Kavanaugh Is An Extremist

Kavanaugh explained the case this way: "That was a group that was being forced to provide a certain kind of coverage over their religious objection to their employees. And under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, the question was first was this a substantial burden on the religious exercise."

"It seemed to me quite clearly it was. It was a technical matter of filling out a form. In that case they said filling out the form would make them complicit in the provision of the abortion-inducing drugs that they were, as a religious matter, objecting to."

That phrase, "abortion-inducing drugs," is one the right-wing glommed onto to intentionally confuse contraception with other drugs.

The man thinks that the pill is an abortion inducing drug.

If he's against birth control you know you can kiss Roe V Wade goodbye.

He's trying to pretend otherwise but the e-mails that the Dems released (over the objection if the GOP creeps) showed he clearly thinks he can and should overturn it

Unfortunately, even if Kavanaugh fails to be confirmed, the Heritage Foundation and other rightwing entities will find another reactionary extremist hostile to settled, accepted precedent and the rule of law.

Roe V Wade is not settled law.
So Kavanaugh is a liar?
Kavanaugh explained the case this way: "That was a group that was being forced to provide a certain kind of coverage over their religious objection to their employees. And under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, the question was first was this a substantial burden on the religious exercise."

"It seemed to me quite clearly it was. It was a technical matter of filling out a form. In that case they said filling out the form would make them complicit in the provision of the abortion-inducing drugs that they were, as a religious matter, objecting to."

That phrase, "abortion-inducing drugs," is one the right-wing glommed onto to intentionally confuse contraception with other drugs.

The man thinks that the pill is an abortion inducing drug.

If he's against birth control you know you can kiss Roe V Wade goodbye.

He's trying to pretend otherwise but the e-mails that the Dems released (over the objection if the GOP creeps) showed he clearly thinks he can and should overturn it
Roe v. Wade 1973 legalized murder.
Kavanaugh explained the case this way: "That was a group that was being forced to provide a certain kind of coverage over their religious objection to their employees. And under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, the question was first was this a substantial burden on the religious exercise."

"It seemed to me quite clearly it was. It was a technical matter of filling out a form. In that case they said filling out the form would make them complicit in the provision of the abortion-inducing drugs that they were, as a religious matter, objecting to."

That phrase, "abortion-inducing drugs," is one the right-wing glommed onto to intentionally confuse contraception with other drugs.

The man thinks that the pill is an abortion inducing drug.

If he's against birth control you know you can kiss Roe V Wade goodbye.

He's trying to pretend otherwise but the e-mails that the Dems released (over the objection if the GOP creeps) showed he clearly thinks he can and should overturn it
Roe v. Wade 1973 legalized murder.
Texas capital punishment: legalized murder.
You’re right, Lesh. Brett Kavanaugh is an “extremist”. He is extremely committed to upholding the U.S. Constitution exactly as it was written (which is exactly as it was intended). And that’s what has you progressives fascists so freaked out. It’s hard to oppress others when the U.S. Constitution is upheld.
Mostly the left just want poor black babies aborted though. They send young black men to Dem prisons and bus young black women to abortion mills.

Jesus Christ. Stop fucking lying. What's wrong with you people?

Race for one thing has nothing to do with any of this

What's wrong, can't handle the truth? DEM run cities in DEM run states have sent millions of young black men to DEM run prisons via DEM run courts FACT! Resulting in their baby momma's seeking abortions.
Kavanaugh explained the case this way: "That was a group that was being forced to provide a certain kind of coverage over their religious objection to their employees. And under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, the question was first was this a substantial burden on the religious exercise."

"It seemed to me quite clearly it was. It was a technical matter of filling out a form. In that case they said filling out the form would make them complicit in the provision of the abortion-inducing drugs that they were, as a religious matter, objecting to."

That phrase, "abortion-inducing drugs," is one the right-wing glommed onto to intentionally confuse contraception with other drugs.

The man thinks that the pill is an abortion inducing drug.

If he's against birth control you know you can kiss Roe V Wade goodbye.

He's trying to pretend otherwise but the e-mails that the Dems released (over the objection if the GOP creeps) showed he clearly thinks he can and should overturn it
Of course he is. Anyone who believes in the constitution is to your kind. Also there is no provision in the constitution for killing your unborn child.
So you support overturning Roe v Wade.


