Kim Davis Is Rosa Parks

See how the bogota race to the defense of their fellow bogota! This woman is not a Christian. She is a bigot.

Do the bigots understand what being a Christian means? No way! But they understand bigotry.

No Christian would act and believe as Ms. Davis and her fellow bigots do.

She fails to adhere to the basic tenets of the faith. Rather, she uses a beautiful, forgiving and loving faith as cover for ignorance and hate.

She is giving Christians a bad name, and the foolish bigots are lapping this up with a spoon.

I always like judgmental people decrying being judgmental
Go chan
Kim Davis Is Rosa Parks

Weird thing is today's democrats hate this woman for standing for religious freedom,1950-1960's democrats were the members of the klan and the ones that wanted blacks at back of the bus! I see not much has changed.

Nonsense. She doesn't stand for religious freedom. She only stands for religious intolerance. She only stands for imposing her religious ideas on others.
Go get your diaper changed Huggies. :) No one is forcing religion on the faggots they are just asking for faggots and their thugs in robes to stop stomping on their religion and right to practice it.

If you make gays jump through hoops to attain the same benefits as others because of your religious views then you are indeed forcing religion on them. if she can't follow the law because of her views then she should resign. Or rot in jail, it's her choice.
Fags can marry no one is stopping them.
Kim Davis Is Rosa Parks

Weird thing is today's democrats hate this woman for standing for religious freedom,1950-1960's democrats were the members of the klan and the ones that wanted blacks at back of the bus! I see not much has changed.
Kim Davis was trying to introduce christian sharia law to her county. She got shut down have the appropriate court proceeding. Rosa Parks was just trying to sit down and not have to move back on her way home from work.

I guess to an idiot they would be about the same.
Read the article. Not much else will work talking to such an incompetent fool as you.Oh and if it was christian sharia law we would be tossing faggots off roofs like ISIS which sounds just fine to me!

And that's why we won't let you have your way, freak. You fuckers always come clean eventually.
I am a lone wolf sparky no one speaks for me and I speak for no one. But I have the brains and brawn to be a leader so when the SHTF I will make sure I am top of that pile getting the dirty work done.
I'm good darling gonna sit here in my nice 5 bedroom 3 bath rental in a nice clean neighborhood and watch football and piss you scumbags off. Oh and since I am such a loving and thoughtful son my parents live downstairs because they are old and getting unable to care for themselves....that's what grateful kids do when they grow up.

I think this is code for your parents live in the laundry room of your 1 bedroom apartment while you live off their social security checks. Or, at least from your writing who would be surprised?
Me and my wife and 4 kids live upstairs parents live downstairs with their own bedroom and living room and bathroom. :) Its a nice place. My parents SS is their own money...they are hoping to move eventually to a cabin in the mountains when we move in a few years...but my dad is getting up their in age and can barely get around and my mother we think has MS.
Your mother may have MS and you don't get her to the doctor to find out? Seriously? You sound like trailer trash. You parents are old and feeble and are planning to move to a cabin in the mountains? What? That is ridiculous. You are a teenager pretended to be an adult....that's what you are, or at least that's you level of intellect and mentality.
She isn't dead you retard. She THINKS she has runs in the family and both her and her sister were diagnosed with something that relates to it recently. Just mind your own business dyke.
If someone thinks they have MS, they need to go to the doctor immediately. I know all about MS; my sister has had it for 50 years. Your entire post about your family sounds like BS. You have 4 kids? Hard to believe such a mental midget has four kids. You rent a 4 bedroom house? No one rents a 4 bedroom house unless it is a total dump; it would be too expensive. You have elderly parents who are getting too weak to look after themselves, so they are planning to move to a cabin in the woods? That makes no sense at all. IMO you are a kid pretending to be an adult. Every word of your post signals such. Oh, and BTW, lone wolf is a term kids use; a family man with several kids, a 4 bedroom house, a wife, and parents who live in his house would never refer to himself as a lone wolf. A teenager who has no social life and hangs out in his bedroom playing with his computer would.
Last edited:
...Kim Davis was trying to introduce christian sharia law to her county...
There is no such thing as Christian Sharia Law.

It's a metaphor, stupid. And it is very appropriate, if you can 'get' the metaphor. Which, limited as you are, seems unlikely.
No need to be insulting, Princess Goody Two-Shoes.

