Kavanaugh Is An Extremist

Again, that has what to do with the woman who is already caring for children that the father has no involvement with, who simply cannot feed another mouth?

I said once before. That is not a moral argument for or against abortion. It strikes me as reality on the ground.

I detest Planned Parenthood as much as any normal, caring person would. However, if you want to get to the root of the problem of abortion, then we need to address some realities on the ground, in the ghettos, and in our communities.

Lets start by devising ways to eliminate the need for abortion to begin. Then go from there.
This is a view that’s reasonable on the matter. I personally don’t like the idea of government paying for contraceptives (because they’re stupid cheap to begin with). But let’s pass a law, universal contraceptives for all, whatever contraception you want, but no more abortion (with exceptions to the .001% of cases of rape and incest, since it’s going to be brought up) . That’s a compromise that any pro-life person should be willing to make. You now have zero excuse to need an abortion other than your own irresponsibility. We cannot be the arbiters of covering for people’s irresponsibiltiy when dealing with the issue of human life. This is why we have manslaughter laws.
Okay, why is it we are paying for that and not for programs that teach people the consquences of their actions?

Besides, contraception is cheap and affordable for everyone. If that would be your answer, then bring it to your state legislature and advocate for it.

In My opinion, education is the panacea of nearly every social ill we face.
The overwhelming vast majority of people of childbearing age have been educated on the matter since at least 5th grade to the end of their high school. I don’t think education is the problem. The problem is in youth, doing as the youthful do, assuming they can get away with things and skip steps when the correct steps aren’t ready for them at the moment. That moment being when they’re horny AF with hormones raging through their body. There would still be dumbasses and lazy people, my proposal is to eliminate any excuse they have for their laziness and dumbassery.
Strange. I know a majority of young people who haven't done any such thing. Unless of course, you have stats showing that a majority of young people are having babies out o wedlock or unprotected sex?

No? I've looked at the stats.

The rate of teenage sex is high, but it is by no means, a majority or even common practice. While I would like to see that number at zero, the truth is, it is ony a percentage and that means that the education IS working.
Look at the stats that deal with black kids in ghetto districts.

You'll see an entirely different story.

Because the state reigns supreme in poverty stricken areas that are dependent upon state goodies. And they promote, teach and reward promiscuity.
I'd have to see the legislation that supports your assertion.

I have no doubt at all that poiticans hand out handsomely from the public trust to the poor. That is what keeps them in power.

But the truth is, among all teenage groups, the overall rate of unprotected sex and teen pregnacies is a fraction of the overall majority. Which means that the message does get through.
Mostly the left just want poor black babies aborted though. They send young black men to Dem prisons and bus young black women to abortion mills.

Jesus Christ. Stop fucking lying. What's wrong with you people?

Race for one thing has nothing to do with any of this
That's funny...how is it that most abortion factories are in black neighborhoods?

And how is it that black babies are aborted at an exponentially higher rate than white babies?

I mean, if it's not a racial thing..how do you explain that? Why is almost all abortion advertisement aimed at people of color and distributed among that population?

Well, this is not the thread for it, but My take is that abortion in black communities has more to do with the absent father problem. So, black women abort more often for economic reasons than any other reason.

Just one man's opinion.
I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact that they have been targeted by Planned Parenthood for generations.
Again, that has what to do with the woman who is already caring for children that the father has no involvement with, who simply cannot feed another mouth?

I said once before. That is not a moral argument for or against abortion. It strikes me as reality on the ground.

I detest Planned Parenthood as much as any normal, caring person would. However, if you want to get to the root of the problem of abortion, then we need to address some realities on the ground, in the ghettos, and in our communities.

Lets start by devising ways to eliminate the need for abortion to begin. Then go from there.

Normal caring people support planned parenthood.

BTW, the use of contraceptives - universally - would eliminate most abortions.

