not allow in his court room in order to prolong the case / trial.....

Yeah, that smells worse than a hot slaughter house in mid-August.

'know what I'm saying?! :cool:

A judge who finds out he got played like a fiddle by the prosecution - a prosecution who lied to him, withheld evidence, trampled the accused Constitutional and Civil rights - and does not get PISSED

That’s because the judge knows that everything you just described is bullshit.
And he should sentence flynn. Flynn was not railroaded and he plea bargained to save himself from crimes they had him on.

See, THAT was a LIE...ne that has been repeatedly debunked...but don't let that stop you from continuing to parrot it over and over.

It's also amazing how Joe Biden can give a video-taped confession of committing extortion.....and you snowflakes bend over backwards trying to convince us what we saw was not what we REALLY saw....

...and Comey goes on TV during an interview and brags about how he blew off standard procedure of notifying the WH / WH Counsel of their intent to interview a Senior member of the WH so they could catch Flynn off guard and without legal counsel, and snowflakes again try to give us their Liberal / Probama interpretation of what we saw / heard.

We don't need your snowflake translation because we can see and hear for ourselves...and snowflake translation is just BS 90% of the time anyway.


But lets look at one of the things the judge can bring back on Flynn since he wants to play games.

First, Flynn accepted payments exceeding $65,000 from companies linked to Russia in 2015 – $45,000 of which was Flynn’s speaking fee paid by RT, the Russian government’s English language television channel. This is a problem. Under federal law, former military officers need to get approval for foreign employment. And while there is a charming photo of Flynn sitting next to Vladimir V. Putin at the RT gala following Flynn’s speech, there isn’t any paper trail of Flynn’s having asked permission before his keynote.

Flynn’s failure to request the necessary permission is just the prelude to the theme, though. In January 2016, while Flynn was applying for renewal of his security clearance, he filled out form SF-86. That would have been the time for him to disclose the whole $45K-for-a-Russian-speech thing; yet, any mention of the speech was conspicuously absent from the form.

“The failure to properly report the RT payment on his SF-86 is potentially the most significant issue for Flynn from a criminal context. Knowing and willful failure to provide relevant and material information on security paperwork is a felony under 18 USC 1001, punishable by up to 5 years in prison.”

A judge who finds out he got played like a fiddle by the prosecution - a prosecution who lied to him, withheld evidence, trampled the accused Constitutional and Civil rights - and does not get PISSED and go off on them but instead chooses to go for what he stated 2 dozen times he would not allow in his court room in order to prolong the case / trial.....

Yeah, that smells worse than a hot slaughter house in mid-August.

'know what I'm saying?! :cool:

Since that did not happen....
Exactly. This pandemic is a plague that god has put on us.

Many would argue that is EXACTLY what Obama and his most criminal administration in US history was....
Judge Sulliven was right when he accused Flynn of being treasonous. Glad he is taking the time to consider this at least.
you define what flynn did as "treasonous" yet what schiff and obama and the left have done to trump (and no i don't care you hate trump and seem to feel he deserves different treatment than the rest of us because of that) - then yet again another reason why we will always have a hard time talking about this.

you go from talking over an issue to TREASONOUS!!! - an extreme view.

you don't appear to have, or at least discuss, middle of the road not pissed at trump views. they're all extreme; ergo...
We have redefined the definition of treason.
Treason is anything you do that doesn't conform to the two-tiered justice system that protects Democrats but convicts Republicans without evidence or probable cause.
The evidence against Flynn isn’t in doubt.

Sullivan mentioned treason but later apologized for it.

Vox, one of the lefties of lefty websites, called foul on it. I agree. People mentioning treason for Flynn are baseless.

Flynn needs to be free. He is a patriot who was railroaded by a corrupt Obama.

Why does a "patriot" lie his ass off to everyone and their mother?
Lie about what?

Did he lie, or did he just forget saying hello to some Russian prick during a party?

Apparently that's all he did.

He lied about liking Hanna Montana or some stupid insignificant shit, but people with TDS want him in prison. Hope the same happens to them.
You don’t even know? This has been in the news for years. How do you not know?

What was his specific lie? What was in the 302?

Yes. It was in the 302. How do you not know this?
Yeah......the falsified 302s. Not the original 302s that Obama had removed from the record.
The 302 was not falsified. The original was not removed from the record. These are lies.
Okay, Skippy.
You must watch MSNBC or CNN......because they refused to cover this story.
It’s pretty hard to cover things that never happened.

I’ve read the allegations. The judge smacked them down. Powell is a hack and has been chastised for unprofessional behavior before the court. Not even Trump’s DoJ hack makes this claim.
And yet Powell is winning.

Only because Flynn has political connections and Barr is personally interfering.
Bullshit. The case was shit from the start. Get a clue, hack.
Since that did not happen....

