Lesson on last election

Always remember, if you don't cheat, you don't want to win bad enough?

That's how conservatives think, sure. After all, you just told us so. However, it's not how liberals think.

Always remember that we are not like you. Just because you're corrupt, you shouldn't assume everyone is corrupt.
Link please. Or does that come from your universe only?
Telling jokes to you is like trying to explain foreign policy to AOC.

GOOD GOD. We've gone from a nation led by great thinkers like William F. Buckley and Henry Kissinger, now to having clueless elected officials like AOC running the country?

What does that say about the subsequent intelligence of the voter?

The American people have fallen from the once likes of Mark Twain now to the Mac1958s of the world. :crying:

I love the fact that AOC lives rent free inside right wingers heads. Makes me smile that you think a now second term congresswoman from New York has that much power and sway over the political process. That tells me she's gotten under your skin. And given the behavior I've seen from those who support Trump, especially over the last month, you really shouldn't be commenting on the intelligence of the voter. Cause I think 74 million of them have lost their minds. Willing to sacrifice their honor, their integrity, abandon reason and common sense..all to worship at the altar of a former reality TV talk show host who collapsed like the empty suit he was the first time his presidency was tested.
Dry your tears and strap on your big boy panties. The country will march on without the carnival barker. And we may even find some peace too.
I love the fact that AOC lives rent free inside right wingers heads.

Jack, shut your stupid face. Anytime you think you weaken the nation. I never give AOC a second thought until someone here brings her up, but the very fact that an absolute idiot like that is running the country delights you just once again shows to everyone here what an total jacked off clueless dickwad clueless fuck you really are.
Always remember, if you don't cheat, you don't want to win bad enough?

Did they take the World Series win away from the Astros? No.

Did they take it away the Super Bowl trophy from the Patriots? No.

And they won't take it away from dementia basement Beijing Biden.

Now get out there and one up them!!!
Maybe Biden just got more votes. About 7 million more.

Maybe not everyone loves Trump like you guys do.
Well Joe got about 1 billion five hundred votes according to CNN.

Pretty impressive.
Link please. Or does that come from your universe only?
The population of the US is only around 326 million goober.

Telling jokes to you is like trying to explain foreign policy to AOC.
I can never tell with you guys. I do know that what you are told in your universe may conflict with reality.
I realize understanding things is difficult for you

View attachment 427868

Kind of a stupid meme. Biden hasn't been sworn in yet, and you are showing Obama and Trump's inaugurations. (Incidentally, your photos are kinda skewed, Obama had a LOT more people at his than Trump did.)

Wouldn't it be funny as hell, that even in spite of the COVID pandemic, that Biden had a larger crowd than Trump?
I love the fact that AOC lives rent free inside right wingers heads.

Jack, shut your stupid face. Anytime you think you weaken the nation. I never give AOC a second thought until someone here brings her up, but the very fact that an absolute idiot like that is running the country delights you just once again shows to everyone here what an total jacked off clueless dickwad clueless fuck you really are.

What, did I suddenly warp back in time to a 5th grade playground? :auiqs.jpg: I know you are but what am I?
Again, what country is she running? She's a congresswoman in one district in New York. 1 of 435.
She's outspoken, which I know intimidates you. She's smart, which I know intimidates you. She's the future of politics, which I know scares the living shit out you.
She's young and idealistic. She puts forth ideas and policies that baby boomers find objectionable. Her political views scare them.
But that's just evolution. The country is evolving away from the older generations. You can't stop it. You can't even slow it down.
Enjoy the ride.
She's a congresswoman in one district in New York.

So again, she's an elected official in charge of running our government! Barry Obumma started out as a social organizer in Chicago.

And that's about all you know Jack. Left to you, you'd probably be happy with that kid Greta Thurnberg or whatever in office.

Of course, she's obviously your intellectual equal.
She's a congresswoman in one district in New York.

So again, she's an elected official in charge of running our government! Barry Obumma started out as a social organizer in Chicago.

And that's about all you know Jack. Left to you, you'd probably be happy with that kid Greta Thurnberg or whatever in office.

Of course, she's obviously your intellectual equal.

She's a representative. It would be the same as me telling you that Jim Jordan runs the entire Republican party and therefore the entire country...which he doesn't. He just happens to be one of it's loudest mouths.
Always remember, if you don't cheat, you don't want to win bad enough?

Did they take the World Series win away from the Astros? No.