Q. Why not all?

A. Insecure men who abuse their wife or S. O.
He was added to the SC short list after he made it clear he would vote with Trump on any Presidential impeachment cases brought before the SCOTUS

This was a corrupt crony deal

Perhaps a few American Constitution and history lessons would serve you well.

Given the panic, hate, vitriol, and desperation my far left Progressive friends are exhibiting here and virtually everywhere else, we Americans have accomplished a great historic feat by electing Donald Trump as President of the United States. His extraordinarily superb selections of judges and especially for the Supreme Court marks a high point in our countries history.

Much like President Ronald Reagan, Donald Trump has set us on a source of success for at least the next quarter century.
Jesus Christ. Stop fucking lying. What's wrong with you people?

Race for one thing has nothing to do with any of this
That's funny...how is it that most abortion factories are in black neighborhoods?

And how is it that black babies are aborted at an exponentially higher rate than white babies?

I mean, if it's not a racial thing..how do you explain that? Why is almost all abortion advertisement aimed at people of color and distributed among that population?

Well, this is not the thread for it, but My take is that abortion in black communities has more to do with the absent father problem. So, black women abort more often for economic reasons than any other reason.

Just one man's opinion.
I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact that they have been targeted by Planned Parenthood for generations.
Again, that has what to do with the woman who is already caring for children that the father has no involvement with, who simply cannot feed another mouth?

I said once before. That is not a moral argument for or against abortion. It strikes me as reality on the ground.

I detest Planned Parenthood as much as any normal, caring person would. However, if you want to get to the root of the problem of abortion, then we need to address some realities on the ground, in the ghettos, and in our communities.

Lets start by devising ways to eliminate the need for abortion to begin. Then go from there.

Normal caring people support planned parenthood.

BTW, the use of contraceptives - universally - would eliminate most abortions.

Q. Why not all?

A. Insecure men who abuse their wife or S. O.
No, agenda driven people who need to dehumanize life support planned parenthood.

However, I agree that contraception is ONE answer to the problem. As for your answer, it shows a complete lack of understanding of human nature.
Two take away's from Kavanaugh's statements:

  • He called our form of government a Constitutional Republic, a code word for those who disdain democracy;
  • He called contraceptives a form of abortion, again a code dear to the hearts of social conservatives.
He was not transparent, and not willing to take a stand on Executive Power's, claiming he cannot answer a hypothetical question.

BTW, most of us who have been interviewed for a job are asked a serious of questions, many which are hypothetical. As someone who has sat on numerous panels applicants I can assure the reader that anyone who refused to offer a response to a hypothetical would not be hired.
Do you think Kagan was anymore forthcoming?
NY Times: Kagan 'Follows Precedent' by Not Offering Opinions, While Kavanaugh 'Ducks Questions'

I have no idea how forthcoming Kagan was or any other member of the S. C. I do know we are in interesting / dangerous times, and that Trump is the cause. That he is in danger of impeachment, he choose a judge for the nomination who might put a sitting President above the law. kavanaugh's resistance to answering questions on the extent of Presidential Privilege and Power is telling.
That's funny...how is it that most abortion factories are in black neighborhoods?

And how is it that black babies are aborted at an exponentially higher rate than white babies?

I mean, if it's not a racial thing..how do you explain that? Why is almost all abortion advertisement aimed at people of color and distributed among that population?

Well, this is not the thread for it, but My take is that abortion in black communities has more to do with the absent father problem. So, black women abort more often for economic reasons than any other reason.

Just one man's opinion.
I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact that they have been targeted by Planned Parenthood for generations.
Again, that has what to do with the woman who is already caring for children that the father has no involvement with, who simply cannot feed another mouth?

I said once before. That is not a moral argument for or against abortion. It strikes me as reality on the ground.

I detest Planned Parenthood as much as any normal, caring person would. However, if you want to get to the root of the problem of abortion, then we need to address some realities on the ground, in the ghettos, and in our communities.

Lets start by devising ways to eliminate the need for abortion to begin. Then go from there.

Normal caring people support planned parenthood.

