Liberals deport illegals from Martha's Vineyard. National Guard activated

So you like what's become of the border situation under Tater? Tell me true.
Sum of the parts of the whole. And by that I mean decades of ignoring the issues...your savior included (who did nothing but ignore the issue).
But hey, easier to blame it all on Biden. :)
You mean about compassionate Liberals making accommodations to feed and house these migrants instead of just dropping them off unannounced like Republicans do?

Guess what, these immigrants drop themselves off at the border. Liberals are now so concerned about an air conditioned plane ride to Marthas Vineyard..... but when. you talk to them about the human trafficking, rape, death in the desert, death by the cartels, abuse by the cartels, sending their children alone to often be abused... a border patrol that is completely overwhelmed... people drowning in the river... THEN the liberals eyes glaze over and say there is no problem... you just dont like brown people.

Then you send them to marthas vinyard and those same liberals want them the hell out of there.
You just keep on thinking walls keep people out.
You better pray to the god of buttfucking commies that walls DO work, because anybody we catch is coming to your house.
Meanwhile, you idiots in Texas have helped make this mess.
Help the mess find its way to you? Yes. Yes we have. FINALLY. After 60 years.
Demand that your just and righteous congressional delegations sit down in a bi-partisan manner
FUCK YOU. It's your problem now. We're shipping the ALL to you. You figure it out. We're done. Not our concern.
Guess what, these immigrants drop themselves off at the border. Liberals are now so concerned about an air conditioned plane ride to Marthas Vineyard..... but when. you talk to them about the human trafficking, rape, death in the desert, death by the cartels, abuse by the cartels, sending their children alone to often be abused... a border patrol that is completely overwhelmed... people drowning in the river... THEN the liberals eyes glaze over and say there is no problem... you just dont like brown people.

Then you send them to marthas vinyard and those same liberals want them the hell out of there.

That's how they roll.
Nothing to say shitlibs?
Yeah. I do.
Interesting how like a dog tuned to respond to a whistle, you respond to being a shitlib!

We had a PERFECT one that was WORKING until Joe Biden got in office.

Thanks for the idea! DeSantis has out-Trumped the Dems with one arm tied behind his back! :71:

Ronny better hope he didn't use taxpayer dough to fund his little stunt here.
You mean Joey didn't use taxpayer funds to bus illegals all over this country in secret in the night to states everywhere without their knowledge or permission?

He could be in a bit of hot water.
Speaking of hot water Jack, when's the last time you took a bath or washed behind your ears? Or are you just normally grungy? Next batch of illegals could be heading your way up in Vermont, Massachusetts or wherever! 🚌
You just keep on thinking walls keep people out.
Meanwhile, you idiots in Texas have helped make this mess.
Demand that your just and righteous congressional delegations sit down in a bi-partisan manner
and resolve to talk about the immigration know without spending a shit ton of money on a wall...unless you want to build it around Texas...then..I'll donate. :)
“Beyond the deception, the intent to injure the immigrants is further confirmed by the fact that though he apparently tipped off Fox News, Gov. DeSantis intentionally gave the little town no advance notice about the flight,” Bier observes. “Clearly, the plan was to trick the immigrants into leaving their shelter in Texas and strand them on the island homeless, jobless, and starving. Gov. DeSantis might think he's standing up for America's laws, but he's not…. When there's a victim, there's a crime.”

The above was from a Republican. Hard to believe they exist anymore.

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