Kim Davis Is Rosa Parks

The truth of this is that Davis is the whites who denied Ms Parks a seat on the bus.

Fundie hate groups, like Davis', want to deny basic civil rights. They are the enemy of our constitution.

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The problem arises when you call it "marriage certificate" which is based on the traditional religious based definition of marriage.

The religious based definition of marriage is and has always been between a man and a woman. It's a total mockery of religion when you have a rabbi or priest conducting a marriage between two men or two women. It's so ridiculous its funny and I find myself laughing when I see footage of it on the news.

Perhaps if you called the certificate for gays by a different name like a "union certificate", even though the legal rights it carries are equivalent to marriage? You simply cannot redefine the religious definition of marriage, which is what gays and the radical left want to do.
The problem arises when you call it "marriage certificate" which is based on the traditional religious based definition of marriage.

The religious based definition of marriage is and has always been between a man and a woman. It's a total mockery of religion when you have a rabbi or priest conducting a marriage between two men or two women. It's so ridiculous its funny and I find myself laughing when I see footage of it on the news.

Perhaps if you called the certificate for gays by a different name like a "union certificate", even though the legal rights it carries are equivalent to marriage? You simply cannot redefine the religious definition of marriage, which is what gays and the radical left want to do.
the problem arises when bigots use their offices to deny rights to others.
The problem arises when you call it "marriage certificate" which is based on the traditional religious based definition of marriage.

The religious based definition of marriage is and has always been between a man and a woman. It's a total mockery of religion when you have a rabbi or priest conducting a marriage between two men or two women. It's so ridiculous its funny and I find myself laughing when I see footage of it on the news.

Perhaps if you called the certificate for gays by a different name like a "union certificate", even though the legal rights it carries are equivalent to marriage? You simply cannot redefine the religious definition of marriage, which is what gays and the radical left want to do.
the problem arises when bigots use their offices to deny rights to others.

She isn't a bigot. She's a religious person who believes her religion does not allow her to marry two men, which is true. This isn't what she signed up for. Call it something other than marriage and let her out of jail.
The problem arises when you call it "marriage certificate" which is based on the traditional religious based definition of marriage.

The religious based definition of marriage is and has always been between a man and a woman. It's a total mockery of religion when you have a rabbi or priest conducting a marriage between two men or two women. It's so ridiculous its funny and I find myself laughing when I see footage of it on the news.

Perhaps if you called the certificate for gays by a different name like a "union certificate", even though the legal rights it carries are equivalent to marriage? You simply cannot redefine the religious definition of marriage, which is what gays and the radical left want to do.
the problem arises when bigots use their offices to deny rights to others.

She isn't a bigot. She's a religious person who believes her religion does not allow her to marry two men, which is true. This isn't what she signed up for. Call it something other than marriage and let her out of jail.
Let her get a new job.
The problem arises when you call it "marriage certificate" which is based on the traditional religious based definition of marriage.

The religious based definition of marriage is and has always been between a man and a woman. It's a total mockery of religion when you have a rabbi or priest conducting a marriage between two men or two women. It's so ridiculous its funny and I find myself laughing when I see footage of it on the news.

Perhaps if you called the certificate for gays by a different name like a "union certificate", even though the legal rights it carries are equivalent to marriage? You simply cannot redefine the religious definition of marriage, which is what gays and the radical left want to do.
the problem arises when bigots use their offices to deny rights to others.

She isn't a bigot. She's a religious person who believes her religion does not allow her to marry two men, which is true. This isn't what she signed up for. Call it something other than marriage and let her out of jail.
she's a bigot. she's decided that some people in her county are not worthy of county services.
and it is what she signed up for. she took an oath to uphold the law and the constitution. nobody is asking her to do anything but honor her oath.
The problem arises when you call it "marriage certificate" which is based on the traditional religious based definition of marriage.

The religious based definition of marriage is and has always been between a man and a woman. It's a total mockery of religion when you have a rabbi or priest conducting a marriage between two men or two women. It's so ridiculous its funny and I find myself laughing when I see footage of it on the news.

Perhaps if you called the certificate for gays by a different name like a "union certificate", even though the legal rights it carries are equivalent to marriage? You simply cannot redefine the religious definition of marriage, which is what gays and the radical left want to do.
the problem arises when bigots use their offices to deny rights to others.

