Know-Nothings Gone Wild

The conflict was caused by the drunk Americans attacking two people having a private conversation. They attacked them because they were drunk & paranoid about what was being said.
We are allowed to drink are we not? And we are allowed to confront people , free speech, and these animals probably thought it was funny.. and paid the price

Yes, we are allowed to drink. WE are also held responsible for what we do when we drink.

Its funny you mention free speech. Because what the 2 drunk women did was attack people based on their speech.

I saw nothing to indicate that the mother & daughter were laughing at anyone. You are just makin shit up.
why put ordinary Americans in this predicament. White people don’t fuck around you can’t do this to them.. you will pay,, I suggest the judge tread lightly! We are watching judge

First of all, it was the white girls who attacked without provocation. It was the white girls who were the aggressors. Every witness interviewed say the attack was unprovoked.

And shut the fuck up about this "we are watching" crap. The judge has to rule on the evidence and the law. Period. They do not rule based on threats.
If you are
Near me are are talking in another language I have the right to be pissed off, and ask you what did you say! And if you saying something else disrespectful then it causes a escalation. And poor Americans talk differently then most.. are we going to punish American culture?

No you do NOT have a right to be pissed off. Mind you own fucking business. YOu have no right to decide what language anyone speaks in a private conversation.

And if you DO ask what they said, they are under no obligation to answer.

Again, every witness said the attack was unprovoked.

from: Two women charged in East Boston assualt of mother and daughter speaking Spanish
"Ennamorati and Armstrong told police they had been drinking and behaving aggressively."
This is why we have the second amendment,, you can’t go disrespecting the native white Americans, we own guns..

This is how we got Texas,, conflict because of culture. And whites won...

You really should look into actual history instead of just making it up.

We didn't "get Texas" from Mexico. Texas won it's independence from Mexico in 1836. It became a state in 1842.
Yes I know, we took it because of similar conflict of culture

Took it? Texas was admitted to the Union. No one TOOK anything.
How Did the United States Acquire Texas?

LMAO!!!! You make an ignorant statement. Then you post a link showing your ignorance.

From your link:
"Texas was originally a part of Mexico, and about 10 years after winning its independence from Mexico, the United States allowed Texas to join the nation".

So Texas won its independence, and then years later joined the Union.

What was it you were saying about Texas being part of Mexico and then we took it? You just seem proud of your own idiocy.
Lol TEXAS WAS NOT PART IF AMERICA BUT WAS FULL OF AMERICANS LOL YOU DUMB ASS! The Americans won it from Mexico .. Americans are Americans, white cowboys!
You really should look into actual history instead of just making it up.

We didn't "get Texas" from Mexico. Texas won it's independence from Mexico in 1836. It became a state in 1842.
Yes I know, we took it because of similar conflict of culture

Took it? Texas was admitted to the Union. No one TOOK anything.
Lol Texas was part of Mexico retard! We took it .. dumb fuck

Dumbfuck, Texas was an independent republic for 6 years. Then it was admitted into the Union. Before you call someone else names, you might want to check your facts. Keeps you from looking even more ignorant than usual.
God damn your dumb Mexico became independent from Spain in the 1820s. As people moved into the Texas area, it ended up being dominated by Americans, which led the settlers to rise up and win their independence from Mexico

Wait, you call me dumb. Then you say that Texas won its independence from Mexico.
When they won their independence, there was talk of joining the US, but decided to form their own republic.

Texas was an indpendent republic for years. That means they were not part of Mexico OR the United States.
You really should look into actual history instead of just making it up.

We didn't "get Texas" from Mexico. Texas won it's independence from Mexico in 1836. It became a state in 1842.
Yes I know, we took it because of similar conflict of culture

Took it? Texas was admitted to the Union. No one TOOK anything.
How Did the United States Acquire Texas?

LMAO!!!! You make an ignorant statement. Then you post a link showing your ignorance.

From your link:
"Texas was originally a part of Mexico, and about 10 years after winning its independence from Mexico, the United States allowed Texas to join the nation".

So Texas won its independence, and then years later joined the Union.

What was it you were saying about Texas being part of Mexico and then we took it? You just seem proud of your own idiocy.
Lol TEXAS WAS NOT PART IF AMERICA BUT WAS FULL OF AMERICANS LOL YOU DUMB ASS! The Americans won it from Mexico .. Americans are Americans, white cowboys!

They were Texans. Independent of both the US and Mexico.
This is why we have the second amendment,, you can’t go disrespecting the native white Americans, we own guns..

