Kerry:"American soldiers are like Ghengis Khan cut off ears,heads, are TERRORISTS.."

It's all true. were there?
My husband was...he never saw any of these things, and he was in a VERY active area! I'm not saying it never happened, these atrocities happen in every war. But Kerry made it sound like it was going on continuously with most of the troops and that's a lie! Just like the military in Iraq that abused some prisoners, the majority of military would never do such a thing, but you'll always have the mis-fits. Kerry made the entire military look like terrorists and i'm ashamed that our Govt now put him in a place of power over them! What idiots!!!

Oh right. What Kerry said was absolutely true but you, as one of USMB's resident fools, have to lie about what Kerry said.

Where do you fucking mutants come from anyway?

I'm guessing......

Koch Brothers


"What others call Rejects, we call SOLD!"
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He is a traitor. IMO, everyone that voted him in is a traitor as well.

There are no rules in war……… Just some guidelines………. What’s the point going to war, and having to hold the higher moral ground? As to holding the high ground and shooting down!
Iraq war res. 2002
Barack Obama was not a member of the US Senate at the time. he expressed his vocal opposition, calling it a foolish decision by President Bush; Joined and in ”2004, he voted against the surge and against additional funding for expanding the war. In 2008, as a candidate, he promised he would end our involvement in Iraq if he were elected, and that is what he did. So far called the ball spot on! What a traitor….

Let’s see….

Korean war (booties on ground full engagement), still going. A whole Lotta dying was o’ Plenty vs. A Whole Lotta Love (zep…..)
Vietnam war(booties on ground full engagement), we lost. Again, A whole Lotta dying was o’ Plenty vs. A Whole Lotta Love!
Vietnam war vets. “Welcome home!” You got screwed.

Desert storm aka Gulf War (booties on ground mostly spectators, full air engagement), not let loose to do the crimes. and See above, yes kicked ass and put on hold.
Iraq and Afghanistan! We are all living this wonderful wasteful nightmare paying off Neocons promissed war to line pockets from Gulf war,. . How we doing so far? Starting from Korea
“Welcome home!” You got screwed.

So Kerry’s a traitor you say….you humbly say?
I say on any given votes senators can be a traitor. So Kerry’s vote only had three patriots in the senate that day.
I’ll stick with a 97 current traitors for now on this vote. They may know something, Like he not! Enjoy your three patriotic idiots
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Consider the handicap Kerry as Secretary of State must overcome when dealing with countries like Iran, Israel, etc. when he pompously starts to issue statements about "terrorism" etc. these countries will laugh! They will point out how this pompous butt called HIS fellow troops in front of Congress no less lines like these..

"They told the stories at times they had personally raped, cut off ears, cut off heads, taped wires from portable telephones to human genitals and turned up the power, cut off limbs, blown up bodies, randomly shot at civilians, razed villages in fashion reminiscent of Genghis Khan, shot cattle and dogs for fun, poisoned food stocks, and generally ravaged the countryside of South Vietnam in addition to the normal ravage of war, and the normal and very particular ravaging which is done by the applied bombing power of this country.

And this Senator Kerry (D) "American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children."
concurring with his fellow senators who said:
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid(D) "War is lost",
Senator Obama said "troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians,"

I guarantee that some time some where some "Gutsy" honest reporter may ask Kerry or Kerry may be asked by some head of state, whatever,
"is it true US troops cut off heads, ears, poisoned food... " Is that true?

Some SOB of a SoS!!!

So...... what? You have a problem with honesty?

Good to know in advance I guess.
Vietnam was very wrong.

And this country should never hide it's wrong doing.

Agree 100%.

If you know something bad is happeneing and you do/say nothing about it, you're condoning it and allowing it to happen again.

Speaking up against crimes such as these takes great courage. Turning a blind eye is something cowards do.


"In 1967, the 18 soldiers of a platoon called Tiger Force committed war crimes on hundreds of innocent Vietnamese victims. The U.S. government consciously concealed those secrets, planning to keep the history forever hidden. Then, 36 years later, The Blade in Toledo, Ohio, uncovered the mysteries surrounding those hateful events. Roy Royhab, executive editor on the paper, recounts the process used to uncover the story.

The complete series ran in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, The Blade's sister paper. It appeared in some form in the Washington Post, Miami Herald, San Francisco Chronicle, Boston Globe, Chicago Tribune, Minneapolis Star Tribune, Knoxville News Sentinel, Arizona Daily Star and in other newspapers. But while Blade reporters were interviewed on National Public Radio, on the radio/TV program “Democracy Now,” and on British and Canadian radio and television stations, the series was ignored by American television networks.

