Let’s pretend ANTIFA is a real, organized threat...

1) Who is the leadership?

2) Where does the funding come from?

3) What evidence is there they organize protests/riots?

4) Why doesn’t Trump’s own FBI think they are any kind of threat to national security?

Where is the $1 Billion in damages going to come from for the damage they have done?
You attributing the Floyd rioting to ANTIFA is just something you made up in your head.

Here you go, you seem eager to join so I thought I'd help.

Fantastic you found a website. When is their next event? What are their plans?

So by your post I guess you dont believe antifa is real?
1) Who is the leadership?

2) Where does the funding come from?

3) What evidence is there they organize protests/riots?

4) Why doesn’t Trump’s own FBI think they are any kind of threat to national security?

Where is the $1 Billion in damages going to come from for the damage they have done?
You attributing the Floyd rioting to ANTIFA is just something you made up in your head.

Here you go, you seem eager to join so I thought I'd help.

Fantastic you found a website. When is their next event? What are their plans?

I don't tell you clowns how I track you.
1) Who is the leadership?

2) Where does the funding come from?

3) What evidence is there they organize protests/riots?

4) Why doesn’t Trump’s own FBI think they are any kind of threat to national security?

Where is the $1 Billion in damages going to come from for the damage they have done?
You attributing the Floyd rioting to ANTIFA is just something you made up in your head.

Here you go, you seem eager to join so I thought I'd help.

Fantastic you found a website. When is their next event? What are their plans?

So by your post I guess you dont believe antifa is real?
People randomly calling themselves ANTIFA doesn’t somehow unite the entire narrative around ANTIFA. This website looks pretty harmless and barely anyone knows it exists.
1) Who is the leadership?

2) Where does the funding come from?

3) What evidence is there they organize protests/riots?

4) Why doesn’t Trump’s own FBI think they are any kind of threat to national security?

Where is the $1 Billion in damages going to come from for the damage they have done?
You attributing the Floyd rioting to ANTIFA is just something you made up in your head.

Here you go, you seem eager to join so I thought I'd help.

Fantastic you found a website. When is their next event? What are their plans?

I don't tell you clowns how I track you.
lol you’re just adorable.
Five myths about antifa

‘Myth No. 1

Antifa is a single organization.

Trump cannot designate “ANTIFA” as a terrorist organization because antifa is not an organization. Rather, it is a politics of revolutionary opposition to the far right. There are antifa groups, such as Rose City Antifa in Portland and NYC Antifa, just as there are feminist groups, such as Code Pink. But neither antifa nor feminism is itself an organization. You cannot subpoena an idea or a movement.

Myth No. 2

Antifa masterminds violence at Black Lives Matter protests.

… neither the Justice Department, the FBI nor the press have found evidence to corroborate the grandiose allegation that the most widespread and significant political upheaval this country has seen in half a century was masterminded by one shadowy organization. Not even in Portland. Antifa groups are simply not numerous enough, nor their memberships large enough, nor their politics influential enough to have achieved such massive destruction.

Myth No. 3

Antifa is affiliated with the Democratic Party.

Not only is there no evidence to support such allegations — which are more of an effort to associate liberalism with lawlessness than anything else — but Democratic leaders have routinely condemned antifa and political violence more broadly. For example, in 2017 Nancy Pelosi denounced “the violent actions of people calling themselves antifa” after destructive protests against right-wing commentator Milo Yiannopoulos in Berkeley. When a reporter recently asked Joe Biden, “Do you condemn antifa?,” he responded, “Yes, I do.”

Myth No. 4

Antifa is funded by liberal financiers like George Soros.

There is no evidence that Soros or any other 1 percenter is bankrolling antifa groups. Receiving financial support from a billionaire would be anathema to their anti-capitalist politics. Like most anarchist, anti-authoritarian or radical groups, antifa organizations don’t have much money at their disposal. What they do have generally comes from members or occasional solidarity fundraisers.

