Kim Davis Is Rosa Parks

I am against gay marriage but not against gay unions, which gives gays all the legal rights of married couples. To bring a priest and conduct a marriage ceremony for two gay people is a mockery of many faiths and the concept of marriage.

Kim Davis' actions on the other hand, although heroic is misguided. This is a secular country and the office of the clerk is a secular institution as well. So what happens if someone who's Catholic refuses to give out a divorce certificate because Catholicism says you'll go to hell? This is a slippery slope we are going down.

I don't think she should be in jail. They can just fire her.

America made a mistake of electing Obama and unfortunately this is what we get. And as Oblahblah said himself, elections have consequences.

As an elected official, she cannot be fired. No preacher will ever be forced to marry a gay couple if they choose not to. That is what the true meaning of the Separation of Church & State is. There are plenty of clergy that will perform that ceremony willingly, however. BTW, a religious ceremony alone cannot make a marriage legal... it has to be permissible by the State first (via the required license & blood tests) .
This woman is fighting for Christianity to be the supreme law of the land.
Nope. She is fighting a recent court ruling legitimizing and mainstream sexual deviancy and perversion (homosexuality).
That is YOUR interpretation of what your religion says. You are a supporter of Christian Sharia. There is very little difference between you and some muslim who interprets their religion to say women should be covered or else it's sexual deviancy and perversion and tries to ignore the law and force their interpretation onto others.

I suppose the 32 other threads on Davis wasn't good enough. lol
This one is different because the OP used a different angle to look at it. Now had that clerk been muslim the court would have ruled they must accommodate her on religious grounds.

That woman's religious right is as much a civil right as the muslim's right.

Not hardly.

Would you be fine if a Muslim manger of at the DMV ordered his staff to not issue drivers licences to women on the basis of his deeply held religious beliefs? I sure as hell wouldn't be cool with it.

Pretty sure the regulations for issuance of drivers' licenses weren't illegally imposed by judicial fiat.

Yeah, a few clerks tried that 'illegally imposed by judicial fiat' nonsense after Loving v. Virginia as well. It didn't work then and doesn't work now. Again, this is nothing more a religiously based sovereign citizen angle where people of faith get to decide which laws they have to follow and which laws they do not.
Bottom line: If your religious convictions bar you from doing the job, then change jobs!

If Kim Davis was a Las Vegas prostitute that refused to fornicate or practice adultery, I am pretty sure most devout people would ask "Why in the hell are you a prostitute?"

She saw the writing on the wall. Given her experience as a Law Clerk, how hard would it have been to restart her career at a Law Firm.

Like Rosa Park my butt. Just another religious nut trying to merge their faith into the judicial process. You have to change the process if you believe it is wrong, or legal problems are just the beginning.

Looks like Kim Davis is another person that need a copy of "Rules for Radicals"!! A damn good book--teaches people how to effect change. A must read for the American citizen!
...You can continue to make this an "us against them" issue...
No worries. I will. So will a very great many other Americans.

...But it is not an us against them issue...
Yes, it is.

...No one is "in thrall"...
The Will of the People to hold sexual deviancy and perversion at-bay is being overturned by a tiny group of people. That constitutes being 'under the thumb' in 'in thrall'.

...It is a simple matter of equality under the law...
No. It is a matter of suppressing sexual deviancy and perversion (homosexuality) rather than legitimizing and mainstreaming it.

...And granting ALL citizens the same rights...
In the past... as in the future... those citizens may marry anyone they like, of the opposite sex, as God, Nature and Man all intended.

You can emote, stamp your feet and spew as much hate as your wish...but the ACTUAL WILL OF THE PEOPLE says they support recognizing same sex marriage with the same rights as traditional marriage.

And the younger generations are even MORE in favor of inclusion...

See if you notice a "trend" here....


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I suppose the 32 other threads on Davis wasn't good enough. lol
This one is different because the OP used a different angle to look at it. Now had that clerk been muslim the court would have ruled they must accommodate her on religious grounds.

That woman's religious right is as much a civil right as the muslim's right.

Not hardly.

Would you be fine if a Muslim manger of at the DMV ordered his staff to not issue drivers licences to women on the basis of his deeply held religious beliefs? I sure as hell wouldn't be cool with it.
Not being allowed to drive has nothing to do with Islam or Sharia law. Automobiles did not exist when Sharia law was created. Not being allowed to drive is a Saudi Arabia cultural thing. In all other Muslim countries, women drive. Just so you know.

