Kim Davis Is Rosa Parks

Both stood up to Tyranny,both were attacked by democrats/liberals/progressives/.

Name a liberal who was against Rosa Parks by name.
Democrat son...don't try and split hairs now because I got you dead to rights.

Right, there are/were plenty of racist conservative democrats back then, I'm not contesting that. But you also said liberals and, start naming names.
democrat/liberal/progressive is same damn thing. They have just changed who they hate now.

That's factually incorrect. Strom Thurmond was a conservative and a Democrat. The Democrats were in control in the South during the civil war but it's Republicans who keep that vial dream alive.

Now, pull the stick out and name a prominent liberal who persecuted Rosa Parks.

Oh, good God. :bang3:

The Democrats have always been to the political left of the Republicans in this country. Always. They are the exact same people and party, ideologically speaking, that they always have been, although their need to constantly push the envelope and blur boundary lines has taken them to previously unimagined extremes lately.

No amount of playing with and redefining terms is ever going to change the fact that you own every nasty thing the Democrat Party has ever done, and always will. It's yours. Suck it up, and if you're really that ashamed of the past,maybe you should reflect on what that means about being associated with that party now.
Kim Davis Is Rosa Parks

Weird thing is today's democrats hate this woman for standing for religious freedom,1950-1960's democrats were the members of the klan and the ones that wanted blacks at back of the bus! I see not much has changed.
This is some of the dumbest shit I've seen.

Standing up against peoples rights or facing jail isn't the same as standing your ground or get the hose put to you, then the dogs, then the clubs, then jail put to you b/c you want equal rights.

you're a fucking asshole
Both stood up to Tyranny,both were attacked by democrats/liberals/progressives/.

people getting the RIGHT to marry isn't tyranny, that bitch not doing her fucking job was.

that petty tyrant refused other people their rights.

"It's not tyranny when I do it, because I'm so PERFECT!"

Whatever, dipshit.
Name a liberal who was against Rosa Parks by name.
Democrat son...don't try and split hairs now because I got you dead to rights.

Right, there are/were plenty of racist conservative democrats back then, I'm not contesting that. But you also said liberals and, start naming names.
democrat/liberal/progressive is same damn thing. They have just changed who they hate now.

That's factually incorrect. Strom Thurmond was a conservative and a Democrat. The Democrats were in control in the South during the civil war but it's Republicans who keep that vial dream alive.

Now, pull the stick out and name a prominent liberal who persecuted Rosa Parks.

Oh, good God. :bang3:

The Democrats have always been to the political left of the Republicans in this country. Always. They are the exact same people and party, ideologically speaking, that they always have been, although their need to constantly push the envelope and blur boundary lines has taken them to previously unimagined extremes lately.

No amount of playing with and redefining terms is ever going to change the fact that you own every nasty thing the Democrat Party has ever done, and always will. It's yours. Suck it up, and if you're really that ashamed of the past,maybe you should reflect on what that means about being associated with that party now.
anybody with a functioning cerebral cortex would want to left of this : There is also general consensus that the Right includes: capitalists, conservatives, fascists, monarchists, nationalists, neoconservatives, neoliberals, reactionaries, right-libertarians, social-authoritarians, theocrats and traditionalists.[8]
Kim Davis is the Rosa Parks of ignorant, dumb chicks.

When Rosa Parks got up and gave a speech to the Democrat Convention she proved that she was nothing more that a shithead Moon Bat.
only an ignorant fuck would say that.
even worse you never even saw read or listen to any speech by Rosa parks.

Democrats are demanding that the US take a flood of Muslim refugees from Syria.

If you confused atheists think you are oppressed by Christians wanting to sing a Christmas song in school just wait until these Muslims get ahold of you bastards. You will get down on your knees begging for this country to be dominated by Christians.

Democrats call for ‘flood’ of Muslims to U.S.

Democrats call for 'flood' of Muslims to U.S.
Kim Davis is the Rosa Parks of ignorant, dumb chicks.

When Rosa Parks got up and gave a speech to the Democrat Convention she proved that she was nothing more that a shithead Moon Bat.
only an ignorant fuck would say that.
even worse you never even saw read or listen to any speech by Rosa parks.

Democrats are the scum of this country. Anybody that participates in the Democrat Convention is a scumbag.
Only a clown could equate Davis with Parks.

A racist clown.

"Racist"?!!! How did racism get into this issue?!

Rosa Parks got in trouble for disobeying an unjust, perverse law.

Kim Davis is getting into trouble for disobeying an unjust, perverse, and patently unconstitutional Supreme Court ruling.

But of course you just can't see the parallels, and then you have to drag race into the issue. Sad.

The people who persecuted Rosa Parks thought it was okay to force blacks to sit on the back of the bus. The people who are persecuting Kim Davis think it's okay to force Christians to support ceremonies that they find morally offensive and to force local officials to abide by a Supreme Court ruling that is plainly and clearly unconstitutional and immoral.