I have never resorted to calling you stupid, nor any other name, until this very moment, nor questioned your intelligence nor sincerity, simply because your views differed from my own; then again, that's a common failing with LibTards in general, and the Gay Mafia and their fellow travelers, in particular.

Even as a metaphor, our colleague has yet to define Christian Sharia Law.

Even a metaphor requires a macro-level definition, as a point of departure.

Besides, the use of the phrase Christian Sharia Law is highly insulting to the vast numbers of your fellow countrymen of the Christian faith, who are being inappropriately and unfairly and despicably likened by the Gay Mafia and its misguided supporters, to the vile scum comprising Radical Islam and its medieval practices, as may be seen in the hanging of homosexuals from construction cranes in public squares.

You insult 70% of the population of the United States who identify as Christian, on behalf of 3% of the population who identify as sexual deviants and perverts (homosexuals).

Insult 70% to advance the agenda of 3%.

Spend a dollar to make a penny.

Yeah... real bright, that.

But then again, you really can't help yourselves, can you? Very little common sense and self-control, in the final analysis, whenever faced with sustained challenge.

Instead, you fools emote, and name-call, and worse.

You fools, utilizing that phrase, drive more Christians - and non-Christian people of faith, and other people of goodwill - into the Opposing Camp, with every such use, as your countrymen slowly come to understand and admit what scum the Gay Mafia truly are, and their viciousness in attempting (and failing) to suppress Opposing Opinion.

Attacking Christians and trying to silence the Opposition.

Yeah... real bright, that... not to mention as un-American as one can imagine.

So - please DO continue to pursue that tack - your smug arrogance about the permanence of your recent Gay-favoring judicial rulings will be your undoing, in this context.

As to my 'limited' abilities, well, you may be right about that - I'm not exactly the brightest crayon in the box, broadly, or specifically, but I do OK.

I am comforted, however, that my abilities appear to exceed your own, in open and adult exchange, so...

I am content.
Last edited:
Read the article. Not much else will work talking to such an incompetent fool as you.Oh and if it was christian sharia law we would be tossing faggots off roofs like ISIS which sounds just fine to me!

I read the article. It is ignorant trash.

Rosa Parks stood (sat) for "inclusion"...Kim Davis stands for "exclusion"

Here is a better "test"...

Would you defend a Christian who believes in strict gun control and occupied an influential position in the office that handed out gun licenses and then refused to hand out any licenses stating sincere religious beliefs?
Go chan
Kim Davis Is Rosa Parks

Weird thing is today's democrats hate this woman for standing for religious freedom,1950-1960's democrats were the members of the klan and the ones that wanted blacks at back of the bus! I see not much has changed.

Nonsense. She doesn't stand for religious freedom. She only stands for religious intolerance. She only stands for imposing her religious ideas on others.
Go get your diaper changed Huggies. :) No one is forcing religion on the faggots they are just asking for faggots and their thugs in robes to stop stomping on their religion and right to practice it.

If you make gays jump through hoops to attain the same benefits as others because of your religious views then you are indeed forcing religion on them. if she can't follow the law because of her views then she should resign. Or rot in jail, it's her choice.
Fags can marry no one is stopping them.

No one is stopping them in Kentucky, not anymore. Rule of law comes through again.
...Rosa Parks stood (sat) for "inclusion"...Kim Davis stands for "exclusion"...
Rosa Parks took a stand against Evil.

Kim Davis takes a stand against Wickedness.




The legitimizing or mainstreaming or official recognition of sexual deviancy and perversion, a.k.a. homosexuality.

A wicked thing to do, giving aid and comfort to the enemy - Evil - like that.
No. She's not.

Clerk Davis has a religious-based point of view and thinks that her personal religious POV governs her lawful duties despite a SCOTUS ruling to the contrary.

By contrast, Rosa had an actual personal by-God right that was being violated (under the pretense of "law") and chose to confront the unjust law that personally violated HER rights.

The latter is a hero. The former is just more or less an officer of the government who is refusing to do her sworn duties under the law -- the law of the government of which she is a part. That doesn't make HER a hero.

