Justice for New Haven Firefighters

i was wrong about that, it was the dissent in the app. ct.

why don't YOU point out the precedent...i already said i read it and failed to see any binding precedent that you and ravi claim exists....back it up lawboy...surely you know how do to that

Where did I say that?

you tool....you just said to see the precedents cited by the district court

you also said this earlier in the flame zone:

The USSC had ruled on a similar case before. She followed the precedent that the prior case set.


It was 2nd circuit precedent, for the most part. And yeah, you can check out the cases the district court cited.
Where did I say that?

you tool....you just said to see the precedents cited by the district court

you also said this earlier in the flame zone:

The USSC had ruled on a similar case before. She followed the precedent that the prior case set.


It was 2nd circuit precedent, for the most part. And yeah, you can check out the cases the district court cited.

lmao...you're really squirming your way out of this, denying you said it, and then telling me to see the cases after i have asked YOU to show me the cases as i did not see these cases you and ravi claim exist...and you're now claiming it is only the 2nd where i just showed you where you said the USSC....you're not lying are you nik?

you're in lawschool so surely you know that you can't just claim authority exists without giving a jump cite...

i've given you multiple chances to prove your claim, come on, i would think you woudl relish this chance lawboy
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Who said tests can't be racist? I know I didn't.

Are you swinging at ghosts again?

KK did. Are you calling her a ghost?
yeah, she was wrong about that
but you are wrong here
the results does not show it to be racist
I don't think that judgment can be made if we don't see the questions.

I hope the suit the white boys brought forth goes forward because it would be good to know.

btw, I think the lower court ruled correctly and I think SCOTUS ruled correctly but probably not for the reasons you unwashed dillholes do.
Yurt, you obviously read the Ravi the Liar thread. The answer that you seek on precedent is there. Perhaps you are confusing the SCOTUS opinions with the lower court's rationale.
KK did. Are you calling her a ghost?
yeah, she was wrong about that
but you are wrong here
the results does not show it to be racist
I don't think that judgment can be made if we don't see the questions.

I hope the suit the white boys brought forth goes forward because it would be good to know.

btw, I think the lower court ruled correctly and I think SCOTUS ruled correctly but probably not for the reasons you unwashed dillholes do.
ravi, you moron
there is no way both could have ruled correctly since one over ruled the other
Thank god your not one of my students, I don't give a shit how much money you gave me, I would not try to teach you shit. Its really quite scary that people who are as stupid as you exist. God, I hope you don't vote.

I am done with this shit. You are a complete idiot KK. You can't even understand the basic shit I am trying to tell you, can't even cognize simple hypos and you say moronic shit like "if something can't be proved, it doesn't exist". Oy. This is middle school stuff, I feel like I am trying to teach a child.

your a teacher?.....oh lordy.....:eek:
I have no doubt few, if any, of you will comprehend this. But I'm going to try a new, simpler hypo.

New York City wants to test their cops for promotions. One part of the test has to do with geography. They can either ask about the geography in the West Village or the geography in Harlem. If they choose West Village, whites will score better. If they choose Harlem, blacks will score better. How is this not racist?

funny out here they asked if they knew where the Winchell's are located...only the overweight candidates passed....of all races....the test was considered discriminatory to non-fat candidates....just sayin...
for example.. our soldiers didn't grow up in Bagdhad.. but they practice and train for it?? simple? newp! requires a little effort?? you betcha!

And despite their training, if you asked Iraqis or American soldiers living in Iraq about the area, Iraqis would know a lot more. Thats just a result of having lived in an area all your life v. only a few years.

what the fuck does this have to do with taking a firefighting test?....if a guy passes and gets a station it doesnt matter if he knows the place or not.....EVENTUALLY he will know it....most of them dont know the neighborhood they get assigned too....your just happy to make it and get assigned to a station...good grief....:eusa_eh:
I have no doubt few, if any, of you will comprehend this. But I'm going to try a new, simpler hypo.

New York City wants to test their cops for promotions. One part of the test has to do with geography. They can either ask about the geography in the West Village or the geography in Harlem. If they choose West Village, whites will score better. If they choose Harlem, blacks will score better. How is this not racist?

funny out here they asked if they knew where the Winchell's are located...only the overweight candidates passed....of all races....the test was considered discriminatory to non-fat candidates....just sayin...

Umm, because you have people like William Joyce around?
except people like him are few and not in power
because when people like him are in power they tend to expose themselves and are voted out of office

Like Strom Thurmond was, right?

Sadly, they aren't few and far between. WJ is just one of the strange ones who are open about their dislike for blacks. The rest of you assholes hide it behind condemning affirmative action, and anything else that might benefit blacks.

do you know any black people Nik?...the great majority of the ones i have known or know think getting a job because im black....is somewhat demeaning in this day and age....and it doesnt make for a good work environment....you can tell when RACISM is present,it is not easy to cover up anymore....try evolving like the rest of us assholes...
Your neighborhood example is faulty because then it would favor people who live in a certain neighborhood and not race. If I were to give a test on new York geography I could bus in folks from Seattle of any color vs. people from new york of any color and the people who were from new york would undoubtedly do better than the people of Seattle regardless of color.

I've yet to hear anyone claim the test was biased towards people from a certain region.

nik's in law school, s/he's always right.
get with the program.

and if she aint....she will still say she is,and you then become a "retarded child"...
Your neighborhood example is faulty because then it would favor people who live in a certain neighborhood and not race. If I were to give a test on new York geography I could bus in folks from Seattle of any color vs. people from new york of any color and the people who were from new york would undoubtedly do better than the people of Seattle regardless of color.

I've yet to hear anyone claim the test was biased towards people from a certain region.

Pssst....Harlem is mostly black and West Village is mostly white. Therefore questions about Harlem would benefit blacks and West Village would benefit whites.

and if you wanna be cop,and pass the test,you are going to go wherever they send you,whether you know the neighborhood or not.....you might even live in a different city....so you geography test is pointless,and is non-real....
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Except that you admitted that no amount of studying will reach the same level of competency or knowledge as the people who grew up there.

yep! I'm agreeing with ya.. only black cops should patrol black neighborhoods, and only black lawyers should have black clients,, we should segregate cause we weren't raised in the same neighborhoods.. So much for diversity.. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Too bad thats not what I said. As usual the right has nothing so they just make shit up, eh?

that's exactly what it amounts to, you cannot expect black men to know anything about white neighborhoods or answer any questions about said neighborhoods, that makes it a racist test. So, the only solution is to have them patrol their own neighborhoods to avoid any hint of racism.
Like Strom Thurmond was, right?

Sadly, they aren't few and far between. WJ is just one of the strange ones who are open about their dislike for blacks. The rest of you assholes hide it behind condemning affirmative action, and anything else that might benefit blacks.

How nice, bobo lite here is nothing but another left wing racist hiding behind political correctness..............:clap2:

So you think I'm a racist because I think that a test where all the blacks just happen to do poorly has problems.

And yet you didn't speak out against WJ who said that blacks are systematically less intelligent.

Why is it that Republicans only become concerned about racism when they perceive racism against whites? Where is your concern about racism when someone outright says blacks are inferior?

There are dumb, lazy, ignorant fucks from EVERY race and there are smart, hard working folks from EVERY race. I make my opinion based on the individual, not their race. Blacks do not need AA or anything else that might " benefit blacks ". Your claim that they need AA proves that you think they're inferior. I don't think they need it because they're equal and have the same opportunities. You far left racist jerk offs will never get that though ......:eusa_whistle:

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