Justice Clarence Thomas hospitalized with infection, Supreme Court says

He has rarely participated in the cases (in the sense of asking the parties any questions at oral arguments).

Read the briefs. Study the law. Know the facts. Frame the dispute properly. Try to answer the legal questions raised within the confines of what the Constitution says and means. And viòla! Render the most appropriate determination.

God speed for a quick and full recovery.
Nope, make up your mind before spending time in hospital waiting to vote as your fat white wife commands.
Nope, make up your mind before spending time in hospital waiting to vote as your fat white wife commands.
Oh stfu. You have nothing intelligent to offer. Thomas’ jurisprudence is more intelligent and sound than anything ever muttered by the liberal jurists.
It’s always race with you people except when race goes out the door because of politics. Let’s all be consistent.
It was race to me? Really? Show where I made it about race in my posts.

Oh, and btw "you people"..............:heehee:
If have bats in your barn or newts in your garage tread carefully! Don't want to stumble over midnight progressives stalking them. Yup, the Great Xiden Bat and Newt Shortage is upon us. When our ever-so-civil lefties want to buy a hex these days they have to bring their own ingredients. Perhaps the sortage augurs a quick recovery for Justice Thomas!
I'm sorry to hear this...I wish Judge Thomas a speedy recovery!
If Thomas isn't going to participate in the upcoming cases, as the op says, why should he be allowed to vote on them?

A. Good question, and B. Then it must be serious. Even Ruth Bader Ginsberg swore she was participating from her hospital bed, and she eventually died.

Darn, I'm no fan of Thomas, who makes me nervous that he doesn't talk in Court maybe because he's too stupid to talk, but this is very bad timing. We on the right need him to stay in there till Trump gets in again and can appoint someone good.

A. Good question, and B. Then it must be serious. Even Ruth Bader Ginsberg swore she was participating from her hospital bed, and she eventually died.

Darn, I'm no fan of Thomas, who makes me nervous that he doesn't talk in Court maybe because he's too stupid to talk, but this is very bad timing. We on the right need him to stay in there till Trump gets in again and can appoint someone good.
He doesn't talk in court because his wife informs him that would show their decision was made before the case was presented.
I read the OP link. Sounds to me like he's got Covid!! They said he was vaccinated and boosted, which is worth exactly zero, as everyone knows. They are saying he'll be out soon, so maybe we conservatives will be all right. He has to last till 2025, though.
Did you forget what ghouls you fuckers were when RBG was sick?
I certainly was not. I wished her nothing but good health. I even meant it. I detested her politics especially since it was a substitute for jurisprudence. But if she and Scalia could be mutually agreeable, I saw no reason to speak ill of her.
Judge Clarence Thomas is the best Judge!

I'm praying for him! sending all my best wishes to his family!

He has to get well again! :thup:

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