Keystone XL Fails to Pass Senate 59 - 41

This was a very shallow Democrat sham. They knew their asshole President was gonna Veto it anyway. They were just trying to save Landrieu's ass in Louisiana. Hopefully, the People of Louisiana will see it for the sham it was. Hopefully, they'll boot Landrieu.
Obama has not indicated he will veto KXL4 Obama fast tracked Keystone Pipeline previously.

Well, actually, he has .... White House Suggests Obama Will Veto Keystone Bill The Blog on Obama White House Dossier

Total bullshit! Press sec did not say Obama would veto KXL.
Still trying to figure out who benefits from this potentially harmful pipeline being built. It goes to refineries in the south that already have the nickname cancer alley , and has a possibility of rupturing similar to what happened in Plymouth Arkansas except on a much larger scale. Eminent domain, which used to be used only for the public good, has been enforced on unwilling landowners. From what I've read, the end product goes on the world market anyway, so it's not likely to benefit America, a country more and more becoming an extractive economy similar to a third world country. Export resources, import manufactured goods formerly made by Americans. An export, extractive economy provides few well paid jobs but does benefit a few wealthy ones at the top. This is where America is headed.

Maybe the GOP exclaim should be, instead of "Drill Baby Drill!", it should be "Kill Baby Kill!"
You libs don't want "Infrastructure " or JOBS. you just want to spew dumb little sayings

What good is it for America if it's potentially dangerous, will cause pollution, doesn't lower gas prices, creates very few jobs, and is a foreign company using eminent domain to deny Americans the use of their property. Let's see if you can answer this without your usual arsenal of childish answers.
This was a very shallow Democrat sham. They knew their asshole President was gonna Veto it anyway. They were just trying to save Landrieu's ass in Louisiana. Hopefully, the People of Louisiana will see it for the sham it was. Hopefully, they'll boot Landrieu.
Obama has not indicated he will veto KXL4 Obama fast tracked Keystone Pipeline previously.

Well, actually, he has .... White House Suggests Obama Will Veto Keystone Bill The Blog on Obama White House Dossier

Total bullshit! Press sec did not say Obama would veto KXL.

Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) said Sunday that the fate of the Keystone XL pipeline may rest on one or two votes in the Senate.

Speaking on CNN's "State of the Union," Durbin said President Obama will probably veto the vote if it passes. But whether it does hinges on the smallest of margins.

"It's within a vote or two," said Durbin, who said he has tallied up support and opposition to the measure. "It appears it may succeed or fail on a procedural vote with one or two votes making a difference."

Durbin said Democrats appear to be one vote short of voting down the pipeline, whose construction was approved by the Republican-led House last week by a vote of 252 to 161.

And if it does pass the Senate, Durbin said that "every indication is that the president will veto" the measure. Last week, people familiar with the administration's thinking said Obama will most probably veto the bill should it make it to his desk.

At a news conference in Burma on Friday, Obama said he had “to constantly push back against this idea that somehow the Keystone pipeline is either this massive jobs bill for the United States or is somehow lowering gas prices.”

“It is providing the ability of Canada to pump their oil, send it through our land, down to the gulf, where it will be sold everywhere else,” he said. “That doesn’t have an impact on U.S. gas prices.” Durbin Obama is expected to veto Keystone - The Washington Post

"And, if you like your plan, you can keep your plan."

The Right has no interest in the jobs. If they did they'd support the infrastructure bills that aren't about the pipeline.
. Infrastructure? Again? You liberals stole $1 trillion for "shovel ready" jobs for a stimulus. What happened to that money and th shovel ready jobs? Remember obama laughing there wasnt any afterall?

So don't talk to us about infrastructure. We'll fix it when we take back our White House.
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Hopefully he will make the conservatives compromise.

This was a very shallow Democrat sham. They knew their asshole President was gonna Veto it anyway. They were just trying to save Landrieu's ass in Louisiana. Hopefully, the People of Louisiana will see it for the sham it was. Hopefully, they'll boot Landrieu.
Obama has not indicated he will veto KXL4 Obama fast tracked Keystone Pipeline previously.
There is seriously something wrong with your statement.


