Kim Davis Is Rosa Parks


"Ms. Davis is adhering to the duly- and legally-passed law on the books from the CORRECT legal authorities on the subject of Kentucky marriage licenses - which is what she swore to do when she took office - and refusing to comply with a law invented out of whole cloth by a non-legislative body on a level of government that has no purview over marriage licenses whatsoever."

This in particular is ignorant and wrong.

Obergefell is the progeny of over 100 years of 14th Amendment jurisprudence prohibiting government from seeking to disadvantage a class of persons through force of law based solely on who they are. (See, e.g., Civil Rights Cases (1883))

Consequently, there is nothing 'invented' about the settled and accepted 14th Amendment jurisprudence followed by the Obergefell Court to invalidate state measures hostile to the rights of gay Americans and repugnant to the Constitution.

Moreover, that states and local jurisdictions, along with state officers and elected officials, are subject to Federal law, the Federal Constitution and its case law, and the rulings of Federal courts has been settled and accepted since the advent of the Foundation Era – from McCulloch v. Maryland (1819) to Cooper v. Aaron (1958), the original intent and understanding of the Framers as expressed and codified in Article VI that decisions of the Supreme Court are the supreme law of the land, as with 14th Amendment jurisprudence, is settled, accepted, and beyond dispute.
Kim Davis has been divorced four times. Where were her religious principles when she was committing serial adultery?

For someone who claims to hate people putting their religious beliefs onto others, you certainly are quick to impose your ideas about what Christians do and should believe onto Ms. Davis.

Jack Kimble@RepJackKimble
#FreeKimDavis She's like Rosa Parks if Rosa Parks was a bus driver who wouldn't let white people get on her bus and she crashed 3 busses
Jillian Hurley@BeautyBind
#FreeKimDavis how is she going to find a 5th husband if all of the good guys marry each other???

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#FreeKimDavis because using #ReligiousLiberty to deny service is an American institution!

Ryan Smith@smithboyrd
#FreeKimDavis Worst coupon ever...


Don't fall for the scam people! They say #FreeKimDavis, but if you read the fine print, its only if you buy one of equal or greater cost


Kim Davis has been divorced four times. Where were her religious principles when she was committing serial adultery?

For someone who claims to hate people putting their religious beliefs onto others, you certainly are quick to impose your ideas about what Christians do and should believe onto Ms. Davis.
what I read into it was, heres a woman, who claims to be god fearing woman and refuses to allow homosexuals to marry because of her faith in god ... and yet here she has time and time again violated gods law by her doings, yet she tries to say the reason she won't do it is because of her hard fast in the belief of her god .... thats wrong ... seems a little hypocritical don't ya think ...
But it is the very legality of such marriages that Davis disputes.

Wrong she recommended they just go to the next county over to get a marriage license. She recognizes the legality of same-sex Civil Marriage, she just didn't want to do her job to issue them a license.

The going to another county to get a marriage license was something she raised at trial -->>


I don't see that as her recognizing the legality of homosexual "marriage" at all. I see it as her recognizing that the next county over will comply with the illegal court ruling. She, however, does NOT wish to comply with it. Which I can understand, since it is illegal.

Wow. That takes a special kind of stupid to rationalize what she did was not worthy of reprimand.

"Ms. Davis is adhering to the duly- and legally-passed law on the books from the CORRECT legal authorities on the subject of Kentucky marriage licenses - which is what she swore to do when she took office - and refusing to comply with a law invented out of whole cloth by a non-legislative body on a level of government that has no purview over marriage licenses whatsoever."

This in particular is ignorant and wrong.

Obergefell is the progeny of over 100 years of 14th Amendment jurisprudence prohibiting government from seeking to disadvantage a class of persons through force of law based solely on who they are. (See, e.g., Civil Rights Cases (1883))

Consequently, there is nothing 'invented' about the settled and accepted 14th Amendment jurisprudence followed by the Obergefell Court to invalidate state measures hostile to the rights of gay Americans and repugnant to the Constitution.

Moreover, that states and local jurisdictions, along with state officers and elected officials, are subject to Federal law, the Federal Constitution and its case law, and the rulings of Federal courts has been settled and accepted since the advent of the Foundation Era – from McCulloch v. Maryland (1819) to Cooper v. Aaron (1958), the original intent and understanding of the Framers as expressed and codified in Article VI that decisions of the Supreme Court are the supreme law of the land, as with 14th Amendment jurisprudence, is settled, accepted, and beyond dispute.

