Judge Sullivan Scrambles For A Lifeline To Bail HIMSELF Out Of Dropped Flynn Case

So go back and read from the start where Mueller started and ended and when mueller said he couldn’t charge a sitting president.

That was said by Mueller investigation. So ask Mueller.
The SCO decided to drop after the Brady evidence came out. As in Muellers SCO. They then went to Barr, and Barr agreed with them to drop it. The only person who wants it to continue is Sullivan.
If Sullivan just willy nilly agrees with Barr then he is part of the corruption. I admired Sullivan for standing up against Barr. Barr dropping the case doesn’t make Flynn innocent or free from any wrong doing.
Barr wasn’t the one who initiated the drop. Muellers SCO prosecutors are the one who decided to drop. The very same one who brought up the charges in the first place. Sullivan broke his own rules to try to suppress the evidence that lead to the SCO deciding to drop charges. Now he’s making up powers for himself like the ability to prosecute, judges can’t do that. He wants to prosecute Flynn with perjury for withdrawing his guilty plea, which is completely unheard of. He’s so bad an appellate court gave him 10 days to explain himself. Appellate courts never respond that quickly. Sullivan is a political hack.
Nah! If SCO initiated it why Barr get involved? Happened to be a close friend of Trump.
It doesn’t matter what how these are twisted. It doesn’t look good and it doesn’t sound good.
Flynn is a traitor to begin with even he became part of this administration. Pleaded guilty twice under oath. Now Flynn wants to withdraw his guilty plea?? Now he is innocent????
That is not acceptable. Crooked Barr is also involved with Stone case.
Just because you say nah, doesn’t make it true. They went to Barr because...wait for it...he’s the attorney general. Ok, I’ll give you minute to let your jaw hit the floor and another to pick it back up off the floor after that shocking news about Barr. Flynn only took the plea, he didn’t want to take in the first place, and fired his original legal team over, because the SCO threatened to go after his son if he didn’t. And no Flynn was not a traitor, he did not what most intelligence officers do when they’re out of government, they start intelligence firms. There’s 100s of them out there. His firm worked with a NATO ally in Turkey, gasp*, I know, the gall of him. Notice how SCO never came after him for his “traitorous” endeavors? Because there wasn’t any. That’s why they came after him for a perfectly legal phone call. He wasn’t the target either, trump was.
Flynn didn't want to take it??? He took it 3 times.
Over 97% of criminal court cases are guilty pleas. Have you not watched any Netflix doc about how bad our system is with guilty pleas? Here’s how it works, the prosecution comes after you hard, often tacks on charges they know will never work. Then they tell you the judge will throw the book at you, maximum sentences all around if you decide to take it to trial, which yes judges will do that often. Then they offer you a guilty plea, and our system is 97% of lawyers negotiating the guilty pleas.

In Flynn’s case, they threatened to go after his son. Obviously they had nothing on his son or else they would’ve went after a conviction there, and offered to lighten the sentence if Flynn cooperated. This is how prosecutions just work, especially when you’re trying to turn someone. The full force of the federal government on top of a young man, even though they did nothing wrong, is a huge fucking ordeal for that person financially, socially, and emotionally. This is why Flynn, who was almost made bankrupt himself, decided to take the plea to spare his son. That and the fact his original legal team was god awful, and have serious ethical questions they should answer for, like convincing Flynn to sign a paper waiving any exculpatory evidence that may later come out. That should’ve set off loud, ear piercing, wake up Helen Keller from a dead sleep, alarm bells for his original legal team. Obviously the move to fire them and hire the shark he currently has payed off dividends. The SCO decided to drop its own case they just wouldn’t let go of.
Nothing you posted refutes what I posted.
The fact that innocent people plead guilty all the time because of how our system is set up doesn’t refute why Flynn plead guilty? The fact he fired his original legal team, and multiple reports came out from several sources close to Flynn that he wanted to fight the case until they threatened to go after his son. The fact that he hired a new lawyer and withdrew his plea somehow doesn’t show he wanted to fight this case? You people are fucking mental. If Flynn was a black dude, accused of being a drug dealer, this would be the biggest case in history. I mean for fuck sake meek mill got his own documentary and became a whole movement for far less.
He pleaded guilty because he is guilty. Nothing you post refutes that. Even his current defense isn't that he didn't lie to the FBI, it's that he was entrapped and/or his lies were immaterial anyway.
They were, he was, and for the “lies” to be prosecutable they have to be material to an investigation. They closed the investigation on Flynn. So what investigation was Flynn’s “lie” material too? Why were they continuing to investigate him when they found zero wrongdoing, knew they couldn’t use the Logan Act, and knew the call was a perfectly legal, and appropriate call? I keep putting quotes around lie, because it sounds like, from reports, that the FBI was conflating 2 different topics they did not specify and Flynn only talked about the one of them. I imagine that this is the case, they did go after popadapolus for “lying” too because he got the date of a conversation wrong. Not the fact there was a conversation, or what was discussed, but the date it happened...so. They also threatened to go after his son, something they wouldn’t need to do if they had him dead to rights for lying.

So why were they interviewing him for a perfectly legal and appropriate phone call that they had the complete transcripts for? CAN

The answer is obvious, this just feels like playing where’s Waldo with a kid with Down syndrome, except waldos location is often way less obvious than this.
His call was potentially not legal and his lie was material.
No, FBI said the call was legal. We know the details around it. He asked Russia not to escalate, and he asked them to veto a vote reso in the UN. It also wasn’t material because the only investigation this call could be material too, they closed that investigation. And the only way they were able to tie that perfectly legal call to the investigation they closed was through the Logan act. At the time they also knew, according to Lisa Paige the Logan act wasn’t going to fly. A. The presidential elect transition team is a legal governmental entity since 1968, ipso facto Flynn can’t be charged with the law made in 1799 that zero people in history have been charged with B. The FBI would have to explain why it was in the US interest to want Russia to escalate, or why we’d want Russia to fuck over our strongest and most stable ally in the Middle East in favor for the worst of the terrorist supporting regimes of the world in Iran.

So not my words, but in the FBIs own words, the call was legal and there was no materiality to ANYTHING in the conversation, lies or truth. I could tell the FBI I shit rainbows, unless they’re investigating my digestive system, they can’t charge me.
Sullivan is smart enough to know that Lawyering Up after being called out by the Appellate Court makes him look like a partisan, criminal douche bag. Obviously he just doesn't care.

Why should he care? Attempting to drop charges against a self-admitted felon, who Trump himself fired for lying to the Vice-President, so Trump doesn’t have to pardon him in an election year, is about as corrupt and partisan as it gets.

Everything that you bring up that the judiciary, the Congress and the people of the United States are doing to counter the criminality and corruption of the Trump Regime, is simply a reminder of the depths or corruption this Administration has sought to cloak, in the cover of the pandemic.

Americans are noting the acceleration in the pace of early releases and dropping of charges before the election.

Trump wants desperately to keep his promise to the Russians to life those sanctions before he’s tossed out of office in November. He is legally barred from lifting sanctions by the veto-proof legislation passed almost unanimously right after his inauguration.

Trump made it clear with the Justice Department’s attack on the Chairman of the Senate Intel Committee within weeks of his issuing a Report saying Russia hacked the DNC, that there are consequences for those who continue to tell the truth to the American people that the Emperor has no clothes.

We see Trump’s attempt to discredit the truths of the Mueller Report as an excuse to lift sanctions against Russia. After all, if Russia really didn’t hack the DNC then Obama should not have sanctioned them.

If Russia did hack the DNC, then sanctions will never be lifted. That’s why Trump is desperate to promote the fiction that it wasn’t Russia.
They didn’t “attempt” to drop charges, moron.

The charges were dropped.

The judge hasn't ruled, so no, the charges have not been dropped.
Sullivan is smart enough to know that Lawyering Up after being called out by the Appellate Court makes him look like a partisan, criminal douche bag. Obviously he just doesn't care.

Why should he care? Attempting to drop charges against a self-admitted felon, who Trump himself fired for lying to the Vice-President, so Trump doesn’t have to pardon him in an election year, is about as corrupt and partisan as it gets.

Everything that you bring up that the judiciary, the Congress and the people of the United States are doing to counter the criminality and corruption of the Trump Regime, is simply a reminder of the depths or corruption this Administration has sought to cloak, in the cover of the pandemic.

Americans are noting the acceleration in the pace of early releases and dropping of charges before the election.

Trump wants desperately to keep his promise to the Russians to life those sanctions before he’s tossed out of office in November. He is legally barred from lifting sanctions by the veto-proof legislation passed almost unanimously right after his inauguration.

Trump made it clear with the Justice Department’s attack on the Chairman of the Senate Intel Committee within weeks of his issuing a Report saying Russia hacked the DNC, that there are consequences for those who continue to tell the truth to the American people that the Emperor has no clothes.

We see Trump’s attempt to discredit the truths of the Mueller Report as an excuse to lift sanctions against Russia. After all, if Russia really didn’t hack the DNC then Obama should not have sanctioned them.

If Russia did hack the DNC, then sanctions will never be lifted. That’s why Trump is desperate to promote the fiction that it wasn’t Russia.
They didn’t “attempt” to drop charges, moron.

The charges were dropped.

The judge hasn't ruled, so no, the charges have not been dropped.
Yes, they have. The prosecutors dropped the charges, any legit judge immediately dismisses the case once the charges are dropped.

You are just ignorant of how our system works, and you prove it here daily.
So go back and read from the start where Mueller started and ended and when mueller said he couldn’t charge a sitting president.