BTW, the use of contraceptives - universally - would eliminate most abortions.

Q. Why not all?

A. Insecure men who abuse their wife or S. O.
No, agenda driven people who need to dehumanize life support planned parenthood.

However, I agree that contraception is ONE answer to the problem. As for your answer, it shows a complete lack of understanding of human nature.

You don't seem to understand that abortion is not the major service provided by planned parenthood. Maybe you ought to look into what they do for women's health issues.
Well, this is not the thread for it, but My take is that abortion in black communities has more to do with the absent father problem. So, black women abort more often for economic reasons than any other reason.

Just one man's opinion.
I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact that they have been targeted by Planned Parenthood for generations.
Again, that has what to do with the woman who is already caring for children that the father has no involvement with, who simply cannot feed another mouth?

I said once before. That is not a moral argument for or against abortion. It strikes me as reality on the ground.

I detest Planned Parenthood as much as any normal, caring person would. However, if you want to get to the root of the problem of abortion, then we need to address some realities on the ground, in the ghettos, and in our communities.

Lets start by devising ways to eliminate the need for abortion to begin. Then go from there.

Normal caring people support planned parenthood.

BTW, the use of contraceptives - universally - would eliminate most abortions.

Q. Why not all?

A. Insecure men who abuse their wife or S. O.
No, agenda driven people who need to dehumanize life support planned parenthood.

However, I agree that contraception is ONE answer to the problem. As for your answer, it shows a complete lack of understanding of human nature.

You don't seem to understand that abortion is not the major service provided by planned parenthood. Maybe you ought to look into what they do for women's health issues.
I have. I don't buy the propaganda.
Well, this is not the thread for it, but My take is that abortion in black communities has more to do with the absent father problem. So, black women abort more often for economic reasons than any other reason.

Just one man's opinion.
I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact that they have been targeted by Planned Parenthood for generations.
Again, that has what to do with the woman who is already caring for children that the father has no involvement with, who simply cannot feed another mouth?

I said once before. That is not a moral argument for or against abortion. It strikes me as reality on the ground.

I detest Planned Parenthood as much as any normal, caring person would. However, if you want to get to the root of the problem of abortion, then we need to address some realities on the ground, in the ghettos, and in our communities.

Lets start by devising ways to eliminate the need for abortion to begin. Then go from there.

Normal caring people support planned parenthood.

BTW, the use of contraceptives - universally - would eliminate most abortions.

Q. Why not all?

A. Insecure men who abuse their wife or S. O.
No, agenda driven people who need to dehumanize life support planned parenthood.

However, I agree that contraception is ONE answer to the problem. As for your answer, it shows a complete lack of understanding of human nature.

You don't seem to understand that abortion is not the major service provided by planned parenthood. Maybe you ought to look into what they do for women's health issues.
That's funny...how is it that most abortion factories are in black neighborhoods?

And how is it that black babies are aborted at an exponentially higher rate than white babies?

I mean, if it's not a racial thing..how do you explain that? Why is almost all abortion advertisement aimed at people of color and distributed among that population?

Well, this is not the thread for it, but My take is that abortion in black communities has more to do with the absent father problem. So, black women abort more often for economic reasons than any other reason.

Just one man's opinion.

Margret Sanger the founder of PP called abortion the solution to the Negro problem. Sounds racist to me, just one mans opinion.


It surely does. However, I doubt very much that black women right now who are aborting babies they cannot afford even know or care about what Marget Sanger thought.

I offered no moral implication to My statement. I simply reported the issue as I see it.

The point is how all the "progressive women", like the clinton bitch hold Sanger up to almost deity status, it's called a shared vision.

So, your argument is going to change how many minds and affect how many abortions occur?

I think you're confusing a simple statement of fact as an argument. I don't really expect the ignorance that pursues elective abortions to avail themselves of facts in advance of killing their child.

Well, this is not the thread for it, but My take is that abortion in black communities has more to do with the absent father problem. So, black women abort more often for economic reasons than any other reason.