In fact much of what is perceived to be 'Islamic' is actually not – much of these the beliefs and practices are the product traditional societies and cultures, beliefs and practices that predate Islam, that are cultural rather than religious, and are not common throughout the Islamic world.
I suppose the 32 other threads on Davis wasn't good enough. lol
This one is different because the OP used a different angle to look at it. Now had that clerk been muslim the court would have ruled they must accommodate her on religious grounds.

That woman's religious right is as much a civil right as the muslim's right.

Not hardly.

Would you be fine if a Muslim manger of at the DMV ordered his staff to not issue drivers licences to women on the basis of his deeply held religious beliefs? I sure as hell wouldn't be cool with it.
I am not saying it's fine. I'm saying it's NOT equal.

I disagree. Not too long ago Muslims cabbies in Minnesota started refusing fares on the basis of their deeply held religious beliefs. They sued and the judge told them to either do their jobs or find another line of work that would fit their faith.

Last time I checked, cab drivers aren't elected officials. They're hired employees. There is a difference.
Kim Davis Is Rosa Parks

Weird thing is today's democrats hate this woman for standing for religious freedom,1950-1960's democrats were the members of the klan and the ones that wanted blacks at back of the bus! I see not much has changed.

Kim Davis is not standing for religious freedom. Kim Davis is in jail for using the government to force others to practice her religion.

Not sure how "I'm not going to do something" equates to "You ARE going to do something", but I never really expect leftists to be logical.
I suppose the 32 other threads on Davis wasn't good enough. lol
This one is different because the OP used a different angle to look at it. Now had that clerk been muslim the court would have ruled they must accommodate her on religious grounds.

That woman's religious right is as much a civil right as the muslim's right.

Not hardly.

Would you be fine if a Muslim manger of at the DMV ordered his staff to not issue drivers licences to women on the basis of his deeply held religious beliefs? I sure as hell wouldn't be cool with it.
I am not saying it's fine. I'm saying it's NOT equal.

I disagree. Not too long ago Muslims cabbies in Minnesota started refusing fares on the basis of their deeply held religious beliefs. They sued and the judge told them to either do their jobs or find another line of work that would fit their faith.

Last time I checked, cab drivers aren't elected officials. They're hired employees. There is a difference.

No shit. Last time I checked, elected officials, as agents of the state, do not have a right to place a religious test on the citizens they are supposed to serve. If she was a Muslim though I bet you would be gassing on about Sharia Law.
But it is the very legality of such marriages that Davis disputes.

Wrong she recommended they just go to the next county over to get a marriage license. She recognizes the legality of same-sex Civil Marriage, she just didn't want to do her job to issue them a license.

The going to another county to get a marriage license was something she raised at trial -->>


I don't see that as her recognizing the legality of homosexual "marriage" at all. I see it as her recognizing that the next county over will comply with the illegal court ruling. She, however, does NOT wish to comply with it. Which I can understand, since it is illegal.
This one is different because the OP used a different angle to look at it. Now had that clerk been muslim the court would have ruled they must accommodate her on religious grounds.

That woman's religious right is as much a civil right as the muslim's right.

Not hardly.

Would you be fine if a Muslim manger of at the DMV ordered his staff to not issue drivers licences to women on the basis of his deeply held religious beliefs? I sure as hell wouldn't be cool with it.
I am not saying it's fine. I'm saying it's NOT equal.

I disagree. Not too long ago Muslims cabbies in Minnesota started refusing fares on the basis of their deeply held religious beliefs. They sued and the judge told them to either do their jobs or find another line of work that would fit their faith.

Last time I checked, cab drivers aren't elected officials. They're hired employees. There is a difference.

No shit. Last time I checked, elected officials, as agents of the state, do not have a right to place a religious test on the citizens they are supposed to serve. If she was a Muslim though I bet you would be gassing on about Sharia Law.

Nice straw man, but since she's not saying, "I'm only issuing licenses to Jews", or "I'm only issuing licenses to Catholics", there's no "religious test" involved. Nothing has ever indicated that Ms. Davis gives a rat's furry ass crack what religion applicants practice.

Your bets based on projecting your bigoted viewpoints onto others means less than nothing to me, so please don't waste my time.

Ms. Davis is adhering to the duly- and legally-passed law on the books from the CORRECT legal authorities on the subject of Kentucky marriage licenses - which is what she swore to do when she took office - and refusing to comply with a law invented out of whole cloth by a non-legislative body on a level of government that has no purview over marriage licenses whatsoever.

"But it is the very legality of such marriages that Davis disputes."

This is relevant in the context of her official duties.

She and others hostile to the equal protection rights of same-sex couples were afforded their full and comprehensive due process of civil law – up to and including a ruling by the Supreme Court.

She and others hostile to the equal protection rights of same-sex couples lost.

