Liberals Think We're Jerks For Wanting To Control Spending

Its very simple I think. Easiest way to cut the safety net is to pass a law that MAKES employers of businesses with more than say 20 employees pay a livable min wage. That gets people off food stamps and medicaid and then you can lower the money needed for the safety net,kick all illegals out again using up money on them for welfare,along with SLIGHTLY cutting corporate taxes IF they raise their wages higher...if the government has to subsidize YOUR WORKERS then YOU should be paying more in taxes.
We mock the mythology. When was the last time that Republicans cut spending? Eisenhower administration.

All that shows is how successful parasites like you have been at preventing spending cuts.

I do get a tax return. Though that's thanks to GOP legislation...
I have to admit I use all 4 of my tax credits, ages 11, 6, 2, and 1, all thanks to my Lil Bush and the Republicans. On a national level, we can't have half the country not paying taxes because that has half the country subsisting off the other creating a conflict between the takers and contributors. As a father, I can't leave money on the table that can be used for my family, saving for college etc. Anyone who says I can or should is clearly not a parent; parents have not the luxury of principles. Still this needs to change so everyone contributes to this country.
As a father, I can't leave money on the table that can be used for my family, saving for college etc. Anyone who says I can or should is clearly not a parent; parents

Maybe you should have thought of all that before you brought four kids into this world? Did you not know how fucked up YOU think the country IS before you decided to have so many kids?

Your failure is on you dude.
On a national level, we can't have half the country not paying taxes because that has half the country subsisting off the other creating a conflict between the takers and contributors.

Ever notice how you never offer a solution?
Raise wages so that people don't qualify for SNAP and whatever other programs have you so upset.
Or lower the qualifying income amount to lets say 10K. Any one earning over 10k a year does not qualify for any government assistance.

You rethugs control the complete Congress now. Why can't you get er done?
As a father, I can't leave money on the table that can be used for my family, saving for college etc. Anyone who says I can or should is clearly not a parent; parents

Maybe you should have thought of all that before you brought four kids into this world? Did you not know how fucked up YOU think the country IS before you decided to have so many kids?

Your failure is on you dude.
I should have thought twice about having kids because my government might give me tax credits for them? Do you know how stupid you Leftwats sound?

I know how much conservatives having large families pisses off the culture-of-death Left and you as much as proved it anew. I'm glad my children piss you off, Leftwat.
I thought the Decider started that war by himself. ;) Amazing how Bush Derangement Syndrome changes how history is remembered.

You speaking of those Dems that were so stupid they voted with the Republicans?
You should be cheering them. Look at what their ignorance did for you Republicans. Gave you great political cover. They should be heroes to you.
I have to admit I use all 4 of my tax credits, ages 11, 6, 2, and 1, all thanks to my Lil Bush and the Republicans.

Especially considering that you had THREE of your kids after Obama was elected, what the fuck were you thinking?
I wasn't thinking, I was fucking.....Catholic style....with my smoking hot wife.

You don't have one of those, do you?
I thought the Decider started that war by himself. ;) Amazing how Bush Derangement Syndrome changes how history is remembered.

You speaking of those Dems that were so stupid they voted with the Republicans?
You should be cheering them. Look at what their ignorance did for you Republicans. Gave you great political cover. They should be heroes to you.
I don't agree with the Iraq war, asshat.
I should have thought twice about having kids because my government might give me tax credits for them? Do you know how stupid you Leftwats sound?

No, you should have thought about who was President. You know, they guy you hate and that you say has destroyed the country. Yet you bring into this world three kids AFTER he became President. WTF were you thinking. They have no chance with you telling them how fucked up their country has become. And you are telling them how fucked up the country IS and it's all because of Obama. Right?

BTW deductions for children on your taxes were around long before Bush.
I don't agree with the Iraq war, asshat.

But you were to young, to stupid or to engaged in fucking to remember who led us into invading Iraq? Let me assure you it was not the Democrats in Congress pushing us into invading Iraq.

And the stupid Dems who did vote for invading Iraq should be heroes to the Repubs who supported invading Iraq. Shouldn't they.
I thought the Decider started that war by himself. ;) Amazing how Bush Derangement Syndrome changes how history is remembered.

Yeah right. You didn't support the war but you just can't quite remember how we got into the war? You think those that say Bush got us into that war have some sort of derangement? How you figure that?
I don't agree with the Iraq war, asshat.

But you were to young, to stupid or to engaged in fucking to remember who led us into invading Iraq? Let me assure you it was not the Democrats in Congress pushing us into invading Iraq.

And the stupid Dems who did vote for invading Iraq should be heroes to the Repubs who supported invading Iraq. Shouldn't they.
Right, they were forced to go along with it.



Right, they were forced to go along with it.




Is that all you've got? You a weak sister dude. I thought you think you were good at this shit? You can barely write a coherent sentence. Let alone a coherent paragraph. Wtf is wrong with you?

Your reading comprehension sucks too. I never said they were forced. I said they (Dems) were as stupid as the Republicans were. And that Republicans should be thankful for the political cover the Dems provided for one of the most fucked up decisions my government has ever made.

But I know you are not smart enough to figure that out. You are under 30. Right? Raised a Republican. Or were you "converted" by your failures. Needed someone to blame?
Mention spending cuts or even controlling spending and it's like holding up a cross in front of a vampire. They react violently at times. Most of the time they claim that spending cuts will bring this country down.

The thing is, the only time you guys want to "cut spending' is when the other party is in the White House.

your Boy Reagan ran up more debt than the Previous 39 Presidents combined buying expensive toys for the military.

Your boy Bush took Surpluses and turned them into Trillion Dollar deficits- plus gave us wars and Recessions.

But the minute the black guy gets in, you are all for "Cutting Spending".

It's funny how Clinton and Obama held the line on spending while Reagan, Bush, and Bush blew up the budget year after year, but it's the "libs" who can't control spending according to cons. What a joke cons are.

Wait...did you just say Obama held the line on spending???


Look it up dipshit. Bush blew up the 2009 budget. That was not Obama's budget. After that, we have seen barely any growth in the budget at all. Reagan nearly doubled it in his eight years. Again, another con with no brain.

Dude, in the grand scheme of htings is doesn't fucking matter what Bush did. What matters is what Obama has done, continues to do, and proposes to do. You can't defend him. Now stop being a fucking moron and save face.
Yeah, like it doesn't matter that Raygun tripled the national debt, or that Shrub 41 doubled it again in only four years, or that Clinton BALANCED the budget, which Shrub 43 destroyed in his first six months and doubled the national debt yet again adding more than all POTUS's added together, and destroyed the U.S. AND global economies, and left it for Obama to clean up.

In the "grand scheme of things", a moron doesn't think it matters.
Right, they were forced to go along with it.




Is that all you've got? You a weak sister dude. I thought you think you were good at this shit? You can barely write a coherent sentence. Let alone a coherent paragraph. Wtf is wrong with you?

Your reading comprehension sucks too. I never said they were forced. I said they (Dems) were as stupid as the Republicans were. And that Republicans should be thankful for the political cover the Dems provided for one of the most fucked up decisions my government has ever made.

But I know you are not smart enough to figure that out. You are under 30. Right? Raised a Republican. Or were you "converted" by your failures. Needed someone to blame?
So in....all of managed to have the grace to admit your party voted for the war too, yet somehow still manage to blame Bush for their votes. Wait, there's a term for that:




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