Myth No. 5

Antifascists are the 'real fascists.'

…antifascists and fascists have one thing in common: an illiberal disdain for the confines of mainstream politics. In every other way they are worlds apart. As opposed to their far-right adversaries, antifascists are feminist, anti-racist, anti-capitalists who seek to abolish prisons and police. Comparing antifascists to fascists only makes a bit of sense if one divorces the tactics from the underlying views that animate them. Such comparisons stem from the misguided horseshoe theory: that ultimately political extremes meet. But fascists are the real fascists because they pursue a fascist political agenda.’

Needless to say, conservatives will continue to propagate these and other ridiculous lies about ‘Antifa.’
1) Who is the leadership?

2) Where does the funding come from?

3) What evidence is there they organize protests/riots?

4) Why doesn’t Trump’s own FBI think they are any kind of threat to national security?

Where is the $1 Billion in damages going to come from for the damage they have done?
You attributing the Floyd rioting to ANTIFA is just something you made up in your head.

Here you go, you seem eager to join so I thought I'd help.

Fantastic you found a website. When is their next event? What are their plans?

So by your post I guess you dont believe antifa is real?
People randomly calling themselves ANTIFA doesn’t somehow unite the entire narrative around ANTIFA. This website looks pretty harmless and barely anyone knows it exists.

I know it exists. You LARPing clowns will end up as the laughing stock of history.
1) Who is the leadership?

2) Where does the funding come from?

3) What evidence is there they organize protests/riots?

4) Why doesn’t Trump’s own FBI think they are any kind of threat to national security?

Where are you getting your information from? AG Barr declared them as domestic terrorists back in May.

Attorney General William P. Barr's Statement on Riots and Domestic Terrorism

You can also be damned sure that the DOJ has already figured out who their leaders are, and where they're getting their funding. Really, you haven't noticed how antifa has been diminished over the last week or two?

I have.
Oh great Barr said it. Yeah that’s proof right there! He’s a buttplug if Trump.

241 federal indictments of antifa shitheads so far...

AntifaWatch.us BLM+Antifa Riots Federal Charges

Lock 'em up, Barr! Here's a nifty page where you can rat the bastards out too...

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1) Who is the leadership?

2) Where does the funding come from?

3) What evidence is there they organize protests/riots?

4) Why doesn’t Trump’s own FBI think they are any kind of threat to national security?

Where are you getting your information from? AG Barr declared them as domestic terrorists back in May.

Attorney General William P. Barr's Statement on Riots and Domestic Terrorism

You can also be damned sure that the DOJ has already figured out who their leaders are, and where they're getting their funding. Really, you haven't noticed how antifa has been diminished over the last week or two?

I have.
Oh great Barr said it. Yeah that’s proof right there! He’s a buttplug if Trump.

241 federal indictments of antifa shitheads so far...

AntifaWatch.us BLM+Antifa Riots Federal Charges

Lock 'em Barr!
Nothing on that bullshit link makes any connection to ANTIFA besides simply saying it.
Five myths about antifa

‘Myth No. 1

Antifa is a single organization.

Trump cannot designate “ANTIFA” as a terrorist organization because antifa is not an organization. Rather, it is a politics of revolutionary opposition to the far right. There are antifa groups, such as Rose City Antifa in Portland and NYC Antifa, just as there are feminist groups, such as Code Pink. But neither antifa nor feminism is itself an organization. You cannot subpoena an idea or a movement.

Myth No. 2

Antifa masterminds violence at Black Lives Matter protests.

… neither the Justice Department, the FBI nor the press have found evidence to corroborate the grandiose allegation that the most widespread and significant political upheaval this country has seen in half a century was masterminded by one shadowy organization. Not even in Portland. Antifa groups are simply not numerous enough, nor their memberships large enough, nor their politics influential enough to have achieved such massive destruction.

