Let The Healing Begin

Donald Trump evidently believes he can bring Americans together by beating more protesters.

If only we were more willing to hurt people....this nation would come together.

Just an aside, can you imagine how many right wingers would shit their pants, re-up their subscription to Guns n Ammo magazine and start building a bunker hole in their backyard with a shovel if Obama had said this about say, Tea Party protestors?
Your personal anecdotes are all very interesting I'm sure. But you evidently haven't been paying attention to the primary election results.
I havent really paid attention because like I mentioned it wont change what I do a bit no matter who is elected. Basically I operate as if David Duke is the POTUS. I teach my people to succeed regardless.
So in other words: Your opinions are all as stupid and superficial as any Trump follower, you have no idea what you believe or why because you don't actually know anything. Your views are evidently based on a lack of information.
Yes all opinions are superficial. That why they call them opinions and not facts. An opinion is an idea of what I believe. Did you get an education or are you just talking off the top of your head because you are emotional?
Wrong again. Your opinions are based on nothing, some people's opinions are based on deductive reasoning derived from observable evidence.
My opinions are based on facts and my own personal observations. I know that angers or hurts you but such is life.
And yet you seem to have all kinds of opinions about things which you obviously know nothing about. I guess that's the beauty of a public forum like this, it provides the illusion of legitimacy no matter how ill considered.
I havent really paid attention because like I mentioned it wont change what I do a bit no matter who is elected. Basically I operate as if David Duke is the POTUS. I teach my people to succeed regardless.
So in other words: Your opinions are all as stupid and superficial as any Trump follower, you have no idea what you believe or why because you don't actually know anything. Your views are evidently based on a lack of information.
Yes all opinions are superficial. That why they call them opinions and not facts. An opinion is an idea of what I believe. Did you get an education or are you just talking off the top of your head because you are emotional?
Wrong again. Your opinions are based on nothing, some people's opinions are based on deductive reasoning derived from observable evidence.
My opinions are based on facts and my own personal observations. I know that angers or hurts you but such is life.
And yet you seem to have all kinds of opinions about things which you obviously know nothing about. I guess that's the beauty of a public forum like this, it provides the illusion of legitimacy no matter how ill considered.
Yes I have opinions about things I have no knowledge of as well. Thats what people do. They form opinions in order to categorize. The only way you achieve legitimacy of your views is when people respond to them emotionally which lets you know they believe your opinions and are upset by them.
Donald Trump evidently believes he can bring Americans together by beating more protesters.

If only we were more willing to hurt people....this nation would come together.

Just an aside, can you imagine how many right wingers would shit their pants, re-up their subscription to Guns n Ammo magazine and start building a bunker hole in their backyard with a shovel if Obama had said this about say, Tea Party protestors?

They like it when Trump says stuff like that because it gives them all license to act even more stupid than they would otherwise.
Donald Trump evidently believes he can bring Americans together by beating more protesters.

If only we were more willing to hurt people....this nation would come together.

Just an aside, can you imagine how many right wingers would shit their pants, re-up their subscription to Guns n Ammo magazine and start building a bunker hole in their backyard with a shovel if Obama had said this about say, Tea Party protestors?

They like it when Trump says stuff like that because it gives them all license to act even more stupid than they would otherwise.

Trump says what most conservatives merely insinuate. Its one of the reasons that the establishment republicans hate him as much as they do. Trump is fucking up their plausible deniability.
Donald Trump evidently believes he can bring Americans together by beating more protesters.

He believes he can bring white Christians together by propagating bigotry and hate toward Muslims, immigrants, and Hispanics.

Trump has a real talent for appealing to the lowest common denominators.

And sadly Trump finds fertile ground in the GOP.

Who could have guessed that a proto fascist movement would emerge from the Grand Old Party.
Trump is dogshit.....his followers are dumber than dogshit.

The choice is clear, a widely successful capitalist or a race-baiting, lying socialist. Who's dumber than dogshit now?

Which one is which?

Well, both Hillary and Bern are race-baiters. Hillary is the liar and Bern is the socialist (Hillary could be accused of that also, but we'll give it to Bern since he admits it).
Trump is dogshit.....his followers are dumber than dogshit.

The choice is clear, a widely successful capitalist or a race-baiting, lying socialist. Who's dumber than dogshit now?
Yeah, good one professor. You really got me that time.

Yea, you laid out quite a compelling argument.
Feel free to lay out your own compelling argument in favor of Trump. Haven't seen one yet, from anyone. Tell me professor, why do you believe Trump will do anything he says he will do? What has he actually done to earn your vote? And why do you follow a sleazy salesman? How is he not a part of the political establishment? Is it because he's one of the buyers instead of one of the bought? Please elaborate on your well considered reasoning.
Trump is dogshit.....his followers are dumber than dogshit.

The choice is clear, a widely successful capitalist or a race-baiting, lying socialist. Who's dumber than dogshit now?
Yeah, good one professor. You really got me that time.

Yea, you laid out quite a compelling argument.
Feel free to lay out your own compelling argument in favor of Trump. Haven't seen one yet, from anyone. Tell me professor, why do you believe Trump will do anything he says he will do? What has he actually done to earn your vote? And why do you follow a sleazy salesman? How is he not a part of the political establishment? Is it because he's one of the buyers instead of one of the bought? Please elaborate on your well considered reasoning.

Establishment comes from the root word Establish. Trump is not from the good ole boys club nor is he professional politician. That's what makes him non-establishment.

All any presidential candidate can do is tell us what they would like to do. That's it. Anybody that knows an inkling of American politics understands it's complexities. What can Hillary do out of the boatload of things she says she's going to do? Nothing. Congress won't allow it.

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