This is how we got Texas,, conflict because of culture. And whites won...

Respect is earned. Those two women who attacked the mother & daughter have earned zero respect.

And the 2nd amendment is not to provide lethal weapons to use on people that you THINK may have disrespected you.

If those women had been armed, and had shot the mother & daughter, they would be in prison for life. And rightfully so.
Wooo we have the right to DEFEND OUR SELVES! The Latinos caused the conflict probably by saying something racist, they were confronted and if the whites felt threatened they could have shot them period

Yes we do. If we feel our life is threatened. There is no indication that the mother & daughter said anything threatening. They were attacked, not for disrespecting anyone, but for simply speaking Spanish.

They could have shot them. Then they would have gone to prison for their rest of their lives. I know you like the idea of people dying at the hands of lunatics, but it isn't legal or right.
How do you know.. anything Americans don’t understand we should be able to question we have free-speech in this country it causes conflict.. I suggest this Judge be very careful

Those two women weren't questioning what they didn't understand. They were attacking what they didn't like. Probably because they were drunk.
We are allowed to drink are we not? And we are allowed to confront people , free speech, and these animals probably thought it was funny.. and paid the price

Yes, we are allowed to drink. WE are also held responsible for what we do when we drink.

Its funny you mention free speech. Because what the 2 drunk women did was attack people based on their speech.

I saw nothing to indicate that the mother & daughter were laughing at anyone. You are just makin shit up.
why put ordinary Americans in this predicament. White people don’t fuck around you can’t do this to them.. you will pay,, I suggest the judge tread lightly! We are watching judge

First of all, it was the white girls who attacked without provocation. It was the white girls who were the aggressors. Every witness interviewed say the attack was unprovoked.

And shut the fuck up about this "we are watching" crap. The judge has to rule on the evidence and the law. Period. They do not rule based on threats.
If you are
Near me are are talking in another language I have the right to be pissed off, and ask you what did you say! And if you saying something else disrespectful then it causes a escalation. And poor Americans talk differently then most.. are we going to punish American culture?

No you do NOT have a right to be pissed off. Mind you own fucking business. YOu have no right to decide what language anyone speaks in a private conversation.

And if you DO ask what they said, they are under no obligation to answer.

Again, every witness said the attack was unprovoked.

from: Two women charged in East Boston assualt of mother and daughter speaking Spanish
"Ennamorati and Armstrong told police they had been drinking and behaving aggressively."
Lmfao it was a street fight! The Spanish girl smacked the American girl after the push lol how is this even a story!? I hit two people with a bike lock last year called them NNEGROOOOS AND GOT PROBATION lol albeit I don’t remember I was drunk hehe
Yes I know, we took it because of similar conflict of culture

Took it? Texas was admitted to the Union. No one TOOK anything.
How Did the United States Acquire Texas?

LMAO!!!! You make an ignorant statement. Then you post a link showing your ignorance.

From your link:
"Texas was originally a part of Mexico, and about 10 years after winning its independence from Mexico, the United States allowed Texas to join the nation".

So Texas won its independence, and then years later joined the Union.

What was it you were saying about Texas being part of Mexico and then we took it? You just seem proud of your own idiocy.
Lol TEXAS WAS NOT PART IF AMERICA BUT WAS FULL OF AMERICANS LOL YOU DUMB ASS! The Americans won it from Mexico .. Americans are Americans, white cowboys!

They were Texans. Independent of both the US and Mexico.
They we Americans lol in TEXAS WOW ,, do you think they were Vikings ?? Haha
The conflict was caused by the drunk Americans attacking two people having a private conversation. They attacked them because they were drunk & paranoid about what was being said.
We are allowed to drink are we not? And we are allowed to confront people , free speech, and these animals probably thought it was funny.. and paid the price

Yes, we are allowed to drink. WE are also held responsible for what we do when we drink.

Its funny you mention free speech. Because what the 2 drunk women did was attack people based on their speech.

I saw nothing to indicate that the mother & daughter were laughing at anyone. You are just makin shit up.
why put ordinary Americans in this predicament. White people don’t fuck around you can’t do this to them.. you will pay,, I suggest the judge tread lightly! We are watching judge

First of all, it was the white girls who attacked without provocation. It was the white girls who were the aggressors. Every witness interviewed say the attack was unprovoked.

