Krauthammer unloads on Fox News colleagues for believing NC transgender bathroom law is a real issue

Identify as.=.fancy way of saying pretend

Thy have begun transition and recognized as a female/male by the government with a name change

transvestite is not the same as transgender. This not about cross dressing, but about "being" female/male.
These are not drag entertainers, they are people actually changing to be who they should have been born as. People in the wrong skin and trying to make it right. People on hormones and under a doctors care for the transition.
I'm well aware of lib talking points..... I have two customers that have an employee each who pretend.....and believe me if you saw them thats all it can be described as. Is there govt cash connected to this somehow behind the scenes.......
Identify as.=.fancy way of saying pretend

Thy have begun transition and recognized as a female/male by the government with a name change

transvestite is not the same as transgender. This not about cross dressing, but about "being" female/male.
These are not drag entertainers, they are people actually changing to be who they should have been born as. People in the wrong skin and trying to make it right. People on hormones and under a doctors care for the transition.

I disagree, if you want to dress up like a woman, then you have yearnings to be one...or is that like being bisexual where some days you want dick and some days you want hair pie???...but hey, in this progressive version of Sodom and Gomorrah, pretty much anything is fine and there really isn't anything that turns the stomach of a pseudo liberal. Morality and decency isn't anything they are interested in.

Decency and respect for all people, not just homophobic twits.

It is wrong to force a transgender women to use the men rooms.
If bathrooms become unisex, everyone can use without distinction or prejudice
And your respect for for the vast majority of others.......????
Identify as.=.fancy way of saying pretend

Thy have begun transition and recognized as a female/male by the government with a name change

transvestite is not the same as transgender. This not about cross dressing, but about "being" female/male.
These are not drag entertainers, they are people actually changing to be who they should have been born as. People in the wrong skin and trying to make it right. People on hormones and under a doctors care for the transition.

I disagree, if you want to dress up like a woman, then you have yearnings to be one...or is that like being bisexual where some days you want dick and some days you want hair pie???...but hey, in this progressive version of Sodom and Gomorrah, pretty much anything is fine and there really isn't anything that turns the stomach of a pseudo liberal. Morality and decency isn't anything they are interested in.

Decency and respect for all people, not just homophobic twits.

It is wrong to force a transgender women to use the men rooms.
If bathrooms become unisex, everyone can use without distinction or prejudice

Does that include pedophiles also? They are people........and they are claiming that they were born that way. Where is your line in the sand? If you have a penis, you piss in the men's room, if you have a vagina, you take a piss in the ladies's not that fucking hard to figure out....and you can shove your politically correct marxist bullshit up your ass.
Identify as.=.fancy way of saying pretend

Thy have begun transition and recognized as a female/male by the government with a name change

transvestite is not the same as transgender. This not about cross dressing, but about "being" female/male.
These are not drag entertainers, they are people actually changing to be who they should have been born as. People in the wrong skin and trying to make it right. People on hormones and under a doctors care for the transition.

I disagree, if you want to dress up like a woman, then you have yearnings to be one...or is that like being bisexual where some days you want dick and some days you want hair pie???...but hey, in this progressive version of Sodom and Gomorrah, pretty much anything is fine and there really isn't anything that turns the stomach of a pseudo liberal. Morality and decency isn't anything they are interested in.

Decency and respect for all people, not just homophobic twits.

It is wrong to force a transgender women to use the men rooms.
If bathrooms become unisex, everyone can use without distinction or prejudice
And your respect for for the vast majority of others.......????

No one is preventing them from using the bathroom. No one is telling them to peek under the stalls.
Identify as.=.fancy way of saying pretend

Thy have begun transition and recognized as a female/male by the government with a name change

transvestite is not the same as transgender. This not about cross dressing, but about "being" female/male.
These are not drag entertainers, they are people actually changing to be who they should have been born as. People in the wrong skin and trying to make it right. People on hormones and under a doctors care for the transition.

I disagree, if you want to dress up like a woman, then you have yearnings to be one...or is that like being bisexual where some days you want dick and some days you want hair pie???...but hey, in this progressive version of Sodom and Gomorrah, pretty much anything is fine and there really isn't anything that turns the stomach of a pseudo liberal. Morality and decency isn't anything they are interested in.

Decency and respect for all people, not just homophobic twits.

It is wrong to force a transgender women to use the men rooms.
If bathrooms become unisex, everyone can use without distinction or prejudice

Decency and respect for all people. This is not what is happening. We have 100,000 Transgender freaks dictating to 320 million people how it is going to be. Those 100,000 don't respect us and don't think they have to. People like aria think that common sense and decency and fairness is homophobic. I have already documented that no less an authority than Johns Hopkins University will no longer recommend sex change operations because it leads to higher rates of suicide and is as much a mental disorder as a physical one, and any thinking person knows that many of the sex change people are just unhappy with their lives and looking for attention and a new life according to studies but find no panacea after the operations. These are troubled people and they have my sympathy but they are a very fringe group. There is plenty of tolerance for them but zero appetite for them dictating morality to the rest of us. Get real aria.
Identify as.=.fancy way of saying pretend

Thy have begun transition and recognized as a female/male by the government with a name change

transvestite is not the same as transgender. This not about cross dressing, but about "being" female/male.
These are not drag entertainers, they are people actually changing to be who they should have been born as. People in the wrong skin and trying to make it right. People on hormones and under a doctors care for the transition.

