Kavanaugh Is An Extremist

Kavanaugh has been bought and paid for by Trump and the Heritage Foundation. The far right conservative movement - which is fascist in deed if not in name - seeks one party to control a diverse nation of 300 + million citizens.

Those who support Trump, Kananaugh's nomination and the current iteration of Republicans, are not patriotic, nor do they support the principles left to us by our founders.

McConnell misfeasance, Ryan's abdication of the principle of Separation of Power, and Trump's attack on the First Amendment ("Fake News") and effort to prosecute Anonymous for the exercise of his/her fundamental Rights are Anti-American.

No one on the right would sit in silence if anyone of these behaviors were committed by Democrats. In all honesty I believe this to be true, and that those who continue the drum beat in support of Trumpism are not responsible citizens.

Kavanaugh explained the case this way: "That was a group that was being forced to provide a certain kind of coverage over their religious objection to their employees. And under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, the question was first was this a substantial burden on the religious exercise."

"It seemed to me quite clearly it was. It was a technical matter of filling out a form. In that case they said filling out the form would make them complicit in the provision of the abortion-inducing drugs that they were, as a religious matter, objecting to."

That phrase, "abortion-inducing drugs," is one the right-wing glommed onto to intentionally confuse contraception with other drugs.

The man thinks that the pill is an abortion inducing drug.

If he's against birth control you know you can kiss Roe V Wade goodbye.

He's trying to pretend otherwise but the e-mails that the Dems released (over the objection if the GOP creeps) showed he clearly thinks he can and should overturn it
If you believe life begins at inception, then plan B is an abortion inducing drug. The logic here is if you shoot at a house, and don’t know if anyone is home or what room there in, that is still murder if you just happen to kill someone. So whether or not you know you’re pregnant, if inception happens and you take plan B, that’s still morally wrong. There is also RU486 which is legit the abortion pill, effective up until 2nd trimester. So what were they referring too?

Also, if a group finds plan b morally objectionable, then they shouldn’t have to pay for it. What is it, 40-50 bucks. Why do you want to impose people paying for something they believe is murder over 50 dollars? You know what’s cheaper than plan B, condoms. If you rely on plan B, don’t work for a catholic establishment. To each their own. They aren’t forbiding people to never use plan b, they just don’t want to pay for it. Why is this shit even an issue? I know the answer, because there’s about a hundred million mini wanna-be tyrants running around who want to control what people think and do, that’s why this shit is an issue.
Mostly the left just want poor black babies aborted though. They send young black men to Dem prisons and bus young black women to abortion mills.

Jesus Christ. Stop fucking lying. What's wrong with you people?

Race for one thing has nothing to do with any of this
That's funny...how is it that most abortion factories are in black neighborhoods?

And how is it that black babies are aborted at an exponentially higher rate than white babies?

I mean, if it's not a racial thing..how do you explain that? Why is almost all abortion advertisement aimed at people of color and distributed among that population?

Well, this is not the thread for it, but My take is that abortion in black communities has more to do with the absent father problem. So, black women abort more often for economic reasons than any other reason.

Just one man's opinion.
I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact that they have been targeted by Planned Parenthood for generations.
Again, that has what to do with the woman who is already caring for children that the father has no involvement with, who simply cannot feed another mouth?

I said once before. That is not a moral argument for or against abortion. It strikes me as reality on the ground.

I detest Planned Parenthood as much as any normal, caring person would. However, if you want to get to the root of the problem of abortion, then we need to address some realities on the ground, in the ghettos, and in our communities.

Lets start by devising ways to eliminate the need for abortion to begin. Then go from there.
Jesus Christ. Stop fucking lying. What's wrong with you people?

Race for one thing has nothing to do with any of this
That's funny...how is it that most abortion factories are in black neighborhoods?

And how is it that black babies are aborted at an exponentially higher rate than white babies?

I mean, if it's not a racial thing..how do you explain that? Why is almost all abortion advertisement aimed at people of color and distributed among that population?