That was until Seymour Hersh, who broke the story on the My Lai massacre more than 30 years ago, wrote a column in the Nov. 10 New Yorker questioning why the major networks had not picked up any of the Tiger Force stories.

After reading the Hersh piece, Peter Jennings sent a film crew from “ABC World News Tonight” to The Blade to interview reporters Sallah and Weiss. ABC also sent a crew to Vietnam to interview witnesses and survivors of Tiger Force atrocities and sent additional film crews to talk with Tiger Force veterans. The story was aired in two parts on “World News Tonight,” and on “Nightline” and became a subject of public dialogue. On Nov. 9, Philip Gailey, the St. Petersburg Times editor of editorials, wrote about The Blade's Tiger Force series. He concluded that “most American soldiers served with honor and courage in Vietnam, and they did not commit war crimes. What Tiger Force soldiers did is an ugly story that many Americans don't want to hear. But when something goes this horribly wrong, we need to hear the truth, no matter how painful it is.”

That is the point of The Blade's investigation."

1/10th of 1 percent of the 500,000 soldiers in Vietnam!
AND IDIOTS like you and Obama say "ALL THE TIME"

When the exceptional becomes the rule.. THAT's when I pay attention!
And NOW we have Obama becoming the "RULER" I'm awake and so are a growing number of Americans who do NOT want a RULER!!

But now, U.S. Rep. Jose Serrano, D-N.Y., and a supporter of President Obama, has introduced House Joint Resolution 15 to repeal the 22nd Amendment and thus abolish presidential term limits.

Read more at Democrat plan lets Obama run for 3rd term

Gun buyers swamped retailers nationwide last year, prompting a record 16.4 million instant criminal background checks of potential owners, up 14.2 percent from 2010, according to FBI figures. While some buyers may not have followed through with gun purchases or may have been denied, others bought more than one, so background checks are considered a good proxy for sales in the industry.

On Wednesday, gun maker Sturm, Ruger & Co. announced the company was forced to temporarily suspend its acceptance of any new firearms orders due to a barrage of wholesale orders — more than 1 million in 2012 alone. Last year the company shipped a total of 1.1 million firearms. This massive push "exceeds our capacity to rapidly fulfill these orders," the Connecticut company said in a news release, adding that it expects to resume normal operations by the end of May.

Why do you think MILLIONS of Americans are NOW arming themselves????

“I have just been informed by a former senior military leader that Obama is using a new “litmus test” in determining who will stay and who must go in his military leaders. Get ready to explode folks. “The new litmus test of leadership in the military is if they will fire on US citizens or not”. Those who will not are being removed.
- Dr. Jim Garrow – January 21, 2013?.

Read more at Dr. Jim Garrow Claims Obama Administration Preparing For Civil War | American Live Wire
This part:
To provide for calling forth the militia to execute the laws of the union, suppress insurrections and repel invasions;

To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the militia, and for governing such part of them as may be employed in the service of the United States, reserving to the states respectively, the appointment of the officers, and the authority of training the militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;

To exercise exclusive legislation in all cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten miles square) as may, by cession of particular states, and the acceptance of Congress, become the seat of the government of the United States, and to exercise like authority over all places purchased by the consent of the legislature of the state in which the same shall be, for the erection of forts, magazines, arsenals, dockyards, and other needful buildings;--And

To make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing powers, and all other powers vested by this Constitution in the government of the United States, or in any department or officer thereof.

Absolutely off subject since the militia was not called up nor was it sent to Vietnam
Also you fail to cite your source

The militia is the National Guard, and yes they were deployed to SE Asia.

Wrong. National Guard and militia are two diferent things.
Consider the handicap Kerry as Secretary of State must overcome when dealing with countries like Iran, Israel, etc. when he pompously starts to issue statements about "terrorism" etc. these countries will laugh! They will point out how this pompous butt called HIS fellow troops in front of Congress no less lines like these..

"They told the stories at times they had personally raped, cut off ears, cut off heads, taped wires from portable telephones to human genitals and turned up the power, cut off limbs, blown up bodies, randomly shot at civilians, razed villages in fashion reminiscent of Genghis Khan, shot cattle and dogs for fun, poisoned food stocks, and generally ravaged the countryside of South Vietnam in addition to the normal ravage of war, and the normal and very particular ravaging which is done by the applied bombing power of this country.