In short, there is no valid correlation between Rosa Parks and Clerk Davis.
Go chan
Kim Davis Is Rosa Parks

Weird thing is today's democrats hate this woman for standing for religious freedom,1950-1960's democrats were the members of the klan and the ones that wanted blacks at back of the bus! I see not much has changed.

Nonsense. She doesn't stand for religious freedom. She only stands for religious intolerance. She only stands for imposing her religious ideas on others.
Go get your diaper changed Huggies. :) No one is forcing religion on the faggots they are just asking for faggots and their thugs in robes to stop stomping on their religion and right to practice it.

If you make gays jump through hoops to attain the same benefits as others because of your religious views then you are indeed forcing religion on them. if she can't follow the law because of her views then she should resign. Or rot in jail, it's her choice.
Fags can marry no one is stopping them.
Kim Davis Is Rosa Parks

Weird thing is today's democrats hate this woman for standing for religious freedom,1950-1960's democrats were the members of the klan and the ones that wanted blacks at back of the bus! I see not much has changed.
Kim Davis was trying to introduce christian sharia law to her county. She got shut down have the appropriate court proceeding. Rosa Parks was just trying to sit down and not have to move back on her way home from work.

I guess to an idiot they would be about the same.
Read the article. Not much else will work talking to such an incompetent fool as you.Oh and if it was christian sharia law we would be tossing faggots off roofs like ISIS which sounds just fine to me!

And that's why we won't let you have your way, freak. You fuckers always come clean eventually.
I am a lone wolf sparky no one speaks for me and I speak for no one. But I have the brains and brawn to be a leader so when the SHTF I will make sure I am top of that pile getting the dirty work done.
I'm good darling gonna sit here in my nice 5 bedroom 3 bath rental in a nice clean neighborhood and watch football and piss you scumbags off. Oh and since I am such a loving and thoughtful son my parents live downstairs because they are old and getting unable to care for themselves....that's what grateful kids do when they grow up.

I think this is code for your parents live in the laundry room of your 1 bedroom apartment while you live off their social security checks. Or, at least from your writing who would be surprised?
Me and my wife and 4 kids live upstairs parents live downstairs with their own bedroom and living room and bathroom. :) Its a nice place. My parents SS is their own money...they are hoping to move eventually to a cabin in the mountains when we move in a few years...but my dad is getting up their in age and can barely get around and my mother we think has MS.
Your mother may have MS and you don't get her to the doctor to find out? Seriously? You sound like trailer trash. You parents are old and feeble and are planning to move to a cabin in the mountains? What? That is ridiculous. You are a teenager pretended to be an adult....that's what you are, or at least that's you level of intellect and mentality.
She isn't dead you retard. She THINKS she has runs in the family and both her and her sister were diagnosed with something that relates to it recently. Just mind your own business dyke.
If someone thinks they have MS, they need to go to the doctor immediately. I know all about MS; my sister has had it for 50 years. Your entire post about your family sounds like BS. You have 4 kids? Hard to believe such a mental midget has four kids. You rent a 4 bedroom house? No one rents a 4 bedroom house unless it is a total dump; it would be too expensive. You have elderly parents who are getting too weak to look after themselves, so they are planning to move to a cabin in the woods? That makes no sense at all. IMO you are a kid pretending to be an adult. Every word of your post signals such. Oh, and BTW, lone wolf is a term kids use; a family man with several kids, a 4 bedroom house, a wife, and parents who live in his house would never refer to himself as a lone wolf. A teenager who has no social life and hangs out in his bedroom playing with his computer would.
Spot on.
...Kim Davis was trying to introduce christian sharia law to her county...
There is no such thing as Christian Sharia Law.

It's a metaphor, stupid. And it is very appropriate, if you can 'get' the metaphor. Which, limited as you are, seems unlikely.
No need to be insulting, Princess Goody Two-Shoes.

I have never resorted to calling you stupid, nor any other name, until this very moment, nor questioned your intelligence nor sincerity, simply because your views differed from my own; then again, that's a common failing with LibTards in general, and the Gay Mafia and their fellow travelers, in particular.

Even as a metaphor, our colleague has yet to define Christian Sharia Law.

Even a metaphor requires a macro-level definition, as a point of departure.

