Let The Healing Begin

I was thinking the same thing about Hillary. She comes with more baggage than an airport, under FBI investigation with a likely indictment recommendation, has conversations with dead people, and even hallucinates that people are shooting at her when she gets off of planes. Yet she's the front runner and likely candidate for the Democrat party.
I agree, only completely dishonest and incredibly stupid people would vote for Clinton or Trump.

Really? So who are you voting for if it comes down to Trump and Hilarious?
If it comes down to a choice between dogshit and horseshit I'll vote third party or a write in candidate.

And you'll accomplish what, exactly??
I'll be exercising my constitutionally guaranteed rights. How about you?

I'll be voting for somebody that has a chance at winning. At least I'll make an attempt to have my vote count for something.
Trump is dogshit.....his followers are dumber than dogshit.

The choice is clear, a widely successful capitalist or a race-baiting, lying socialist. Who's dumber than dogshit now?
Yeah, good one professor. You really got me that time.

Yea, you laid out quite a compelling argument.
Feel free to lay out your own compelling argument in favor of Trump. Haven't seen one yet, from anyone. Tell me professor, why do you believe Trump will do anything he says he will do? What has he actually done to earn your vote? And why do you follow a sleazy salesman? How is he not a part of the political establishment? Is it because he's one of the buyers instead of one of the bought? Please elaborate on your well considered reasoning.

Establishment comes from the root word Establish. Trump is not from the good ole boys club nor is he professional politician. That's what makes him non-establishment.

All any presidential candidate can do is tell us what they would like to do. That's it. Anybody that knows an inkling of American politics understands it's complexities. What can Hillary do out of the boatload of things she says she's going to do? Nothing. Congress won't allow it.
No, you are completely wrong. Donald Trump is the very essence of our corrupt political system. He's been bankrolling the Clintons for years. So how smart can Trump followers be? I would say not at all. In fact I would guess that they have to be some of the very stupidest people who have ever lived.
The left continually tries to take away Trump's free speech rights.

Just like they do on college campuses.
My first choice would be to get Trump alone and invite him to punch me in the face.

My first, would be to get you alone and invite you to try and punch me, especially if you were one of these violent asshole protesters !
In that case I'll go with Trump and we'll both beat the shit out of you, take your money, and then have you arrested for assaulting me and my buddy Donald.
The choice is clear, a widely successful capitalist or a race-baiting, lying socialist. Who's dumber than dogshit now?
Yeah, good one professor. You really got me that time.

Yea, you laid out quite a compelling argument.
Feel free to lay out your own compelling argument in favor of Trump. Haven't seen one yet, from anyone. Tell me professor, why do you believe Trump will do anything he says he will do? What has he actually done to earn your vote? And why do you follow a sleazy salesman? How is he not a part of the political establishment? Is it because he's one of the buyers instead of one of the bought? Please elaborate on your well considered reasoning.

Establishment comes from the root word Establish. Trump is not from the good ole boys club nor is he professional politician. That's what makes him non-establishment.

All any presidential candidate can do is tell us what they would like to do. That's it. Anybody that knows an inkling of American politics understands it's complexities. What can Hillary do out of the boatload of things she says she's going to do? Nothing. Congress won't allow it.
No, you are completely wrong. Donald Trump is the very essence of our corrupt political system. He's been bankrolling the Clintons for years. So how smart can Trump followers be? I would say not at all. In fact I would guess that they have to be some of the very stupidest people who have ever lived.

Oh, so you think Trump is the only business man that knows how to play the game? I have bad news for ya, Trump is the only one honest enough to tell us how the game is played and how he participated.

Remember during the Clinton administration when Bill went after Bill Gates? Gates kept all his money to himself and didn't play the political game......that was until Clinton had his minions start fining him a million dollars a day for a phony monopoly charge.

I bet you think all those tax loopholes for businesses were created by rolling some dice and picking cards from a deck.

I think you are a bit naive to think Trump is the exception and not the rule when it comes to business and politics.
Yeah, good one professor. You really got me that time.

Yea, you laid out quite a compelling argument.
Feel free to lay out your own compelling argument in favor of Trump. Haven't seen one yet, from anyone. Tell me professor, why do you believe Trump will do anything he says he will do? What has he actually done to earn your vote? And why do you follow a sleazy salesman? How is he not a part of the political establishment? Is it because he's one of the buyers instead of one of the bought? Please elaborate on your well considered reasoning.