Yeah, withholding the fact that FBI agents believed Flynn did not lie, that they found no crime and were about to close the case until co-conspirator Strzok stopped them, ordered the case to remain open for no reason (except to affect the Perjury Trap and go fishing) and it was Strzok who overrode Agents' call and had Flynn charged with lying to the FBI....yeah,except for all of THAT you may have a point....
Judge Sulliven was right when he accused Flynn of being treasonous. Glad he is taking the time to consider this at least.
you define what flynn did as "treasonous" yet what schiff and obama and the left have done to trump (and no i don't care you hate trump and seem to feel he deserves different treatment than the rest of us because of that) - then yet again another reason why we will always have a hard time talking about this.

you go from talking over an issue to TREASONOUS!!! - an extreme view.

you don't appear to have, or at least discuss, middle of the road not pissed at trump views. they're all extreme; ergo...
We have redefined the definition of treason.
Treason is anything you do that doesn't conform to the two-tiered justice system that protects Democrats but convicts Republicans without evidence or probable cause.
The evidence against Flynn isn’t in doubt.

Sullivan mentioned treason but later apologized for it.

Vox, one of the lefties of lefty websites, called foul on it. I agree. People mentioning treason for Flynn are baseless.

Flynn needs to be free. He is a patriot who was railroaded by a corrupt Obama.

Why does a "patriot" lie his ass off to everyone and their mother?
Lie about what?

Did he lie, or did he just forget saying hello to some Russian prick during a party?

Apparently that's all he did.

He lied about liking Hanna Montana or some stupid insignificant shit, but people with TDS want him in prison. Hope the same happens to them.
You don’t even know? This has been in the news for years. How do you not know?

What was his specific lie? What was in the 302?

Yes. It was in the 302. How do you not know this?
Yeah......the falsified 302s. Not the original 302s that Obama had removed from the record.
The 302 was not falsified. The original was not removed from the record. These are lies.
Okay, Skippy.
You must watch MSNBC or CNN......because they refused to cover this story.
It’s pretty hard to cover things that never happened.

I’ve read the allegations. The judge smacked them down. Powell is a hack and has been chastised for unprofessional behavior before the court. Not even Trump’s DoJ hack makes this claim.
And yet Powell is winning.

Only because Flynn has political connections and Barr is personally interfering.
whatever keeps the hate alive, huh?

no. not deranged and led by emotion at all, no.

What ever you say dude. It has nothing do with "hate" and everything to do with facts.

Twice now, Barr has UNPRECEDENTLY intervened in trials - against his own DoJ, against the prosecutors (who quit in protest). That should tell you something.

The judge in the case, who has seen all the released documentation, doesn't have a political horse in this charade, has declined to allow the plea to be withdrawn and rejected the claims.

Flynn TWICE plead guilty, TWICE accepted responsibility, TWICE stated he wasn't tricked or coerced or trapped.

Those are FACTS - and you prove my point exactly. You promotly label it "hate" and "emotion" and "TDS" because it does not agree with your view.


Why is it only those with close connections to Trump get this special intersession unprecedented from Barr?

Presumably all those DoJ career attorneys are now going to be labeled deep state, the judge (who was appointed to posts by Reagan, Bush, and Clinton) is now being labeled "Rhino" and deep state (seriously? Rhino? As if a judge should ever be political)?

But ya, sure dude - chalk it all up to hate :)
Still denying reality.
Not even a perjury trap. That isn’t the charge.
There is no longer any 'charge' as the DOJ dropped its entire criminal case

Wow you seriously don't know what the fuck is going on- Flynn already pled guilty and DOJ's motion was HALTED.


I see "Thinker" is at it again. :rolleyes:

Flynn's case is still very much open, he can and probably will still get convicted. Let me know what part of that you are too stupid to understand.

Since there are no longer any charges, what will he be convicted for...Einstein.
There are still charges. The DOJ petioned the judge to drop them. It's his decision to make.
The case isn't the judge VS Michael Flynn.

The judge is there only to act as an arbiter of the facts of the case. He doesn't decide who gets charged or who doesn't. That's up to the State.
Exactly. This pandemic is a plague that god has put on us.

Many would argue that is EXACTLY what Obama and his most criminal administration in US history was....

I don't think so.

APR. 16, 2020, AT 1:44 PM

Gallup’s first retrospective job approval rating for Obama in 2018 — a barometer for how his presidential legacy was faring — was 63 percent. An average of YouGov polling collected between February 2019 and February 2020 found that 55 percent of Americans have a positive opinion of Obama.

Trump would sell all his properties if he could EVER have that kind of approval.
Since that did not happen....

Yeah, withholding the fact that FBI agents believed Flynn did not lie, that they found no crime and were about to close the case until co-conspirator Strzok stopped them, ordered the case to remain open for no reason (except to affect the Perjury Trap and go fishing) and it was Strzok who overrode Agents' call and had Flynn charged with lying to the FBI....yeah,except for all of THAT you may have a point....
That didn’t happen either.

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