Liberals Think We're Jerks For Wanting To Control Spending

Mention spending cuts or even controlling spending and it's like holding up a cross in front of a vampire. They react violently at times. Most of the time they claim that spending cuts will bring this country down.

The thing is, the only time you guys want to "cut spending' is when the other party is in the White House.

your Boy Reagan ran up more debt than the Previous 39 Presidents combined buying expensive toys for the military.

Your boy Bush took Surpluses and turned them into Trillion Dollar deficits- plus gave us wars and Recessions.

But the minute the black guy gets in, you are all for "Cutting Spending".

It's funny how Clinton and Obama held the line on spending while Reagan, Bush, and Bush blew up the budget year after year, but it's the "libs" who can't control spending according to cons. What a joke cons are.
Mention spending cuts or even controlling spending and it's like holding up a cross in front of a vampire. They react violently at times. Most of the time they claim that spending cuts will bring this country down.

The thing is, the only time you guys want to "cut spending' is when the other party is in the White House.

your Boy Reagan ran up more debt than the Previous 39 Presidents combined buying expensive toys for the military.

Your boy Bush took Surpluses and turned them into Trillion Dollar deficits- plus gave us wars and Recessions.

But the minute the black guy gets in, you are all for "Cutting Spending".

It's funny how Clinton and Obama held the line on spending while Reagan, Bush, and Bush blew up the budget year after year, but it's the "libs" who can't control spending according to cons. What a joke cons are.

Wait...did you just say Obama held the line on spending???

We mock the mythology. When was the last time that Republicans cut spending? Eisenhower administration.
We mock the mythology. When was the last time that Republicans cut spending? Eisenhower administration.

All that shows is how successful parasites like you have been at preventing spending cuts.
Mention spending cuts or even controlling spending and it's like holding up a cross in front of a vampire. They react violently at times. Most of the time they claim that spending cuts will bring this country down.

The thing is, the only time you guys want to "cut spending' is when the other party is in the White House.

your Boy Reagan ran up more debt than the Previous 39 Presidents combined buying expensive toys for the military.

Your boy Bush took Surpluses and turned them into Trillion Dollar deficits- plus gave us wars and Recessions.

But the minute the black guy gets in, you are all for "Cutting Spending".

It's funny how Clinton and Obama held the line on spending while Reagan, Bush, and Bush blew up the budget year after year, but it's the "libs" who can't control spending according to cons. What a joke cons are.

Obama's budget is asking for 4 Trillion to spend.
You call this holding the line?
Mention spending cuts or even controlling spending and it's like holding up a cross in front of a vampire. They react violently at times. Most of the time they claim that spending cuts will bring this country down.

The thing is, the only time you guys want to "cut spending' is when the other party is in the White House.

your Boy Reagan ran up more debt than the Previous 39 Presidents combined buying expensive toys for the military.

Your boy Bush took Surpluses and turned them into Trillion Dollar deficits- plus gave us wars and Recessions.

But the minute the black guy gets in, you are all for "Cutting Spending".

It's funny how Clinton and Obama held the line on spending while Reagan, Bush, and Bush blew up the budget year after year, but it's the "libs" who can't control spending according to cons. What a joke cons are.
No, I think it is funnier that the left was able to run massive federal budget surpluses with a law degree, while an Ivy League MBA on the right, was able to almost single-handedly overturn a Capital maxim that states, it only takes money to make more money.
You are absolutely right, 1% is not enough to elect anybody. Unfortunately, that 1% has enough money to convince teabaggers and the rest of the right wing that they are being victimized by the people who are actually trying to help them . The 1% are lucky that the right wing is so gullible.
I'm guessing from the picture that your maturity and the sophistication of your thinking process doesn't rise above the level of a 5th grader. And it's not just me saying it. Jeff Foxworthy also thinks you are not smarter than a 5th grader.

Larry the cable guy thinks you are smart.
He thinks you're an idiot who can't hold a candle to someone who built a multi-million dollar franchise.

More reason to know Larry the Cable Guy is an idiot.
Nah, Larry knows it's his fans that are idiots, and he makes million$ stroking their stupidity. Kinda like the WWE.
Mention spending cuts or even controlling spending and it's like holding up a cross in front of a vampire. They react violently at times. Most of the time they claim that spending cuts will bring this country down.

The thing is, the only time you guys want to "cut spending' is when the other party is in the White House.

your Boy Reagan ran up more debt than the Previous 39 Presidents combined buying expensive toys for the military.

Your boy Bush took Surpluses and turned them into Trillion Dollar deficits- plus gave us wars and Recessions.

But the minute the black guy gets in, you are all for "Cutting Spending".