Just one man's opinion.

Margret Sanger the founder of PP called abortion the solution to the Negro problem. Sounds racist to me, just one mans opinion.


It surely does. However, I doubt very much that black women right now who are aborting babies they cannot afford even know or care about what Marget Sanger thought.

I offered no moral implication to My statement. I simply reported the issue as I see it.

The point is how all the "progressive women", like the clinton bitch hold Sanger up to almost deity status, it's called a shared vision.

So, your argument is going to change how many minds and affect how many abortions occur?

I think you're confusing a simple statement of fact as an argument. I don't really expect the ignorance that pursues elective abortions to avail themselves of facts in advance of killing their child.

So, then I have to ask. Why bother to talk about it on a forum when you know no one's minds will be changed?
A lot more than all those gone from the Trump swamp ?? A lot more than kissing Putins butt?? Thought republicans were against communism ? A lot more than trump being the least prepared ever to enter our WH? A bully, a thief a narcissistic pervert a divider? Those are my cards Beat em

You are describing well failed former President Barack Hussein Obama who stated himself that he was unqualified to run for President. After all, the most complex thing he had ever run was an ACORN committee meeting.

Kissing Putin's butt?

In our governmental system, we have three branches. The Legislative, Judicial, and Executive. The office President is the Executive Branch. President Donald Trump has been a highly successful executive for many decades.

Executives are presented with the situation, alternative solutions and they make a decision. Politicians are presented with a situation, alternative solutions and they refer it to a committee who then work diligently to produce a study. That study then goes to the Presidents advisors who ask a lot of questions. Perhaps a year later, the situation and solutions reach the Presidents desk and he may, or in the cast of failed former President Barack Hussein Obama, no decision is made at all. Benghazi would be a prime example.
How in Gods name can anyone support the trump scumbag???

Gee, do you think it might be that he is doing an incredible job? Or does that not matter to you?

New Jobs Numbers Set More Records – More Jobs Than Unemployed Again!
by Jim Hoft September 7, 2018 41 Comments
Guest post by Joe Hoft

The US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) announced its August jobs report this morning. Unemployment is down to 3.9%, while more people are employed in the US than at any time in history. But the big news is that this century, since the year 2000, more than 20% of all job increases have occurred during the Trump years.

The BLS announced July’s job numbers on Friday and the results were impressive.

Total nonfarm payroll employment increased by 201,000 in August, and the unemployment
rate was unchanged at 3.9 percent, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today.
Job gains occurred in professional and business services, health care, wholesale trade,
transportation and warehousing, and mining.
New Jobs Numbers Set More Records - More Jobs Than Unemployed Again!
Mostly the left just want poor black babies aborted though. They send young black men to Dem prisons and bus young black women to abortion mills.

Jesus Christ. Stop fucking lying. What's wrong with you people?

Race for one thing has nothing to do with any of this
That's funny...how is it that most abortion factories are in black neighborhoods?

And how is it that black babies are aborted at an exponentially higher rate than white babies?

I mean, if it's not a racial thing..how do you explain that? Why is almost all abortion advertisement aimed at people of color and distributed among that population?

Well, this is not the thread for it, but My take is that abortion in black communities has more to do with the absent father problem. So, black women abort more often for economic reasons than any other reason.

Just one man's opinion.
I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact that they have been targeted by Planned Parenthood for generations.
Again, that has what to do with the woman who is already caring for children that the father has no involvement with, who simply cannot feed another mouth?

I said once before. That is not a moral argument for or against abortion. It strikes me as reality on the ground.

I detest Planned Parenthood as much as any normal, caring person would. However, if you want to get to the root of the problem of abortion, then we need to address some realities on the ground, in the ghettos, and in our communities.

Lets start by devising ways to eliminate the need for abortion to begin. Then go from there.

Yep, is called personal responsibility and self control, don't need or want a kid, make sure you don't make one. Worked for me my whole life.

Jesus Christ. Stop fucking lying. What's wrong with you people?