So does the Kav. In fact it sounds like he would outlaw the pill as well
How does it sound like he would outlaw the pill? I think you are full of crap. I wonder when he gets confirmed how many baby killers will act out?
How does it sound like he would outlaw the pill? I think you are full of crap. I wonder when he gets confirmed how many baby killers will act out?

Are you denying he hasn't conflated contraception with abortion?

Because I saw that on my TeeVee
Margret Sanger the founder of PP called abortion the solution to the Negro problem. Sounds racist to me, just one mans opinion.


It surely does. However, I doubt very much that black women right now who are aborting babies they cannot afford even know or care about what Marget Sanger thought.

I offered no moral implication to My statement. I simply reported the issue as I see it.

The point is how all the "progressive women", like the clinton bitch hold Sanger up to almost deity status, it's called a shared vision.

So, your argument is going to change how many minds and affect how many abortions occur?

I think you're confusing a simple statement of fact as an argument. I don't really expect the ignorance that pursues elective abortions to avail themselves of facts in advance of killing their child.


Of course you don't think, and your lack of empathy also goes to the fetus, who people like you exploit for votes.

The first thing you need to do is make up your mind. Is a fetus just a glob of cells or a person who can be exploited?

Kavanaugh explained the case this way: "That was a group that was being forced to provide a certain kind of coverage over their religious objection to their employees. And under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, the question was first was this a substantial burden on the religious exercise."

"It seemed to me quite clearly it was. It was a technical matter of filling out a form. In that case they said filling out the form would make them complicit in the provision of the abortion-inducing drugs that they were, as a religious matter, objecting to."

That phrase, "abortion-inducing drugs," is one the right-wing glommed onto to intentionally confuse contraception with other drugs.

The man thinks that the pill is an abortion inducing drug.

If he's against birth control you know you can kiss Roe V Wade goodbye.

He's trying to pretend otherwise but the e-mails that the Dems released (over the objection if the GOP creeps) showed he clearly thinks he can and should overturn it

The man thinks that the pill is an abortion inducing drug.

That was the 'groups' concern not Kavinaghs. He was just repeating their language. The larger issue is the Company was being forced to provide something they felt was against their religious belief.

Your post has very little reference, hard to understand for that reason.
Mostly the left just want poor black babies aborted though. They send young black men to Dem prisons and bus young black women to abortion mills.

Jesus Christ. Stop fucking lying. What's wrong with you people?

Race for one thing has nothing to do with any of this
That's funny...how is it that most abortion factories are in black neighborhoods?

And how is it that black babies are aborted at an exponentially higher rate than white babies?

I mean, if it's not a racial thing..how do you explain that? Why is almost all abortion advertisement aimed at people of color and distributed among that population?

Well, this is not the thread for it, but My take is that abortion in black communities has more to do with the absent father problem. So, black women abort more often for economic reasons than any other reason.

Just one man's opinion.

Margret Sanger the founder of PP called abortion the solution to the Negro problem. Sounds racist to me, just one mans opinion.


I think most of you right wing nuts would admit better to be on the pill than to have an unwanted pregnancy and have an abortion. You right wing nuts are such haters, full of hatred.

Actually while wealthy women had BC options and abortions before the normal working and poor women is historical.
I think most of you right wing nuts would admit better to be on the pill than to get and unwanted pregnancy and have an abortion. You right wing nuts are such haters, full of hatred.

Said Penelope, while spewing hate and intolerance. :auiqs.jpg: The left may be traitors and liars but they are funny :auiqs.jpg:
I think most of you right wing nuts would admit better to be on the pill than to get and unwanted pregnancy and have an abortion. You right wing nuts are such haters, full of hatred.

Said Penelope, while spewing hate and intolerance. :auiqs.jpg: The left may be traitors and liars but they are funny :auiqs.jpg:

I can't stand you fake Christian people. I added this:
Actually while wealthy women had BC options and abortions before the normal working and poor women is historical.
Mostly the left just want poor black babies aborted though. They send young black men to Dem prisons and bus young black women to abortion mills.

Jesus Christ. Stop fucking lying. What's wrong with you people?

Race for one thing has nothing to do with any of this
That's funny...how is it that most abortion factories are in black neighborhoods?

And how is it that black babies are aborted at an exponentially higher rate than white babies?

I mean, if it's not a racial thing..how do you explain that? Why is almost all abortion advertisement aimed at people of color and distributed among that population?

Well, this is not the thread for it, but My take is that abortion in black communities has more to do with the absent father problem. So, black women abort more often for economic reasons than any other reason.