The Right has no interest in the jobs. If they did they'd support the infrastructure bills that aren't about the pipeline.
. Infrastructure? Again? You liberals stole $1 trillion for "shovel ready" jobs for a stimulus. What happened to that money and th shovel ready jobs? Remember obama laughing there wasnt any afterall?

So don't talk to us about infrastructure. We'll fix it when we take back our White House.
If it's Canada's thing, why not build it west to the Pacific? Why have it coming down through the US to the Gulf if the market's China (which is west, not south.)
There is seriously something wrong with your statement.


The Right has no interest in the jobs. If they did they'd support the infrastructure bills that aren't about the pipeline.
. Infrastructure? Again? You liberals stole $1 trillion for "shovel ready" jobs for a stimulus. What happened to that money and th shovel ready jobs? Remember obama laughing there wasnt any afterall?

So don't talk to us about infrastructure. We'll fix it when we take back our White House.
Prove me wrong. That money was wasted. Where did it go?
That was not your statement. Read it again.".....You liberals stole $1 trillion..."
Care to figure out what you are trying to tell us.

There is seriously something wrong with your statement.


The Right has no interest in the jobs. If they did they'd support the infrastructure bills that aren't about the pipeline.
. Infrastructure? Again? You liberals stole $1 trillion for "shovel ready" jobs for a stimulus. What happened to that money and th shovel ready jobs? Remember obama laughing there wasnt any afterall?

So don't talk to us about infrastructure. We'll fix it when we take back our White House.
Prove me wrong. That money was wasted. Where did it go?
This whining about the Keystone construction jobs only being temporary is bullshit.

EVERY construction job is temporary.

That's the nature of the work. You finish one construction job, you move on to the next one. Except the fuckwads want to prevent that next job from being there.

So how then do you reconcile this fact with the propaganda that has been spouted that makes the this project out to be some kind of component to the general unemployment issues the country has been facing for so long now? Let's be honest, now. The argument has been repeatedly made that the pipeline would create permanent jobs. That is, of course, false.
In 90 days, Keystone will pass the Senate ... gloat while you can.

It will still be 59-41.....:rolleyes-41:

The next Senate won't look the same as this one. Some seats changed hands.
Of the seven seats the GOP picked up, at least one will have to be replacing a Senator who voted against the pipeline. Do you know this has happened for a fact?

Udall voted against it. He will be replaced by Gardner. Harkin voted against it. He is being replaced by Ernst. That's 61 votes now.

The vote is done. For now.

Wait until next year. Some democrats may not be as inclined to vote to end a filibuster.

But all of you are ignoring the fact that it's not the congress that approves this situation. The constitution says that the State Department and the President approve it.

So the republicans can pass all the bills they want. They mean absolutely nothing. They're violating the constitution if they try to take this out of the State Department and Obama's hands.
Keystone XL dead in Senate . GOP picks up another Senate seat in Louisiana.

Yep I imagine Mary Landriu is gone. She broke Harry Reid's arm to get this to a floor vote, and she lost the vote. I guess Democrats weren't concerned about losing another seat?

And of course while voting against 47,000 new jobs, Obama will be interrupting the Latino Grammy awards tomorrow night to announce he's handing out 5 million green cards. It really doesn't get any better than this--LOL
In 90 days, Keystone will pass the Senate ... gloat while you can.

It will still be 59-41.....:rolleyes-41:

The next Senate won't look the same as this one. Some seats changed hands.
Of the seven seats the GOP picked up, at least one will have to be replacing a Senator who voted against the pipeline. Do you know this has happened for a fact?

Udall voted against it. He will be replaced by Gardner. Harkin voted against it. He is being replaced by Ernst. That's 61 votes now.

The vote is done. For now.

Wait until next year. Some democrats may not be as inclined to vote to end a filibuster.

But all of you are ignoring the fact that it's not the congress that approves this situation. The constitution says that the State Department and the President approve it.

