Knock, knock! (blam), Who's there?

It's sad you want to live in a society where you feel all that protection is necessary. It's sad. But you created it so I can't feel sorry for you.

You're the sick fuck!
I don't support defunding and no chase policies on police, rewarding criminals out of bullshit equity concerns, along with arresting responsible citizens for defending themselves.
It's sad you want to live in a society where you feel all that protection is necessary. It's sad. But you created it so I can't feel sorry for you.

I'm not sad.
Just glad that I have the situational awareness and means to support a true comfort zone as Dimms promote lawlessness and disorder.
how does that make a difference??

are you saying everyday people dont deserve protection??

more average and poor people are robbed and attacked than rich people are,,
It's called math. Of course you jump to that conclusion because you can't comprend what I write and you draw illogical conclusions.
Lol really? You ever hear of insurance. All math based. Just admit you've been conned into thinking you are unsafe unless you have guns to protect yourself and we can move on.
death ins. is for the living,,

if bad guys show up and I dont have a means of protection I am unsafe just like those public figures that can afford to lose things,,

imagine having a gun for protection like having fire ins. for your house,, its called being prepared for a bad day,,
You're the sick fuck!
I don't support defunding and no chase policies on police, rewarding criminals out of bullshit equity concerns, along with arresting responsible citizens for defending themselves.

You are the last person on this board to pretend what normal people think.

Carry on, be safe, and adios......
You're paranoid and delusional. Probably shouldn't be anywhere near a gun. But here we are in America 2023.
death ins. is for the living,,

if bad guys show up and I dont have a means of protection I am unsafe just like those public figures that can afford to lose things,,

imagine having a gun for protection like having fire ins. for your house,, its called being prepared for a bad day,,
I survived being held up because I didn't have a gun.
Wrong driveway

Wrong car

Real Americans are on high alert due to the rise in crime, defund the police and mob mentality brought on by leftism. The moral decay of society. This is the result.
This means that more Democrats and leftists are buying guns. No gun owner I know would use their guns to commit mass shootings or to shoot at a kid because her ball rolled into his driveway.
Nor I. and especially a kid/kids playing. BUT If i were elderly, living in a high crime area, and unidentified vehiclesS were pulling into my drive, after dark, i'd probably be collecting my gun from my safe, searching for ammo placed in another location, unlocking the gun, load my smart bullets and then ...waiting.

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