And this Senator Kerry (D) "American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children."
concurring with his fellow senators who said:
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid(D) "War is lost",
Senator Obama said "troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians,"

I guarantee that some time some where some "Gutsy" honest reporter may ask Kerry or Kerry may be asked by some head of state, whatever,
"is it true US troops cut off heads, ears, poisoned food... " Is that true?

Some SOB of a SoS!!!

So...... what? You have a problem with honesty?

Good to know in advance I guess.

NO problem with honesty WHEN IT IS TRUE!

BUT I have a problem with "Stupidity"!!!
Kerry shakes hands with the enemy!
Tells people US is the bad guy!

WHAT do you think the BAD guys we deal with think of Kerry?
HE IS AN IDIOT for betraying his country!

THAT's what Kerry/Obama mean to me is supposedly under the "guise" of HONESTY the ADVERTISE.. Promote, ENCOURAGE terrorists,
the bad guys" say see... these "leaders" betray their own soldiers... what kind of leaders are they if they sacrifice their own troops"!
Agree 100%.

If you know something bad is happeneing and you do/say nothing about it, you're condoning it and allowing it to happen again.

Speaking up against crimes such as these takes great courage. Turning a blind eye is something cowards do.


"In 1967, the 18 soldiers of a platoon called Tiger Force committed war crimes on hundreds of innocent Vietnamese victims. The U.S. government consciously concealed those secrets, planning to keep the history forever hidden. Then, 36 years later, The Blade in Toledo, Ohio, uncovered the mysteries surrounding those hateful events. Roy Royhab, executive editor on the paper, recounts the process used to uncover the story.

The complete series ran in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, The Blade's sister paper. It appeared in some form in the Washington Post, Miami Herald, San Francisco Chronicle, Boston Globe, Chicago Tribune, Minneapolis Star Tribune, Knoxville News Sentinel, Arizona Daily Star and in other newspapers. But while Blade reporters were interviewed on National Public Radio, on the radio/TV program “Democracy Now,” and on British and Canadian radio and television stations, the series was ignored by American television networks.

That was until Seymour Hersh, who broke the story on the My Lai massacre more than 30 years ago, wrote a column in the Nov. 10 New Yorker questioning why the major networks had not picked up any of the Tiger Force stories.

After reading the Hersh piece, Peter Jennings sent a film crew from “ABC World News Tonight” to The Blade to interview reporters Sallah and Weiss. ABC also sent a crew to Vietnam to interview witnesses and survivors of Tiger Force atrocities and sent additional film crews to talk with Tiger Force veterans. The story was aired in two parts on “World News Tonight,” and on “Nightline” and became a subject of public dialogue. On Nov. 9, Philip Gailey, the St. Petersburg Times editor of editorials, wrote about The Blade's Tiger Force series. He concluded that “most American soldiers served with honor and courage in Vietnam, and they did not commit war crimes. What Tiger Force soldiers did is an ugly story that many Americans don't want to hear. But when something goes this horribly wrong, we need to hear the truth, no matter how painful it is.”

That is the point of The Blade's investigation."

1/10th of 1 percent of the 500,000 soldiers in Vietnam!
AND IDIOTS like you and Obama say "ALL THE TIME"

When the exceptional becomes the rule.. THAT's when I pay attention!
And NOW we have Obama becoming the "RULER" I'm awake and so are a growing number of Americans who do NOT want a RULER!!

But now, U.S. Rep. Jose Serrano, D-N.Y., and a supporter of President Obama, has introduced House Joint Resolution 15 to repeal the 22nd Amendment and thus abolish presidential term limits.

Read more at Democrat plan lets Obama run for 3rd term

Gun buyers swamped retailers nationwide last year, prompting a record 16.4 million instant criminal background checks of potential owners, up 14.2 percent from 2010, according to FBI figures. While some buyers may not have followed through with gun purchases or may have been denied, others bought more than one, so background checks are considered a good proxy for sales in the industry.

On Wednesday, gun maker Sturm, Ruger & Co. announced the company was forced to temporarily suspend its acceptance of any new firearms orders due to a barrage of wholesale orders — more than 1 million in 2012 alone. Last year the company shipped a total of 1.1 million firearms. This massive push "exceeds our capacity to rapidly fulfill these orders," the Connecticut company said in a news release, adding that it expects to resume normal operations by the end of May.