So the republicans can pass all the bills they want. They mean absolutely nothing. They're violating the constitution if they try to take this out of the State Department and Obama's hands.

I'm continually amazed how wrong you can be.

Congress can pass a law that forces the executive branch to implement the program. It's done all the time. It's called due constitutional process.
That was not your statement. Read it again.".....You liberals stole $1 trillion..."
Care to figure out what you are trying to tell us.

There is seriously something wrong with your statement.


The Right has no interest in the jobs. If they did they'd support the infrastructure bills that aren't about the pipeline.
. Infrastructure? Again? You liberals stole $1 trillion for "shovel ready" jobs for a stimulus. What happened to that money and th shovel ready jobs? Remember obama laughing there wasnt any afterall?

So don't talk to us about infrastructure. We'll fix it when we take back our White House.
Prove me wrong. That money was wasted. Where did it go?
7% of that money went to "shovel ready jobs". Where did the rest go? I have a pretty good idea, don't you?
And of course while voting against 47,000 new jobs,
You're a lying idiot! inflated propaganda does not even make that high of a jobs claim. 250,000 jobs are created every month in Obama's economy. Keystone is not even a blip on the screen.
In 90 days, Keystone will pass the Senate ... gloat while you can.

It will still be 59-41.....:rolleyes-41:

The next Senate won't look the same as this one. Some seats changed hands.
Of the seven seats the GOP picked up, at least one will have to be replacing a Senator who voted against the pipeline. Do you know this has happened for a fact?

Udall voted against it. He will be replaced by Gardner. Harkin voted against it. He is being replaced by Ernst. That's 61 votes now.

The vote is done. For now.

Wait until next year. Some democrats may not be as inclined to vote to end a filibuster.

But all of you are ignoring the fact that it's not the congress that approves this situation. The constitution says that the State Department and the President approve it.

So the republicans can pass all the bills they want. They mean absolutely nothing. They're violating the constitution if they try to take this out of the State Department and Obama's hands.

You really have no idea how the government works, do you.....

You must have gone to public school.

The Right has no interest in the jobs. If they did they'd support the infrastructure bills that aren't about the pipeline.
. Infrastructure? Again? You liberals stole $1 trillion for "shovel ready" jobs for a stimulus. What happened to that money and th shovel ready jobs? Remember obama laughing there wasnt any afterall?

So don't talk to us about infrastructure. We'll fix it when we take back our White House.
whats unemployment number down too...
Incorrect since they are the ones that buy and pay for these politicians regardless of party..

Heavy Hitters Top All-Time Donors 1989-2014 OpenSecrets

The irony of you solidifying my point..........

The irony of proving my comments by proving yours incorrect!

If you are correct then show where the "Left" said we can't make a refinery closer to the oil source........that's the point.

I'm sure you can make 101 posts about the Left wanting alternative energy, because to not make them would be ignorance.

But let's see one that attacks the issue at hand. You stated the Left wouldn't allow oil refineries near Canada and that's why it has to go all the way through the nation to Texas.............basic ignorance......

It's topic time. Go ahead. Show your links.

Actually, there's a very huge and extensive refinery less than an hour's drive south of Canada. It's in Anacortes Washington. It's where the Alaskan pipeline ends. The refinery is huge and more than one oil company is there. It's been expanded throughout the years. It could handle the canadian tar sands just fine. Without the dirty tar sands going through the middle of our nation and destroying the only water source for that area. It's right on Puget Sound so shipping the refined oil would be extremely easy.

Puget Sound Refinery - United States

Anacortes, Wash. | TSOCORP

You mention impacting our 'only water source'. That has been categorically debunked by scientists.

As for the Puget Sound Refinery, it has a capacity of only 120,000 barrels of crude per day, and is operating at 94% capacity (2013). It doesn't have room for the Canadian oil.

I have no doubt you have a source that says "It's our only water source" because I never stated that and SHOULD have been a big red flag in your interpretation of what I said.

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