That was said by Mueller investigation. So ask Mueller.
The SCO decided to drop after the Brady evidence came out. As in Muellers SCO. They then went to Barr, and Barr agreed with them to drop it. The only person who wants it to continue is Sullivan.
If Sullivan just willy nilly agrees with Barr then he is part of the corruption. I admired Sullivan for standing up against Barr. Barr dropping the case doesn’t make Flynn innocent or free from any wrong doing.
Barr wasn’t the one who initiated the drop. Muellers SCO prosecutors are the one who decided to drop. The very same one who brought up the charges in the first place. Sullivan broke his own rules to try to suppress the evidence that lead to the SCO deciding to drop charges. Now he’s making up powers for himself like the ability to prosecute, judges can’t do that. He wants to prosecute Flynn with perjury for withdrawing his guilty plea, which is completely unheard of. He’s so bad an appellate court gave him 10 days to explain himself. Appellate courts never respond that quickly. Sullivan is a political hack.
Nah! If SCO initiated it why Barr get involved? Happened to be a close friend of Trump.
It doesn’t matter what how these are twisted. It doesn’t look good and it doesn’t sound good.
Flynn is a traitor to begin with even he became part of this administration. Pleaded guilty twice under oath. Now Flynn wants to withdraw his guilty plea?? Now he is innocent????
That is not acceptable. Crooked Barr is also involved with Stone case.
Just because you say nah, doesn’t make it true. They went to Barr because...wait for it...he’s the attorney general. Ok, I’ll give you minute to let your jaw hit the floor and another to pick it back up off the floor after that shocking news about Barr. Flynn only took the plea, he didn’t want to take in the first place, and fired his original legal team over, because the SCO threatened to go after his son if he didn’t. And no Flynn was not a traitor, he did not what most intelligence officers do when they’re out of government, they start intelligence firms. There’s 100s of them out there. His firm worked with a NATO ally in Turkey, gasp*, I know, the gall of him. Notice how SCO never came after him for his “traitorous” endeavors? Because there wasn’t any. That’s why they came after him for a perfectly legal phone call. He wasn’t the target either, trump was.
Flynn didn't want to take it??? He took it 3 times.
Over 97% of criminal court cases are guilty pleas. Have you not watched any Netflix doc about how bad our system is with guilty pleas? Here’s how it works, the prosecution comes after you hard, often tacks on charges they know will never work. Then they tell you the judge will throw the book at you, maximum sentences all around if you decide to take it to trial, which yes judges will do that often. Then they offer you a guilty plea, and our system is 97% of lawyers negotiating the guilty pleas.

In Flynn’s case, they threatened to go after his son. Obviously they had nothing on his son or else they would’ve went after a conviction there, and offered to lighten the sentence if Flynn cooperated. This is how prosecutions just work, especially when you’re trying to turn someone. The full force of the federal government on top of a young man, even though they did nothing wrong, is a huge fucking ordeal for that person financially, socially, and emotionally. This is why Flynn, who was almost made bankrupt himself, decided to take the plea to spare his son. That and the fact his original legal team was god awful, and have serious ethical questions they should answer for, like convincing Flynn to sign a paper waiving any exculpatory evidence that may later come out. That should’ve set off loud, ear piercing, wake up Helen Keller from a dead sleep, alarm bells for his original legal team. Obviously the move to fire them and hire the shark he currently has payed off dividends. The SCO decided to drop its own case they just wouldn’t let go of.
Nothing you posted refutes what I posted.
The fact that innocent people plead guilty all the time because of how our system is set up doesn’t refute why Flynn plead guilty? The fact he fired his original legal team, and multiple reports came out from several sources close to Flynn that he wanted to fight the case until they threatened to go after his son. The fact that he hired a new lawyer and withdrew his plea somehow doesn’t show he wanted to fight this case? You people are fucking mental. If Flynn was a black dude, accused of being a drug dealer, this would be the biggest case in history. I mean for fuck sake meek mill got his own documentary and became a whole movement for far less.
He pleaded guilty because he is guilty. Nothing you post refutes that. Even his current defense isn't that he didn't lie to the FBI, it's that he was entrapped and/or his lies were immaterial anyway.
They were, he was, and for the “lies” to be prosecutable they have to be material to an investigation. They closed the investigation on Flynn. So what investigation was Flynn’s “lie” material too? Why were they continuing to investigate him when they found zero wrongdoing, knew they couldn’t use the Logan Act, and knew the call was a perfectly legal, and appropriate call? I keep putting quotes around lie, because it sounds like, from reports, that the FBI was conflating 2 different topics they did not specify and Flynn only talked about the one of them. I imagine that this is the case, they did go after popadapolus for “lying” too because he got the date of a conversation wrong. Not the fact there was a conversation, or what was discussed, but the date it happened...so. They also threatened to go after his son, something they wouldn’t need to do if they had him dead to rights for lying.

So why were they interviewing him for a perfectly legal and appropriate phone call that they had the complete transcripts for? CAN

The answer is obvious, this just feels like playing where’s Waldo with a kid with Down syndrome, except waldos location is often way less obvious than this.
His call was potentially not legal and his lie was material.

Liberal dictionary:
Potentially not legal - legal.
Fucking moron, it means it warranted investigation. :eusa_doh:
So go back and read from the start where Mueller started and ended and when mueller said he couldn’t charge a sitting president.

That was said by Mueller investigation. So ask Mueller.
The SCO decided to drop after the Brady evidence came out. As in Muellers SCO. They then went to Barr, and Barr agreed with them to drop it. The only person who wants it to continue is Sullivan.
If Sullivan just willy nilly agrees with Barr then he is part of the corruption. I admired Sullivan for standing up against Barr. Barr dropping the case doesn’t make Flynn innocent or free from any wrong doing.
Barr wasn’t the one who initiated the drop. Muellers SCO prosecutors are the one who decided to drop. The very same one who brought up the charges in the first place. Sullivan broke his own rules to try to suppress the evidence that lead to the SCO deciding to drop charges. Now he’s making up powers for himself like the ability to prosecute, judges can’t do that. He wants to prosecute Flynn with perjury for withdrawing his guilty plea, which is completely unheard of. He’s so bad an appellate court gave him 10 days to explain himself. Appellate courts never respond that quickly. Sullivan is a political hack.
Nah! If SCO initiated it why Barr get involved? Happened to be a close friend of Trump.
It doesn’t matter what how these are twisted. It doesn’t look good and it doesn’t sound good.
Flynn is a traitor to begin with even he became part of this administration. Pleaded guilty twice under oath. Now Flynn wants to withdraw his guilty plea?? Now he is innocent????
That is not acceptable. Crooked Barr is also involved with Stone case.
Just because you say nah, doesn’t make it true. They went to Barr because...wait for it...he’s the attorney general. Ok, I’ll give you minute to let your jaw hit the floor and another to pick it back up off the floor after that shocking news about Barr. Flynn only took the plea, he didn’t want to take in the first place, and fired his original legal team over, because the SCO threatened to go after his son if he didn’t. And no Flynn was not a traitor, he did not what most intelligence officers do when they’re out of government, they start intelligence firms. There’s 100s of them out there. His firm worked with a NATO ally in Turkey, gasp*, I know, the gall of him. Notice how SCO never came after him for his “traitorous” endeavors? Because there wasn’t any. That’s why they came after him for a perfectly legal phone call. He wasn’t the target either, trump was.
Flynn didn't want to take it??? He took it 3 times.
Over 97% of criminal court cases are guilty pleas. Have you not watched any Netflix doc about how bad our system is with guilty pleas? Here’s how it works, the prosecution comes after you hard, often tacks on charges they know will never work. Then they tell you the judge will throw the book at you, maximum sentences all around if you decide to take it to trial, which yes judges will do that often. Then they offer you a guilty plea, and our system is 97% of lawyers negotiating the guilty pleas.

In Flynn’s case, they threatened to go after his son. Obviously they had nothing on his son or else they would’ve went after a conviction there, and offered to lighten the sentence if Flynn cooperated. This is how prosecutions just work, especially when you’re trying to turn someone. The full force of the federal government on top of a young man, even though they did nothing wrong, is a huge fucking ordeal for that person financially, socially, and emotionally. This is why Flynn, who was almost made bankrupt himself, decided to take the plea to spare his son. That and the fact his original legal team was god awful, and have serious ethical questions they should answer for, like convincing Flynn to sign a paper waiving any exculpatory evidence that may later come out. That should’ve set off loud, ear piercing, wake up Helen Keller from a dead sleep, alarm bells for his original legal team. Obviously the move to fire them and hire the shark he currently has payed off dividends. The SCO decided to drop its own case they just wouldn’t let go of.
Nothing you posted refutes what I posted.
The fact that innocent people plead guilty all the time because of how our system is set up doesn’t refute why Flynn plead guilty? The fact he fired his original legal team, and multiple reports came out from several sources close to Flynn that he wanted to fight the case until they threatened to go after his son. The fact that he hired a new lawyer and withdrew his plea somehow doesn’t show he wanted to fight this case? You people are fucking mental. If Flynn was a black dude, accused of being a drug dealer, this would be the biggest case in history. I mean for fuck sake meek mill got his own documentary and became a whole movement for far less.
He pleaded guilty because he is guilty. Nothing you post refutes that. Even his current defense isn't that he didn't lie to the FBI, it's that he was entrapped and/or his lies were immaterial anyway.
They were, he was, and for the “lies” to be prosecutable they have to be material to an investigation. They closed the investigation on Flynn. So what investigation was Flynn’s “lie” material too? Why were they continuing to investigate him when they found zero wrongdoing, knew they couldn’t use the Logan Act, and knew the call was a perfectly legal, and appropriate call? I keep putting quotes around lie, because it sounds like, from reports, that the FBI was conflating 2 different topics they did not specify and Flynn only talked about the one of them. I imagine that this is the case, they did go after popadapolus for “lying” too because he got the date of a conversation wrong. Not the fact there was a conversation, or what was discussed, but the date it happened...so. They also threatened to go after his son, something they wouldn’t need to do if they had him dead to rights for lying.

So why were they interviewing him for a perfectly legal and appropriate phone call that they had the complete transcripts for? CAN

The answer is obvious, this just feels like playing where’s Waldo with a kid with Down syndrome, except waldos location is often way less obvious than this.
His call was potentially not legal and his lie was material.

Liberal dictionary:
Potentially not legal - legal.
Fucking moron, it means it warranted investigation. :eusa_doh:
A thorough investigation they had already completed and concluded zero legality.
Sullivan using his 'Phone A TDS-Suffering Friend' lifeline to attempt to refuse to allow the case that has already been dropped to become officially over already exposed his Deep State / corrupt intentions.