Do I even need to say, "What a giant load of horseshit"?

The fact that the courts have behaved incorrectly and illegally on a repeated basis over time does not make it any more okay to continue doing so. Also, the court is not exactly the best reference as to the correctness and legality of its own behavior. Duh.

Furthermore, the constant misstatement of "federal supremacy" to mean that the federal government has jurisdiction to meddle in anything it wants, rendering lower governments irrelevant, is wearing incredibly thin, even if one is kindly inclined to ignore that leftists like you are too frigging stupid to know any better.

Go buy a clue.
But it is the very legality of such marriages that Davis disputes.

Wrong she recommended they just go to the next county over to get a marriage license. She recognizes the legality of same-sex Civil Marriage, she just didn't want to do her job to issue them a license.

The going to another county to get a marriage license was something she raised at trial -->>


I don't see that as her recognizing the legality of homosexual "marriage" at all. I see it as her recognizing that the next county over will comply with the illegal court ruling. She, however, does NOT wish to comply with it. Which I can understand, since it is illegal.
Clearly you don't understand anything concerning this issue.

The court order is in fact legal, as determined by the Supreme Court.

Refusing to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples based solely on who they are is as a fact of law un-Constitutional, as is sending same-sex couples to 'another county.'

BINGO. She's hiding behind the excuse that it goes against her religious beliefs, but divorce decrees must also go through her office & she hasn't refused to issue them, record them or sign off on them which SHOULD go against her religious beliefs as well. Denying marriage licenses to prior divorced couples hasn't been a problem with her or her office either, so there lies the 'hypocritical, bigoted, pick & choose which religious belief she follows because she just don't like them there homo gays' - Kim Davis.
Kim Davis Is Rosa Parks

Weird thing is today's democrats hate this woman for standing for religious freedom,1950-1960's democrats were the members of the klan and the ones that wanted blacks at back of the bus! I see not much has changed.
You're kiddig right?

That stupid cvnt is in jail because she valued judging others more than her freedom. If you want to draw some asinine comparison she wiuld be the equivalent of the person that told Rosa to move.
Kim Davis has been divorced four times. Where were her religious principles when she was committing serial adultery?

For someone who claims to hate people putting their religious beliefs onto others, you certainly are quick to impose your ideas about what Christians do and should believe onto Ms. Davis.
She brought it on herself. Fuck her. You can't claim religious persecution while hiding behind your own bs.
Kim Davis has been divorced four times. Where were her religious principles when she was committing serial adultery?

For someone who claims to hate people putting their religious beliefs onto others, you certainly are quick to impose your ideas about what Christians do and should believe onto Ms. Davis.
what I read into it was, heres a woman, who claims to be god fearing woman and refuses to allow homosexuals to marry because of her faith in god ... and yet here she has time and time again violated gods law by her doings, yet she tries to say the reason she won't do it is because of her hard fast in the belief of her god .... thats wrong ... seems a little hypocritical don't ya think ...

Well, that'll teach you to "read things into", instead of just reading the words, I guess.

Let me see if I can spell this out in words small enough for you to understand.

Just because YOU believe - or think Christians should believe, depending on whatever your personal religious beliefs actually are. And no, I don't care, so don't tell me - that divorce and remarriage "violate" God's law doesn't mean that every flavor of Christian automatically believes that, or is obligated to believe that. And hypocrisy is NOT determined by whether or not someone lives up to what YOU have determined that THEY should believe.

However, since I know that Dragonlady is unrelentingly hostile about Christians DARING to practice their religious beliefs where people can actually see them do it ::gasp!:: because she considers that to be "forcing religion on people", it IS hypocritical for her to turn around and start imposing her beliefs of how Christianity should be practiced onto others.

I suspect the same could be said about you, but I don't currently know enough about you to say for sure. And, as I said, I have no desire to know, so please contain any urge you may have to follow up with a long, newsy post about your personal life and beliefs.
But it is the very legality of such marriages that Davis disputes.

Wrong she recommended they just go to the next county over to get a marriage license. She recognizes the legality of same-sex Civil Marriage, she just didn't want to do her job to issue them a license.

The going to another county to get a marriage license was something she raised at trial -->>


I don't see that as her recognizing the legality of homosexual "marriage" at all. I see it as her recognizing that the next county over will comply with the illegal court ruling. She, however, does NOT wish to comply with it. Which I can understand, since it is illegal.

Wow. That takes a special kind of stupid to rationalize what she did was not worthy of reprimand.