And shut the fuck up about this "we are watching" crap. The judge has to rule on the evidence and the law. Period. They do not rule based on threats.
If you are
Near me are are talking in another language I have the right to be pissed off, and ask you what did you say! And if you saying something else disrespectful then it causes a escalation. And poor Americans talk differently then most.. are we going to punish American culture?

No one is punishing American culture. The only thing being punished in this case is the 2 drunk white girls who physically attack a mother & daughter for speaking Spanish. Every witness stated the attack was unprovoked.
Yes I know, we took it because of similar conflict of culture

Took it? Texas was admitted to the Union. No one TOOK anything.
Lol Texas was part of Mexico retard! We took it .. dumb fuck

Dumbfuck, Texas was an independent republic for 6 years. Then it was admitted into the Union. Before you call someone else names, you might want to check your facts. Keeps you from looking even more ignorant than usual.
God damn your dumb Mexico became independent from Spain in the 1820s. As people moved into the Texas area, it ended up being dominated by Americans, which led the settlers to rise up and win their independence from Mexico

Wait, you call me dumb. Then you say that Texas won its independence from Mexico.
When they won their independence, there was talk of joining the US, but decided to form their own republic.

Texas was an indpendent republic for years. That means they were not part of Mexico OR the United States.
Americans moved the the Territory of what now Texas is, it was part of Mexico,, CONFLICT CAUSED THE AMERICANS ( not America) to kick their ass! Take the land! Do you want to sleep think they were Vikings in Texas? Lol hahaha
We are allowed to drink are we not? And we are allowed to confront people , free speech, and these animals probably thought it was funny.. and paid the price

Yes, we are allowed to drink. WE are also held responsible for what we do when we drink.

Its funny you mention free speech. Because what the 2 drunk women did was attack people based on their speech.

I saw nothing to indicate that the mother & daughter were laughing at anyone. You are just makin shit up.
why put ordinary Americans in this predicament. White people don’t fuck around you can’t do this to them.. you will pay,, I suggest the judge tread lightly! We are watching judge

First of all, it was the white girls who attacked without provocation. It was the white girls who were the aggressors. Every witness interviewed say the attack was unprovoked.

And shut the fuck up about this "we are watching" crap. The judge has to rule on the evidence and the law. Period. They do not rule based on threats.
If you are
Near me are are talking in another language I have the right to be pissed off, and ask you what did you say! And if you saying something else disrespectful then it causes a escalation. And poor Americans talk differently then most.. are we going to punish American culture?

No one is punishing American culture. The only thing being punished in this case is the 2 drunk white girls who physically attack a mother & daughter for speaking Spanish. Every witness stated the attack was unprovoked.
I can go to any black school and video tape for two hours and you will see the same shit every day lol that was a street fight! Lol this has become political! This judge better watch out
Yes, we are allowed to drink. WE are also held responsible for what we do when we drink.

Its funny you mention free speech. Because what the 2 drunk women did was attack people based on their speech.

I saw nothing to indicate that the mother & daughter were laughing at anyone. You are just makin shit up.
why put ordinary Americans in this predicament. White people don’t fuck around you can’t do this to them.. you will pay,, I suggest the judge tread lightly! We are watching judge

First of all, it was the white girls who attacked without provocation. It was the white girls who were the aggressors. Every witness interviewed say the attack was unprovoked.

And shut the fuck up about this "we are watching" crap. The judge has to rule on the evidence and the law. Period. They do not rule based on threats.
If you are
Near me are are talking in another language I have the right to be pissed off, and ask you what did you say! And if you saying something else disrespectful then it causes a escalation. And poor Americans talk differently then most.. are we going to punish American culture?

No you do NOT have a right to be pissed off. Mind you own fucking business. YOu have no right to decide what language anyone speaks in a private conversation.

And if you DO ask what they said, they are under no obligation to answer.

Again, every witness said the attack was unprovoked.

from: Two women charged in East Boston assualt of mother and daughter speaking Spanish
"Ennamorati and Armstrong told police they had been drinking and behaving aggressively."
Lmfao it was a street fight! The Spanish girl smacked the American girl after the push lol how is this even a story!? I hit two people with a bike lock last year called them NNEGROOOOS AND GOT PROBATION lol albeit I don’t remember I was drunk hehe

It was an unwarranted attack by the 2 white girls. If the mother & daughter defended themselves, so be it.

So you attacked 2 people with a weapon? Didn't your getting a felony for kicking someone in the head teach you anything?