Sullivan's lawyering up after the Appellate Court ordered HIM to respond to the DOJ's dropping of the case was just the 'exclamation point' to prove Sullivan's corrupt bias.

So go back and read from the start where Mueller started and ended and when mueller said he couldn’t charge a sitting president.

That was said by Mueller investigation. So ask Mueller.
The SCO decided to drop after the Brady evidence came out. As in Muellers SCO. They then went to Barr, and Barr agreed with them to drop it. The only person who wants it to continue is Sullivan.
If Sullivan just willy nilly agrees with Barr then he is part of the corruption. I admired Sullivan for standing up against Barr. Barr dropping the case doesn’t make Flynn innocent or free from any wrong doing.
Barr wasn’t the one who initiated the drop. Muellers SCO prosecutors are the one who decided to drop. The very same one who brought up the charges in the first place. Sullivan broke his own rules to try to suppress the evidence that lead to the SCO deciding to drop charges. Now he’s making up powers for himself like the ability to prosecute, judges can’t do that. He wants to prosecute Flynn with perjury for withdrawing his guilty plea, which is completely unheard of. He’s so bad an appellate court gave him 10 days to explain himself. Appellate courts never respond that quickly. Sullivan is a political hack.
Nah! If SCO initiated it why Barr get involved? Happened to be a close friend of Trump.
It doesn’t matter what how these are twisted. It doesn’t look good and it doesn’t sound good.
Flynn is a traitor to begin with even he became part of this administration. Pleaded guilty twice under oath. Now Flynn wants to withdraw his guilty plea?? Now he is innocent????
That is not acceptable. Crooked Barr is also involved with Stone case.
Just because you say nah, doesn’t make it true. They went to Barr because...wait for it...he’s the attorney general. Ok, I’ll give you minute to let your jaw hit the floor and another to pick it back up off the floor after that shocking news about Barr. Flynn only took the plea, he didn’t want to take in the first place, and fired his original legal team over, because the SCO threatened to go after his son if he didn’t. And no Flynn was not a traitor, he did not what most intelligence officers do when they’re out of government, they start intelligence firms. There’s 100s of them out there. His firm worked with a NATO ally in Turkey, gasp*, I know, the gall of him. Notice how SCO never came after him for his “traitorous” endeavors? Because there wasn’t any. That’s why they came after him for a perfectly legal phone call. He wasn’t the target either, trump was.
Flynn didn't want to take it??? He took it 3 times.
Over 97% of criminal court cases are guilty pleas. Have you not watched any Netflix doc about how bad our system is with guilty pleas? Here’s how it works, the prosecution comes after you hard, often tacks on charges they know will never work. Then they tell you the judge will throw the book at you, maximum sentences all around if you decide to take it to trial, which yes judges will do that often. Then they offer you a guilty plea, and our system is 97% of lawyers negotiating the guilty pleas.

In Flynn’s case, they threatened to go after his son. Obviously they had nothing on his son or else they would’ve went after a conviction there, and offered to lighten the sentence if Flynn cooperated. This is how prosecutions just work, especially when you’re trying to turn someone. The full force of the federal government on top of a young man, even though they did nothing wrong, is a huge fucking ordeal for that person financially, socially, and emotionally. This is why Flynn, who was almost made bankrupt himself, decided to take the plea to spare his son. That and the fact his original legal team was god awful, and have serious ethical questions they should answer for, like convincing Flynn to sign a paper waiving any exculpatory evidence that may later come out. That should’ve set off loud, ear piercing, wake up Helen Keller from a dead sleep, alarm bells for his original legal team. Obviously the move to fire them and hire the shark he currently has payed off dividends. The SCO decided to drop its own case they just wouldn’t let go of.
Nothing you posted refutes what I posted.
The fact that innocent people plead guilty all the time because of how our system is set up doesn’t refute why Flynn plead guilty? The fact he fired his original legal team, and multiple reports came out from several sources close to Flynn that he wanted to fight the case until they threatened to go after his son. The fact that he hired a new lawyer and withdrew his plea somehow doesn’t show he wanted to fight this case? You people are fucking mental. If Flynn was a black dude, accused of being a drug dealer, this would be the biggest case in history. I mean for fuck sake meek mill got his own documentary and became a whole movement for far less.
He pleaded guilty because he is guilty. Nothing you post refutes that. Even his current defense isn't that he didn't lie to the FBI, it's that he was entrapped and/or his lies were immaterial anyway.
They were, he was, and for the “lies” to be prosecutable they have to be material to an investigation. They closed the investigation on Flynn. So what investigation was Flynn’s “lie” material too? Why were they continuing to investigate him when they found zero wrongdoing, knew they couldn’t use the Logan Act, and knew the call was a perfectly legal, and appropriate call? I keep putting quotes around lie, because it sounds like, from reports, that the FBI was conflating 2 different topics they did not specify and Flynn only talked about the one of them. I imagine that this is the case, they did go after popadapolus for “lying” too because he got the date of a conversation wrong. Not the fact there was a conversation, or what was discussed, but the date it happened...so. They also threatened to go after his son, something they wouldn’t need to do if they had him dead to rights for lying.

So why were they interviewing him for a perfectly legal and appropriate phone call that they had the complete transcripts for? CAN

The answer is obvious, this just feels like playing where’s Waldo with a kid with Down syndrome, except waldos location is often way less obvious than this.
His call was potentially not legal and his lie was material.

Liberal dictionary:
Potentially not legal - legal.
Fucking moron, it means it warranted investigation. :eusa_doh:
Wrong. It means exactly the opposite. The FBI even concluded as much before the coup plotter Strozk stuck his nose into it.
So go back and read from the start where Mueller started and ended and when mueller said he couldn’t charge a sitting president.

That was said by Mueller investigation. So ask Mueller.
The SCO decided to drop after the Brady evidence came out. As in Muellers SCO. They then went to Barr, and Barr agreed with them to drop it. The only person who wants it to continue is Sullivan.
If Sullivan just willy nilly agrees with Barr then he is part of the corruption. I admired Sullivan for standing up against Barr. Barr dropping the case doesn’t make Flynn innocent or free from any wrong doing.
Barr wasn’t the one who initiated the drop. Muellers SCO prosecutors are the one who decided to drop. The very same one who brought up the charges in the first place. Sullivan broke his own rules to try to suppress the evidence that lead to the SCO deciding to drop charges. Now he’s making up powers for himself like the ability to prosecute, judges can’t do that. He wants to prosecute Flynn with perjury for withdrawing his guilty plea, which is completely unheard of. He’s so bad an appellate court gave him 10 days to explain himself. Appellate courts never respond that quickly. Sullivan is a political hack.
Nah! If SCO initiated it why Barr get involved? Happened to be a close friend of Trump.
It doesn’t matter what how these are twisted. It doesn’t look good and it doesn’t sound good.
Flynn is a traitor to begin with even he became part of this administration. Pleaded guilty twice under oath. Now Flynn wants to withdraw his guilty plea?? Now he is innocent????
That is not acceptable. Crooked Barr is also involved with Stone case.
Just because you say nah, doesn’t make it true. They went to Barr because...wait for it...he’s the attorney general. Ok, I’ll give you minute to let your jaw hit the floor and another to pick it back up off the floor after that shocking news about Barr. Flynn only took the plea, he didn’t want to take in the first place, and fired his original legal team over, because the SCO threatened to go after his son if he didn’t. And no Flynn was not a traitor, he did not what most intelligence officers do when they’re out of government, they start intelligence firms. There’s 100s of them out there. His firm worked with a NATO ally in Turkey, gasp*, I know, the gall of him. Notice how SCO never came after him for his “traitorous” endeavors? Because there wasn’t any. That’s why they came after him for a perfectly legal phone call. He wasn’t the target either, trump was.
Flynn didn't want to take it??? He took it 3 times.
Over 97% of criminal court cases are guilty pleas. Have you not watched any Netflix doc about how bad our system is with guilty pleas? Here’s how it works, the prosecution comes after you hard, often tacks on charges they know will never work. Then they tell you the judge will throw the book at you, maximum sentences all around if you decide to take it to trial, which yes judges will do that often. Then they offer you a guilty plea, and our system is 97% of lawyers negotiating the guilty pleas.

In Flynn’s case, they threatened to go after his son. Obviously they had nothing on his son or else they would’ve went after a conviction there, and offered to lighten the sentence if Flynn cooperated. This is how prosecutions just work, especially when you’re trying to turn someone. The full force of the federal government on top of a young man, even though they did nothing wrong, is a huge fucking ordeal for that person financially, socially, and emotionally. This is why Flynn, who was almost made bankrupt himself, decided to take the plea to spare his son. That and the fact his original legal team was god awful, and have serious ethical questions they should answer for, like convincing Flynn to sign a paper waiving any exculpatory evidence that may later come out. That should’ve set off loud, ear piercing, wake up Helen Keller from a dead sleep, alarm bells for his original legal team. Obviously the move to fire them and hire the shark he currently has payed off dividends. The SCO decided to drop its own case they just wouldn’t let go of.
Nothing you posted refutes what I posted.
The fact that innocent people plead guilty all the time because of how our system is set up doesn’t refute why Flynn plead guilty? The fact he fired his original legal team, and multiple reports came out from several sources close to Flynn that he wanted to fight the case until they threatened to go after his son. The fact that he hired a new lawyer and withdrew his plea somehow doesn’t show he wanted to fight this case? You people are fucking mental. If Flynn was a black dude, accused of being a drug dealer, this would be the biggest case in history. I mean for fuck sake meek mill got his own documentary and became a whole movement for far less.
He pleaded guilty because he is guilty. Nothing you post refutes that. Even his current defense isn't that he didn't lie to the FBI, it's that he was entrapped and/or his lies were immaterial anyway.
They were, he was, and for the “lies” to be prosecutable they have to be material to an investigation. They closed the investigation on Flynn. So what investigation was Flynn’s “lie” material too? Why were they continuing to investigate him when they found zero wrongdoing, knew they couldn’t use the Logan Act, and knew the call was a perfectly legal, and appropriate call? I keep putting quotes around lie, because it sounds like, from reports, that the FBI was conflating 2 different topics they did not specify and Flynn only talked about the one of them. I imagine that this is the case, they did go after popadapolus for “lying” too because he got the date of a conversation wrong. Not the fact there was a conversation, or what was discussed, but the date it happened...so. They also threatened to go after his son, something they wouldn’t need to do if they had him dead to rights for lying.

