Liberal Tolerance An Oxymoron


Gold Member
Jun 27, 2011
( - Too often, conservatives "are found guilty until proven innocent on issues of race, issues of fairness," Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.) said in a moving speech on the Senate floor Wednesday.

"I say that, because as I think about some of the comments that have come into my office over the last several weeks, that I'm used to being attacked. If you sign up to be a black conservative, the chances are very high you will be attacked. It comes with territory, and I've had it for 20 years."

For several minutes, Scott read some of the tweets he's received, blasting him for supporting Sen. Jeff Sessions for attorney general.

"You area a disgrace to the black race," said one message. "You are Uncle Tom Scott. You're for Sessions. How does a black man turn on his own?"

The senator continued: "Sen. Tim Scott is not an Uncle Tom. He doesn't have a shred of honor. He's a house negro like the one in Jango."

Scott continued: "I'm a complete horror. A black man who's a racist against black people. A big Uncle Tom piece of fertilizer."

Scott said he omitted all the messages that used the N-word, because he "just felt like that would not be appropriate."

"You see, what I'm surprised by, just a smidgen, is that the liberal left that speaks and desires for all of us to be tolerant do not want to be tolerant of anyone that disagrees with where they are coming from.

"So the definition of tolerance isn't that all Americans experience a high level of tolerance; it's that all Americans who agree with them experiences this so-called tolerance.

"And I'm not saying this because it bothers me, because frankly, as I said, two decades of this -- you don't necessarily get used to it, but you don't find yourself as offended by it all.

"I just wish that my friends who call themselves liberals would want tolerance for all Americans, including conservative Americans.

"I just wish that my liberal friends, who are self-described liberal, would want to be innocent until proven guilty and not guilty until proven innocent."

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