She isn't a bigot. She's a religious person who believes her religion does not allow her to marry two men, which is true. This isn't what she signed up for. Call it something other than marriage and let her out of jail.
she's a bigot. she's decided that some people in her county are not worthy of county services.
and it is what she signed up for. she took an oath to uphold the law and the constitution. nobody is asking her to do anything but honor her oath.

Hey look, personally people who are religious turn me off as well. But we have somebody who thinks the One above is a higher authority than man's law.
The problem arises when you call it "marriage certificate" which is based on the traditional religious based definition of marriage.

The religious based definition of marriage is and has always been between a man and a woman. It's a total mockery of religion when you have a rabbi or priest conducting a marriage between two men or two women. It's so ridiculous its funny and I find myself laughing when I see footage of it on the news.

Perhaps if you called the certificate for gays by a different name like a "union certificate", even though the legal rights it carries are equivalent to marriage? You simply cannot redefine the religious definition of marriage, which is what gays and the radical left want to do.
At least you and most other conservatives are consistent in your ignorance of the law.

The problem arises when you confuse religious marriage ritual with marriage contract law, where the former has nothing whatsoever to do with the latter, and where religious marriage ritual is not subject to 14th Amendment jurisprudence.

What is subject to 14th Amendment jurisprudence is how the states administer their laws, including marriage law, where 'separate but equal' is just as repugnant to the Constitution today as it was in 1954.

Your advocacy of a 'gay specific' marriage license would therefore be ruled un-Constitutional.
The problem arises when you call it "marriage certificate" which is based on the traditional religious based definition of marriage.

The religious based definition of marriage is and has always been between a man and a woman. It's a total mockery of religion when you have a rabbi or priest conducting a marriage between two men or two women. It's so ridiculous its funny and I find myself laughing when I see footage of it on the news.

Perhaps if you called the certificate for gays by a different name like a "union certificate", even though the legal rights it carries are equivalent to marriage? You simply cannot redefine the religious definition of marriage, which is what gays and the radical left want to do.
the problem arises when bigots use their offices to deny rights to others.

She isn't a bigot. She's a religious person who believes her religion does not allow her to marry two men, which is true. This isn't what she signed up for. Call it something other than marriage and let her out of jail.
she's a bigot. she's decided that some people in her county are not worthy of county services.
and it is what she signed up for. she took an oath to uphold the law and the constitution. nobody is asking her to do anything but honor her oath.

Hey look, personally people who are religious turn me off as well. But we have somebody who thinks the One above is a higher authority than man's law.
she's welcome to think that, but just because she's blaming her bigotry on god doesn't excuse it.
time for her to honor her oath or resign.
This is some of the dumbest shit I've seen.

Standing up against peoples rights or facing jail isn't the same as standing your ground or get the hose put to you, then the dogs, then the clubs, then jail put to you b/c you want equal rights.

you're a fucking asshole
Both stood up to Tyranny,both were attacked by democrats/liberals/progressives/.

Name a liberal who was against Rosa Parks by name.
Democrat son...don't try and split hairs now because I got you dead to rights.

Right, there are/were plenty of racist conservative democrats back then, I'm not contesting that. But you also said liberals and, start naming names.

Oh, spare me. I get so tired of you delusional leftists. Just because you call yourselves something doesn't make it true, and the faster you all grow up and stop believing you can just wish the world different, the better for everyone.

Calling yourself liberal doesn't make you liberal. Ditto for "progressive". And don't even freaking get me STARTED on people who think they can change genetics by changing labels. They don't even make medication for the level of "out-of-touch-with-reality" that afflicts the left these days.

What? Huh?

Name a liberal who sided themselves against Rosa Parks and you respond back with "calling yourself a liberal doesn't make you a liberal"?
I disagree with the SCOTUS decision only to the extent that I think they did it via deception.

There is nothing in the 14th Amendment or the reason it was proposed or ratified that makes it applicable to the topic of gay marriage.