So why were they interviewing him for a perfectly legal and appropriate phone call that they had the complete transcripts for? CAN

The answer is obvious, this just feels like playing where’s Waldo with a kid with Down syndrome, except waldos location is often way less obvious than this.
His call was potentially not legal and his lie was material.

Liberal dictionary:
Potentially not legal - legal.
Fucking moron, it means it warranted investigation. :eusa_doh:
A thorough investigation they had already completed and concluded zero legality.
And then the investigation was reopened and Flynn was questioned by the FBI; to whom he lied.
So go back and read from the start where Mueller started and ended and when mueller said he couldn’t charge a sitting president.

That was said by Mueller investigation. So ask Mueller.
The SCO decided to drop after the Brady evidence came out. As in Muellers SCO. They then went to Barr, and Barr agreed with them to drop it. The only person who wants it to continue is Sullivan.
If Sullivan just willy nilly agrees with Barr then he is part of the corruption. I admired Sullivan for standing up against Barr. Barr dropping the case doesn’t make Flynn innocent or free from any wrong doing.
Barr wasn’t the one who initiated the drop. Muellers SCO prosecutors are the one who decided to drop. The very same one who brought up the charges in the first place. Sullivan broke his own rules to try to suppress the evidence that lead to the SCO deciding to drop charges. Now he’s making up powers for himself like the ability to prosecute, judges can’t do that. He wants to prosecute Flynn with perjury for withdrawing his guilty plea, which is completely unheard of. He’s so bad an appellate court gave him 10 days to explain himself. Appellate courts never respond that quickly. Sullivan is a political hack.
Nah! If SCO initiated it why Barr get involved? Happened to be a close friend of Trump.
It doesn’t matter what how these are twisted. It doesn’t look good and it doesn’t sound good.
Flynn is a traitor to begin with even he became part of this administration. Pleaded guilty twice under oath. Now Flynn wants to withdraw his guilty plea?? Now he is innocent????
That is not acceptable. Crooked Barr is also involved with Stone case.
Just because you say nah, doesn’t make it true. They went to Barr because...wait for it...he’s the attorney general. Ok, I’ll give you minute to let your jaw hit the floor and another to pick it back up off the floor after that shocking news about Barr. Flynn only took the plea, he didn’t want to take in the first place, and fired his original legal team over, because the SCO threatened to go after his son if he didn’t. And no Flynn was not a traitor, he did not what most intelligence officers do when they’re out of government, they start intelligence firms. There’s 100s of them out there. His firm worked with a NATO ally in Turkey, gasp*, I know, the gall of him. Notice how SCO never came after him for his “traitorous” endeavors? Because there wasn’t any. That’s why they came after him for a perfectly legal phone call. He wasn’t the target either, trump was.
Flynn didn't want to take it??? He took it 3 times.
Over 97% of criminal court cases are guilty pleas. Have you not watched any Netflix doc about how bad our system is with guilty pleas? Here’s how it works, the prosecution comes after you hard, often tacks on charges they know will never work. Then they tell you the judge will throw the book at you, maximum sentences all around if you decide to take it to trial, which yes judges will do that often. Then they offer you a guilty plea, and our system is 97% of lawyers negotiating the guilty pleas.

In Flynn’s case, they threatened to go after his son. Obviously they had nothing on his son or else they would’ve went after a conviction there, and offered to lighten the sentence if Flynn cooperated. This is how prosecutions just work, especially when you’re trying to turn someone. The full force of the federal government on top of a young man, even though they did nothing wrong, is a huge fucking ordeal for that person financially, socially, and emotionally. This is why Flynn, who was almost made bankrupt himself, decided to take the plea to spare his son. That and the fact his original legal team was god awful, and have serious ethical questions they should answer for, like convincing Flynn to sign a paper waiving any exculpatory evidence that may later come out. That should’ve set off loud, ear piercing, wake up Helen Keller from a dead sleep, alarm bells for his original legal team. Obviously the move to fire them and hire the shark he currently has payed off dividends. The SCO decided to drop its own case they just wouldn’t let go of.
Nothing you posted refutes what I posted.
The fact that innocent people plead guilty all the time because of how our system is set up doesn’t refute why Flynn plead guilty? The fact he fired his original legal team, and multiple reports came out from several sources close to Flynn that he wanted to fight the case until they threatened to go after his son. The fact that he hired a new lawyer and withdrew his plea somehow doesn’t show he wanted to fight this case? You people are fucking mental. If Flynn was a black dude, accused of being a drug dealer, this would be the biggest case in history. I mean for fuck sake meek mill got his own documentary and became a whole movement for far less.
He pleaded guilty because he is guilty. Nothing you post refutes that. Even his current defense isn't that he didn't lie to the FBI, it's that he was entrapped and/or his lies were immaterial anyway.
They were, he was, and for the “lies” to be prosecutable they have to be material to an investigation. They closed the investigation on Flynn. So what investigation was Flynn’s “lie” material too? Why were they continuing to investigate him when they found zero wrongdoing, knew they couldn’t use the Logan Act, and knew the call was a perfectly legal, and appropriate call? I keep putting quotes around lie, because it sounds like, from reports, that the FBI was conflating 2 different topics they did not specify and Flynn only talked about the one of them. I imagine that this is the case, they did go after popadapolus for “lying” too because he got the date of a conversation wrong. Not the fact there was a conversation, or what was discussed, but the date it happened...so. They also threatened to go after his son, something they wouldn’t need to do if they had him dead to rights for lying.

So why were they interviewing him for a perfectly legal and appropriate phone call that they had the complete transcripts for? CAN

The answer is obvious, this just feels like playing where’s Waldo with a kid with Down syndrome, except waldos location is often way less obvious than this.
His call was potentially not legal and his lie was material.

Liberal dictionary:
Potentially not legal - legal.
Fucking moron, it means it warranted investigation. :eusa_doh:
A thorough investigation they had already completed and concluded zero legality.
And then the investigation was reopened and Flynn was questioned by the FBI; to whom he lied.
It was reopened only because the coup plotter Strozk wanted to frame Flynn. The FBI said Flynn didn't lie, until Strozk doctored his 302s, that is.
So go back and read from the start where Mueller started and ended and when mueller said he couldn’t charge a sitting president.

That was said by Mueller investigation. So ask Mueller.
The SCO decided to drop after the Brady evidence came out. As in Muellers SCO. They then went to Barr, and Barr agreed with them to drop it. The only person who wants it to continue is Sullivan.
If Sullivan just willy nilly agrees with Barr then he is part of the corruption. I admired Sullivan for standing up against Barr. Barr dropping the case doesn’t make Flynn innocent or free from any wrong doing.
Barr wasn’t the one who initiated the drop. Muellers SCO prosecutors are the one who decided to drop. The very same one who brought up the charges in the first place. Sullivan broke his own rules to try to suppress the evidence that lead to the SCO deciding to drop charges. Now he’s making up powers for himself like the ability to prosecute, judges can’t do that. He wants to prosecute Flynn with perjury for withdrawing his guilty plea, which is completely unheard of. He’s so bad an appellate court gave him 10 days to explain himself. Appellate courts never respond that quickly. Sullivan is a political hack.
Nah! If SCO initiated it why Barr get involved? Happened to be a close friend of Trump.
It doesn’t matter what how these are twisted. It doesn’t look good and it doesn’t sound good.
Flynn is a traitor to begin with even he became part of this administration. Pleaded guilty twice under oath. Now Flynn wants to withdraw his guilty plea?? Now he is innocent????
That is not acceptable. Crooked Barr is also involved with Stone case.
Just because you say nah, doesn’t make it true. They went to Barr because...wait for it...he’s the attorney general. Ok, I’ll give you minute to let your jaw hit the floor and another to pick it back up off the floor after that shocking news about Barr. Flynn only took the plea, he didn’t want to take in the first place, and fired his original legal team over, because the SCO threatened to go after his son if he didn’t. And no Flynn was not a traitor, he did not what most intelligence officers do when they’re out of government, they start intelligence firms. There’s 100s of them out there. His firm worked with a NATO ally in Turkey, gasp*, I know, the gall of him. Notice how SCO never came after him for his “traitorous” endeavors? Because there wasn’t any. That’s why they came after him for a perfectly legal phone call. He wasn’t the target either, trump was.
Flynn didn't want to take it??? He took it 3 times.
Over 97% of criminal court cases are guilty pleas. Have you not watched any Netflix doc about how bad our system is with guilty pleas? Here’s how it works, the prosecution comes after you hard, often tacks on charges they know will never work. Then they tell you the judge will throw the book at you, maximum sentences all around if you decide to take it to trial, which yes judges will do that often. Then they offer you a guilty plea, and our system is 97% of lawyers negotiating the guilty pleas.