Race for one thing has nothing to do with any of this
That's funny...how is it that most abortion factories are in black neighborhoods?

And how is it that black babies are aborted at an exponentially higher rate than white babies?

I mean, if it's not a racial thing..how do you explain that? Why is almost all abortion advertisement aimed at people of color and distributed among that population?

Well, this is not the thread for it, but My take is that abortion in black communities has more to do with the absent father problem. So, black women abort more often for economic reasons than any other reason.

Just one man's opinion.
I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact that they have been targeted by Planned Parenthood for generations.
Again, that has what to do with the woman who is already caring for children that the father has no involvement with, who simply cannot feed another mouth?

I said once before. That is not a moral argument for or against abortion. It strikes me as reality on the ground.

I detest Planned Parenthood as much as any normal, caring person would. However, if you want to get to the root of the problem of abortion, then we need to address some realities on the ground, in the ghettos, and in our communities.

Lets start by devising ways to eliminate the need for abortion to begin. Then go from there.

Yep, is called personal responsibility and self control, don't need or want a kid, make sure you don't make one. Worked for me my whole life.

For Me as well.
Again, that has what to do with the woman who is already caring for children that the father has no involvement with, who simply cannot feed another mouth?

I said once before. That is not a moral argument for or against abortion. It strikes me as reality on the ground.

I detest Planned Parenthood as much as any normal, caring person would. However, if you want to get to the root of the problem of abortion, then we need to address some realities on the ground, in the ghettos, and in our communities.

Lets start by devising ways to eliminate the need for abortion to begin. Then go from there.
This is a view that’s reasonable on the matter. I personally don’t like the idea of government paying for contraceptives (because they’re stupid cheap to begin with). But let’s pass a law, universal contraceptives for all, whatever contraception you want, but no more abortion (with exceptions to the .001% of cases of rape and incest, since it’s going to be brought up) . That’s a compromise that any pro-life person should be willing to make. You now have zero excuse to need an abortion other than your own irresponsibility. We cannot be the arbiters of covering for people’s irresponsibiltiy when dealing with the issue of human life. This is why we have manslaughter laws.
Okay, why is it we are paying for that and not for programs that teach people the consquences of their actions?

Besides, contraception is cheap and affordable for everyone. If that would be your answer, then bring it to your state legislature and advocate for it.

In My opinion, education is the panacea of nearly every social ill we face.
The overwhelming vast majority of people of childbearing age have been educated on the matter since at least 5th grade to the end of their high school. I don’t think education is the problem. The problem is in youth, doing as the youthful do, assuming they can get away with things and skip steps when the correct steps aren’t ready for them at the moment. That moment being when they’re horny AF with hormones raging through their body. There would still be dumbasses and lazy people, my proposal is to eliminate any excuse they have for their laziness and dumbassery.
Strange. I know a majority of young people who haven't done any such thing. Unless of course, you have stats showing that a majority of young people are having babies out o wedlock or unprotected sex?

No? I've looked at the stats.

The rate of teenage sex is high, but it is by no means, a majority or even common practice. While I would like to see that number at zero, the truth is, it is ony a percentage and that means that the education IS working.
Look at the stats that deal with black kids in ghetto districts.

You'll see an entirely different story.

Because the state reigns supreme in poverty stricken areas that are dependent upon state goodies. And they promote, teach and reward promiscuity.
Or it means education has come to a point of diminishing returns. The phrase “lead a horse to water” comes to mind. How many ways have we told people not to drink and drive, not to do heroin or meth, etc? How many different ways have we taught the STEM fields? There’s always going to be a population where education doesn’t stick. You and the government cannot eliminate that. You could Clockwork orange people all day, people are still going to make stupid choices. In a matter of this magnitude, why not put the damn water in a bottle with a straw right in front of their mouth, eliminate the step of them having to spend half a day to go out and get contraception?
Practice any religion you want. That is protected.

Impose your religious thoughts on others and it is not

Au contraire.