Myth No. 3

Antifa is affiliated with the Democratic Party.

Not only is there no evidence to support such allegations — which are more of an effort to associate liberalism with lawlessness than anything else — but Democratic leaders have routinely condemned antifa and political violence more broadly. For example, in 2017 Nancy Pelosi denounced “the violent actions of people calling themselves antifa” after destructive protests against right-wing commentator Milo Yiannopoulos in Berkeley. When a reporter recently asked Joe Biden, “Do you condemn antifa?,” he responded, “Yes, I do.”

Myth No. 4

Antifa is funded by liberal financiers like George Soros.

There is no evidence that Soros or any other 1 percenter is bankrolling antifa groups. Receiving financial support from a billionaire would be anathema to their anti-capitalist politics. Like most anarchist, anti-authoritarian or radical groups, antifa organizations don’t have much money at their disposal. What they do have generally comes from members or occasional solidarity fundraisers.

Myth No. 5

Antifascists are the 'real fascists.'

…antifascists and fascists have one thing in common: an illiberal disdain for the confines of mainstream politics. In every other way they are worlds apart. As opposed to their far-right adversaries, antifascists are feminist, anti-racist, anti-capitalists who seek to abolish prisons and police. Comparing antifascists to fascists only makes a bit of sense if one divorces the tactics from the underlying views that animate them. Such comparisons stem from the misguided horseshoe theory: that ultimately political extremes meet. But fascists are the real fascists because they pursue a fascist political agenda.’

Needless to say, conservatives will continue to propagate these and other ridiculous lies about ‘Antifa.’

We don't need to propagate lies. We see you clowns destroying property and starting riots every single day for over 4 months.
1) Who is the leadership?

2) Where does the funding come from?

3) What evidence is there they organize protests/riots?

4) Why doesn’t Trump’s own FBI think they are any kind of threat to national security?

Derp. Way to shoot yourself in the foot (again). I'd be very, very embarrassed and quite ashamed. But then again, you are the designated comedy relief.
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1) Who is the leadership?

2) Where does the funding come from?

3) What evidence is there they organize protests/riots?

4) Why doesn’t Trump’s own FBI think they are any kind of threat to national security?

Where is the $1 Billion in damages going to come from for the damage they have done?
You attributing the Floyd rioting to ANTIFA is just something you made up in your head.

Here you go, you seem eager to join so I thought I'd help.

Fantastic you found a website. When is their next event? What are their plans?

So by your post I guess you dont believe antifa is real?
People randomly calling themselves ANTIFA doesn’t somehow unite the entire narrative around ANTIFA. This website looks pretty harmless and barely anyone knows it exists.

Well I guess the leftist cities who let the imaginary rioters burn down their cities can pay with imaginary money.
1) Who is the leadership?

2) Where does the funding come from?

3) What evidence is there they organize protests/riots?

4) Why doesn’t Trump’s own FBI think they are any kind of threat to national security?

Where is the $1 Billion in damages going to come from for the damage they have done?
You attributing the Floyd rioting to ANTIFA is just something you made up in your head.

Here you go, you seem eager to join so I thought I'd help.

Fantastic you found a website. When is their next event? What are their plans?

So by your post I guess you dont believe antifa is real?
People randomly calling themselves ANTIFA doesn’t somehow unite the entire narrative around ANTIFA. This website looks pretty harmless and barely anyone knows it exists.

Well I guess the leftist cities who let the imaginary rioters burn down their cities can pay with imaginary money.
How dense are you people? You just blindly call any civil unrest the work of ANTIFA with no evidence of it whatsoever.
1) Who is the leadership?

2) Where does the funding come from?

3) What evidence is there they organize protests/riots?

4) Why doesn’t Trump’s own FBI think they are any kind of threat to national security?

Where is the $1 Billion in damages going to come from for the damage they have done?
You attributing the Floyd rioting to ANTIFA is just something you made up in your head.