In Flynn’s case, they threatened to go after his son. Obviously they had nothing on his son or else they would’ve went after a conviction there, and offered to lighten the sentence if Flynn cooperated. This is how prosecutions just work, especially when you’re trying to turn someone. The full force of the federal government on top of a young man, even though they did nothing wrong, is a huge fucking ordeal for that person financially, socially, and emotionally. This is why Flynn, who was almost made bankrupt himself, decided to take the plea to spare his son. That and the fact his original legal team was god awful, and have serious ethical questions they should answer for, like convincing Flynn to sign a paper waiving any exculpatory evidence that may later come out. That should’ve set off loud, ear piercing, wake up Helen Keller from a dead sleep, alarm bells for his original legal team. Obviously the move to fire them and hire the shark he currently has payed off dividends. The SCO decided to drop its own case they just wouldn’t let go of.
Nothing you posted refutes what I posted.
The fact that innocent people plead guilty all the time because of how our system is set up doesn’t refute why Flynn plead guilty? The fact he fired his original legal team, and multiple reports came out from several sources close to Flynn that he wanted to fight the case until they threatened to go after his son. The fact that he hired a new lawyer and withdrew his plea somehow doesn’t show he wanted to fight this case? You people are fucking mental. If Flynn was a black dude, accused of being a drug dealer, this would be the biggest case in history. I mean for fuck sake meek mill got his own documentary and became a whole movement for far less.
He pleaded guilty because he is guilty. Nothing you post refutes that. Even his current defense isn't that he didn't lie to the FBI, it's that he was entrapped and/or his lies were immaterial anyway.
They were, he was, and for the “lies” to be prosecutable they have to be material to an investigation. They closed the investigation on Flynn. So what investigation was Flynn’s “lie” material too? Why were they continuing to investigate him when they found zero wrongdoing, knew they couldn’t use the Logan Act, and knew the call was a perfectly legal, and appropriate call? I keep putting quotes around lie, because it sounds like, from reports, that the FBI was conflating 2 different topics they did not specify and Flynn only talked about the one of them. I imagine that this is the case, they did go after popadapolus for “lying” too because he got the date of a conversation wrong. Not the fact there was a conversation, or what was discussed, but the date it happened...so. They also threatened to go after his son, something they wouldn’t need to do if they had him dead to rights for lying.

So why were they interviewing him for a perfectly legal and appropriate phone call that they had the complete transcripts for? CAN

The answer is obvious, this just feels like playing where’s Waldo with a kid with Down syndrome, except waldos location is often way less obvious than this.
His call was potentially not legal and his lie was material.

Liberal dictionary:
Potentially not legal - legal.
Fucking moron, it means it warranted investigation. :eusa_doh:
A thorough investigation they had already completed and concluded zero legality.
And then the investigation was reopened and Flynn was questioned by the FBI; to whom he lied.
It was reopened only because the coup plotter Strozk wanted to frame Flynn. The FBI said Flynn didn't lie, until Strozk doctored his 302s, that is.

Great, we're in agreement Flynn was questioned during an open investigation. And he did lie. He told his questioners he didn't speak about the sanctions with Kislyak -- but he did.
Sullivan may vacate the 18 USC 1001 charge, and then charge Flynn with perjury.

You can't lie under oath to a federal judge.

1. A Federal Judge can NOT 'charge' anyone with a crime.

According to legal precedence Sullivan has no option but to dropt the case; however, he is bringing in his Trump-hating pal to discuss the ability to 'find' Flynn in COMTEMP of court.

2. Democrats lie under oath all the time. If all of their Democrats who lied under oath were in jail today, Gitmo would be full.

The last President to lie under oath and be found in Contempt was Slick Willy. He was given no jail time, but he did his license to practice law temporarily stripped.
"A Federal Judge can NOT 'charge' anyone with a crime"

Are you ever not a retard?

Apparently some people don’t know their constitution very well. The courts have inherent power. They may exercise it with people who are playing games.
Yep.....the Obama DOJ withheld exculpatory evidence (were playing games) and framed Michael Flynn. The Judge took a bribe from somebody in Obama's criminal organization (playing games) to string out the case till Trump is forced to pardon him. If Trump Wins reelection the Democrats (playing games) will try to impeach him for the pardon.
Yep.....the Obama DOJ withheld exculpatory evidence (were playing games) and framed Michael Flynn. The Judge took a bribe from somebody in Obama's criminal organization (playing games) to string out the case till Trump is forced to pardon him. If Trump Wins reelection the Democrats (playing games) will try to impeach him for the pardon.
I keep hearing about exculpatory evidence.
What are you claiming that evidence is?
The fact the FBI filed a closure EC before all this shows they had ZERO justification to continue monitoring him and zero grounds to continue to investigate him. The FBI team assigned to Flynn decided he wasn’t doing anything wrong, and effectively closed the case. Comey even said so in an odd email, saying something to the effect of there’s no wrongdoing but the amount of traffic is eye raising. Which is ridiculous because A. the amount of traffic was normal for incoming NS-fucking-A B.They had been monitoring him for months at this point and knew there wasn’t anything eye raising C. The Obama admin knew all this already as documents show and there was zero need to inform them, so it really looks like it was an email to leave a paper trail “justifying” in retroactively why they continued surveilling Flynn and why they chose to interview him on a perfectly legal and above the board phone call they already had the complete transcripts for. Further, to prosecute for lying to the FBI, it has to be material to an investigation. For which, they obviously had no materiality because they effectively closed the case on Flynn after a thorough investigation. It’s like dividing zero by zero. Their original grounds they used to justify the investigation were extremely weak at best.

Storzk also violated FBI policy by editing the original 302, then takes it even further and “loses” the original copy of the 302, very bad. You pretty much have to actively delete the original, it’s all digital. This is bad because if it was just editing “minor things” like Storzk claimed, despite being against FBI policy, you keep the original to show the changes you made so the defense doesn’t get the evidence thrown out and blow the case. So that should’ve been enough to dismiss the case right there.

Other documents released suggest that their sole objective for a weird ass interview that they can’t offer an alternative explanation for why they did this interview, was to try to catch Flynn in a perjury trap. So yeah, plenty of exculpatory evidence there.
Wow! That's a whole lot of words to say essentially nothing.
Exculpatory evidence. That would be evidence that could possibly undermine or otherwise raise questions about the charges against the defendant. As Flynn has freely admitted to the charges and pleaded guilty twice already, there will never be any exculpatory evidence for those charges.

The DOJ is not even making that argument anyway.
So go back and read from the start where Mueller started and ended and when mueller said he couldn’t charge a sitting president.

That was said by Mueller investigation. So ask Mueller.
The SCO decided to drop after the Brady evidence came out. As in Muellers SCO. They then went to Barr, and Barr agreed with them to drop it. The only person who wants it to continue is Sullivan.
If Sullivan just willy nilly agrees with Barr then he is part of the corruption. I admired Sullivan for standing up against Barr. Barr dropping the case doesn’t make Flynn innocent or free from any wrong doing.
Barr wasn’t the one who initiated the drop. Muellers SCO prosecutors are the one who decided to drop. The very same one who brought up the charges in the first place. Sullivan broke his own rules to try to suppress the evidence that lead to the SCO deciding to drop charges. Now he’s making up powers for himself like the ability to prosecute, judges can’t do that. He wants to prosecute Flynn with perjury for withdrawing his guilty plea, which is completely unheard of. He’s so bad an appellate court gave him 10 days to explain himself. Appellate courts never respond that quickly. Sullivan is a political hack.
Nah! If SCO initiated it why Barr get involved? Happened to be a close friend of Trump.
It doesn’t matter what how these are twisted. It doesn’t look good and it doesn’t sound good.
Flynn is a traitor to begin with even he became part of this administration. Pleaded guilty twice under oath. Now Flynn wants to withdraw his guilty plea?? Now he is innocent????
That is not acceptable. Crooked Barr is also involved with Stone case.
Just because you say nah, doesn’t make it true. They went to Barr because...wait for it...he’s the attorney general. Ok, I’ll give you minute to let your jaw hit the floor and another to pick it back up off the floor after that shocking news about Barr. Flynn only took the plea, he didn’t want to take in the first place, and fired his original legal team over, because the SCO threatened to go after his son if he didn’t. And no Flynn was not a traitor, he did not what most intelligence officers do when they’re out of government, they start intelligence firms. There’s 100s of them out there. His firm worked with a NATO ally in Turkey, gasp*, I know, the gall of him. Notice how SCO never came after him for his “traitorous” endeavors? Because there wasn’t any. That’s why they came after him for a perfectly legal phone call. He wasn’t the target either, trump was.
Flynn didn't want to take it??? He took it 3 times.
Over 97% of criminal court cases are guilty pleas. Have you not watched any Netflix doc about how bad our system is with guilty pleas? Here’s how it works, the prosecution comes after you hard, often tacks on charges they know will never work. Then they tell you the judge will throw the book at you, maximum sentences all around if you decide to take it to trial, which yes judges will do that often. Then they offer you a guilty plea, and our system is 97% of lawyers negotiating the guilty pleas.

In Flynn’s case, they threatened to go after his son. Obviously they had nothing on his son or else they would’ve went after a conviction there, and offered to lighten the sentence if Flynn cooperated. This is how prosecutions just work, especially when you’re trying to turn someone. The full force of the federal government on top of a young man, even though they did nothing wrong, is a huge fucking ordeal for that person financially, socially, and emotionally. This is why Flynn, who was almost made bankrupt himself, decided to take the plea to spare his son. That and the fact his original legal team was god awful, and have serious ethical questions they should answer for, like convincing Flynn to sign a paper waiving any exculpatory evidence that may later come out. That should’ve set off loud, ear piercing, wake up Helen Keller from a dead sleep, alarm bells for his original legal team. Obviously the move to fire them and hire the shark he currently has payed off dividends. The SCO decided to drop its own case they just wouldn’t let go of.
Nothing you posted refutes what I posted.
The fact that innocent people plead guilty all the time because of how our system is set up doesn’t refute why Flynn plead guilty? The fact he fired his original legal team, and multiple reports came out from several sources close to Flynn that he wanted to fight the case until they threatened to go after his son. The fact that he hired a new lawyer and withdrew his plea somehow doesn’t show he wanted to fight this case? You people are fucking mental. If Flynn was a black dude, accused of being a drug dealer, this would be the biggest case in history. I mean for fuck sake meek mill got his own documentary and became a whole movement for far less.
He pleaded guilty because he is guilty. Nothing you post refutes that. Even his current defense isn't that he didn't lie to the FBI, it's that he was entrapped and/or his lies were immaterial anyway.
They were, he was, and for the “lies” to be prosecutable they have to be material to an investigation. They closed the investigation on Flynn. So what investigation was Flynn’s “lie” material too? Why were they continuing to investigate him when they found zero wrongdoing, knew they couldn’t use the Logan Act, and knew the call was a perfectly legal, and appropriate call? I keep putting quotes around lie, because it sounds like, from reports, that the FBI was conflating 2 different topics they did not specify and Flynn only talked about the one of them. I imagine that this is the case, they did go after popadapolus for “lying” too because he got the date of a conversation wrong. Not the fact there was a conversation, or what was discussed, but the date it happened...so. They also threatened to go after his son, something they wouldn’t need to do if they had him dead to rights for lying.