This is nothing but two drunk, hostile white girls attacking someone. Period. And now they go to court. They each have 2 misdemeanor charges and 2 felony charges against them.
Yes, we are allowed to drink. WE are also held responsible for what we do when we drink.

Its funny you mention free speech. Because what the 2 drunk women did was attack people based on their speech.

I saw nothing to indicate that the mother & daughter were laughing at anyone. You are just makin shit up.
why put ordinary Americans in this predicament. White people don’t fuck around you can’t do this to them.. you will pay,, I suggest the judge tread lightly! We are watching judge

First of all, it was the white girls who attacked without provocation. It was the white girls who were the aggressors. Every witness interviewed say the attack was unprovoked.

And shut the fuck up about this "we are watching" crap. The judge has to rule on the evidence and the law. Period. They do not rule based on threats.
If you are
Near me are are talking in another language I have the right to be pissed off, and ask you what did you say! And if you saying something else disrespectful then it causes a escalation. And poor Americans talk differently then most.. are we going to punish American culture?

No one is punishing American culture. The only thing being punished in this case is the 2 drunk white girls who physically attack a mother & daughter for speaking Spanish. Every witness stated the attack was unprovoked.
I can go to any black school and video tape for two hours and you will see the same shit every day lol that was a street fight! Lol this has become political! This judge better watch out

And if two people walk up and attack two other people, without provocation, it is wrong, illegal, and can see them in jail.
why put ordinary Americans in this predicament. White people don’t fuck around you can’t do this to them.. you will pay,, I suggest the judge tread lightly! We are watching judge

First of all, it was the white girls who attacked without provocation. It was the white girls who were the aggressors. Every witness interviewed say the attack was unprovoked.

And shut the fuck up about this "we are watching" crap. The judge has to rule on the evidence and the law. Period. They do not rule based on threats.
If you are
Near me are are talking in another language I have the right to be pissed off, and ask you what did you say! And if you saying something else disrespectful then it causes a escalation. And poor Americans talk differently then most.. are we going to punish American culture?

No you do NOT have a right to be pissed off. Mind you own fucking business. YOu have no right to decide what language anyone speaks in a private conversation.

And if you DO ask what they said, they are under no obligation to answer.

Again, every witness said the attack was unprovoked.

from: Two women charged in East Boston assualt of mother and daughter speaking Spanish
"Ennamorati and Armstrong told police they had been drinking and behaving aggressively."
Lmfao it was a street fight! The Spanish girl smacked the American girl after the push lol how is this even a story!? I hit two people with a bike lock last year called them NNEGROOOOS AND GOT PROBATION lol albeit I don’t remember I was drunk hehe

It was an unwarranted attack by the 2 white girls. If the mother & daughter defended themselves, so be it.

So you attacked 2 people with a weapon? Didn't your getting a felony for kicking someone in the head teach you anything?

This is nothing but two drunk, hostile white girls attacking someone. Period. And now they go to court. They each have 2 misdemeanor charges and 2 felony charges against them.
That’s city living that’s American culture,, that was not even a real fight, and the Latin girls out numbered the whites.. they probably felt like they were going to be attacked so one way is to be aggressive.. street life
why put ordinary Americans in this predicament. White people don’t fuck around you can’t do this to them.. you will pay,, I suggest the judge tread lightly! We are watching judge

First of all, it was the white girls who attacked without provocation. It was the white girls who were the aggressors. Every witness interviewed say the attack was unprovoked.

And shut the fuck up about this "we are watching" crap. The judge has to rule on the evidence and the law. Period. They do not rule based on threats.
If you are
Near me are are talking in another language I have the right to be pissed off, and ask you what did you say! And if you saying something else disrespectful then it causes a escalation. And poor Americans talk differently then most.. are we going to punish American culture?

No one is punishing American culture. The only thing being punished in this case is the 2 drunk white girls who physically attack a mother & daughter for speaking Spanish. Every witness stated the attack was unprovoked.
I can go to any black school and video tape for two hours and you will see the same shit every day lol that was a street fight! Lol this has become political! This judge better watch out

And if two people walk up and attack two other people, without provocation, it is wrong, illegal, and can see them in jail.
What!? Did you watch the video they were both yelling at each other lol.. and you tell the cops a sad story to get off “ I was drunk” lol typical
why put ordinary Americans in this predicament. White people don’t fuck around you can’t do this to them.. you will pay,, I suggest the judge tread lightly! We are watching judge

First of all, it was the white girls who attacked without provocation. It was the white girls who were the aggressors. Every witness interviewed say the attack was unprovoked.

