Let's compare W's last year with Obama's last year

So? Santa Barbara is doing good too. We're talking about the MAJORITY of the middle class. Just think, a middle class dweeb like you could afford to buy a house in the bay area 25 years ago. Now, you couldn't. Thank you for making my point oh so eloquently,....
Funny how you ignore the fact that middle class Americans are worth LESS under obummer than under Boooosh. They make less money, their homes are worth less, and they make less money over all. The meme of 5.1% unemployment is an outright lie as there are now fewer Americans working than at any other time since the 1970's.

You are real good at propaganda but clearly you despise the poor and middle class who have been screwed by your buddy.

Not in the San Francisco Bay area I bought my home 25 years ago in the 6 digits , it is now 10 xs that.
The economy is out of control booming with technology. We went through a really hard time in the recession , but we are back .

So? Santa Barbara is doing good too. We're talking about the MAJORITY of the middle class. Just think, a middle class dweeb like you could afford to buy a house in the bay area 25 years ago. Now, you couldn't. Thank you for making my point oh so eloquently,....

What do you mean 1 house...haaaa I own several. Maybe out in Retirmentville Arizona it is bad, playing yahtzee all day.

Great, so do I, downtown Paris, France. On the Isle St. Louis to be exact, it's good to have money isn't it. However, the middle class are who we are talking about and they are getting screwed under obummer. That is a fact.

The Mayor of San Francisco gave the tech companies a huge tax break if they came to San Francisco , and yes it has screwed the middle / poor class...Obama had nothing to do with it.

Now we are loosing the culture, teachers, minimum wagers...it is called the tech bubble and it will burst. So yes I will agree with you on that one. I actually hate the Mega rich plastic snobs...so I didn't mean to come off as one.

I was trying to find a home for a girl homeless, shelters are 6 months waiting list.

But what does Obama have to do with that.. ? It was the Mayor of Sf.


obummers policies are harming the middle class in the rest of the USA. His EPA is driving up the cost of energy. I can take a 40% increase in electricity costs. Most middle class people can't. His policies drove up the cost of fuel which caused the cost of everything else to go up. This current drop in the cost of oil has nothing to do with obummer, it has to do with the frackers that he was unsuccessful in putting out of business so the Saudi's had to, they increased production and dropped the cost of oil to put the frackers out of business. Thank them not obummer for the new, lower cost of fuel.
Fewer Americans working since the 1970s?

Are you on crack?


No, but you are....

Record 94 Million Americans Not In The Labor Force; Participation Rate Lowest Since 1977



Record 94 Million Americans Not In The Labor Force; Participation Rate Lowest Since 1977 | Zero Hedge

Table A-1. Employment status of the civilian population by sex and age

uh......so there are MORE Americans working today than at any time since BLS started keeping records.........and you come back to me with LFPR?

Is this your first rodeo, son?

Guess you didn't read the non labor participation rate did you junior. Clearly this IS your first rodeo and you got tossed at the 4 second mark...

Looking at the graph I showed you.....how many people were working at the end of the 70s?

(about 90 million)

How many people are working today?

(0ver 140 million)

Which of those two numbers is larger?

Take all the time you need to remove your socks and sandals........

I don't know who he is but here are other sources for you. I hate to burst your propaganda bubble but these are facts. Yours aren't...

As long as you don’t look too far into it, Thursday’s June jobs report looks like good news: The U.S. economy added 223,000 jobs, close to expectations, and the unemployment rate fell again, to 5.3 percent. So far, so good—still a slower recovery than anyone might like, but a recovery nonetheless.
The more concerning signs are hidden beneath the surface. Some people have been sounding the alarm about labor-participation rates for years now—Republicans tried, mostly unsuccessfully, to make them an issue in the 2012 election. But as several analysts have pointed out, the June rate of 62.6 percent is the lowest since October of 1977. The decline is part of a long-term trend, as this graph shows:


How America's Workforce Has Changed Since 1977

Federal Reserve looks at the labor markets in eight developed countries and finds participation is falling the fastest in the U.S.

[FONT=Helvetica Neue Bold, helvetica, sans-serif]America’s biggest job market problem is uniquely American

The labor force participation rate falls to a 38-year low

The labor force participation rate falls to a 38-year low

Do I understand you to suggest that the Bureau of Labor Statistics is a propaganda mill?

Did you look in the bottom left hand corner of your graph?