You liberals are the modern defenders of the Dred Scott decision of our day.

Kim Davis is not Rosa Parks. The comparison is beyond laughable. Kim Davis is trying to force other people to comply with her religious beliefs, in a secular setting and using her position as a county clerk to enforce her religious beliefs.

Does Mrs. Davis refuse marriages licenses to divorced people on religious grounds? Because divorce is also against Christian beliefs.

Rosa Parks forced other people to comply with HER belief that black people are equal to white people, in a setting where that was not the prevalent view. Sounds pretty analogous to me, except that Rosa Parks didn't hold an elected office.

Civil disobedience is civil disobedience.

And there is no number of times you can say, "All Christians believe divorce is a sin, because I say they do!" that's going to make it true, so fucking get off the divorce straw man, already. No one is interested in hearing you preach, Reverend Fucktard, so get away from the pulpit.
Kim Davis is the Rosa Parks of ignorant, dumb chicks.

When Rosa Parks got up and gave a speech to the Democrat Convention she proved that she was nothing more that a shithead Moon Bat.
only an ignorant fuck would say that.
even worse you never even saw read or listen to any speech by Rosa parks.

Democrats are the scum of this country. Anybody that participates in the Democrat Convention is a scumbag.
thanks for proving me right.
Only a clown could equate Davis with Parks.

A racist clown.

"Racist"?!!! How did racism get into this issue?!

Rosa Parks got in trouble for disobeying an unjust, perverse law.

Kim Davis is getting into trouble for disobeying an unjust, perverse, and patently unconstitutional Supreme Court ruling.

But of course you just can't see the parallels, and then you have to drag race into the issue. Sad.

The people who persecuted Rosa Parks thought it was okay to force blacks to sit on the back of the bus. The people who are persecuting Kim Davis think it's okay to force Christians to support ceremonies that they find morally offensive and to force local officials to abide by a Supreme Court ruling that is plainly and clearly unconstitutional and immoral.

You liberals are the modern defenders of the Dred Scott decision of our day.

Kim Davis is not Rosa Parks. The comparison is beyond laughable. Kim Davis is trying to force other people to comply with her religious beliefs, in a secular setting and using her position as a county clerk to enforce her religious beliefs.

Does Mrs. Davis refuse marriages licenses to divorced people on religious grounds? Because divorce is also against Christian beliefs.

Rosa Parks forced other people to comply with HER belief that black people are equal to white people, in a setting where that was not the prevalent view. Sounds pretty analogous to me, except that Rosa Parks didn't hold an elected office.

Civil disobedience is civil disobedience.

And there is no number of times you can say, "All Christians believe divorce is a sin, because I say they do!" that's going to make it true, so fucking get off the divorce straw man, already. No one is interested in hearing you preach, Reverend Fucktard, so get away from the pulpit.
if you spun that any harder it would reach near earth orbit, and be the first absolute bullshit satellite in history.
Only a clown could equate Davis with Parks.

A racist clown.

"Racist"?!!! How did racism get into this issue?!

Rosa Parks got in trouble for disobeying an unjust, perverse law.

Kim Davis is getting into trouble for disobeying an unjust, perverse, and patently unconstitutional Supreme Court ruling.

But of course you just can't see the parallels, and then you have to drag race into the issue. Sad.

The people who persecuted Rosa Parks thought it was okay to force blacks to sit on the back of the bus. The people who are persecuting Kim Davis think it's okay to force Christians to support ceremonies that they find morally offensive and to force local officials to abide by a Supreme Court ruling that is plainly and clearly unconstitutional and immoral.

You liberals are the modern defenders of the Dred Scott decision of our day.

Kim Davis is not Rosa Parks. The comparison is beyond laughable. Kim Davis is trying to force other people to comply with her religious beliefs, in a secular setting and using her position as a county clerk to enforce her religious beliefs.

Does Mrs. Davis refuse marriages licenses to divorced people on religious grounds? Because divorce is also against Christian beliefs.

Rosa Parks forced other people to comply with HER belief that black people are equal to white people, in a setting where that was not the prevalent view. Sounds pretty analogous to me, except that Rosa Parks didn't hold an elected office.

Civil disobedience is civil disobedience.

And there is no number of times you can say, "All Christians believe divorce is a sin, because I say they do!" that's going to make it true, so fucking get off the divorce straw man, already. No one is interested in hearing you preach, Reverend Fucktard, so get away from the pulpit.
the Appeal to the Mob fallacy in action.

thanks for proving me right.

Most Democrats are delusional and don't know they are scumbags. It is a good thing to remind them every once in awhile, especially when they get on a high horse ranting against freedom of religion.