It's funny how Clinton and Obama held the line on spending while Reagan, Bush, and Bush blew up the budget year after year, but it's the "libs" who can't control spending according to cons. What a joke cons are.

Wait...did you just say Obama held the line on spending???


Look it up dipshit. Bush blew up the 2009 budget. That was not Obama's budget. After that, we have seen barely any growth in the budget at all. Reagan nearly doubled it in his eight years. Again, another con with no brain.
Mention spending cuts or even controlling spending and it's like holding up a cross in front of a vampire. They react violently at times. Most of the time they claim that spending cuts will bring this country down.

The thing is, the only time you guys want to "cut spending' is when the other party is in the White House.

your Boy Reagan ran up more debt than the Previous 39 Presidents combined buying expensive toys for the military.

Your boy Bush took Surpluses and turned them into Trillion Dollar deficits- plus gave us wars and Recessions.

But the minute the black guy gets in, you are all for "Cutting Spending".

It's funny how Clinton and Obama held the line on spending while Reagan, Bush, and Bush blew up the budget year after year, but it's the "libs" who can't control spending according to cons. What a joke cons are.

Wait...did you just say Obama held the line on spending???


Look it up dipshit. Bush blew up the 2009 budget. That was not Obama's budget. After that, we have seen barely any growth in the budget at all. Reagan nearly doubled it in his eight years. Again, another con with no brain.

Dude, in the grand scheme of htings is doesn't fucking matter what Bush did. What matters is what Obama has done, continues to do, and proposes to do. You can't defend him. Now stop being a fucking moron and save face.
Mention spending cuts or even controlling spending and it's like holding up a cross in front of a vampire. They react violently at times. Most of the time they claim that spending cuts will bring this country down.

The thing is, the only time you guys want to "cut spending' is when the other party is in the White House.

your Boy Reagan ran up more debt than the Previous 39 Presidents combined buying expensive toys for the military.

Your boy Bush took Surpluses and turned them into Trillion Dollar deficits- plus gave us wars and Recessions.

But the minute the black guy gets in, you are all for "Cutting Spending".

It's funny how Clinton and Obama held the line on spending while Reagan, Bush, and Bush blew up the budget year after year, but it's the "libs" who can't control spending according to cons. What a joke cons are.

Wait...did you just say Obama held the line on spending???


Look it up dipshit. Bush blew up the 2009 budget. That was not Obama's budget. After that, we have seen barely any growth in the budget at all. Reagan nearly doubled it in his eight years. Again, another con with no brain.

Wrong, dumbshit. Obama got his stimulus passed in Feb 2009. The budget was all his after that date.

Mention spending cuts or even controlling spending and it's like holding up a cross in front of a vampire. They react violently at times. Most of the time they claim that spending cuts will bring this country down.

On Monday, President Obama released his 2016 budget, which calls for increased spending and raising taxes, and on MSNBC’s The Cycle, so-called conservative co-host Abby Huntsman did her best to scold the GOP for opposing the tax-and-spend Obama budget.

Speaking to Lauren Fox of National Journal, Huntsman proclaimed that Republicans’ “big thing is we’ve got to cut spending, this is not something we’re going to approve and that’s often why they are considered the jerks here, because they aren’t talking about entitlements, they are talking about cuts.”

Think of it. In only a few years since Obama has become president, we've gone from clamoring for spending reform to you're a terrorist for wanting to control government spending.

Anyone with half a brain can see one of the biggest problems in government isn't that we don't have any money, it's that we spend too much. So Democrats invented a word for it to demonize the practice. Austerity. Anyone who starts talking about Austerity and recommending new investment is just pumping us for more tax increases. That's really all Democrats do. They try to think of new ways of taking our cash. Spending is now investment. Controlling spending is evil austerity. Anyone who falls for this line of bs can't be thinking. The answer to everything in Washington is always throwing more money at it, yet the problems never get solved. Obama wants to give the IRS $30 billion more to become more and more inefficient. Seems the more money he throws at a problem the worse it becomes. The IRS has massively increase their budget, hired thousands of new agents, yet if you have a question about your taxes, forget getting an answer. They warn about holding up refunds this year because they claim they need more money.

Notice how everything Obama touches turns to shit?

Remember this?

June 2013
Still mired in scandal for its mishandling of nonprofit political groups, the Internal Revenue Service is prepping for a new role: chief enforcement arm of the Affordable Care Act.

That task will require new agents — 6,700, the IRS figures — and more money — about $1 billion more than the current budget.

Confronted with the tax agency’s 9-percent increase in its 2014 budget, House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan, R-Wisc., blasted Deputy IRS Commissioner Daniel Werfel at a meeting of the House Committee on Ways and Means Thursday morning.