Just one man's opinion.

Margret Sanger the founder of PP called abortion the solution to the Negro problem. Sounds racist to me, just one mans opinion.


I think most of you right wing nuts would admit better to be on the pill than to have an unwanted pregnancy and have an abortion. You right wing nuts are such haters, full of hatred.

Actually while wealthy women had BC options and abortions before the normal working and poor women is historical.
I think most of you right wing nuts would admit better to be on the pill than to get and unwanted pregnancy and have an abortion. You right wing nuts are such haters, full of hatred.

Said Penelope, while spewing hate and intolerance. :auiqs.jpg: The left may be traitors and liars but they are funny :auiqs.jpg:

I can't stand you fake Christian people. I added this:
Actually while wealthy women had BC options and abortions before the normal working and poor women is historical.

I thought you liberals were 'tolerant'? Are you really bothered by people who disagree with you, or that Hillary got clobbered by Trump?
Mostly the left just want poor black babies aborted though. They send young black men to Dem prisons and bus young black women to abortion mills.

Jesus Christ. Stop fucking lying. What's wrong with you people?

Race for one thing has nothing to do with any of this
That's funny...how is it that most abortion factories are in black neighborhoods?

And how is it that black babies are aborted at an exponentially higher rate than white babies?

I mean, if it's not a racial thing..how do you explain that? Why is almost all abortion advertisement aimed at people of color and distributed among that population?

Well, this is not the thread for it, but My take is that abortion in black communities has more to do with the absent father problem. So, black women abort more often for economic reasons than any other reason.

Just one man's opinion.

Margret Sanger the founder of PP called abortion the solution to the Negro problem. Sounds racist to me, just one mans opinion.


We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.

10-Eye-Opening Quotes From Planned Parenthood Founder Margaret Sanger | LifeNews.com

Oh and here's an RGB quote:

Supreme Court Justice
Ruth Bader Ginsburg
New York Times interview July, 2009

"Frankly I had thought that at the time Roe was decided, there was concern about population growth and particularly growth in populations that we don’t want to have too many of. So that Roe was going to be then set up for Medicaid funding for abortion."

Margaret-Sanger & The Negro-Project

In 2001, three intellectually disabled D.C. residents brought suit against the city in Doe ex rel. Tarlow v. D.C, after they were subjected to at least three involuntary procedures: two abortions and one elective eye surgery.

Ultimately, the district court agreed that these women’s due process rights had been violated and that “constitutionally adequate procedures” had not been followed.

The District Court ruled for the plaintiffs and held that D.C. must make “documented reasonable efforts to communicate” with patients and if unsuccessful, the government had to take into account the “totality of circumstances” before proceeding to ensure any decision is in the best interest of the patient.

This decision codified patients’ right to self-determination, and struck down the practice of elective surgeries without consent from the patients at stake.

On appeal, Judge Kavanaugh vacated the District Court’s injunction, arguing that “accepting the wishes of patients who lack, and have always lacked the mental capacity to make medical decisions does not make logical sense.” That stands in contrast to even the most conservative interpretations of the laws that existed at the time, which required two separate health professionals to determine whether a patient had the capacity to make medical decisions before every procedure. The lifetime pass Kavanaugh seems to be arguing for, which would allow doctors to perform any procedures they wanted on a person who was once ruled unfit, does not exist.

Kavanaugh Thinks It's Okay to Perform Elective Surgery on People Without Their Consent

Twenty-eight years ago, the Americans with Disabilities Act granted people with disabilities access to society. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act expanded the right to an education 43 years ago, and the Olmstead v. L.C. decision gave disabled people the right to live in their communities 19 years ago.

All that will be meaningless the moment Kavanaugh is given a seat on the Supreme Court that allows him to rule that disabled Americans are not capable of deciding what’s best for them. It’s not hard to imagine that happening. He could rule that it’s okay for teachers to use seclusion and restraint because they know what’s best for the treatment of disabled children in school. He could say that community living isn’t the best option for someone successfully living in a home of their own because that’s what the nursing home lobby says. As both Democrats and Republicans in the Senate gear up for what is likely to be a long hearing process, the 57 million Americans with disabilities are bracing themselves for the negative consequences of Judge Kavanaugh’s appointment.

I can't believe all the drama coming form you commies. When confirmed Kavanaugh will hold 11% of the power of the supreme court. You idiots act like he can do anything he fucking wants unilaterally, and that's just not true. Stop acting like fucking babies.


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