Here you go, you seem eager to join so I thought I'd help.

Fantastic you found a website. When is their next event? What are their plans?

So by your post I guess you dont believe antifa is real?
People randomly calling themselves ANTIFA doesn’t somehow unite the entire narrative around ANTIFA. This website looks pretty harmless and barely anyone knows it exists.

Well I guess the leftist cities who let the imaginary rioters burn down their cities can pay with imaginary money.
How dense are you people? You just blindly call any civil unrest the work of ANTIFA with no evidence of it whatsoever.

Yeah......the flags and black clothing mean nothing.
Everytime I think you morons cant get any dumber you prove me wrong.
1) Who is the leadership?

2) Where does the funding come from?

3) What evidence is there they organize protests/riots?

4) Why doesn’t Trump’s own FBI think they are any kind of threat to national security?

Where is the $1 Billion in damages going to come from for the damage they have done?
You attributing the Floyd rioting to ANTIFA is just something you made up in your head.

Here you go, you seem eager to join so I thought I'd help.

Fantastic you found a website. When is their next event? What are their plans?

So by your post I guess you dont believe antifa is real?

The Left pretends ANTIFA does not exist. Then, when they are called out on it, it’s an “idea” or “movement”.
1) Who is the leadership?

2) Where does the funding come from?

3) What evidence is there they organize protests/riots?

4) Why doesn’t Trump’s own FBI think they are any kind of threat to national security?

Let's pretend white supremacy is a real organized threat first.
Antifa is a real organized threat, best known for burning down cities. They are radical far left communists.
1) Who is the leadership?

2) Where does the funding come from?

3) What evidence is there they organize protests/riots?

4) Why doesn’t Trump’s own FBI think they are any kind of threat to national security?

Where is the $1 Billion in damages going to come from for the damage they have done?
You attributing the Floyd rioting to ANTIFA is just something you made up in your head.

Here you go, you seem eager to join so I thought I'd help.

Fantastic you found a website. When is their next event? What are their plans?

So by your post I guess you dont believe antifa is real?
People randomly calling themselves ANTIFA doesn’t somehow unite the entire narrative around ANTIFA. This website looks pretty harmless and barely anyone knows it exists.

Well I guess the leftist cities who let the imaginary rioters burn down their cities can pay with imaginary money.
How dense are you people? You just blindly call any civil unrest the work of ANTIFA with no evidence of it whatsoever.

You should not worry about us. Worry more about yourself. You should also not engage in antifa action. If you do, you might meet someone like me. Why not stay home safe in momma's basement playing call of duty. Life is not a video game, fool. There are no saves, no do-overs—no three lives; there's only one (life).
1) Who is the leadership?

2) Where does the funding come from?

3) What evidence is there they organize protests/riots?

4) Why doesn’t Trump’s own FBI think they are any kind of threat to national security?
Barr sure comes up with some BS. He has said antifa-like when asked about DOJ cases, but the justice dept. itself has zero cases.

"Attorney General William Barr has blamed anti-fascist activists for violence during protests over George Floyd's death. But records show no sign of antifa links in Justice Department cases."

It's fucking amazing, these leftists actually do defend far left murder cults.

Trump must bring this stuff up in the next debate. These people are murderous extremists. Turns out every leftist is a hard member in a death cult, so as with packing the courts, Biden can't say he condemns death cults without losing massive support.
1) Who is the leadership?

2) Where does the funding come from?

3) What evidence is there they organize protests/riots?

4) Why doesn’t Trump’s own FBI think they are any kind of threat to national security?
Trump, Barr and Fox news, RW radio, and Trumps ilk, etc. all push the antifa crap constantly. The Michigan AG said there are no antifa investigations in her office. I would like to know if any state AG's are actively investigating antifa.
Of course, one cannot ‘investigate’ that which doesn’t exist.
Check out the following FOIA request and the reply from the DOJ.


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