After reading off a long list of instances of waste, fraud, excess and abuse at the agency over the past several years, Ryan demanded to know how the IRS felt it had the “moral authority” to ask for more money. He actually sounded almost hurt by the request.


IRS requests thousands of new agents to enforce Obamacare
Abby Huntsman GOP Considered the Jerks For Wanting Spending Cuts
D j vu Budget Obama Asks for Tax Hike on Evil Capitalists - Michael Schaus - Townhall Finance Conservative Columnists and Financial Commentary - Page 1
Obama Asks For 5 100 More IRS Agents Sweetness Light
IRS Does Not Follow Federal Requirements Asks For Money The Daily Caller

Where in all that rubbish did all liberals call you a jerk?
Mention spending cuts or even controlling spending and it's like holding up a cross in front of a vampire. They react violently at times. Most of the time they claim that spending cuts will bring this country down.

The thing is, the only time you guys want to "cut spending' is when the other party is in the White House.

your Boy Reagan ran up more debt than the Previous 39 Presidents combined buying expensive toys for the military.

Your boy Bush took Surpluses and turned them into Trillion Dollar deficits- plus gave us wars and Recessions.

But the minute the black guy gets in, you are all for "Cutting Spending".

It's funny how Clinton and Obama held the line on spending while Reagan, Bush, and Bush blew up the budget year after year, but it's the "libs" who can't control spending according to cons. What a joke cons are.

Wait...did you just say Obama held the line on spending???


Look it up dipshit. Bush blew up the 2009 budget. That was not Obama's budget. After that, we have seen barely any growth in the budget at all. Reagan nearly doubled it in his eight years. Again, another con with no brain.

Dude, in the grand scheme of htings is doesn't fucking matter what Bush did. What matters is what Obama has done, continues to do, and proposes to do. You can't defend him. Now stop being a fucking moron and save face.

It matters a lot what Bush did because that is the most recent, and one of the few, examples of how Republicans govern when they have the majority across the board.

That is very important because a GOP presidential win in 2016 would return us, politically, to 2001. GOP in control...

...mayhem follows.
It matters a lot what Bush did because that is the most recent, and one of the few, examples of how Republicans govern when they have the majority across the board.

That is very important because a GOP presidential win in 2016 would return us, politically, to 2001. GOP in control...

...mayhem follows.

Yes...yes...after all things are so wonderful right now right?
Record food stamp disbursements...
New estimates now show our National Debt by the time Obama leaves office will be between $22 - $23 Trillion.
The wage gap between America's wealthy and the rest of us (93%) has grown faster than any other time in modern history. The top 7% wage earners have seen an increase of 33% since 2009!! Unprecedented growth!!...but the rest of us..the 93% of remaining wage earners...5% DECLINE.
Minority races, not counting Asians, have it worse now than before Obama took office on virtually every measurable way. has been pure bliss with Obama.
Your a hack
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It matters a lot what Bush did because that is the most recent, and one of the few, examples of how Republicans govern when they have the majority across the board.

That is very important because a GOP presidential win in 2016 would return us, politically, to 2001. GOP in control...

...mayhem follows.

Yes...yes...after all things are so wonderful right now right?
Record food stamp disbursements...
New estimates now show our National Debt by the time Obama leaves office will be between $22 - $23 Trillion.
The wage gap between America's wealthy and the rest of us (93%) has grown faster than any other time in modern history. The top 7% wage earners have seen an increase of 33% since 2009!! Unprecedented growth!!...but the rest of us..the 93% of remaining wage earners...5% DECLINE.
Minority races, not counting Asians, have it worse now than before Obama took office on virtually every measurable way. has been pure bliss with Obama.
Your a hack

What part of that is worse than the Iraq War? For starters...
The wage gap between America's wealthy and the rest of us (93%) has grown faster than any other time in modern history. The top 7% wage earners have seen an increase of 33% since 2009!! Unprecedented growth!!...but the rest of us..the 93% of remaining wage earners...5% DECLINE.

What you seem to be is ignorant. You want to blame Obama for the results of the policies of the previous President and Congress? YOU want to blame Obama for invading Iraq? Might as well eh. After all, Obama didn't stop us from invading, so it must be his fault. Cause NOTHING IS EVER A REPUBLICANS FAULT. Right?

Who was it cut taxes on the richest? And who was it that collapsed the housing market then bailed out the same son ofa bitches that collapsed the housing market?
Who is it that fights tooth and nail against raising the MW?
Who hates unions and supports off shoring of jobs?

Hint, it ain't Obama.

Besides that, I thought you Republican were the hardest working, most self sufficient people this country has ever had?

But all I do I hear you all whine. You whine about this and you whine about that. Why don't you get off your ass and do something about getting yourself off of food stamps? Increase your wages?

Why you blaming Obama for YOUR failures?

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