Why do you think MILLIONS of Americans are NOW arming themselves????

“I have just been informed by a former senior military leader that Obama is using a new “litmus test” in determining who will stay and who must go in his military leaders. Get ready to explode folks. “The new litmus test of leadership in the military is if they will fire on US citizens or not”. Those who will not are being removed.
- Dr. Jim Garrow – January 21, 2013?.

Read more at Dr. Jim Garrow Claims Obama Administration Preparing For Civil War*|*American Live Wire

Stop eating the right wing cheese.

Serrano has introduced this legislation every two years since he was elected. Even when Bush was president. :lol:

As for the tough guy fantasies about "we're awake and not going to accept a ruler" again, get over the chest beating macho crap. I know, everyone on the internet is a tough guy and all that, but it really is more comical than anything.
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Kerry spoke the truth and it took courage for him to shine a light on what so many wanted to bury. People need to google the My Lai Massacre.
This part:
To provide for calling forth the militia to execute the laws of the union, suppress insurrections and repel invasions;

To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the militia, and for governing such part of them as may be employed in the service of the United States, reserving to the states respectively, the appointment of the officers, and the authority of training the militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;

To exercise exclusive legislation in all cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten miles square) as may, by cession of particular states, and the acceptance of Congress, become the seat of the government of the United States, and to exercise like authority over all places purchased by the consent of the legislature of the state in which the same shall be, for the erection of forts, magazines, arsenals, dockyards, and other needful buildings;--And

To make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing powers, and all other powers vested by this Constitution in the government of the United States, or in any department or officer thereof.

Absolutely off subject since the militia was not called up nor was it sent to Vietnam
Also you fail to cite your source

The militia is the National Guard, and yes they were deployed to SE Asia.

Wrong. National Guard and militia are two diferent things.

Per the Militia Act of 1903, the organized militia is the National Guard.
Oh right. What Kerry said was absolutely true but you, as one of USMB's resident fools, have to lie about what Kerry said.

Where do you fucking mutants come from anyway?
HE SAID all of that... copy this quote.."
Senator Kerry (D) "American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children." If you TERRORIZE you are a "TERRORIST"!!!

"Without a question, we need to disarm Saddam. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime .... He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation ... And now he is miscalculating America's response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction .... So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real ...."Kerry , Jan. 23. 2003.

he was a total disgrace. He even met with the enemy himself while the conflict was still going on. People unfortunately do not care to educate themselves.


Ah, yes.....more.....

.....Compliments o' The Teabaggers!

"The Somoza dynasty began to unravel in the mid-1970s. In December 1972 Managua was again destroyed by an earthquake that killed as many as 10,000 people and left as many as 300,000 homeless. Millions of dollars in international aid poured into Nicaragua, but Somoza and the Guard took most of it for their own benefit. This corruption angered most Nicaraguans, including middle-class and business people. Somoza’s manipulation of politics became even more brazen when he was again elected president in 1974. Those who opposed Somoza were often imprisoned, tortured, exiled, or killed, and the Guard murdered and terrorized rural residents in areas of guerrilla activity. Constitutional rights were suspended and the press was censored. Yet opposition to the regime increased. The Sandinistas gained support among rural and urban residents for their guerrilla campaign. In addition, prominent Nicaraguans formed an anti-Somoza political movement, and Managua’s archbishop, Miguel Obando y Bravo, became the spokesman for the Catholic Church’s growing opposition to the Somozas.

The dictatorship also faced economic and international problems. The economy had grown rapidly in the 1950s and 1960s, but that ended in the mid-1970s due to the increasing costs of the Somoza regime’s corruption and the rise in world prices for oil, which Nicaragua depended on for electric power and agricultural chemicals. U.S. support declined after 1977 when Jimmy Carter became president and began to emphasize human rights and democracy in relations with Latin America. Somoza survived a 1977 heart attack, but the attack raised further doubts about the regime’s ability to maintain control."

.....And, Daniel Ortega proceeded to KICK THEIR ASS!!!!!
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Consider the handicap Kerry as Secretary of State must overcome when dealing with countries like Iran, Israel, etc. when he pompously starts to issue statements about "terrorism" etc. these countries will laugh! They will point out how this pompous butt called HIS fellow troops in front of Congress no less lines like these..