I disagree, if you want to dress up like a woman, then you have yearnings to be one...or is that like being bisexual where some days you want dick and some days you want hair pie???...but hey, in this progressive version of Sodom and Gomorrah, pretty much anything is fine and there really isn't anything that turns the stomach of a pseudo liberal. Morality and decency isn't anything they are interested in.

Decency and respect for all people, not just homophobic twits.

It is wrong to force a transgender women to use the men rooms.
If bathrooms become unisex, everyone can use without distinction or prejudice

Decency and respect for all people. This is not what is happening. We have 100,000 Transgender freaks dictating to 320 million people how it is going to be. Those 100,000 don't respect us and don't think they have to. People like aria think that common sense and decency and fairness is homophobic. I have already documented that no less an authority than Johns Hopkins University will no longer recommend sex change operations because it leads to higher rates of suicide and is as much a mental disorder as a physical one, and any thinking person knows that many of the sex change people are just unhappy with their lives and looking for attention and a new life according to studies but find no panacea after the operations. These are troubled people and they have my sympathy but they are a very fringe group. There is plenty of tolerance for them but zero appetite for them dictating morality to the rest of us. Get real aria. knocked that one so far out of the park that I doubt the ball has even landed.....
Identify as.=.fancy way of saying pretend

Thy have begun transition and recognized as a female/male by the government with a name change

transvestite is not the same as transgender. This not about cross dressing, but about "being" female/male.
These are not drag entertainers, they are people actually changing to be who they should have been born as. People in the wrong skin and trying to make it right. People on hormones and under a doctors care for the transition.

I disagree, if you want to dress up like a woman, then you have yearnings to be one...or is that like being bisexual where some days you want dick and some days you want hair pie???...but hey, in this progressive version of Sodom and Gomorrah, pretty much anything is fine and there really isn't anything that turns the stomach of a pseudo liberal. Morality and decency isn't anything they are interested in.

Decency and respect for all people, not just homophobic twits.

It is wrong to force a transgender women to use the men rooms.
If bathrooms become unisex, everyone can use without distinction or prejudice
I am being real here. I don't accept transgender as a third option, particularly to restrooms. Such a tiny group, and so contrived. I rarely see people in wheelchairs using handicapped stalls , they are always empty. I bet handicapped folks outnumber trans genders, So I fail to see what the big deal is here.
Identify as.=.fancy way of saying pretend

Thy have begun transition and recognized as a female/male by the government with a name change

transvestite is not the same as transgender. This not about cross dressing, but about "being" female/male.
These are not drag entertainers, they are people actually changing to be who they should have been born as. People in the wrong skin and trying to make it right. People on hormones and under a doctors care for the transition.

I disagree, if you want to dress up like a woman, then you have yearnings to be one...or is that like being bisexual where some days you want dick and some days you want hair pie???...but hey, in this progressive version of Sodom and Gomorrah, pretty much anything is fine and there really isn't anything that turns the stomach of a pseudo liberal. Morality and decency isn't anything they are interested in.

Decency and respect for all people, not just homophobic twits.

It is wrong to force a transgender women to use the men rooms.
If bathrooms become unisex, everyone can use without distinction or prejudice
I am being real here. I don't accept transgender as a third option, particularly to restrooms. Such a tiny group, and so contrived. I rarely see people in wheelchairs using handicapped stalls , they are always empty. I bet handicapped folks outnumber trans genders, So I fail to see what the big deal is here.

Thank you, Mary.......common sense seems to be in short supply...thank you for adding a big dose of it....good on ya.
But on Special Report with Bret Baier, Charles Krauthammer called the entire issue a “distraction” and a “solution in search of an issue.”

“Do we really have an epidemic of transgenders being evil in bathrooms across the country?” he asked. “I haven’t heard of a single case.”

That some on the right correctly understand that this ‘bathroom’ nonsense is nothing but a red herring fallacy is further proof that the right’s hostility toward transgender Americans is unwarranted and devoid of merit.

It also illustrates that the North Carolina measure facilitating discrimination against those transgender is indeed a ‘solution’ in search of a problem that doesn’t exist.
But on Special Report with Bret Baier, Charles Krauthammer called the entire issue a “distraction” and a “solution in search of an issue.”

“Do we really have an epidemic of transgenders being evil in bathrooms across the country?” he asked. “I haven’t heard of a single case.”

That some on the right correctly understand that this ‘bathroom’ nonsense is nothing but a red herring fallacy is further proof that the right’s hostility toward transgender Americans is unwarranted and devoid of merit.

It also illustrates that the North Carolina measure facilitating discrimination against those transgender is indeed a ‘solution’ in search of a problem that doesn’t exist.