Well, this is not the thread for it, but My take is that abortion in black communities has more to do with the absent father problem. So, black women abort more often for economic reasons than any other reason.

Just one man's opinion.

Margret Sanger the founder of PP called abortion the solution to the Negro problem. Sounds racist to me, just one mans opinion.


It surely does. However, I doubt very much that black women right now who are aborting babies they cannot afford even know or care about what Marget Sanger thought.

I offered no moral implication to My statement. I simply reported the issue as I see it.

The point is how all the "progressive women", like the clinton bitch hold Sanger up to almost deity status, it's called a shared vision.

So, your argument is going to change how many minds and affect how many abortions occur?
Mostly the left just want poor black babies aborted though. They send young black men to Dem prisons and bus young black women to abortion mills.

Jesus Christ. Stop fucking lying. What's wrong with you people?

Race for one thing has nothing to do with any of this
That's funny...how is it that most abortion factories are in black neighborhoods?

And how is it that black babies are aborted at an exponentially higher rate than white babies?

I mean, if it's not a racial thing..how do you explain that? Why is almost all abortion advertisement aimed at people of color and distributed among that population?

Well, this is not the thread for it, but My take is that abortion in black communities has more to do with the absent father problem. So, black women abort more often for economic reasons than any other reason.

Just one man's opinion.
I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact that they have been targeted by Planned Parenthood for generations.
Again, that has what to do with the woman who is already caring for children that the father has no involvement with, who simply cannot feed another mouth?

I said once before. That is not a moral argument for or against abortion. It strikes me as reality on the ground.

I detest Planned Parenthood as much as any normal, caring person would. However, if you want to get to the root of the problem of abortion, then we need to address some realities on the ground, in the ghettos, and in our communities.

Lets start by devising ways to eliminate the need for abortion to begin. Then go from there.
No. There is a moral argument against abortion. It is murder, and it is an industry that feeds off vulnerable women and children.

And there is nobody in this country who can't feed however many children they have, unless they are funneling their benefits to the Islamic State..which is, of course, a crime. We have foodstamps, and they are abundant and they are easily available to women. That's why there are three generation foodstamp families, with each generation having 4 or more kids. It is profitable for poor people in this country to have children...that is why our poor are obese.
Jesus Christ. Stop fucking lying. What's wrong with you people?

Race for one thing has nothing to do with any of this
That's funny...how is it that most abortion factories are in black neighborhoods?

And how is it that black babies are aborted at an exponentially higher rate than white babies?

I mean, if it's not a racial thing..how do you explain that? Why is almost all abortion advertisement aimed at people of color and distributed among that population?

Well, this is not the thread for it, but My take is that abortion in black communities has more to do with the absent father problem. So, black women abort more often for economic reasons than any other reason.

Just one man's opinion.
I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact that they have been targeted by Planned Parenthood for generations.
Again, that has what to do with the woman who is already caring for children that the father has no involvement with, who simply cannot feed another mouth?

I said once before. That is not a moral argument for or against abortion. It strikes me as reality on the ground.

I detest Planned Parenthood as much as any normal, caring person would. However, if you want to get to the root of the problem of abortion, then we need to address some realities on the ground, in the ghettos, and in our communities.

Lets start by devising ways to eliminate the need for abortion to begin. Then go from there.
No. There is a moral argument against abortion. It is murder, and it is an industry that feeds off vulnerable women and children.

And there is nobody in this country who can't feed however many children they have, unless they are funneling their benefits to the Islamic State..which is, of course, a crime. We have foodstamps, and they are abundant and they are easily available to women. That's why there are three generation foodstamp families, with each generation having 4 or more kids. It is profitable for poor people in this country to have children...that is why our poor are obese.
I'm afraid you are trying to conflate several separate issues into something I didn't say.

I did not say that abortion was okay, nor even the right thing to do. Nor do I think that people who have abortions are funneling money to terrorists.