Establishment comes from the root word Establish. Trump is not from the good ole boys club nor is he professional politician. That's what makes him non-establishment.

All any presidential candidate can do is tell us what they would like to do. That's it. Anybody that knows an inkling of American politics understands it's complexities. What can Hillary do out of the boatload of things she says she's going to do? Nothing. Congress won't allow it.
No, you are completely wrong. Donald Trump is the very essence of our corrupt political system. He's been bankrolling the Clintons for years. So how smart can Trump followers be? I would say not at all. In fact I would guess that they have to be some of the very stupidest people who have ever lived.

Oh, so you think Trump is the only business man that knows how to play the game? I have bad news for ya, Trump is the only one honest enough to tell us how the game is played and how he participated.

Remember during the Clinton administration when Bill went after Bill Gates? Gates kept all his money to himself and didn't play the political game......that was until Clinton had his minions start fining him a million dollars a day for a phony monopoly charge.

I bet you think all those tax loopholes for businesses were created by rolling some dice and picking cards from a deck.

I think you are a bit naive to think Trump is the exception and not the rule when it comes to business and politics.
Well then professor, if Trump isn't exceptional why vote for him?
So we should vote for Donald because he admits to lying and cheating his way to money...
So we should vote for Donald because he admits to lying and cheating his way to money...
Trump followers are evidently impressed by repeated failure.

It reminds me of the following commercial:

Mayor Quimby is so corrupt he released Side show Bob who was twice convicted of murder. Vote side show Bob for mayor
Yea, you laid out quite a compelling argument.
Feel free to lay out your own compelling argument in favor of Trump. Haven't seen one yet, from anyone. Tell me professor, why do you believe Trump will do anything he says he will do? What has he actually done to earn your vote? And why do you follow a sleazy salesman? How is he not a part of the political establishment? Is it because he's one of the buyers instead of one of the bought? Please elaborate on your well considered reasoning.

Establishment comes from the root word Establish. Trump is not from the good ole boys club nor is he professional politician. That's what makes him non-establishment.

All any presidential candidate can do is tell us what they would like to do. That's it. Anybody that knows an inkling of American politics understands it's complexities. What can Hillary do out of the boatload of things she says she's going to do? Nothing. Congress won't allow it.
No, you are completely wrong. Donald Trump is the very essence of our corrupt political system. He's been bankrolling the Clintons for years. So how smart can Trump followers be? I would say not at all. In fact I would guess that they have to be some of the very stupidest people who have ever lived.

Oh, so you think Trump is the only business man that knows how to play the game? I have bad news for ya, Trump is the only one honest enough to tell us how the game is played and how he participated.

Remember during the Clinton administration when Bill went after Bill Gates? Gates kept all his money to himself and didn't play the political game......that was until Clinton had his minions start fining him a million dollars a day for a phony monopoly charge.

I bet you think all those tax loopholes for businesses were created by rolling some dice and picking cards from a deck.

I think you are a bit naive to think Trump is the exception and not the rule when it comes to business and politics.
Well then professor, if Trump isn't exceptional why vote for him?

Because he is exceptional in the sense that he is honest enough to tell us what takes place in our politics and what he personally had to do to be successful in his business adventures.

Sure, business people have political leanings too, but if you look up contributions from businesses, they usually give to both sides. Why?

Even though Democrats are just as guilty of taking "big money" as Republicans, it's the Democrats who have complained for decades about Republicans siding with the rich people. Okay......so now we have a Republican that's addressing that situation, but instead of being thankful for such a person, the libs are bashing Trump for being honest and exposing the "pay to play" game.

It's not a wonder why year after year, voters get the status quo. People bitch about professional politicians, and when we get one that isn't, people bitch even more. People bitch about all the corruption in politics, and when we finally get somebody that admits it's going on and will do something about it, people bitch even more.

How in the world can we ever change this country if people are so damned partisan they are willing to attack the honest people that want to lead our country?
Feel free to lay out your own compelling argument in favor of Trump. Haven't seen one yet, from anyone. Tell me professor, why do you believe Trump will do anything he says he will do? What has he actually done to earn your vote? And why do you follow a sleazy salesman? How is he not a part of the political establishment? Is it because he's one of the buyers instead of one of the bought? Please elaborate on your well considered reasoning.

Establishment comes from the root word Establish. Trump is not from the good ole boys club nor is he professional politician. That's what makes him non-establishment.