Do you need a moment to pull yourself together?
So? Santa Barbara is doing good too. We're talking about the MAJORITY of the middle class. Just think, a middle class dweeb like you could afford to buy a house in the bay area 25 years ago. Now, you couldn't. Thank you for making my point oh so eloquently,....
Not in the San Francisco Bay area I bought my home 25 years ago in the 6 digits , it is now 10 xs that.
The economy is out of control booming with technology. We went through a really hard time in the recession , but we are back .

So? Santa Barbara is doing good too. We're talking about the MAJORITY of the middle class. Just think, a middle class dweeb like you could afford to buy a house in the bay area 25 years ago. Now, you couldn't. Thank you for making my point oh so eloquently,....

What do you mean 1 house...haaaa I own several. Maybe out in Retirmentville Arizona it is bad, playing yahtzee all day.

Great, so do I, downtown Paris, France. On the Isle St. Louis to be exact, it's good to have money isn't it. However, the middle class are who we are talking about and they are getting screwed under obummer. That is a fact.

The Mayor of San Francisco gave the tech companies a huge tax break if they came to San Francisco , and yes it has screwed the middle / poor class...Obama had nothing to do with it.

Now we are loosing the culture, teachers, minimum wagers...it is called the tech bubble and it will burst. So yes I will agree with you on that one. I actually hate the Mega rich plastic snobs...so I didn't mean to come off as one.

I was trying to find a home for a girl homeless, shelters are 6 months waiting list.

But what does Obama have to do with that.. ? It was the Mayor of Sf.


obummers policies are harming the middle class in the rest of the USA. His EPA is driving up the cost of energy. I can take a 40% increase in electricity costs. Most middle class people can't. His policies drove up the cost of fuel which caused the cost of everything else to go up. This current drop in the cost of oil has nothing to do with obummer, it has to do with the frackers that he was unsuccessful in putting out of business so the Saudi's had to, they increased production and dropped the cost of oil to put the frackers out of business. Thank them not obummer for the new, lower cost of fuel.

EIA - Electricity Data

Show me where you see a 40% increase in the price of electricity for residential customers since 2009.....
Seeing as how Obama's last year just began, a comparison would be somewhat immature, would it not?
So? Santa Barbara is doing good too. We're talking about the MAJORITY of the middle class. Just think, a middle class dweeb like you could afford to buy a house in the bay area 25 years ago. Now, you couldn't. Thank you for making my point oh so eloquently,....
So? Santa Barbara is doing good too. We're talking about the MAJORITY of the middle class. Just think, a middle class dweeb like you could afford to buy a house in the bay area 25 years ago. Now, you couldn't. Thank you for making my point oh so eloquently,....

What do you mean 1 house...haaaa I own several. Maybe out in Retirmentville Arizona it is bad, playing yahtzee all day.

Great, so do I, downtown Paris, France. On the Isle St. Louis to be exact, it's good to have money isn't it. However, the middle class are who we are talking about and they are getting screwed under obummer. That is a fact.

The Mayor of San Francisco gave the tech companies a huge tax break if they came to San Francisco , and yes it has screwed the middle / poor class...Obama had nothing to do with it.

Now we are loosing the culture, teachers, minimum wagers...it is called the tech bubble and it will burst. So yes I will agree with you on that one. I actually hate the Mega rich plastic snobs...so I didn't mean to come off as one.

I was trying to find a home for a girl homeless, shelters are 6 months waiting list.

But what does Obama have to do with that.. ? It was the Mayor of Sf.


obummers policies are harming the middle class in the rest of the USA. His EPA is driving up the cost of energy. I can take a 40% increase in electricity costs. Most middle class people can't. His policies drove up the cost of fuel which caused the cost of everything else to go up. This current drop in the cost of oil has nothing to do with obummer, it has to do with the frackers that he was unsuccessful in putting out of business so the Saudi's had to, they increased production and dropped the cost of oil to put the frackers out of business. Thank them not obummer for the new, lower cost of fuel.

EIA - Electricity Data

Show me where you see a 40% increase in the price of electricity for residential customers since 2009.....

It takes time silly boy... but here...I'll let the man himself explain it to you...

So? Santa Barbara is doing good too. We're talking about the MAJORITY of the middle class. Just think, a middle class dweeb like you could afford to buy a house in the bay area 25 years ago. Now, you couldn't. Thank you for making my point oh so eloquently,....
What do you mean 1 house...haaaa I own several. Maybe out in Retirmentville Arizona it is bad, playing yahtzee all day.