What I do think is that there are mothers out there at the very end of their resources who are having abortions out of fear and see no help from the fathers of their pregnancies or the children they already have.

Should they stop having unprotected sex when they cannot afford more children? Absolutely. However, let's deal with this issue head-on.

They are NOT having protected sex. They are ALREADY pregnant with a child they cannot afford. They ARE turning to the only alternative they have.

It does none of us any good to rail against what they ARE doing when none of us are offering any real solutions and our politicians are busy trying to hold power and get re-elected.
Kavanaugh explained the case this way: "That was a group that was being forced to provide a certain kind of coverage over their religious objection to their employees. And under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, the question was first was this a substantial burden on the religious exercise."

"It seemed to me quite clearly it was. It was a technical matter of filling out a form. In that case they said filling out the form would make them complicit in the provision of the abortion-inducing drugs that they were, as a religious matter, objecting to."

That phrase, "abortion-inducing drugs," is one the right-wing glommed onto to intentionally confuse contraception with other drugs.

The man thinks that the pill is an abortion inducing drug.

If he's against birth control you know you can kiss Roe V Wade goodbye.

He's trying to pretend otherwise but the e-mails that the Dems released (over the objection if the GOP creeps) showed he clearly thinks he can and should overturn it
Where did you earn your Law Degree?
Fake Law University.
Mostly the left just want poor black babies aborted though. They send young black men to Dem prisons and bus young black women to abortion mills.

Jesus Christ. Stop fucking lying. What's wrong with you people?

Race for one thing has nothing to do with any of this
That's funny...how is it that most abortion factories are in black neighborhoods?

And how is it that black babies are aborted at an exponentially higher rate than white babies?

I mean, if it's not a racial thing..how do you explain that? Why is almost all abortion advertisement aimed at people of color and distributed among that population?

Well, this is not the thread for it, but My take is that abortion in black communities has more to do with the absent father problem. So, black women abort more often for economic reasons than any other reason.

Just one man's opinion.
I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact that they have been targeted by Planned Parenthood for generations.
Again, that has what to do with the woman who is already caring for children that the father has no involvement with, who simply cannot feed another mouth?

I said once before. That is not a moral argument for or against abortion. It strikes me as reality on the ground.

I detest Planned Parenthood as much as any normal, caring person would. However, if you want to get to the root of the problem of abortion, then we need to address some realities on the ground, in the ghettos, and in our communities.

Lets start by devising ways to eliminate the need for abortion to begin. Then go from there.
This is a view that’s reasonable on the matter. I personally don’t like the idea of government paying for contraceptives (because they’re stupid cheap to begin with). But let’s pass a law, universal contraceptives for all, whatever contraception you want, but no more abortion (with exceptions to the .001% of cases of rape and incest, since it’s going to be brought up) . That’s a compromise that any pro-life person should be willing to make. You now have zero excuse to need an abortion other than your own irresponsibility. We cannot be the arbiters of covering for people’s irresponsibiltiy when dealing with the issue of human life. This is why we have manslaughter laws.
Kavanaugh explained the case this way: "That was a group that was being forced to provide a certain kind of coverage over their religious objection to their employees. And under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, the question was first was this a substantial burden on the religious exercise."

"It seemed to me quite clearly it was. It was a technical matter of filling out a form. In that case they said filling out the form would make them complicit in the provision of the abortion-inducing drugs that they were, as a religious matter, objecting to."

That phrase, "abortion-inducing drugs," is one the right-wing glommed onto to intentionally confuse contraception with other drugs.

The man thinks that the pill is an abortion inducing drug.

If he's against birth control you know you can kiss Roe V Wade goodbye.

He's trying to pretend otherwise but the e-mails that the Dems released (over the objection if the GOP creeps) showed he clearly thinks he can and should overturn it

Unfortunately, even if Kavanaugh fails to be confirmed, the Heritage Foundation and other rightwing entities will find another reactionary extremist hostile to settled, accepted precedent and the rule of law.