That it is a violation of the Due Process Clause and Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment to deny same-sex couples access to marriage is now the law of the land – settled, accepted, and beyond dispute.

As an officer of the state Davis is required by Article VI of the Constitution to obey that law, to issue marriage licenses in accordance with the law to same-sex couples, where performing her official duties in no way 'violates' her religious liberties or beliefs. (Cooper v. Aaron)

Davis is at liberty as a private citizen to 'dispute' the 'legality' of Obergefell, to work through the political and judicial process to have the ruling overturned or rendered void by Constitutional amendment – but until either occurs, Obergefell is the just law of the land, Davis is in contempt for failing to obey the law, and she is now jailed at her own behest.
Not hardly.

Would you be fine if a Muslim manger of at the DMV ordered his staff to not issue drivers licences to women on the basis of his deeply held religious beliefs? I sure as hell wouldn't be cool with it.
I am not saying it's fine. I'm saying it's NOT equal.

I disagree. Not too long ago Muslims cabbies in Minnesota started refusing fares on the basis of their deeply held religious beliefs. They sued and the judge told them to either do their jobs or find another line of work that would fit their faith.

Last time I checked, cab drivers aren't elected officials. They're hired employees. There is a difference.

No shit. Last time I checked, elected officials, as agents of the state, do not have a right to place a religious test on the citizens they are supposed to serve. If she was a Muslim though I bet you would be gassing on about Sharia Law.

Nice straw man, but since she's not saying, "I'm only issuing licenses to Jews", or "I'm only issuing licenses to Catholics", there's no "religious test" involved. Nothing has ever indicated that Ms. Davis gives a rat's furry ass crack what religion applicants practice.

Your bets based on projecting your bigoted viewpoints onto others means less than nothing to me, so please don't waste my time.

Ms. Davis is adhering to the duly- and legally-passed law on the books from the CORRECT legal authorities on the subject of Kentucky marriage licenses - which is what she swore to do when she took office - and refusing to comply with a law invented out of whole cloth by a non-legislative body on a level of government that has no purview over marriage licenses whatsoever.

Those laws were struck by the SCOTUS. Deal with it. In the meantime, gays continue to marry and all you can do about it is bitch and moan on the Internet. All the best.
The poor dopey woman has a horrible lawyer. He can imagine the cash rolling in to support his client and so he is not concentrating on getting her out, rather he wants to drag it out. His latest defense is to compare his client to a Jew in Nazi Germany facing the holocaust.
But it is the very legality of such marriages that Davis disputes.

Wrong she recommended they just go to the next county over to get a marriage license. She recognizes the legality of same-sex Civil Marriage, she just didn't want to do her job to issue them a license.

The going to another county to get a marriage license was something she raised at trial -->>


I don't see that as her recognizing the legality of homosexual "marriage" at all. I see it as her recognizing that the next county over will comply with the illegal court ruling. She, however, does NOT wish to comply with it. Which I can understand, since it is illegal.
Clearly you don't understand anything concerning this issue.

The court order is in fact legal, as determined by the Supreme Court.

Refusing to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples based solely on who they are is as a fact of law un-Constitutional, as is sending same-sex couples to 'another county.'
Not hardly.

Would you be fine if a Muslim manger of at the DMV ordered his staff to not issue drivers licences to women on the basis of his deeply held religious beliefs? I sure as hell wouldn't be cool with it.
I am not saying it's fine. I'm saying it's NOT equal.

I disagree. Not too long ago Muslims cabbies in Minnesota started refusing fares on the basis of their deeply held religious beliefs. They sued and the judge told them to either do their jobs or find another line of work that would fit their faith.

Last time I checked, cab drivers aren't elected officials. They're hired employees. There is a difference.

No shit. Last time I checked, elected officials, as agents of the state, do not have a right to place a religious test on the citizens they are supposed to serve. If she was a Muslim though I bet you would be gassing on about Sharia Law.

Nice straw man, but since she's not saying, "I'm only issuing licenses to Jews", or "I'm only issuing licenses to Catholics", there's no "religious test" involved. Nothing has ever indicated that Ms. Davis gives a rat's furry ass crack what religion applicants practice.

Your bets based on projecting your bigoted viewpoints onto others means less than nothing to me, so please don't waste my time.

Ms. Davis is adhering to the duly- and legally-passed law on the books from the CORRECT legal authorities on the subject of Kentucky marriage licenses - which is what she swore to do when she took office - and refusing to comply with a law invented out of whole cloth by a non-legislative body on a level of government that has no purview over marriage licenses whatsoever.
This is as ignorant as it is ridiculous and wrong.

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