"They told the stories at times they had personally raped, cut off ears, cut off heads, taped wires from portable telephones to human genitals and turned up the power, cut off limbs, blown up bodies, randomly shot at civilians, razed villages in fashion reminiscent of Genghis Khan, shot cattle and dogs for fun, poisoned food stocks, and generally ravaged the countryside of South Vietnam in addition to the normal ravage of war, and the normal and very particular ravaging which is done by the applied bombing power of this country.

And this Senator Kerry (D) "American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children."
concurring with his fellow senators who said:
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid(D) "War is lost",
Senator Obama said "troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians,"

I guarantee that some time some where some "Gutsy" honest reporter may ask Kerry or Kerry may be asked by some head of state, whatever,
"is it true US troops cut off heads, ears, poisoned food... " Is that true?

Some SOB of a SoS!!!

So...... what? You have a problem with honesty?

Good to know in advance I guess.

NO problem with honesty WHEN IT IS TRUE!

BUT I have a problem with "Stupidity"!!!
Kerry shakes hands with the enemy!
Tells people US is the bad guy!

.....For supporting.....

It's all true. were there?
My husband was...he never saw any of these things, and he was in a VERY active area! I'm not saying it never happened, these atrocities happen in every war. But Kerry made it sound like it was going on continuously with most of the troops and that's a lie! Just like the military in Iraq that abused some prisoners, the majority of military would never do such a thing, but you'll always have the mis-fits. Kerry made the entire military look like terrorists and i'm ashamed that our Govt now put him in a place of power over them! What idiots!!!

Oh right. What Kerry said was absolutely true but you, as one of USMB's resident fools, have to lie about what Kerry said.

Where do you fucking mutants come from anyway?

Again....WERE YOU THERE? How do you KNOW it is ABSOLUTELY TRUE?? Because he said so? How do you HE'S not lying? Because he said so?

Where do you fucking suckers come from anyway????
Kerry spoke the truth and it took courage for him to shine a light on what so many wanted to bury. People need to google the My Lai Massacre.

[ame=]Four Hours In My Lai (1 of 7) - YouTube[/ame]​
Kerry spoke the truth and it took courage for him to shine a light on what so many wanted to bury. People need to google the My Lai Massacre. you were there too??

Nobody said shit didn't happen over there....but Kerry made it sound like ALL of our soldiers were terrorists and it happened all the time. Do you want to know what at least some of our military is saying about him being put in this position??? I son is one of them and he is PISSED! He can only speak of the soldiers he works with....but there's not one of them that are happy about this. I think that's why Obama did it, he could care less what our military thinks or wants!
Kerry spoke the truth and it took courage for him to shine a light on what so many wanted to bury. People need to google the My Lai Massacre.

Courage? Does someone abandon the duty he volunteered for and his boat crew to run home with his tail between his legs because of courage?

Does someone deliberately and maliciously seek to dishonor others with foul lies because of courage? I don't think so. I was one he lied about and I am somewhat less pleased with
that poor excuse for pond scum. were there?
My husband was...he never saw any of these things, and he was in a VERY active area! I'm not saying it never happened, these atrocities happen in every war. But Kerry made it sound like it was going on continuously with most of the troops and that's a lie! Just like the military in Iraq that abused some prisoners, the majority of military would never do such a thing, but you'll always have the mis-fits. Kerry made the entire military look like terrorists and i'm ashamed that our Govt now put him in a place of power over them! What idiots!!!

Oh right. What Kerry said was absolutely true but you, as one of USMB's resident fools, have to lie about what Kerry said.

Where do you fucking mutants come from anyway?

Again....WERE YOU THERE? How do you KNOW it is ABSOLUTELY TRUE?? Because he said so? How do you HE'S not lying? Because he said so?
As's that RECORDED DATA that bites you WHITE-WINGERS, in the ass!!!!

[ame=]Winter Soldier 1972 (Full) - YouTube[/ame]​
What Kerry said was T R U E. You can stomp your feet all you want but that doesn't change the reality. No one is suggesting that everyone or even most of those who served committed such atrocities. However it happened, and not only did it happen but our government and our military covered it up instead of denouncing it.
What Kerry said was T R U E. You can stomp your feet all you want but that doesn't change the reality. No one is suggesting that everyone or even most of those who served committed such atrocities. However it happened, and not only did it happen but our government and our military covered it up instead of denouncing it.
The White-Wingers are (mostly) pissed because Kerry ALSO busted.....

Too bad Shaman is on my ignore list.....i'm sure he just said something meaningful......Lol!

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