So, Clayton, would you be fine with a cross-dressing 250 pound man with a three day's growth of beard going into the women's bathroom where your wife or daughter is taking care of business so he can drop a load because it gives him a thrill????
If so, you are one sick can't regulate this. You can't separate the truly sexually confused individual that has had his/her genome fucked up by chemicals like Atrazine from the pervert that just wants to sit next to a woman so he can hear her piss.........where do YOU draw the line?
Identify as.=.fancy way of saying pretend

Thy have begun transition and recognized as a female/male by the government with a name change

transvestite is not the same as transgender. This not about cross dressing, but about "being" female/male.
These are not drag entertainers, they are people actually changing to be who they should have been born as. People in the wrong skin and trying to make it right. People on hormones and under a doctors care for the transition.

I disagree, if you want to dress up like a woman, then you have yearnings to be one...or is that like being bisexual where some days you want dick and some days you want hair pie???...but hey, in this progressive version of Sodom and Gomorrah, pretty much anything is fine and there really isn't anything that turns the stomach of a pseudo liberal. Morality and decency isn't anything they are interested in.

Decency and respect for all people, not just homophobic twits.

It is wrong to force a transgender women to use the men rooms.
If bathrooms become unisex, everyone can use without distinction or prejudice
I am being real here. I don't accept transgender as a third option, particularly to restrooms. Such a tiny group, and so contrived. I rarely see people in wheelchairs using handicapped stalls , they are always empty. I bet handicapped folks outnumber trans genders, So I fail to see what the big deal is here.

Considering how many I have taken to use handicapped stalls, they are very necessary. Not just for wheelchairs. Hard to help with a catheter without leaving a stall door open. Oxygen tanks, walkers, leg surgery.....even women with strollers or a couple of children
Identify as.=.fancy way of saying pretend

Thy have begun transition and recognized as a female/male by the government with a name change

transvestite is not the same as transgender. This not about cross dressing, but about "being" female/male.
These are not drag entertainers, they are people actually changing to be who they should have been born as. People in the wrong skin and trying to make it right. People on hormones and under a doctors care for the transition.

I disagree, if you want to dress up like a woman, then you have yearnings to be one...or is that like being bisexual where some days you want dick and some days you want hair pie???...but hey, in this progressive version of Sodom and Gomorrah, pretty much anything is fine and there really isn't anything that turns the stomach of a pseudo liberal. Morality and decency isn't anything they are interested in.

Decency and respect for all people, not just homophobic twits.

It is wrong to force a transgender women to use the men rooms.
If bathrooms become unisex, everyone can use without distinction or prejudice
I am being real here. I don't accept transgender as a third option, particularly to restrooms. Such a tiny group, and so contrived. I rarely see people in wheelchairs using handicapped stalls , they are always empty. I bet handicapped folks outnumber trans genders, So I fail to see what the big deal is here.

Considering how many I have taken to use handicapped stalls, they are very necessary. Not just for wheelchairs. Hard to help with a catheter without leaving a stall door open. Oxygen tanks, walkers, leg surgery.....even women with strollers or a couple of children
No one said that handicapped stalls are not necessary but trans-gendered bathrooms are not.......
What Is the problem of separate male/female bathrooms that NEEDS to be solved? Am I missing something? What problem that isn't be created artificially outside the bounds of human sexuality? Transgendered? Really? Adult diapers. A lot of folks use them discreetly, no problem.
Thy have begun transition and recognized as a female/male by the government with a name change

transvestite is not the same as transgender. This not about cross dressing, but about "being" female/male.
These are not drag entertainers, they are people actually changing to be who they should have been born as. People in the wrong skin and trying to make it right. People on hormones and under a doctors care for the transition.

I disagree, if you want to dress up like a woman, then you have yearnings to be one...or is that like being bisexual where some days you want dick and some days you want hair pie???...but hey, in this progressive version of Sodom and Gomorrah, pretty much anything is fine and there really isn't anything that turns the stomach of a pseudo liberal. Morality and decency isn't anything they are interested in.

Decency and respect for all people, not just homophobic twits.

It is wrong to force a transgender women to use the men rooms.
If bathrooms become unisex, everyone can use without distinction or prejudice
I am being real here. I don't accept transgender as a third option, particularly to restrooms. Such a tiny group, and so contrived. I rarely see people in wheelchairs using handicapped stalls , they are always empty. I bet handicapped folks outnumber trans genders, So I fail to see what the big deal is here.

Considering how many I have taken to use handicapped stalls, they are very necessary. Not just for wheelchairs. Hard to help with a catheter without leaving a stall door open. Oxygen tanks, walkers, leg surgery.....even women with strollers or a couple of children
No one said that handicapped stalls are not necessary but trans-gendered bathrooms are not.......
We had handicapped bathroom stalls force on us. Nobody uses them. We have family friendly restrooms (third option I agree with). with diaper changing stations and handicapped friendly toilet, THAT I can agree with. Maybe that kind of thing would be ideal for a transgender never -never land. One stall with one lock isolated . It is doable.

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