Besides, the use of the phrase Christian Sharia Law is highly insulting to the vast numbers of your fellow countrymen of the Christian faith, who are being inappropriately and unfairly and despicably likened by the Gay Mafia and its misguided supporters, to the vile scum comprising Radical Islam and its medieval practices, as may be seen in the hanging of homosexuals from construction cranes in public squares.

You insult 70% of the population of the United States who identify as Christian, on behalf of 3% of the population who identify as sexual deviants and perverts (homosexuals).

Insult 70% to advance the agenda of 3%.

Spend a dollar to make a penny.

Yeah... real bright, that.

But then again, you really can't help yourselves, can you? Very little common sense and self-control, in the final analysis, whenever faced with sustained challenge.

Instead, you fools emote, and name-call, and worse.

You fools, utilizing that phrase, drive more Christians - and non-Christian people of faith, and other people of goodwill - into the Opposing Camp, with every such use, as your countrymen slowly come to understand and admit what scum the Gay Mafia truly are, and their viciousness in attempting (and failing) to suppress Opposing Opinion.

Attacking Christians and trying to silence the Opposition.

Yeah... real bright, that... not to mention as un-American as one can imagine.

So - please DO continue to pursue that tack - your smug arrogance about the permanence of your recent Gay-favoring judicial rulings will be your undoing, in this context.

As to my 'limited' abilities, well, you may be right about that - I'm not exactly the brightest crayon in the box, broadly, or specifically, but I do OK.

I am comforted, however, that my abilities appear to exceed your own, in open and adult exchange, so...

I am content.
I've defined it several times for you....and yet you choose to ignore it.
Here it is again, for the reading challenged: Christian Sharia is using YOUR interpretation of YOUR religion/god as the law instead of secular Constitutional law.
...Rosa Parks stood (sat) for "inclusion"...Kim Davis stands for "exclusion"...
Rosa Parks took a stand against Evil.

Kim Davis takes a stand against Wickedness.

Yep...using YOUR interpretation of YOUR religion/god instead of the rule of law and the Constitution. In other words, you are a supporter of Christian Sharia.
...Rosa Parks stood (sat) for "inclusion"...Kim Davis stands for "exclusion"...
Rosa Parks took a stand against Evil.

Kim Davis takes a stand against Wickedness.




The legitimizing or mainstreaming or official recognition of sexual deviancy and perversion, a.k.a. homosexuality.

A wicked thing to do, giving aid and comfort to the enemy - Evil - like that.

This post was written by a man who considers himself to be of above average intelligence and is easily offended when someone questions that intelligence.
No need to be insulting, Princess Goody Two-Shoes.

I have never resorted to calling you stupid, nor any other name, until this very moment, nor questioned your intelligence nor sincerity, simply because your views differed from my own; then again, that's a common failing with LibTards in general, and the Gay Mafia and their fellow travelers, in particular.

Even as a metaphor, our colleague has yet to define Christian Sharia Law.

Even a metaphor requires a macro-level definition, as a point of departure.

Besides, the use of the phrase Christian Sharia Law is highly insulting to the vast numbers of your fellow countrymen of the Christian faith, who are being inappropriately and unfairly and despicably likened by the Gay Mafia and its misguided supporters, to the vile scum comprising Radical Islam and its medieval practices, as may be seen in the hanging of homosexuals from construction cranes in public squares.

You insult 70% of the population of the United States who identify as Christian, on behalf of 3% of the population who identify as sexual deviants and perverts (homosexuals).

Insult 70% to advance the agenda of 3%.

Spend a dollar to make a penny.

Yeah... real bright, that.

But then again, you really can't help yourselves, can you? Very little common sense and self-control, in the final analysis, whenever faced with sustained challenge.

Instead, you fools emote, and name-call, and worse.

You fools, utilizing that phrase, drive more Christians - and non-Christian people of faith, and other people of goodwill - into the Opposing Camp, with every such use, as your countrymen slowly come to understand and admit what scum the Gay Mafia truly are, and their viciousness in attempting (and failing) to suppress Opposing Opinion.

Attacking Christians and trying to silence the Opposition.

Yeah... real bright, that... not to mention as un-American as one can imagine.

So - please DO continue to pursue that tack - your smug arrogance about the permanence of your recent Gay-favoring judicial rulings will be your undoing, in this context.