Great, so do I, downtown Paris, France. On the Isle St. Louis to be exact, it's good to have money isn't it. However, the middle class are who we are talking about and they are getting screwed under obummer. That is a fact.

The Mayor of San Francisco gave the tech companies a huge tax break if they came to San Francisco , and yes it has screwed the middle / poor class...Obama had nothing to do with it.

Now we are loosing the culture, teachers, minimum wagers...it is called the tech bubble and it will burst. So yes I will agree with you on that one. I actually hate the Mega rich plastic snobs...so I didn't mean to come off as one.

I was trying to find a home for a girl homeless, shelters are 6 months waiting list.

But what does Obama have to do with that.. ? It was the Mayor of Sf.


obummers policies are harming the middle class in the rest of the USA. His EPA is driving up the cost of energy. I can take a 40% increase in electricity costs. Most middle class people can't. His policies drove up the cost of fuel which caused the cost of everything else to go up. This current drop in the cost of oil has nothing to do with obummer, it has to do with the frackers that he was unsuccessful in putting out of business so the Saudi's had to, they increased production and dropped the cost of oil to put the frackers out of business. Thank them not obummer for the new, lower cost of fuel.

EIA - Electricity Data

Show me where you see a 40% increase in the price of electricity for residential customers since 2009.....

It takes time silly boy... but here...I'll let the man himself explain it to you...

Ok.....so no 40%.......glad we've got that worked out....

Here is your comment....
His EPA is driving up the cost of energy.

Between 2005 and 2009, residential electricity went up by 5% per year

Between 2009 and 2014 it went up 1.7% per year

(Don't try this at home......it involves the calculation of geometric growth rates.......I'm a professional......you will injure yourself)
Seeing as how Obama's last year just began, a comparison would be somewhat immature, would it not?

Keep dope alive, Taz!

So his last year didn't just begin?

That's why I'm encouraging you to keep dreaming of ruin......whatever it takes to redeem Scrubby and make you feel better about those two disastrous votes....

I'm all about your self esteem....

I didn't vote for Bush. I voted for Gore, actually, in 2000, and Michael Badnarik in 2004.

Wanna try again?
Seeing as how Obama's last year just began, a comparison would be somewhat immature, would it not?

Keep dope alive, Taz!

So his last year didn't just begin?

That's why I'm encouraging you to keep dreaming of ruin......whatever it takes to redeem Scrubby and make you feel better about those two disastrous votes....

I'm all about your self esteem....

I didn't vote for Bush. I voted for Gore, actually, in 2000, and Michael Badnarik in 2004.

Wanna try again?

Sure.....whatever.....but right now I gotta hit the gym.....these pecs ain't gonna blast themselves....

btw.....I think you oughta consider an intervention for Westy.........he's losing it.....
So? Santa Barbara is doing good too. We're talking about the MAJORITY of the middle class. Just think, a middle class dweeb like you could afford to buy a house in the bay area 25 years ago. Now, you couldn't. Thank you for making my point oh so eloquently,....
Not in the San Francisco Bay area I bought my home 25 years ago in the 6 digits , it is now 10 xs that.
The economy is out of control booming with technology. We went through a really hard time in the recession , but we are back .

So? Santa Barbara is doing good too. We're talking about the MAJORITY of the middle class. Just think, a middle class dweeb like you could afford to buy a house in the bay area 25 years ago. Now, you couldn't. Thank you for making my point oh so eloquently,....

What do you mean 1 house...haaaa I own several. Maybe out in Retirmentville Arizona it is bad, playing yahtzee all day.

Great, so do I, downtown Paris, France. On the Isle St. Louis to be exact, it's good to have money isn't it. However, the middle class are who we are talking about and they are getting screwed under obummer. That is a fact.

The Mayor of San Francisco gave the tech companies a huge tax break if they came to San Francisco , and yes it has screwed the middle / poor class...Obama had nothing to do with it.

Now we are loosing the culture, teachers, minimum wagers...it is called the tech bubble and it will burst. So yes I will agree with you on that one. I actually hate the Mega rich plastic snobs...so I didn't mean to come off as one.

I was trying to find a home for a girl homeless, shelters are 6 months waiting list.