Roe V Wade is not settled law.
Jesus Christ. Stop fucking lying. What's wrong with you people?

Race for one thing has nothing to do with any of this
That's funny...how is it that most abortion factories are in black neighborhoods?

And how is it that black babies are aborted at an exponentially higher rate than white babies?

I mean, if it's not a racial thing..how do you explain that? Why is almost all abortion advertisement aimed at people of color and distributed among that population?

Well, this is not the thread for it, but My take is that abortion in black communities has more to do with the absent father problem. So, black women abort more often for economic reasons than any other reason.

Just one man's opinion.
I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact that they have been targeted by Planned Parenthood for generations.
Again, that has what to do with the woman who is already caring for children that the father has no involvement with, who simply cannot feed another mouth?

I said once before. That is not a moral argument for or against abortion. It strikes me as reality on the ground.

I detest Planned Parenthood as much as any normal, caring person would. However, if you want to get to the root of the problem of abortion, then we need to address some realities on the ground, in the ghettos, and in our communities.

Lets start by devising ways to eliminate the need for abortion to begin. Then go from there.
This is a view that’s reasonable on the matter. I personally don’t like the idea of government paying for contraceptives (because they’re stupid cheap to begin with). But let’s pass a law, universal contraceptives for all, whatever contraception you want, but no more abortion (with exceptions to the .001% of cases of rape and incest, since it’s going to be brought up) . That’s a compromise that any pro-life person should be willing to make. You now have zero excuse to need an abortion other than your own irresponsibility. We cannot be the arbiters of covering for people’s irresponsibiltiy when dealing with the issue of human life. This is why we have manslaughter laws.
Okay, why is it we are paying for that and not for programs that teach people the consquences of their actions?

Besides, contraception is cheap and affordable for everyone. If that would be your answer, then bring it to your state legislature and advocate for it.

In My opinion, education is the panacea of nearly every social ill we face.
Jesus Christ. Stop fucking lying. What's wrong with you people?

Race for one thing has nothing to do with any of this
That's funny...how is it that most abortion factories are in black neighborhoods?

And how is it that black babies are aborted at an exponentially higher rate than white babies?

I mean, if it's not a racial thing..how do you explain that? Why is almost all abortion advertisement aimed at people of color and distributed among that population?

Well, this is not the thread for it, but My take is that abortion in black communities has more to do with the absent father problem. So, black women abort more often for economic reasons than any other reason.

Just one man's opinion.
I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact that they have been targeted by Planned Parenthood for generations.
Again, that has what to do with the woman who is already caring for children that the father has no involvement with, who simply cannot feed another mouth?

I said once before. That is not a moral argument for or against abortion. It strikes me as reality on the ground.

I detest Planned Parenthood as much as any normal, caring person would. However, if you want to get to the root of the problem of abortion, then we need to address some realities on the ground, in the ghettos, and in our communities.

Lets start by devising ways to eliminate the need for abortion to begin. Then go from there.
This is a view that’s reasonable on the matter. I personally don’t like the idea of government paying for contraceptives (because they’re stupid cheap to begin with). But let’s pass a law, universal contraceptives for all, whatever contraception you want, but no more abortion (with exceptions to the .001% of cases of rape and incest, since it’s going to be brought up) . That’s a compromise that any pro-life person should be willing to make. You now have zero excuse to need an abortion other than your own irresponsibility. We cannot be the arbiters of covering for people’s irresponsibiltiy when dealing with the issue of human life. This is why we have manslaughter laws.
Contraceptives are already available for free to anybody who wants them. We don't need laws about it.
Kavanaugh explained the case this way: "That was a group that was being forced to provide a certain kind of coverage over their religious objection to their employees. And under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, the question was first was this a substantial burden on the religious exercise."

"It seemed to me quite clearly it was. It was a technical matter of filling out a form. In that case they said filling out the form would make them complicit in the provision of the abortion-inducing drugs that they were, as a religious matter, objecting to."