And shut the fuck up about this "we are watching" crap. The judge has to rule on the evidence and the law. Period. They do not rule based on threats.
If you are
Near me are are talking in another language I have the right to be pissed off, and ask you what did you say! And if you saying something else disrespectful then it causes a escalation. And poor Americans talk differently then most.. are we going to punish American culture?

No you do NOT have a right to be pissed off. Mind you own fucking business. YOu have no right to decide what language anyone speaks in a private conversation.

And if you DO ask what they said, they are under no obligation to answer.

Again, every witness said the attack was unprovoked.

from: Two women charged in East Boston assualt of mother and daughter speaking Spanish
"Ennamorati and Armstrong told police they had been drinking and behaving aggressively."
Lmfao it was a street fight! The Spanish girl smacked the American girl after the push lol how is this even a story!? I hit two people with a bike lock last year called them NNEGROOOOS AND GOT PROBATION lol albeit I don’t remember I was drunk hehe

It was an unwarranted attack by the 2 white girls. If the mother & daughter defended themselves, so be it.

So you attacked 2 people with a weapon? Didn't your getting a felony for kicking someone in the head teach you anything?

This is nothing but two drunk, hostile white girls attacking someone. Period. And now they go to court. They each have 2 misdemeanor charges and 2 felony charges against them.
Unwarranted? Lol Do you think they needed a judges authorization to get into a street fight?do you think they needed a judges authorization to get into a street fight Lol god your dumb
I enjoy freedom, and the last that remains in Boston, so I bike a lot that is unregulated, today I walked around a supermarket pretending to be on the phone making a donation to trump in front of every liberal I could find! That was fun! I like hooking up with hot college girls, I like to observe the social Cultural make up of the city and the reasons why it’s failing for the locals

You probably don’t realize how obvious it is that you cannot be honest about anything, and that you most likely haven’t been outside in months.
I am the streets

You’re not funny, kid.
I take my roll very seriously! I’ll be speaking today about race and culture at RCC at noon

Roman Catholic Church? Maybe he's a priest.
First of all, it was the white girls who attacked without provocation. It was the white girls who were the aggressors. Every witness interviewed say the attack was unprovoked.

And shut the fuck up about this "we are watching" crap. The judge has to rule on the evidence and the law. Period. They do not rule based on threats.
If you are
Near me are are talking in another language I have the right to be pissed off, and ask you what did you say! And if you saying something else disrespectful then it causes a escalation. And poor Americans talk differently then most.. are we going to punish American culture?

No you do NOT have a right to be pissed off. Mind you own fucking business. YOu have no right to decide what language anyone speaks in a private conversation.

And if you DO ask what they said, they are under no obligation to answer.

Again, every witness said the attack was unprovoked.

from: Two women charged in East Boston assualt of mother and daughter speaking Spanish
"Ennamorati and Armstrong told police they had been drinking and behaving aggressively."
Lmfao it was a street fight! The Spanish girl smacked the American girl after the push lol how is this even a story!? I hit two people with a bike lock last year called them NNEGROOOOS AND GOT PROBATION lol albeit I don’t remember I was drunk hehe

It was an unwarranted attack by the 2 white girls. If the mother & daughter defended themselves, so be it.

So you attacked 2 people with a weapon? Didn't your getting a felony for kicking someone in the head teach you anything?

This is nothing but two drunk, hostile white girls attacking someone. Period. And now they go to court. They each have 2 misdemeanor charges and 2 felony charges against them.
That’s city living that’s American culture,, that was not even a real fight, and the Latin girls out numbered the whites.. they probably felt like they were going to be attacked so one way is to be aggressive.. street life

No, that is not American culture. A 46 year old mother and her 15 year old daughter were attacked. They did absolutely nothing to provoke it. The drunks came across the street to confront and attack them. Nobody outnumbered anyone. It was 2 white girls ages 25, attacking a 46 year old and a 15 year old.

Not acceptable. People should be able to walk down a street without being attacked.
First of all, it was the white girls who attacked without provocation. It was the white girls who were the aggressors. Every witness interviewed say the attack was unprovoked.

And shut the fuck up about this "we are watching" crap. The judge has to rule on the evidence and the law. Period. They do not rule based on threats.
If you are
Near me are are talking in another language I have the right to be pissed off, and ask you what did you say! And if you saying something else disrespectful then it causes a escalation. And poor Americans talk differently then most.. are we going to punish American culture?