But what does Obama have to do with that.. ? It was the Mayor of Sf.


obummers policies are harming the middle class in the rest of the USA. His EPA is driving up the cost of energy. I can take a 40% increase in electricity costs. Most middle class people can't. His policies drove up the cost of fuel which caused the cost of everything else to go up. This current drop in the cost of oil has nothing to do with obummer, it has to do with the frackers that he was unsuccessful in putting out of business so the Saudi's had to, they increased production and dropped the cost of oil to put the frackers out of business. Thank them not obummer for the new, lower cost of fuel.

PGE ( the crooked Calif. gas and electric company ) has been screwing us for years. People have gone to green energy, and are getting a big fat fee. I think like the big Pharma are controlling us $$$$ , the energy, water companies are as well.
Obama has nothing to do with that..I don't think. It is State by State...I hate the Governor now.

So when energy is high, it is Obama's fault. but when the energy is low Obama had nothing to do with it..:disbelief:.scratches head...

Anymore questions?

Yup,the recession that W left screwed many of us! I have still not recovered from the experiment of the electing a Recovering Alcoholic that had Uncle Fester sitting on his shoulder telling him what to do.

Funny how you ignore the fact that middle class Americans are worth LESS under obummer than under Boooosh. They make less money, their homes are worth less, and they make less money over all. The meme of 5.1% unemployment is an outright lie as there are now fewer Americans working than at any other time since the 1970's.

You are real good at propaganda but clearly you despise the poor and middle class who have been screwed by your buddy.

Yup,the recession that W left screwed many of us! I have still not recovered from the experiment of the electing a Recovering Alcoholic that had Uncle Fester sitting on his shoulder telling him what to do.
Obama is so awesome the people gave control of the House and the Senate to the GOP :laugh: You libs and your spin.
yeah guess we did BIG mistake Look what the f you did with it Nothing but crash and bash

Why did the left throw Obama under the bus, why didn't they turn out to vote? Obama the poor guy did his part he got elected twice then the liberals screwed him over by letting the GOP take over congress.

Do a llittle research Barney and see how many Presidents last Congress in their second term. If you can read, that is.

Anymore questions?

Yup,the recession that W left screwed many of us! I have still not recovered from the experiment of the electing a Recovering Alcoholic that had Uncle Fester sitting on his shoulder telling him what to do.

Funny how you ignore the fact that middle class Americans are worth LESS under obummer than under Boooosh. They make less money, their homes are worth less, and they make less money over all. The meme of 5.1% unemployment is an outright lie as there are now fewer Americans working than at any other time since the 1970's.

You are real good at propaganda but clearly you despise the poor and middle class who have been screwed by your buddy.

Yup,the recession that W left screwed many of us! I have still not recovered from the experiment of the electing a Recovering Alcoholic that had Uncle Fester sitting on his shoulder telling him what to do.


Hope that things get 100% better soon.

Anymore questions?

Funny how you ignore the fact that middle class Americans are worth LESS under obummer than under Boooosh. They make less money, their homes are worth less, and they make less money over all. The meme of 5.1% unemployment is an outright lie as there are now fewer Americans working than at any other time since the 1970's.

You are real good at propaganda but clearly you despise the poor and middle class who have been screwed by your buddy.

Fewer Americans working since the 1970s?

Are you on crack?


No, but you are....

Record 94 Million Americans Not In The Labor Force; Participation Rate Lowest Since 1977



Record 94 Million Americans Not In The Labor Force; Participation Rate Lowest Since 1977 | Zero Hedge

Table A-1. Employment status of the civilian population by sex and age

Desperation does not become you....:badgrin:
So? Santa Barbara is doing good too. We're talking about the MAJORITY of the middle class. Just think, a middle class dweeb like you could afford to buy a house in the bay area 25 years ago. Now, you couldn't. Thank you for making my point oh so eloquently,....
Not in the San Francisco Bay area I bought my home 25 years ago in the 6 digits , it is now 10 xs that.
The economy is out of control booming with technology. We went through a really hard time in the recession , but we are back .

So? Santa Barbara is doing good too. We're talking about the MAJORITY of the middle class. Just think, a middle class dweeb like you could afford to buy a house in the bay area 25 years ago. Now, you couldn't. Thank you for making my point oh so eloquently,....

What do you mean 1 house...haaaa I own several. Maybe out in Retirmentville Arizona it is bad, playing yahtzee all day.


Anymore questions?

Yup,the recession that W left screwed many of us! I have still not recovered from the experiment of the electing a Recovering Alcoholic that had Uncle Fester sitting on his shoulder telling him what to do.