So why were they interviewing him for a perfectly legal and appropriate phone call that they had the complete transcripts for? CAN

The answer is obvious, this just feels like playing where’s Waldo with a kid with Down syndrome, except waldos location is often way less obvious than this.
His call was potentially not legal and his lie was material.

Liberal dictionary:
Potentially not legal - legal.
Fucking moron, it means it warranted investigation. :eusa_doh:
A thorough investigation they had already completed and concluded zero legality.
And then the investigation was reopened and Flynn was questioned by the FBI; to whom he lied.
It was reopened only because the coup plotter Strozk wanted to frame Flynn. The FBI said Flynn didn't lie, until Strozk doctored his 302s, that is.

Great, we're in agreement Flynn was questioned during an open investigation. And he did lie. He told his questioners he didn't speak about the sanctions with Kislyak -- but he did.
Yeah, we're also in agreement that the sun rises in the East.

Was that in the original 302 or the one Strozk edited? What the fuck is an "open investigation?" Is that somehow more legitimate than the other kind? The FBI itself said he didn't lie.

I have to hand it to you FAUX, you won't give up on your smears no matter how massive the proof that they are fraudulent.
Sullivan may vacate the 18 USC 1001 charge, and then charge Flynn with perjury.

You can't lie under oath to a federal judge.

1. A Federal Judge can NOT 'charge' anyone with a crime.

According to legal precedence Sullivan has no option but to dropt the case; however, he is bringing in his Trump-hating pal to discuss the ability to 'find' Flynn in COMTEMP of court.

2. Democrats lie under oath all the time. If all of their Democrats who lied under oath were in jail today, Gitmo would be full.

The last President to lie under oath and be found in Contempt was Slick Willy. He was given no jail time, but he did his license to practice law temporarily stripped.
"A Federal Judge can NOT 'charge' anyone with a crime"

Are you ever not a retard?

Apparently some people don’t know their constitution very well. The courts have inherent power. They may exercise it with people who are playing games.
Yep.....the Obama DOJ withheld exculpatory evidence (were playing games) and framed Michael Flynn. The Judge took a bribe from somebody in Obama's criminal organization (playing games) to string out the case till Trump is forced to pardon him. If Trump Wins reelection the Democrats (playing games) will try to impeach him for the pardon.
Yep.....the Obama DOJ withheld exculpatory evidence (were playing games) and framed Michael Flynn. The Judge took a bribe from somebody in Obama's criminal organization (playing games) to string out the case till Trump is forced to pardon him. If Trump Wins reelection the Democrats (playing games) will try to impeach him for the pardon.
I keep hearing about exculpatory evidence.
What are you claiming that evidence is?
The fact the FBI filed a closure EC before all this shows they had ZERO justification to continue monitoring him and zero grounds to continue to investigate him. The FBI team assigned to Flynn decided he wasn’t doing anything wrong, and effectively closed the case. Comey even said so in an odd email, saying something to the effect of there’s no wrongdoing but the amount of traffic is eye raising. Which is ridiculous because A. the amount of traffic was normal for incoming NS-fucking-A B.They had been monitoring him for months at this point and knew there wasn’t anything eye raising C. The Obama admin knew all this already as documents show and there was zero need to inform them, so it really looks like it was an email to leave a paper trail “justifying” in retroactively why they continued surveilling Flynn and why they chose to interview him on a perfectly legal and above the board phone call they already had the complete transcripts for. Further, to prosecute for lying to the FBI, it has to be material to an investigation. For which, they obviously had no materiality because they effectively closed the case on Flynn after a thorough investigation. It’s like dividing zero by zero. Their original grounds they used to justify the investigation were extremely weak at best.

Storzk also violated FBI policy by editing the original 302, then takes it even further and “loses” the original copy of the 302, very bad. You pretty much have to actively delete the original, it’s all digital. This is bad because if it was just editing “minor things” like Storzk claimed, despite being against FBI policy, you keep the original to show the changes you made so the defense doesn’t get the evidence thrown out and blow the case. So that should’ve been enough to dismiss the case right there.

Other documents released suggest that their sole objective for a weird ass interview that they can’t offer an alternative explanation for why they did this interview, was to try to catch Flynn in a perjury trap. So yeah, plenty of exculpatory evidence there.
Wow! That's a whole lot of words to say essentially nothing.
Exculpatory evidence. That would be evidence that could possibly undermine or otherwise raise questions about the charges against the defendant. As Flynn has freely admitted to the charges and pleaded guilty twice already, there will never be any exculpatory evidence for those charges.

The DOJ is not even making that argument anyway.
Ugh what awful argument. The unabashed dishonesty in it is so obvious. Coming from the party who claim to want criminal justice reform. You people are no better than the televangelist with gold thumb rings, flying in private jets. See post 1260 and 1262. I’m not going to waste time responding to trash like that.

I’ll say this for like the 50th time, it was the SCO who initiated the dropping of charges after exculpatory evidence was finally released. They took that to Barr who agreed. That should tell you just how exculpatory it was.
Sullivan may vacate the 18 USC 1001 charge, and then charge Flynn with perjury.

You can't lie under oath to a federal judge.

1. A Federal Judge can NOT 'charge' anyone with a crime.

According to legal precedence Sullivan has no option but to dropt the case; however, he is bringing in his Trump-hating pal to discuss the ability to 'find' Flynn in COMTEMP of court.

2. Democrats lie under oath all the time. If all of their Democrats who lied under oath were in jail today, Gitmo would be full.

The last President to lie under oath and be found in Contempt was Slick Willy. He was given no jail time, but he did his license to practice law temporarily stripped.
"A Federal Judge can NOT 'charge' anyone with a crime"

Are you ever not a retard?

Apparently some people don’t know their constitution very well. The courts have inherent power. They may exercise it with people who are playing games.
Yep.....the Obama DOJ withheld exculpatory evidence (were playing games) and framed Michael Flynn. The Judge took a bribe from somebody in Obama's criminal organization (playing games) to string out the case till Trump is forced to pardon him. If Trump Wins reelection the Democrats (playing games) will try to impeach him for the pardon.
Yep.....the Obama DOJ withheld exculpatory evidence (were playing games) and framed Michael Flynn. The Judge took a bribe from somebody in Obama's criminal organization (playing games) to string out the case till Trump is forced to pardon him. If Trump Wins reelection the Democrats (playing games) will try to impeach him for the pardon.
I keep hearing about exculpatory evidence.
What are you claiming that evidence is?
The fact the FBI filed a closure EC before all this shows they had ZERO justification to continue monitoring him and zero grounds to continue to investigate him. The FBI team assigned to Flynn decided he wasn’t doing anything wrong, and effectively closed the case. Comey even said so in an odd email, saying something to the effect of there’s no wrongdoing but the amount of traffic is eye raising. Which is ridiculous because A. the amount of traffic was normal for incoming NS-fucking-A B.They had been monitoring him for months at this point and knew there wasn’t anything eye raising C. The Obama admin knew all this already as documents show and there was zero need to inform them, so it really looks like it was an email to leave a paper trail “justifying” in retroactively why they continued surveilling Flynn and why they chose to interview him on a perfectly legal and above the board phone call they already had the complete transcripts for. Further, to prosecute for lying to the FBI, it has to be material to an investigation. For which, they obviously had no materiality because they effectively closed the case on Flynn after a thorough investigation. It’s like dividing zero by zero. Their original grounds they used to justify the investigation were extremely weak at best.

Storzk also violated FBI policy by editing the original 302, then takes it even further and “loses” the original copy of the 302, very bad. You pretty much have to actively delete the original, it’s all digital. This is bad because if it was just editing “minor things” like Storzk claimed, despite being against FBI policy, you keep the original to show the changes you made so the defense doesn’t get the evidence thrown out and blow the case. So that should’ve been enough to dismiss the case right there.

Other documents released suggest that their sole objective for a weird ass interview that they can’t offer an alternative explanation for why they did this interview, was to try to catch Flynn in a perjury trap. So yeah, plenty of exculpatory evidence there.
Wow! That's a whole lot of words to say essentially nothing.
Exculpatory evidence. That would be evidence that could possibly undermine or otherwise raise questions about the charges against the defendant. As Flynn has freely admitted to the charges and pleaded guilty twice already, there will never be any exculpatory evidence for those charges.

The DOJ is not even making that argument anyway.
The DOJ rebuked the FBI & Mueller's prosecutors and cut their criminal legs right out from under them by dropping the case in light of the overwhelming, undeniable evidence of investigative and prosecutorial crimes and misconduct exposed.

Stop trying to spin the focus away from Sullivan, who this thread is about.

After being tasked by the Appellate Court to PERSONALLY address the DOJ's dropping of the charges instead of calling for outside OPINION / ARGUMENT (Trump-haters, one that already in the past argued the DOJ has near unquestionable authority to drop cases) - something Sullivan declared approx. 24 times during the case he refused to do, he suddenly LAWYERS UP...


He should just brand 'Trump-Hating Deep State POS' on his forehead.
So go back and read from the start where Mueller started and ended and when mueller said he couldn’t charge a sitting president.