No one is punishing American culture. The only thing being punished in this case is the 2 drunk white girls who physically attack a mother & daughter for speaking Spanish. Every witness stated the attack was unprovoked.
I can go to any black school and video tape for two hours and you will see the same shit every day lol that was a street fight! Lol this has become political! This judge better watch out

And if two people walk up and attack two other people, without provocation, it is wrong, illegal, and can see them in jail.
What!? Did you watch the video they were both yelling at each other lol.. and you tell the cops a sad story to get off “ I was drunk” lol typical

The white girls crossed the street to confront and attack the mother and daughter.
First of all, it was the white girls who attacked without provocation. It was the white girls who were the aggressors. Every witness interviewed say the attack was unprovoked.

And shut the fuck up about this "we are watching" crap. The judge has to rule on the evidence and the law. Period. They do not rule based on threats.
If you are
Near me are are talking in another language I have the right to be pissed off, and ask you what did you say! And if you saying something else disrespectful then it causes a escalation. And poor Americans talk differently then most.. are we going to punish American culture?

No you do NOT have a right to be pissed off. Mind you own fucking business. YOu have no right to decide what language anyone speaks in a private conversation.

And if you DO ask what they said, they are under no obligation to answer.

Again, every witness said the attack was unprovoked.

from: Two women charged in East Boston assualt of mother and daughter speaking Spanish
"Ennamorati and Armstrong told police they had been drinking and behaving aggressively."
Lmfao it was a street fight! The Spanish girl smacked the American girl after the push lol how is this even a story!? I hit two people with a bike lock last year called them NNEGROOOOS AND GOT PROBATION lol albeit I don’t remember I was drunk hehe

It was an unwarranted attack by the 2 white girls. If the mother & daughter defended themselves, so be it.

So you attacked 2 people with a weapon? Didn't your getting a felony for kicking someone in the head teach you anything?

This is nothing but two drunk, hostile white girls attacking someone. Period. And now they go to court. They each have 2 misdemeanor charges and 2 felony charges against them.
Unwarranted? Lol Do you think they needed a judges authorization to get into a street fight?do you think they needed a judges authorization to get into a street fight Lol god your dumb

Jeez you really should have stayed in school.

If something is unwarranted, it does not mean there was no judicial authorization, you ignorant putz.

from: Merriam Webster dictionary.
"Definition of unwarranted
: lacking adequate or official support : not warranted : unjustified unwarranted fears an unwarranted intrusion Their criticism is unwarranted."
If you are
Near me are are talking in another language I have the right to be pissed off, and ask you what did you say! And if you saying something else disrespectful then it causes a escalation. And poor Americans talk differently then most.. are we going to punish American culture?

No you do NOT have a right to be pissed off. Mind you own fucking business. YOu have no right to decide what language anyone speaks in a private conversation.

And if you DO ask what they said, they are under no obligation to answer.

Again, every witness said the attack was unprovoked.

from: Two women charged in East Boston assualt of mother and daughter speaking Spanish
"Ennamorati and Armstrong told police they had been drinking and behaving aggressively."
Lmfao it was a street fight! The Spanish girl smacked the American girl after the push lol how is this even a story!? I hit two people with a bike lock last year called them NNEGROOOOS AND GOT PROBATION lol albeit I don’t remember I was drunk hehe

It was an unwarranted attack by the 2 white girls. If the mother & daughter defended themselves, so be it.

So you attacked 2 people with a weapon? Didn't your getting a felony for kicking someone in the head teach you anything?

This is nothing but two drunk, hostile white girls attacking someone. Period. And now they go to court. They each have 2 misdemeanor charges and 2 felony charges against them.
That’s city living that’s American culture,, that was not even a real fight, and the Latin girls out numbered the whites.. they probably felt like they were going to be attacked so one way is to be aggressive.. street life

No, that is not American culture. A 46 year old mother and her 15 year old daughter were attacked. They did absolutely nothing to provoke it. The drunks came across the street to confront and attack them. Nobody outnumbered anyone. It was 2 white girls ages 25, attacking a 46 year old and a 15 year old.

Not acceptable. People should be able to walk down a street without being attacked.
They were under the impression a group of Latinos were talking about them, they were confronted,, it could’ve been averted if he just spoke English.. This is why we cannot be divided by language and culture,, how can somebody with roots in a town they grew up in for generations not be pissed off that people of moved in and are disrespecting their customs... you guys live in lala land.

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