All any presidential candidate can do is tell us what they would like to do. That's it. Anybody that knows an inkling of American politics understands it's complexities. What can Hillary do out of the boatload of things she says she's going to do? Nothing. Congress won't allow it.
No, you are completely wrong. Donald Trump is the very essence of our corrupt political system. He's been bankrolling the Clintons for years. So how smart can Trump followers be? I would say not at all. In fact I would guess that they have to be some of the very stupidest people who have ever lived.

Oh, so you think Trump is the only business man that knows how to play the game? I have bad news for ya, Trump is the only one honest enough to tell us how the game is played and how he participated.

Remember during the Clinton administration when Bill went after Bill Gates? Gates kept all his money to himself and didn't play the political game......that was until Clinton had his minions start fining him a million dollars a day for a phony monopoly charge.

I bet you think all those tax loopholes for businesses were created by rolling some dice and picking cards from a deck.

I think you are a bit naive to think Trump is the exception and not the rule when it comes to business and politics.
Well then professor, if Trump isn't exceptional why vote for him?

Because he is exceptional in the sense that he is honest enough to tell us what takes place in our politics and what he personally had to do to be successful in his business adventures.

Sure, business people have political leanings too, but if you look up contributions from businesses, they usually give to both sides. Why?

Even though Democrats are just as guilty of taking "big money" as Republicans, it's the Democrats who have complained for decades about Republicans siding with the rich people. Okay......so now we have a Republican that's addressing that situation, but instead of being thankful for such a person, the libs are bashing Trump for being honest and exposing the "pay to play" game.

It's not a wonder why year after year, voters get the status quo. People bitch about professional politicians, and when we get one that isn't, people bitch even more. People bitch about all the corruption in politics, and when we finally get somebody that admits it's going on and will do something about it, people bitch even more.

How in the world can we ever change this country if people are so damned partisan they are willing to attack the honest people that want to lead our country?
That's it. Because you think Trump is honest. Upon what do you base that mistaken belief?
Well, this is interesting. In a new column, Bill Kristol is saying (fairly matter-of-factly) that some establishment types will back a Republican third party ticket if Trump gets the nomination:

If time runs out, and Trump prevails in the Republican contest, many of us will rally behind an independent Republican candidate to save the honor of the party, and to offer a decent alternative to the American people. Edmund Burke, the founder both of party government and of modern conservatism, wrote, "When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle."

Source: The Horror
Establishment comes from the root word Establish. Trump is not from the good ole boys club nor is he professional politician. That's what makes him non-establishment.

All any presidential candidate can do is tell us what they would like to do. That's it. Anybody that knows an inkling of American politics understands it's complexities. What can Hillary do out of the boatload of things she says she's going to do? Nothing. Congress won't allow it.
No, you are completely wrong. Donald Trump is the very essence of our corrupt political system. He's been bankrolling the Clintons for years. So how smart can Trump followers be? I would say not at all. In fact I would guess that they have to be some of the very stupidest people who have ever lived.

Oh, so you think Trump is the only business man that knows how to play the game? I have bad news for ya, Trump is the only one honest enough to tell us how the game is played and how he participated.

Remember during the Clinton administration when Bill went after Bill Gates? Gates kept all his money to himself and didn't play the political game......that was until Clinton had his minions start fining him a million dollars a day for a phony monopoly charge.

I bet you think all those tax loopholes for businesses were created by rolling some dice and picking cards from a deck.

I think you are a bit naive to think Trump is the exception and not the rule when it comes to business and politics.
Well then professor, if Trump isn't exceptional why vote for him?

Because he is exceptional in the sense that he is honest enough to tell us what takes place in our politics and what he personally had to do to be successful in his business adventures.

Sure, business people have political leanings too, but if you look up contributions from businesses, they usually give to both sides. Why?

Even though Democrats are just as guilty of taking "big money" as Republicans, it's the Democrats who have complained for decades about Republicans siding with the rich people. Okay......so now we have a Republican that's addressing that situation, but instead of being thankful for such a person, the libs are bashing Trump for being honest and exposing the "pay to play" game.

It's not a wonder why year after year, voters get the status quo. People bitch about professional politicians, and when we get one that isn't, people bitch even more. People bitch about all the corruption in politics, and when we finally get somebody that admits it's going on and will do something about it, people bitch even more.

How in the world can we ever change this country if people are so damned partisan they are willing to attack the honest people that want to lead our country?
That's it. Because you think Trump is honest. Upon what do you base that mistaken belief?

I just told you. How many other politicians have ever admitted to what Trump and (to some degree) Sanders have?

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