That phrase, "abortion-inducing drugs," is one the right-wing glommed onto to intentionally confuse contraception with other drugs.

The man thinks that the pill is an abortion inducing drug.

If he's against birth control you know you can kiss Roe V Wade goodbye.

He's trying to pretend otherwise but the e-mails that the Dems released (over the objection if the GOP creeps) showed he clearly thinks he can and should overturn it

No, Ruth Bader Ginsburg is an extremist, Kavanaugh is not.
That's funny...how is it that most abortion factories are in black neighborhoods?

And how is it that black babies are aborted at an exponentially higher rate than white babies?

I mean, if it's not a racial thing..how do you explain that? Why is almost all abortion advertisement aimed at people of color and distributed among that population?

Well, this is not the thread for it, but My take is that abortion in black communities has more to do with the absent father problem. So, black women abort more often for economic reasons than any other reason.

Just one man's opinion.
I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact that they have been targeted by Planned Parenthood for generations.
Again, that has what to do with the woman who is already caring for children that the father has no involvement with, who simply cannot feed another mouth?

I said once before. That is not a moral argument for or against abortion. It strikes me as reality on the ground.

I detest Planned Parenthood as much as any normal, caring person would. However, if you want to get to the root of the problem of abortion, then we need to address some realities on the ground, in the ghettos, and in our communities.

Lets start by devising ways to eliminate the need for abortion to begin. Then go from there.
This is a view that’s reasonable on the matter. I personally don’t like the idea of government paying for contraceptives (because they’re stupid cheap to begin with). But let’s pass a law, universal contraceptives for all, whatever contraception you want, but no more abortion (with exceptions to the .001% of cases of rape and incest, since it’s going to be brought up) . That’s a compromise that any pro-life person should be willing to make. You now have zero excuse to need an abortion other than your own irresponsibility. We cannot be the arbiters of covering for people’s irresponsibiltiy when dealing with the issue of human life. This is why we have manslaughter laws.
Okay, why is it we are paying for that and not for programs that teach people the consquences of their actions?

Besides, contraception is cheap and affordable for everyone. If that would be your answer, then bring it to your state legislature and advocate for it.

In My opinion, education is the panacea of nearly every social ill we face.

Yeah that's what we used to do in the old days, before 77 percent of all blacks were born to single mothers.

We used to tell our children that it was stupid and frowned upon to have sex outside of marriage, we used to teach them that there is a God who frowns upon promiscuity and selfish indulgences....we used to encourage them to find a suitable mate and get married before having children...and the consequences if they didn't were the censure of their family and friends and a nice little vacation at a home for unwed mothers followed by an adoption.

Teaching consequences really is effective, after all.

But teaching consequences is not the same as teaching young kids how to use a condom or how to perform fellatio or All About Anal. Those aren't consequences, and in fact surprise surprise, teaching kids that anal is fun and you don't have to worry about pregnancy if you can put a rubber on a banana seems to increase unintended pregnancy.
Democrat women should always be encouraged to abort their children. I note that white families are now having 2 plus children.
Well, this is not the thread for it, but My take is that abortion in black communities has more to do with the absent father problem. So, black women abort more often for economic reasons than any other reason.

Just one man's opinion.
I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact that they have been targeted by Planned Parenthood for generations.
Again, that has what to do with the woman who is already caring for children that the father has no involvement with, who simply cannot feed another mouth?

I said once before. That is not a moral argument for or against abortion. It strikes me as reality on the ground.

I detest Planned Parenthood as much as any normal, caring person would. However, if you want to get to the root of the problem of abortion, then we need to address some realities on the ground, in the ghettos, and in our communities.