That was said by Mueller investigation. So ask Mueller.
The SCO decided to drop after the Brady evidence came out. As in Muellers SCO. They then went to Barr, and Barr agreed with them to drop it. The only person who wants it to continue is Sullivan.
If Sullivan just willy nilly agrees with Barr then he is part of the corruption. I admired Sullivan for standing up against Barr. Barr dropping the case doesn’t make Flynn innocent or free from any wrong doing.
Barr wasn’t the one who initiated the drop. Muellers SCO prosecutors are the one who decided to drop. The very same one who brought up the charges in the first place. Sullivan broke his own rules to try to suppress the evidence that lead to the SCO deciding to drop charges. Now he’s making up powers for himself like the ability to prosecute, judges can’t do that. He wants to prosecute Flynn with perjury for withdrawing his guilty plea, which is completely unheard of. He’s so bad an appellate court gave him 10 days to explain himself. Appellate courts never respond that quickly. Sullivan is a political hack.
Nah! If SCO initiated it why Barr get involved? Happened to be a close friend of Trump.
It doesn’t matter what how these are twisted. It doesn’t look good and it doesn’t sound good.
Flynn is a traitor to begin with even he became part of this administration. Pleaded guilty twice under oath. Now Flynn wants to withdraw his guilty plea?? Now he is innocent????
That is not acceptable. Crooked Barr is also involved with Stone case.
Just because you say nah, doesn’t make it true. They went to Barr because...wait for it...he’s the attorney general. Ok, I’ll give you minute to let your jaw hit the floor and another to pick it back up off the floor after that shocking news about Barr. Flynn only took the plea, he didn’t want to take in the first place, and fired his original legal team over, because the SCO threatened to go after his son if he didn’t. And no Flynn was not a traitor, he did not what most intelligence officers do when they’re out of government, they start intelligence firms. There’s 100s of them out there. His firm worked with a NATO ally in Turkey, gasp*, I know, the gall of him. Notice how SCO never came after him for his “traitorous” endeavors? Because there wasn’t any. That’s why they came after him for a perfectly legal phone call. He wasn’t the target either, trump was.
Flynn didn't want to take it??? He took it 3 times.
Over 97% of criminal court cases are guilty pleas. Have you not watched any Netflix doc about how bad our system is with guilty pleas? Here’s how it works, the prosecution comes after you hard, often tacks on charges they know will never work. Then they tell you the judge will throw the book at you, maximum sentences all around if you decide to take it to trial, which yes judges will do that often. Then they offer you a guilty plea, and our system is 97% of lawyers negotiating the guilty pleas.

In Flynn’s case, they threatened to go after his son. Obviously they had nothing on his son or else they would’ve went after a conviction there, and offered to lighten the sentence if Flynn cooperated. This is how prosecutions just work, especially when you’re trying to turn someone. The full force of the federal government on top of a young man, even though they did nothing wrong, is a huge fucking ordeal for that person financially, socially, and emotionally. This is why Flynn, who was almost made bankrupt himself, decided to take the plea to spare his son. That and the fact his original legal team was god awful, and have serious ethical questions they should answer for, like convincing Flynn to sign a paper waiving any exculpatory evidence that may later come out. That should’ve set off loud, ear piercing, wake up Helen Keller from a dead sleep, alarm bells for his original legal team. Obviously the move to fire them and hire the shark he currently has payed off dividends. The SCO decided to drop its own case they just wouldn’t let go of.
Nothing you posted refutes what I posted.
The fact that innocent people plead guilty all the time because of how our system is set up doesn’t refute why Flynn plead guilty? The fact he fired his original legal team, and multiple reports came out from several sources close to Flynn that he wanted to fight the case until they threatened to go after his son. The fact that he hired a new lawyer and withdrew his plea somehow doesn’t show he wanted to fight this case? You people are fucking mental. If Flynn was a black dude, accused of being a drug dealer, this would be the biggest case in history. I mean for fuck sake meek mill got his own documentary and became a whole movement for far less.
He pleaded guilty because he is guilty. Nothing you post refutes that. Even his current defense isn't that he didn't lie to the FBI, it's that he was entrapped and/or his lies were immaterial anyway.
They were, he was, and for the “lies” to be prosecutable they have to be material to an investigation. They closed the investigation on Flynn. So what investigation was Flynn’s “lie” material too? Why were they continuing to investigate him when they found zero wrongdoing, knew they couldn’t use the Logan Act, and knew the call was a perfectly legal, and appropriate call? I keep putting quotes around lie, because it sounds like, from reports, that the FBI was conflating 2 different topics they did not specify and Flynn only talked about the one of them. I imagine that this is the case, they did go after popadapolus for “lying” too because he got the date of a conversation wrong. Not the fact there was a conversation, or what was discussed, but the date it happened...so. They also threatened to go after his son, something they wouldn’t need to do if they had him dead to rights for lying.

So why were they interviewing him for a perfectly legal and appropriate phone call that they had the complete transcripts for? CAN

The answer is obvious, this just feels like playing where’s Waldo with a kid with Down syndrome, except waldos location is often way less obvious than this.
His call was potentially not legal and his lie was material.

Liberal dictionary:
Potentially not legal - legal.
Fucking moron, it means it warranted investigation. :eusa_doh:
A thorough investigation they had already completed and concluded zero legality.
And then the investigation was reopened and Flynn was questioned by the FBI; to whom he lied.
It was never reopened, there was no justification to do so. It stayed in limbo, at the behest of storzk, in the final step of closure. Then they decided to question Flynn, about a phone call they admit was perfectly legal and appropriate, for which they had the transcripts to. Now you’re just making shit up. It sounds like the call is going to be declassified by Barr, Grenell, and Durham. So we’ll see what was in there and what the alleged lie was.
So go back and read from the start where Mueller started and ended and when mueller said he couldn’t charge a sitting president.

That was said by Mueller investigation. So ask Mueller.
The SCO decided to drop after the Brady evidence came out. As in Muellers SCO. They then went to Barr, and Barr agreed with them to drop it. The only person who wants it to continue is Sullivan.
If Sullivan just willy nilly agrees with Barr then he is part of the corruption. I admired Sullivan for standing up against Barr. Barr dropping the case doesn’t make Flynn innocent or free from any wrong doing.
Barr wasn’t the one who initiated the drop. Muellers SCO prosecutors are the one who decided to drop. The very same one who brought up the charges in the first place. Sullivan broke his own rules to try to suppress the evidence that lead to the SCO deciding to drop charges. Now he’s making up powers for himself like the ability to prosecute, judges can’t do that. He wants to prosecute Flynn with perjury for withdrawing his guilty plea, which is completely unheard of. He’s so bad an appellate court gave him 10 days to explain himself. Appellate courts never respond that quickly. Sullivan is a political hack.
Nah! If SCO initiated it why Barr get involved? Happened to be a close friend of Trump.
It doesn’t matter what how these are twisted. It doesn’t look good and it doesn’t sound good.
Flynn is a traitor to begin with even he became part of this administration. Pleaded guilty twice under oath. Now Flynn wants to withdraw his guilty plea?? Now he is innocent????
That is not acceptable. Crooked Barr is also involved with Stone case.
Just because you say nah, doesn’t make it true. They went to Barr because...wait for it...he’s the attorney general. Ok, I’ll give you minute to let your jaw hit the floor and another to pick it back up off the floor after that shocking news about Barr. Flynn only took the plea, he didn’t want to take in the first place, and fired his original legal team over, because the SCO threatened to go after his son if he didn’t. And no Flynn was not a traitor, he did not what most intelligence officers do when they’re out of government, they start intelligence firms. There’s 100s of them out there. His firm worked with a NATO ally in Turkey, gasp*, I know, the gall of him. Notice how SCO never came after him for his “traitorous” endeavors? Because there wasn’t any. That’s why they came after him for a perfectly legal phone call. He wasn’t the target either, trump was.
Flynn didn't want to take it??? He took it 3 times.
Over 97% of criminal court cases are guilty pleas. Have you not watched any Netflix doc about how bad our system is with guilty pleas? Here’s how it works, the prosecution comes after you hard, often tacks on charges they know will never work. Then they tell you the judge will throw the book at you, maximum sentences all around if you decide to take it to trial, which yes judges will do that often. Then they offer you a guilty plea, and our system is 97% of lawyers negotiating the guilty pleas.

In Flynn’s case, they threatened to go after his son. Obviously they had nothing on his son or else they would’ve went after a conviction there, and offered to lighten the sentence if Flynn cooperated. This is how prosecutions just work, especially when you’re trying to turn someone. The full force of the federal government on top of a young man, even though they did nothing wrong, is a huge fucking ordeal for that person financially, socially, and emotionally. This is why Flynn, who was almost made bankrupt himself, decided to take the plea to spare his son. That and the fact his original legal team was god awful, and have serious ethical questions they should answer for, like convincing Flynn to sign a paper waiving any exculpatory evidence that may later come out. That should’ve set off loud, ear piercing, wake up Helen Keller from a dead sleep, alarm bells for his original legal team. Obviously the move to fire them and hire the shark he currently has payed off dividends. The SCO decided to drop its own case they just wouldn’t let go of.
Nothing you posted refutes what I posted.
The fact that innocent people plead guilty all the time because of how our system is set up doesn’t refute why Flynn plead guilty? The fact he fired his original legal team, and multiple reports came out from several sources close to Flynn that he wanted to fight the case until they threatened to go after his son. The fact that he hired a new lawyer and withdrew his plea somehow doesn’t show he wanted to fight this case? You people are fucking mental. If Flynn was a black dude, accused of being a drug dealer, this would be the biggest case in history. I mean for fuck sake meek mill got his own documentary and became a whole movement for far less.
He pleaded guilty because he is guilty. Nothing you post refutes that. Even his current defense isn't that he didn't lie to the FBI, it's that he was entrapped and/or his lies were immaterial anyway.
They were, he was, and for the “lies” to be prosecutable they have to be material to an investigation. They closed the investigation on Flynn. So what investigation was Flynn’s “lie” material too? Why were they continuing to investigate him when they found zero wrongdoing, knew they couldn’t use the Logan Act, and knew the call was a perfectly legal, and appropriate call? I keep putting quotes around lie, because it sounds like, from reports, that the FBI was conflating 2 different topics they did not specify and Flynn only talked about the one of them. I imagine that this is the case, they did go after popadapolus for “lying” too because he got the date of a conversation wrong. Not the fact there was a conversation, or what was discussed, but the date it happened...so. They also threatened to go after his son, something they wouldn’t need to do if they had him dead to rights for lying.

So why were they interviewing him for a perfectly legal and appropriate phone call that they had the complete transcripts for? CAN

The answer is obvious, this just feels like playing where’s Waldo with a kid with Down syndrome, except waldos location is often way less obvious than this.
His call was potentially not legal and his lie was material.