Freedom of speech allows me to impose my religious thoughts on you and anyone else. Whether they listen or not is their affair.

It is the government who may not impose its will!

First Amendment
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
This is a view that’s reasonable on the matter. I personally don’t like the idea of government paying for contraceptives (because they’re stupid cheap to begin with). But let’s pass a law, universal contraceptives for all, whatever contraception you want, but no more abortion (with exceptions to the .001% of cases of rape and incest, since it’s going to be brought up) . That’s a compromise that any pro-life person should be willing to make. You now have zero excuse to need an abortion other than your own irresponsibility. We cannot be the arbiters of covering for people’s irresponsibiltiy when dealing with the issue of human life. This is why we have manslaughter laws.
Okay, why is it we are paying for that and not for programs that teach people the consquences of their actions?

Besides, contraception is cheap and affordable for everyone. If that would be your answer, then bring it to your state legislature and advocate for it.

In My opinion, education is the panacea of nearly every social ill we face.
The overwhelming vast majority of people of childbearing age have been educated on the matter since at least 5th grade to the end of their high school. I don’t think education is the problem. The problem is in youth, doing as the youthful do, assuming they can get away with things and skip steps when the correct steps aren’t ready for them at the moment. That moment being when they’re horny AF with hormones raging through their body. There would still be dumbasses and lazy people, my proposal is to eliminate any excuse they have for their laziness and dumbassery.
Strange. I know a majority of young people who haven't done any such thing. Unless of course, you have stats showing that a majority of young people are having babies out o wedlock or unprotected sex?

No? I've looked at the stats.

The rate of teenage sex is high, but it is by no means, a majority or even common practice. While I would like to see that number at zero, the truth is, it is ony a percentage and that means that the education IS working.
Look at the stats that deal with black kids in ghetto districts.

You'll see an entirely different story.

Because the state reigns supreme in poverty stricken areas that are dependent upon state goodies. And they promote, teach and reward promiscuity.
Or it means education has come to a point of diminishing returns. The phrase “lead a horse to water” comes to mind. How many ways have we told people not to drink and drive, not to do heroin or meth, etc? How many different ways have we taught the STEM fields? There’s always going to be a population where education doesn’t stick. You and the government cannot eliminate that. You could Clockwork orange people all day, people are still going to make stupid choices. In a matter of this magnitude, why not put the damn water in a bottle with a straw right in front of their mouth, eliminate the step of them having to spend half a day to go out and get contraception?
Of course. It is the price we pay for a free and open society.

Does that mean we give license to the government to intervene in all things? Or, do we continue to strive to improve knowing that we will never be entirely successful yet not allowing that to deter us?
Well, this is not the thread for it, but My take is that abortion in black communities has more to do with the absent father problem. So, black women abort more often for economic reasons than any other reason.

Just one man's opinion.
I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact that they have been targeted by Planned Parenthood for generations.
Again, that has what to do with the woman who is already caring for children that the father has no involvement with, who simply cannot feed another mouth?

I said once before. That is not a moral argument for or against abortion. It strikes me as reality on the ground.

I detest Planned Parenthood as much as any normal, caring person would. However, if you want to get to the root of the problem of abortion, then we need to address some realities on the ground, in the ghettos, and in our communities.

Lets start by devising ways to eliminate the need for abortion to begin. Then go from there.

Normal caring people support planned parenthood.

BTW, the use of contraceptives - universally - would eliminate most abortions.

Q. Why not all?

A. Insecure men who abuse their wife or S. O.
No, agenda driven people who need to dehumanize life support planned parenthood.

However, I agree that contraception is ONE answer to the problem. As for your answer, it shows a complete lack of understanding of human nature.

You don't seem to understand that abortion is not the major service provided by planned parenthood. Maybe you ought to look into what they do for women's health issues.

The money form those services support the abortion facilities, I guarantee if you told them the abortions have to be performed in completely separate facilities form their other services they would close the whole shebang.


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