As to my 'limited' abilities, well, you may be right about that - I'm not exactly the brightest crayon in the box, broadly, or specifically, but I do OK.

I am comforted, however, that my abilities appear to exceed your own, in open and adult exchange, so...

I am content.

I are not exactly the brightest crayon in the box...

60% of Americans support same sex marriage...

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Sixty percent of Americans now support same-sex marriage, as the Supreme Court prepares to rule on its constitutionality next month. This is up from 55% last year and is the highest Gallup has found on the question since it was first asked in 1996.


In 1958 98% of Americans disapproved of marriage between a black and a white.
...Christian Sharia is using YOUR interpretation of YOUR religion/god as the law instead of secular Constitutional law.

So when it comes to Liberals using the Bible to argue on behalf of Illegal Aliens (welcome the stranger, feed the hungry, clothe the naked, shelter the children), invoking Religious Conviction to engage in Civil Disobedience - in the establishment of Sanctuary Cities, and Executive Orders granting Shamnesty... that is OK.

But, when it comes to Conservatives using the Bible to argue in favor of Civil Disobedience, to protest what THEY perceive as Bad Law, well, that's NOT as OK, then, eh?

I call bullshit.

Your definition sucks, and it risks offending very large numbers of your fellow countrymen, whose support you will require over time, so that your recent gains are not overturned.

But you go right ahead and keep using it, in ever-widening circles.

And see what that gets you, in the long run.
...Rosa Parks stood (sat) for "inclusion"...Kim Davis stands for "exclusion"...
Rosa Parks took a stand against Evil.

Kim Davis takes a stand against Wickedness.




The legitimizing or mainstreaming or official recognition of sexual deviancy and perversion, a.k.a. homosexuality.

A wicked thing to do, giving aid and comfort to the enemy - Evil - like that.

What anyone does in their bedroom is not your business, nor mine.

This ruling is "legitimizing" equal rights to MARRIAGE...
...Rosa Parks stood (sat) for "inclusion"...Kim Davis stands for "exclusion"...
Rosa Parks took a stand against Evil.

Kim Davis takes a stand against Wickedness.




The legitimizing or mainstreaming or official recognition of sexual deviancy and perversion, a.k.a. homosexuality.

A wicked thing to do, giving aid and comfort to the enemy - Evil - like that.

This post was written by a man who considers himself to be of above average intelligence and is easily offended when someone questions that intelligence.
Don't over-think things, sweet-cheeks, or you're sure to blow a circuit breaker.
...Rosa Parks stood (sat) for "inclusion"...Kim Davis stands for "exclusion"...
Rosa Parks took a stand against Evil.

Kim Davis takes a stand against Wickedness.




The legitimizing or mainstreaming or official recognition of sexual deviancy and perversion, a.k.a. homosexuality.

A wicked thing to do, giving aid and comfort to the enemy - Evil - like that.

What anyone does in their bedroom is not your business, nor mine.

This ruling is "legitimizing" equal rights to MARRIAGE...
That is the current ruling.

The ruling is wrong, and wicked.

Your opposition now begins work to have it overturned.

Work that may begin to show results as early as January 20, 2017.

So when it comes to Liberals using the Bible to argue on behalf of Illegal Aliens (welcome the stranger, feed the hungry, clothe the naked, shelter the children), invoking Religious Conviction to engage in Civil Disobedience - in the establishment of Sanctuary Cities, and Executive Orders granting Shamnesty... that is OK.

But, when it comes to Conservatives using the Bible to argue in favor of Civil Disobedience, to protest what THEY perceive as Bad Law, well, that's NOT as OK, then, eh?

I call bullshit.

Your definition sucks, and it risks offending very large numbers of your fellow countrymen, whose support you will require over time, so that your recent gains are not overturned.

But you go right ahead and keep using it, in ever-widening circles.

And see what that gets you, in the long run.

As a private citizen, Kim Davis has every right to "protest" same sex marriage...grab a sign babe...

But as a public official whose job is to enforce the law, she has NO right to deny LEGAL marriage licenses.
That is the current ruling.

The ruling is wrong, and wicked.

Your opposition now begins work to have it overturned.

Work that may begin to show results as early as January 20, 2017.

The ruling will stand...and will be enforced by the 45th President of the United States...Hillary Rodham Clinton.

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