Did they take it away the Super Bowl trophy from the Patriots? No.

And they won't take it away from dementia basement Beijing Biden.

Now get out there and one up them!!!
So since police are going to be defunded, and that crime is going to be legal, because if you do a crime you will have no bail release, what is to keep US from going on a turkey hunt when Felon Joe XiBiden gets in office? Think about that you prog slaves.....
Always remember, if you don't cheat, you don't want to win bad enough?

Did they take the World Series win away from the Astros? No.

Did they take it away the Super Bowl trophy from the Patriots? No.

And they won't take it away from dementia basement Beijing Biden.

Now get out there and one up them!!!
Maybe Biden just got more votes. About 7 million more.

Maybe not everyone loves Trump like you guys do.
Well Joe got about 1 billion five hundred votes according to CNN.

Pretty impressive.
Link please. Or does that come from your universe only?
The population of the US is only around 326 million goober.

Telling jokes to you is like trying to explain foreign policy to AOC.
I can never tell with you guys. I do know that what you are told in your universe may conflict with reality.
I realize understanding things is difficult for you

View attachment 427868

Kind of a stupid meme. Biden hasn't been sworn in yet, and you are showing Obama and Trump's inaugurations. (Incidentally, your photos are kinda skewed, Obama had a LOT more people at his than Trump did.)

Wouldn't it be funny as hell, that even in spite of the COVID pandemic, that Biden had a larger crowd than Trump?
Biden will be lucky to have 6 and those will be the Lame Stream Media...
he's a representative. It would be the same as me telling you that Jim Jordan runs the entire Republican party and therefore the entire country...

Jack Oh Jack . . . TRY to get it through that pea-brain of yours . . . . NO ONE PERSON runs the entire government!

Never said that. Never implied that. Go take your pill and go back to sleep.
Always remember, if you don't cheat, you don't want to win bad enough?

Did they take the World Series win away from the Astros? No.

Did they take it away the Super Bowl trophy from the Patriots? No.

And they won't take it away from dementia basement Beijing Biden.

Now get out there and one up them!!!
Maybe Biden just got more votes. About 7 million more.

Maybe not everyone loves Trump like you guys do.
Well Joe got about 1 billion five hundred votes according to CNN.

Pretty impressive.
Link please. Or does that come from your universe only?
The population of the US is only around 326 million goober.

Telling jokes to you is like trying to explain foreign policy to AOC.
I can never tell with you guys. I do know that what you are told in your universe may conflict with reality.
I realize understanding things is difficult for you

View attachment 427868

Kind of a stupid meme. Biden hasn't been sworn in yet, and you are showing Obama and Trump's inaugurations. (Incidentally, your photos are kinda skewed, Obama had a LOT more people at his than Trump did.)

Wouldn't it be funny as hell, that even in spite of the COVID pandemic, that Biden had a larger crowd than Trump?
They're very emotional right now.
GOOD GOD. We've gone from a nation led by great thinkers like William F. Buckley and Henry Kissinger, now to having clueless elected officials like AOC running the country?

Nobody is going to put AOC in charge,


YOu guys have been dumbing it down at the top for a while.

Always remember, if you don't cheat, you don't want to win bad enough?

Did they take the World Series win away from the Astros? No.

Did they take it away the Super Bowl trophy from the Patriots? No.

And they won't take it away from dementia basement Beijing Biden.

Now get out there and one up them!!!
Maybe Biden just got more votes. About 7 million more.

Maybe not everyone loves Trump like you guys do.
Well Joe got about 1 billion five hundred votes according to CNN.

Pretty impressive.
Link please. Or does that come from your universe only?
The population of the US is only around 326 million goober.

Telling jokes to you is like trying to explain foreign policy to AOC.
I can never tell with you guys. I do know that what you are told in your universe may conflict with reality.
I realize understanding things is difficult for you

View attachment 427868

Kind of a stupid meme. Biden hasn't been sworn in yet, and you are showing Obama and Trump's inaugurations. (Incidentally, your photos are kinda skewed, Obama had a LOT more people at his than Trump did.)

Wouldn't it be funny as hell, that even in spite of the COVID pandemic, that Biden had a larger crowd than Trump?
Biden will be lucky to have 6 and those will be the Lame Stream Media...
That's okay. He won. By 7 million votes. I don't care if the Inauguration crowd is a stapler and a Cuisinart.

And you're allowed your fantasies about "cheating" if they help your feelz.

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