Lets start by devising ways to eliminate the need for abortion to begin. Then go from there.
This is a view that’s reasonable on the matter. I personally don’t like the idea of government paying for contraceptives (because they’re stupid cheap to begin with). But let’s pass a law, universal contraceptives for all, whatever contraception you want, but no more abortion (with exceptions to the .001% of cases of rape and incest, since it’s going to be brought up) . That’s a compromise that any pro-life person should be willing to make. You now have zero excuse to need an abortion other than your own irresponsibility. We cannot be the arbiters of covering for people’s irresponsibiltiy when dealing with the issue of human life. This is why we have manslaughter laws.
Okay, why is it we are paying for that and not for programs that teach people the consquences of their actions?

Besides, contraception is cheap and affordable for everyone. If that would be your answer, then bring it to your state legislature and advocate for it.

In My opinion, education is the panacea of nearly every social ill we face.

Yeah that's what we used to do in the old days, before 77 percent of all blacks were born to single mothers.

We used to tell our children that it was stupid and frowned upon to have sex outside of marriage, we used to teach them that there is a God who frowns upon promiscuity and selfish indulgences....we used to encourage them to find a suitable mate and get married before having children...and the consequences if they didn't were the censure of their family and friends and a nice little vacation at a home for unwed mothers followed by an adoption.

Teaching consequences really is effective, after all.

But teaching consequences is not the same as teaching young kids how to use a condom or how to perform fellatio or All About Anal.
We actually need to stop teaching women that and start teaching that to young black men.
That's funny...how is it that most abortion factories are in black neighborhoods?

And how is it that black babies are aborted at an exponentially higher rate than white babies?

I mean, if it's not a racial thing..how do you explain that? Why is almost all abortion advertisement aimed at people of color and distributed among that population?

Well, this is not the thread for it, but My take is that abortion in black communities has more to do with the absent father problem. So, black women abort more often for economic reasons than any other reason.

Just one man's opinion.
I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact that they have been targeted by Planned Parenthood for generations.
Again, that has what to do with the woman who is already caring for children that the father has no involvement with, who simply cannot feed another mouth?

I said once before. That is not a moral argument for or against abortion. It strikes me as reality on the ground.

I detest Planned Parenthood as much as any normal, caring person would. However, if you want to get to the root of the problem of abortion, then we need to address some realities on the ground, in the ghettos, and in our communities.

Lets start by devising ways to eliminate the need for abortion to begin. Then go from there.
This is a view that’s reasonable on the matter. I personally don’t like the idea of government paying for contraceptives (because they’re stupid cheap to begin with). But let’s pass a law, universal contraceptives for all, whatever contraception you want, but no more abortion (with exceptions to the .001% of cases of rape and incest, since it’s going to be brought up) . That’s a compromise that any pro-life person should be willing to make. You now have zero excuse to need an abortion other than your own irresponsibility. We cannot be the arbiters of covering for people’s irresponsibiltiy when dealing with the issue of human life. This is why we have manslaughter laws.
Okay, why is it we are paying for that and not for programs that teach people the consquences of their actions?

Besides, contraception is cheap and affordable for everyone. If that would be your answer, then bring it to your state legislature and advocate for it.

In My opinion, education is the panacea of nearly every social ill we face.
The overwhelming vast majority of people of childbearing age have been educated on the matter since at least 5th grade to the end of their high school. I don’t think education is the problem. The problem is in youth, doing as the youthful do, assuming they can get away with things and skip steps when the correct steps aren’t ready for them at the moment. That moment being when they’re horny AF with hormones raging through their body. There would still be dumbasses and lazy people, my proposal is to eliminate any excuse they have for their laziness and dumbassery.
Well, this is not the thread for it, but My take is that abortion in black communities has more to do with the absent father problem. So, black women abort more often for economic reasons than any other reason.

Just one man's opinion.
I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact that they have been targeted by Planned Parenthood for generations.
Again, that has what to do with the woman who is already caring for children that the father has no involvement with, who simply cannot feed another mouth?

I said once before. That is not a moral argument for or against abortion. It strikes me as reality on the ground.

I detest Planned Parenthood as much as any normal, caring person would. However, if you want to get to the root of the problem of abortion, then we need to address some realities on the ground, in the ghettos, and in our communities.