On the other hand, frankly, as bad as it is conceptually and legally, I happen to (shhh) like the result. I wish America would do what SCOTUS did -- but do it legitimately via a proper Amendment. MAKE it an explicit Constitutionally recognized right. As a matter of Constitutional law, I am biased against judicial legislation and I certainly am no fan of SCOTUS becoming the author of de facto Constitutional amendments. Here we have an outcome I kind of like but a method of getting us there that transgresses all kinds of proper bounds. It is a dangerous way for this land to conduct the business of the nation's laws.

Nevertheless, that was a SCOTUS ruling and I am not remotely convinced by any argument that says a county clerk can take official actions (and in-actions) contrary to what is now the law.

Clerk Davis does not HAVE to issue marriage licenses to gay couples. She is free to quit her job.
Democrat son...don't try and split hairs now because I got you dead to rights.

Right, there are/were plenty of racist conservative democrats back then, I'm not contesting that. But you also said liberals and, start naming names.
democrat/liberal/progressive is same damn thing. They have just changed who they hate now.

That's factually incorrect. Strom Thurmond was a conservative and a Democrat. The Democrats were in control in the South during the civil war but it's Republicans who keep that vial dream alive.

Now, pull the stick out and name a prominent liberal who persecuted Rosa Parks.

Oh, good God. :bang3:

The Democrats have always been to the political left of the Republicans in this country. Always. They are the exact same people and party, ideologically speaking, that they always have been, although their need to constantly push the envelope and blur boundary lines has taken them to previously unimagined extremes lately.

No amount of playing with and redefining terms is ever going to change the fact that you own every nasty thing the Democrat Party has ever done, and always will. It's yours. Suck it up, and if you're really that ashamed of the past,maybe you should reflect on what that means about being associated with that party now.
anybody with a functioning cerebral cortex would want to left of this : There is also general consensus that the Right includes: capitalists, conservatives, fascists, monarchists, nationalists, neoconservatives, neoliberals, reactionaries, right-libertarians, social-authoritarians, theocrats and traditionalists.[8]

Like you would know about functioning cerebral cortexes. I flush more intelligent matter than you carry between your ears.
Right, there are/were plenty of racist conservative democrats back then, I'm not contesting that. But you also said liberals and, start naming names.
democrat/liberal/progressive is same damn thing. They have just changed who they hate now.

That's factually incorrect. Strom Thurmond was a conservative and a Democrat. The Democrats were in control in the South during the civil war but it's Republicans who keep that vial dream alive.

Now, pull the stick out and name a prominent liberal who persecuted Rosa Parks.

Oh, good God. :bang3:

The Democrats have always been to the political left of the Republicans in this country. Always. They are the exact same people and party, ideologically speaking, that they always have been, although their need to constantly push the envelope and blur boundary lines has taken them to previously unimagined extremes lately.

No amount of playing with and redefining terms is ever going to change the fact that you own every nasty thing the Democrat Party has ever done, and always will. It's yours. Suck it up, and if you're really that ashamed of the past,maybe you should reflect on what that means about being associated with that party now.
anybody with a functioning cerebral cortex would want to left of this : There is also general consensus that the Right includes: capitalists, conservatives, fascists, monarchists, nationalists, neoconservatives, neoliberals, reactionaries, right-libertarians, social-authoritarians, theocrats and traditionalists.[8]

Like you would know about functioning cerebral cortexes. I flush more intelligent matter than you carry between your ears.

Maybe you flushed a little too much.
Both stood up to Tyranny,both were attacked by democrats/liberals/progressives/.

Name a liberal who was against Rosa Parks by name.
Democrat son...don't try and split hairs now because I got you dead to rights.

Right, there are/were plenty of racist conservative democrats back then, I'm not contesting that. But you also said liberals and, start naming names.

Oh, spare me. I get so tired of you delusional leftists. Just because you call yourselves something doesn't make it true, and the faster you all grow up and stop believing you can just wish the world different, the better for everyone.

Calling yourself liberal doesn't make you liberal. Ditto for "progressive". And don't even freaking get me STARTED on people who think they can change genetics by changing labels. They don't even make medication for the level of "out-of-touch-with-reality" that afflicts the left these days.

What? Huh?

Name a liberal who sided themselves against Rosa Parks and you respond back with "calling yourself a liberal doesn't make you a liberal"?

