Ladies and gentlemen, the san fransisco mayoral debate.

How many drag queens you know? How many lbgtq.....are on your advisory board?

These are the issues folks.

Sin Friedfrisco makes an EXCELLENT holding tank to keep the more 'challenged' of society secluded away from the less encumbered among American society.
Suggest it again everyone. Talking to myself. Actually screaming at myself. Get prepared. Make yourselves right with the Lord. This country is finished. Get ready everyone.
Suggest it again everyone. Talking to myself. Actually screaming at myself. Get prepared. Make yourselves right with the Lord. This country is finished. Get ready everyone.
U R NOT talking or screaming @ yourself. U R doing your best to warn folks of what U C as a definite or @ least a possible danger ahead for a lot of humanity. If U have chanced upon Rev. 18:1-8 I could not blame U for being concerned as I was/am also. I would not say our USA is finished as of this 'moment' but I am picking up immanent danger dead ahead on ALL sensors & closing fast like rig for collision! Yeah, that getting right with our Maker is a good call on your part for sure!
Transexuals are only about .5% of the population, but they are 100% of the Democrat Party's agenda
And they are treated more important than women, children or blacks by the Radical Left.
I don't give a shit if these people have their own space in clubs and want to be drag queens. No skin off my ass. Do what you want in your own time and in your own place. But, this behavior is not normal out in the general public by any stretch of the imagination. To try normalizing this behavior is insane. There is a reason God invented closets.

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