Lets start by devising ways to eliminate the need for abortion to begin. Then go from there.
This is a view that’s reasonable on the matter. I personally don’t like the idea of government paying for contraceptives (because they’re stupid cheap to begin with). But let’s pass a law, universal contraceptives for all, whatever contraception you want, but no more abortion (with exceptions to the .001% of cases of rape and incest, since it’s going to be brought up) . That’s a compromise that any pro-life person should be willing to make. You now have zero excuse to need an abortion other than your own irresponsibility. We cannot be the arbiters of covering for people’s irresponsibiltiy when dealing with the issue of human life. This is why we have manslaughter laws.
Okay, why is it we are paying for that and not for programs that teach people the consquences of their actions?

Besides, contraception is cheap and affordable for everyone. If that would be your answer, then bring it to your state legislature and advocate for it.

In My opinion, education is the panacea of nearly every social ill we face.
The overwhelming vast majority of people of childbearing age have been educated on the matter since at least 5th grade to the end of their high school. I don’t think education is the problem. The problem is in youth, doing as the youthful do, assuming they can get away with things and skip steps when the correct steps aren’t ready for them at the moment. That moment being when they’re horny AF with hormones raging through their body. There would still be dumbasses and lazy people, my proposal is to eliminate any excuse they have for their laziness and dumbassery.
Strange. I know a majority of young people who haven't done any such thing. Unless of course, you have stats showing that a majority of young people are having babies out o wedlock or unprotected sex?

No? I've looked at the stats.

The rate of teenage sex is high, but it is by no means, a majority or even common practice. While I would like to see that number at zero, the truth is, it is ony a percentage and that means that the education IS working.
I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact that they have been targeted by Planned Parenthood for generations.
Again, that has what to do with the woman who is already caring for children that the father has no involvement with, who simply cannot feed another mouth?

I said once before. That is not a moral argument for or against abortion. It strikes me as reality on the ground.

I detest Planned Parenthood as much as any normal, caring person would. However, if you want to get to the root of the problem of abortion, then we need to address some realities on the ground, in the ghettos, and in our communities.

Lets start by devising ways to eliminate the need for abortion to begin. Then go from there.
This is a view that’s reasonable on the matter. I personally don’t like the idea of government paying for contraceptives (because they’re stupid cheap to begin with). But let’s pass a law, universal contraceptives for all, whatever contraception you want, but no more abortion (with exceptions to the .001% of cases of rape and incest, since it’s going to be brought up) . That’s a compromise that any pro-life person should be willing to make. You now have zero excuse to need an abortion other than your own irresponsibility. We cannot be the arbiters of covering for people’s irresponsibiltiy when dealing with the issue of human life. This is why we have manslaughter laws.
Okay, why is it we are paying for that and not for programs that teach people the consquences of their actions?

Besides, contraception is cheap and affordable for everyone. If that would be your answer, then bring it to your state legislature and advocate for it.

In My opinion, education is the panacea of nearly every social ill we face.
The overwhelming vast majority of people of childbearing age have been educated on the matter since at least 5th grade to the end of their high school. I don’t think education is the problem. The problem is in youth, doing as the youthful do, assuming they can get away with things and skip steps when the correct steps aren’t ready for them at the moment. That moment being when they’re horny AF with hormones raging through their body. There would still be dumbasses and lazy people, my proposal is to eliminate any excuse they have for their laziness and dumbassery.
Strange. I know a majority of young people who haven't done any such thing. Unless of course, you have stats showing that a majority of young people are having babies out o wedlock or unprotected sex?

No? I've looked at the stats.

The rate of teenage sex is high, but it is by no means, a majority or even common practice. While I would like to see that number at zero, the truth is, it is ony a percentage and that means that the education IS working.
Look at the stats that deal with black kids in ghetto districts.

You'll see an entirely different story.

Because the state reigns supreme in poverty stricken areas that are dependent upon state goodies. And they promote, teach and reward promiscuity.

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