I have no obligation to respond to your posts as though I'm accepting your premises as fact. I'm responding to your asinine pretense that you can try to claim every historical person you think is admirable as "part of your side", and fob everyone you think is heinous off onto your political opponents by some redefining sleight of hand. I have no intention of playing your game with you.
democrat/liberal/progressive is same damn thing. They have just changed who they hate now.

That's factually incorrect. Strom Thurmond was a conservative and a Democrat. The Democrats were in control in the South during the civil war but it's Republicans who keep that vial dream alive.

Now, pull the stick out and name a prominent liberal who persecuted Rosa Parks.

Oh, good God. :bang3:

The Democrats have always been to the political left of the Republicans in this country. Always. They are the exact same people and party, ideologically speaking, that they always have been, although their need to constantly push the envelope and blur boundary lines has taken them to previously unimagined extremes lately.

No amount of playing with and redefining terms is ever going to change the fact that you own every nasty thing the Democrat Party has ever done, and always will. It's yours. Suck it up, and if you're really that ashamed of the past,maybe you should reflect on what that means about being associated with that party now.
anybody with a functioning cerebral cortex would want to left of this : There is also general consensus that the Right includes: capitalists, conservatives, fascists, monarchists, nationalists, neoconservatives, neoliberals, reactionaries, right-libertarians, social-authoritarians, theocrats and traditionalists.[8]

Like you would know about functioning cerebral cortexes. I flush more intelligent matter than you carry between your ears.

Maybe you flushed a little too much.

and you got dizzy on the way down.
I disagree with the SCOTUS decision only to the extent that I think they did it via deception.

There is nothing in the 14th Amendment or the reason it was proposed or ratified that makes it applicable to the topic of gay marriage.

On the other hand, frankly, as bad as it is conceptually and legally, I happen to (shhh) like the result. I wish America would do what SCOTUS did -- but do it legitimately via a proper Amendment. MAKE it an explicit Constitutionally recognized right. As a matter of Constitutional law, I am biased against judicial legislation and I certainly am no fan of SCOTUS becoming the author of de facto Constitutional amendments. Here we have an outcome I kind of like but a method of getting us there that transgresses all kinds of proper bounds. It is a dangerous way for this land to conduct the business of the nation's laws.

Nevertheless, that was a SCOTUS ruling and I am not remotely convinced by any argument that says a county clerk can take official actions (and in-actions) contrary to what is now the law.

Clerk Davis does not HAVE to issue marriage licenses to gay couples. She is free to quit her job.

1) America has a long history of civil disobedience against overreaching government, and it scares me that poltroons in this nation now want to claim the moral high ground for saying, "Oh, well, it's the law, so we just have to shut up and go along with it." The fuck we do.

2) Someone should have told you that the ends don't justify the means. You want homosexual "marriage"? Convince the voters to give it to you. The fact that you didn't and couldn't tells me that Ms. Davis has a valid point in refusing to comply with this pretending-to-be-a-law ruling.
Name a liberal who was against Rosa Parks by name.
Democrat son...don't try and split hairs now because I got you dead to rights.

Right, there are/were plenty of racist conservative democrats back then, I'm not contesting that. But you also said liberals and, start naming names.

Oh, spare me. I get so tired of you delusional leftists. Just because you call yourselves something doesn't make it true, and the faster you all grow up and stop believing you can just wish the world different, the better for everyone.

Calling yourself liberal doesn't make you liberal. Ditto for "progressive". And don't even freaking get me STARTED on people who think they can change genetics by changing labels. They don't even make medication for the level of "out-of-touch-with-reality" that afflicts the left these days.

What? Huh?

Name a liberal who sided themselves against Rosa Parks and you respond back with "calling yourself a liberal doesn't make you a liberal"?

I have no obligation to respond to your posts as though I'm accepting your premises as fact. I'm responding to your asinine pretense that you can try to claim every historical person you think is admirable as "part of your side", and fob everyone you think is heinous off onto your political opponents by some redefining sleight of hand. I have no intention of playing your game with you.

I was told that liberals opposed Rosa Parks. I simply asked this person to name one. That hasn't happened. Maybe you can jump in and be productive rather than whatever it is you're doing.

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