Funny how you ignore the fact that middle class Americans are worth LESS under obummer than under Boooosh. They make less money, their homes are worth less, and they make less money over all. The meme of 5.1% unemployment is an outright lie as there are now fewer Americans working than at any other time since the 1970's.

You are real good at propaganda but clearly you despise the poor and middle class who have been screwed by your buddy.

Yup,the recession that W left screwed many of us! I have still not recovered from the experiment of the electing a Recovering Alcoholic that had Uncle Fester sitting on his shoulder telling him what to do.


Hope that things get 100% better soon.

Great, so do I, downtown Paris, France. On the Isle St. Louis to be exact, it's good to have money isn't it. However, the middle class are who we are talking about and they are getting screwed under obummer. That is a fact.

The Mayor of San Francisco gave the tech companies a huge tax break if they came to San Francisco , and yes it has screwed the middle / poor class...Obama had nothing to do with it.

Now we are loosing the culture, teachers, minimum wagers...it is called the tech bubble and it will burst. So yes I will agree with you on that one. I actually hate the Mega rich plastic snobs...so I didn't mean to come off as one.

I was trying to find a home for a girl homeless, shelters are 6 months waiting list.

But what does Obama have to do with that.. ? It was the Mayor of Sf.


obummers policies are harming the middle class in the rest of the USA. His EPA is driving up the cost of energy. I can take a 40% increase in electricity costs. Most middle class people can't. His policies drove up the cost of fuel which caused the cost of everything else to go up. This current drop in the cost of oil has nothing to do with obummer, it has to do with the frackers that he was unsuccessful in putting out of business so the Saudi's had to, they increased production and dropped the cost of oil to put the frackers out of business. Thank them not obummer for the new, lower cost of fuel.

Either way, I can retire next year and give myself an immediate 5% raise. The RE marking returning to pre-2008 values would be a further boost.
Bureau of Labor Statistics, November 2006: Every year after 2000, the rate declined gradually, from 66.8 percent in 2001 to 66.0 percent in 2004 and 2005. According to the BLS projections, the overall participation rate will continue its gradual decrease each decade and reach 60.4 percent in 2050.
Among the reasons cited for the trend:
1) The aging of baby boomers. A lower percentage of older Americans choose to work than those who are middle-aged. And so as baby boomers approach retirement age, it lowers the labor force participation rate.

2) A decline in working women. The labor force participation rate for men has been declining since the 1950s. But for a couple decades, a rapid rise in working women more than offset that dip. Women’s labor force participation exploded from nearly 34 percent in 1950 to its peak of 60 percent in 1999. But since then, women’s participation rate has been “displaying a pattern of slow decline.”
3) More young people are going to college. As BLS noted, “Because students are less likely to participate in the labor force, increases in school attendance at the secondary and college levels and, especially, increases in school attendance during the summer, significantly reduce the labor force participation rate of youths.”
So no matter who was president, and independent of the health of the economy, BLS projected in 2006 that labor force participation rates were going to go down.
But it’s also true that the decline has been even steeper than projected. For example, in that 2006 report, BLS projected the participation rate would decline to 64.5 percent in 2020. It’s already 1.7 percentage points below that in 2015.
According to an analysis by the Congressional Budget Office in February 2014, “[T]he unusually low rate of labor force participation in recent years is attributable to three principal factors: long-term trends, especially the aging of the population; temporary weakness in employment prospects and wages; and some longer-term factors attributable to the unusual aspects of the slow recovery of the labor market, including persistently low hiring rates.”

CBO estimated that between the end of 2007 (a year before Obama took office) and the end of 2013, about half of the decline in participation rates could be pegged to long-term demographic trends, about a third to “temporary weakness in employment prospects and wages,” and about a sixth to “unusual aspects of the slow recovery.”
Obama is so awesome the people gave control of the House and the Senate to the GOP :laugh: You libs and your spin.
yeah guess we did BIG mistake Look what the f you did with it Nothing but crash and bash

Why did the left throw Obama under the bus, why didn't they turn out to vote? Obama the poor guy did his part he got elected twice then the liberals screwed him over by letting the GOP take over congress.

Do a llittle research Barney and see how many Presidents last Congress in their second term. If you can read, that is.

FACT: You people hung Obama out to dry crippling his presidency with a GOP congress, why? Too busy smoking pot to get to the polls?

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