Liberal dictionary:
Potentially not legal - legal.
Fucking moron, it means it warranted investigation. :eusa_doh:
A thorough investigation they had already completed and concluded zero legality.
And then the investigation was reopened and Flynn was questioned by the FBI; to whom he lied.
It was never reopened, there was no justification to do so. It stayed in limbo, at the behest of storzk, in the final step of closure. Then they decided to question Flynn, about a phone call they admit was perfectly legal and appropriate, for which they had the transcripts to. Now you’re just making shit up. It sounds like the call is going to be declassified by Barr, Grenell, and Durham. So we’ll see what was in there and what the alleged lie was.
FBI agents running the Op reported no evidence was found and they recommended closing the case. Only Co-Conspirator Strzok ordered the case remain open, and only HE made the call Flynn lied. The other FBI agents stated they did not believe Flynn lied.

Amazing how snowflakes either miss or leave that part out while attempting to discuss this case.

Sullivan may vacate the 18 USC 1001 charge, and then charge Flynn with perjury.

You can't lie under oath to a federal judge.

1. A Federal Judge can NOT 'charge' anyone with a crime.

According to legal precedence Sullivan has no option but to dropt the case; however, he is bringing in his Trump-hating pal to discuss the ability to 'find' Flynn in COMTEMP of court.

2. Democrats lie under oath all the time. If all of their Democrats who lied under oath were in jail today, Gitmo would be full.

The last President to lie under oath and be found in Contempt was Slick Willy. He was given no jail time, but he did his license to practice law temporarily stripped.
"A Federal Judge can NOT 'charge' anyone with a crime"

Are you ever not a retard?

Apparently some people don’t know their constitution very well. The courts have inherent power. They may exercise it with people who are playing games.
Yep.....the Obama DOJ withheld exculpatory evidence (were playing games) and framed Michael Flynn. The Judge took a bribe from somebody in Obama's criminal organization (playing games) to string out the case till Trump is forced to pardon him. If Trump Wins reelection the Democrats (playing games) will try to impeach him for the pardon.
Yep.....the Obama DOJ withheld exculpatory evidence (were playing games) and framed Michael Flynn. The Judge took a bribe from somebody in Obama's criminal organization (playing games) to string out the case till Trump is forced to pardon him. If Trump Wins reelection the Democrats (playing games) will try to impeach him for the pardon.
I keep hearing about exculpatory evidence.
What are you claiming that evidence is?
The fact the FBI filed a closure EC before all this shows they had ZERO justification to continue monitoring him and zero grounds to continue to investigate him. The FBI team assigned to Flynn decided he wasn’t doing anything wrong, and effectively closed the case. Comey even said so in an odd email, saying something to the effect of there’s no wrongdoing but the amount of traffic is eye raising. Which is ridiculous because A. the amount of traffic was normal for incoming NS-fucking-A B.They had been monitoring him for months at this point and knew there wasn’t anything eye raising C. The Obama admin knew all this already as documents show and there was zero need to inform them, so it really looks like it was an email to leave a paper trail “justifying” in retroactively why they continued surveilling Flynn and why they chose to interview him on a perfectly legal and above the board phone call they already had the complete transcripts for. Further, to prosecute for lying to the FBI, it has to be material to an investigation. For which, they obviously had no materiality because they effectively closed the case on Flynn after a thorough investigation. It’s like dividing zero by zero. Their original grounds they used to justify the investigation were extremely weak at best.

Storzk also violated FBI policy by editing the original 302, then takes it even further and “loses” the original copy of the 302, very bad. You pretty much have to actively delete the original, it’s all digital. This is bad because if it was just editing “minor things” like Storzk claimed, despite being against FBI policy, you keep the original to show the changes you made so the defense doesn’t get the evidence thrown out and blow the case. So that should’ve been enough to dismiss the case right there.

Other documents released suggest that their sole objective for a weird ass interview that they can’t offer an alternative explanation for why they did this interview, was to try to catch Flynn in a perjury trap. So yeah, plenty of exculpatory evidence there.
Wow! That's a whole lot of words to say essentially nothing.
Exculpatory evidence. That would be evidence that could possibly undermine or otherwise raise questions about the charges against the defendant. As Flynn has freely admitted to the charges and pleaded guilty twice already, there will never be any exculpatory evidence for those charges.

The DOJ is not even making that argument anyway.
Ugh what awful argument. The unabashed dishonesty in it is so obvious. Coming from the party who claim to want criminal justice reform. You people are no better than the televangelist with gold thumb rings, flying in private jets. See post 1260 and 1262. I’m not going to waste time responding to trash like that.

I’ll say this for like the 50th time, it was the SCO who initiated the dropping of charges after exculpatory evidence was finally released. They took that to Barr who agreed. That should tell you just how exculpatory it was.

Hmm...why didn't the DOJ cite that exculpatory evidence instead of their dopey theory about the investigation lacking any proper predication?

Their arument was essentially that it doesn't matter if he lied because there were no grounds for an investigation in the first place.
Sullivan may vacate the 18 USC 1001 charge, and then charge Flynn with perjury.

You can't lie under oath to a federal judge.

1. A Federal Judge can NOT 'charge' anyone with a crime.

According to legal precedence Sullivan has no option but to dropt the case; however, he is bringing in his Trump-hating pal to discuss the ability to 'find' Flynn in COMTEMP of court.

2. Democrats lie under oath all the time. If all of their Democrats who lied under oath were in jail today, Gitmo would be full.

The last President to lie under oath and be found in Contempt was Slick Willy. He was given no jail time, but he did his license to practice law temporarily stripped.
"A Federal Judge can NOT 'charge' anyone with a crime"

Are you ever not a retard?

Apparently some people don’t know their constitution very well. The courts have inherent power. They may exercise it with people who are playing games.
Yep.....the Obama DOJ withheld exculpatory evidence (were playing games) and framed Michael Flynn. The Judge took a bribe from somebody in Obama's criminal organization (playing games) to string out the case till Trump is forced to pardon him. If Trump Wins reelection the Democrats (playing games) will try to impeach him for the pardon.
Yep.....the Obama DOJ withheld exculpatory evidence (were playing games) and framed Michael Flynn. The Judge took a bribe from somebody in Obama's criminal organization (playing games) to string out the case till Trump is forced to pardon him. If Trump Wins reelection the Democrats (playing games) will try to impeach him for the pardon.
I keep hearing about exculpatory evidence.
What are you claiming that evidence is?
The fact the FBI filed a closure EC before all this shows they had ZERO justification to continue monitoring him and zero grounds to continue to investigate him. The FBI team assigned to Flynn decided he wasn’t doing anything wrong, and effectively closed the case. Comey even said so in an odd email, saying something to the effect of there’s no wrongdoing but the amount of traffic is eye raising. Which is ridiculous because A. the amount of traffic was normal for incoming NS-fucking-A B.They had been monitoring him for months at this point and knew there wasn’t anything eye raising C. The Obama admin knew all this already as documents show and there was zero need to inform them, so it really looks like it was an email to leave a paper trail “justifying” in retroactively why they continued surveilling Flynn and why they chose to interview him on a perfectly legal and above the board phone call they already had the complete transcripts for. Further, to prosecute for lying to the FBI, it has to be material to an investigation. For which, they obviously had no materiality because they effectively closed the case on Flynn after a thorough investigation. It’s like dividing zero by zero. Their original grounds they used to justify the investigation were extremely weak at best.

Storzk also violated FBI policy by editing the original 302, then takes it even further and “loses” the original copy of the 302, very bad. You pretty much have to actively delete the original, it’s all digital. This is bad because if it was just editing “minor things” like Storzk claimed, despite being against FBI policy, you keep the original to show the changes you made so the defense doesn’t get the evidence thrown out and blow the case. So that should’ve been enough to dismiss the case right there.

Other documents released suggest that their sole objective for a weird ass interview that they can’t offer an alternative explanation for why they did this interview, was to try to catch Flynn in a perjury trap. So yeah, plenty of exculpatory evidence there.
Wow! That's a whole lot of words to say essentially nothing.
Exculpatory evidence. That would be evidence that could possibly undermine or otherwise raise questions about the charges against the defendant. As Flynn has freely admitted to the charges and pleaded guilty twice already, there will never be any exculpatory evidence for those charges.

The DOJ is not even making that argument anyway.
The DOJ rebuked the FBI & Mueller's prosecutors and cut their criminal legs right out from under them by dropping the case in light of the overwhelming, undeniable evidence of investigative and prosecutorial crimes and misconduct exposed.

Stop trying to spin the focus away from Sullivan, who this thread is about.

After being tasked by the Appellate Court to PERSONALLY address the DOJ's dropping of the charges instead of calling for outside OPINION / ARGUMENT (Trump-haters, one that already in the past argued the DOJ has near unquestionable authority to drop cases) - something Sullivan declared approx. 24 times during the case he refused to do, he suddenly LAWYERS UP...


He should just brand 'Trump-Hating Deep State POS' on his forehead.
The DOJ rebuked the FBI & Mueller's prosecutors and cut their criminal legs right out from under them by dropping the case in light of the overwhelming, undeniable evidence of investigative and prosecutorial crimes and misconduct exposed.
They did no such thing, dope.
Their petition says nothing about prosecutorial crimes and misconduct, liar.

Flynn was charged with lying to the FBI.
He admitted to doing so. What evidence is there that changes those facts?
Hmm...why didn't the DOJ cite that exculpatory evidence instead of their dopey theory about the investigation lacking any proper predication? Their arument was essentially that it doesn't matter if he lied because there were no grounds for an investigation in the first place.

Again, obey the rules of the board and stop attempting to hijack the thread, lil' snowflake.

The case has been dropped by the DOJ, & THIS thread is about Sullivan doing everything his Deep State, Trump-hating, Liberal Activist ass can do to carry out the targeting and punishment of Flynn while lawyering up and attempting to ignore the Appellate Court's order for him personally address the DOJ's dropping of the charges.

I know, as history has proven, you hate being cornered into addressing misdeeds and biased actions by Democrats, which is why if you had no intention of doing so and only wanted to hijack the thread you should have just stayed the f* out of the thread altogether.

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