It is just as valid for Kim Davis to challenge an unjust arrest as it was Rosa Parks.

Both were faced with unjust laws that the government sanctioned.
Only a clown could equate Davis with Parks.

A racist clown.

"Racist"?!!! How did racism get into this issue?!

Rosa Parks got in trouble for disobeying an unjust, perverse law.

Kim Davis is getting into trouble for disobeying an unjust, perverse, and patently unconstitutional Supreme Court ruling.

But of course you just can't see the parallels, and then you have to drag race into the issue. Sad.

The people who persecuted Rosa Parks thought it was okay to force blacks to sit on the back of the bus. The people who are persecuting Kim Davis think it's okay to force Christians to support ceremonies that they find morally offensive and to force local officials to abide by a Supreme Court ruling that is plainly and clearly unconstitutional and immoral.

You liberals are the modern defenders of the Dred Scott decision of our day.

Kim Davis is not Rosa Parks. The comparison is beyond laughable. Kim Davis is trying to force other people to comply with her religious beliefs, in a secular setting and using her position as a county clerk to enforce her religious beliefs.

Does Mrs. Davis refuse marriages licenses to divorced people on religious grounds? Because divorce is also against Christian beliefs.

Rosa Parks forced other people to comply with HER belief that black people are equal to white people, in a setting where that was not the prevalent view. Sounds pretty analogous to me, except that Rosa Parks didn't hold an elected office.

Civil disobedience is civil disobedience.

And there is no number of times you can say, "All Christians believe divorce is a sin, because I say they do!" that's going to make it true, so fucking get off the divorce straw man, already. No one is interested in hearing you preach, Reverend Fucktard, so get away from the pulpit.
Put down the bottle, and back away slowly.

Rosa was asking for equal access to government services.

Kim Davis was denying equal access to customers.
Kim Davis isn't Rosa Parks, she's these guys:

Kim Davis has been divorced four times. Where were her religious principles when she was committing serial adultery?

For someone who claims to hate people putting their religious beliefs onto others, you certainly are quick to impose your ideas about what Christians do and should believe onto Ms. Davis.

Where does she find opposition to same sex marriage in scripture?
I suppose the 32 other threads on Davis wasn't good enough. lol
This one is different because the OP used a different angle to look at it. Now had that clerk been muslim the court would have ruled they must accommodate her on religious grounds.

That woman's religious right is as much a civil right as the muslim's right.

No. It's just the same excuse you fools believe in so you force sharia law on the U.S.

But I bet your brain dead, racist, kkk buddy Arpaio agrees with you.

Btw, he still hasn't shown up at my house or deleted those posts.

Why do you "think" that is?


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Both stood up to Tyranny,both were attacked by democrats/liberals/progressives/.

Name a liberal who was against Rosa Parks by name.
Democrat son...don't try and split hairs now because I got you dead to rights.

Right, there are/were plenty of racist conservative democrats back then, I'm not contesting that. But you also said liberals and, start naming names.

Oh, spare me. I get so tired of you delusional leftists. Just because you call yourselves something doesn't make it true, and the faster you all grow up and stop believing you can just wish the world different, the better for everyone.

Calling yourself liberal doesn't make you liberal. Ditto for "progressive". And don't even freaking get me STARTED on people who think they can change genetics by changing labels. They don't even make medication for the level of "out-of-touch-with-reality" that afflicts the left these days.

He nails it.

They have special buildings, special laws, special protections but still, they whine for more.

To see the truth about these Christians, just read any thread about hungry children and food stamps.

This is a case of the same few nutters trying to force sharia law on the U.S.

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thanks for proving me right.

Most Democrats are delusional and don't know they are scumbags. It is a good thing to remind them every once in awhile, especially when they get on a high horse ranting against freedom of religion.

It is just as valid for Kim Davis to challenge an unjust arrest as it was Rosa Parks.

Both were faced with unjust laws that the government sanctioned.
No it isn't the same or even similar. Your comment only makes sense to a very low information person guided and misdirected by radio talk show commentator level rhetorical talking points. Rosa Parks contested that her civil rights were being denied and the courts needed to examine her act of civil disobedience and issue a judicial ruling.

Kim Davis is not a civil rights case, but rather an alleged freedom of religion case. Unlike Parks, a judgement is not needed. She is in jail because after a judgement was made by the highest courts about her freedom of religion claims. She and her lawyers challenged the decision and the highest court responded in such a way as to indicate they were not interested because there were no further judicial questions that needed adjudication. The highest courts ruled that signing a marriage licence by a clerk had nothing to do with the first amendment and religious rights.

Rosa Parks challenged interpretation of the 14th Amendment and won. Kim Davis challenged the authority of the courts with a claim that selected comments in her selected book of religion when interpreted with her own methods and opinions overrules the federal judges and courts. She lost and that is why she is in jail.

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