I'll thank you not to put your ignorant, inferior words into my mouth. Just because you want to believe I said "not worthy of reprimand" doesn't obligate me to accept that position as mine or defend it.

When you're ready to comment on what I DID say, let me know.
Kim Davis has been divorced four times. Where were her religious principles when she was committing serial adultery?

For someone who claims to hate people putting their religious beliefs onto others, you certainly are quick to impose your ideas about what Christians do and should believe onto Ms. Davis.
She brought it on herself. Fuck her. You can't claim religious persecution while hiding behind your own bs.

I haven't claimed religious persecution. Haven't even used the phrase. Nor does this response have shit-all to do with the post you quoted. Way to randomly shout your talking points blindly at people. Do you also stand on street corners and yell at passing cars?
Kim Davis has been divorced four times. Where were her religious principles when she was committing serial adultery?

For someone who claims to hate people putting their religious beliefs onto others, you certainly are quick to impose your ideas about what Christians do and should believe onto Ms. Davis.
She brought it on herself. Fuck her. You can't claim religious persecution while hiding behind your own bs.

I haven't claimed religious persecution. Haven't even used the phrase. Nor does this response have shit-all to do with the post you quoted. Way to randomly shout your talking points blindly at people. Do you also stand on street corners and yell at passing cars?
This thread isn't about you lol. It is entirely about her. Claiming fire while you supply the gasoline to the arsonist is not a legit tactic. Hence her own religious failings are very much fair game.

We've seen this faux equivalency and moral relativism before, in attempting (and failing) to compare resistance to integration, versus resistance to the legitimizing and mainstreaming of sexual deviancy and perversion (homosexuality).
...She and others hostile to the equal protection rights of same-sex couples lost...
True. They lost the battle. But not the war. The war is only beginning.

The 3% of the population identifying as sexual deviants and perverts (homosexuals) cannot suppress the 97% for long.

Courts will be packed with a more conservative element, the question will be re-framed to an extent requiring a resubmit to the Appellate or SCOTUS level, and a revised ruling will overturn the recent one.

There are several ways to skin this cat, at law, within a Constitutional framework.

And, this cat IS going to be skinned.

After 2016, Conservatives will control the Congress, and the White House.

One need only convince one of those five justices to re-think their position, and/or replace one existing justice with a more conservative one, and - viola - instance reversal.

It's not a question of IF a move is going to be made to reverse the recent decision - merely when - and the timing will be decisive.
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Kim Davis Is Rosa Parks

Weird thing is today's democrats hate this woman for standing for religious freedom,1950-1960's democrats were the members of the klan and the ones that wanted blacks at back of the bus! I see not much has changed.
This is some of the dumbest shit I've seen.

Standing up against peoples rights or facing jail isn't the same as standing your ground or get the hose put to you, then the dogs, then the clubs, then jail put to you b/c you want equal rights.

you're a fucking asshole
Both stood up to Tyranny,both were attacked by democrats/liberals/progressives/.

Name a liberal who was against Rosa Parks by name.
Democrat son...don't try and split hairs now because I got you dead to rights.

Right, there are/were plenty of racist conservative democrats back then, I'm not contesting that. But you also said liberals and, start naming names.

Oh, spare me. I get so tired of you delusional leftists. Just because you call yourselves something doesn't make it true, and the faster you all grow up and stop believing you can just wish the world different, the better for everyone.

Calling yourself liberal doesn't make you liberal. Ditto for "progressive". And don't even freaking get me STARTED on people who think they can change genetics by changing labels. They don't even make medication for the level of "out-of-touch-with-reality" that afflicts the left these days.
This is some of the dumbest shit I've seen.

Standing up against peoples rights or facing jail isn't the same as standing your ground or get the hose put to you, then the dogs, then the clubs, then jail put to you b/c you want equal rights.

you're a fucking asshole
Both stood up to Tyranny,both were attacked by democrats/liberals/progressives/.

Name a liberal who was against Rosa Parks by name.
Democrat son...don't try and split hairs now because I got you dead to rights.

Right, there are/were plenty of racist conservative democrats back then, I'm not contesting that. But you also said liberals and, start naming names.

Oh, spare me. I get so tired of you delusional leftists. Just because you call yourselves something doesn't make it true, and the faster you all grow up and stop believing you can just wish the world different, the better for everyone.

Calling yourself liberal doesn't make you liberal. Ditto for "progressive". And don't even freaking get me STARTED on people who think they can change genetics by changing labels. They don't even make medication for the level of "out-of-touch-with-reality" that afflicts the left these days.

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