Liberals Think We're Jerks For Wanting To Control Spending

"Liberals Think We're Jerks For Wanting To Control Spending"

Liberals correctly understand that a pragmatic approach is best when dealing with budgets and spending, not adhering blindly to failed conservative economic dogma that often disadvantages working Americans, retired Americans, and children.

Most conservatives are far too willing to cut costs that adversely effect the most vulnerable members of our society while seeking to benefit those in positions of advantage.
Typical Marxist drivel and it is total bs.

Chug a beer.

Budget analyst Winslow Wheeler—who calls the F-35 "the jet that ate the Pentagon"—argues that the total life-cycle cost of the program, including funds to operate and support the jet, could total a stunning $1.5 trillion or higher, which is more than the annual GDP of Spain.

This is what happens when the Pentagon gets virtually unlimited sums to build the world's most amazing toys. The Russians and Chinese must be happy to let us go broke building Cold War-style monstrosities, while they bone up on cyberwar and become experts at economic espionage.

The F-35 Shows Why the Pentagon Deserves a Smaller Budget - US News
They've been saying that about every weapons system. Fact is, some on the left feels that one dollar spent on defense is too much.

The liberal turds attacked every weapons system used during the two Gulf wars, but after the first Gulf war they whined about how unfair it was that we had such devastating weapons.

You can't make this stuff up, folks.
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You are absolutely right, 1% is not enough to elect anybody. Unfortunately, that 1% has enough money to convince teabaggers and the rest of the right wing that they are being victimized by the people who are actually trying to help them . The 1% are lucky that the right wing is so gullible.
It really depends on what it is. If it benefits America = leave it alone.

Infrastructure, science and investment into r&d = benefiting America.

It is a insane idea to cut those.

Why not raise taxes on the rich a little and cut welfare, waste and foreign aid?
Their goal is to destroy Social security destroy any protection for labor so that exploitation of the 99 percent by the one percent can accelerate...its why Conservatives are nasty...

Blah blah blah. Standard class envy boilerplate nonsense.
Denial denial; denial...every one knows the GOP represents the interests of the 1 percent....
Wow, only 1%?

One wonders how they win any elections much less hundreds of legislative and governor seats across the nation and strong majorities in both houses of Congress.

I applaud your effort. It is a real feat to come up with something that incredibly stupid.
They sold million of pet rocks to the kind of Americans who vote Repugnant...that is what the fear of gays , immigrants, Muslims etc is for to get the rubes to vote Repug
You are absolutely right, 1% is not enough to elect anybody. Unfortunately, that 1% has enough money to convince teabaggers and the rest of the right wing that they are being victimized by the people who are actually trying to help them . The 1% are lucky that the right wing is so gullible.
Both of those idiots could just as easily be Democrats. The worst crackers in the South usually are Democrats, and elitists in the NorthEast are almost exclusively Democrats.
It really depends on what it is. If it benefits America = leave it alone.

Infrastructure, science and investment into r&d = benefiting America.

It is a insane idea to cut those.

Why not raise taxes on the rich a little and cut welfare, waste and foreign aid?
Their goal is to destroy Social security destroy any protection for labor so that exploitation of the 99 percent by the one percent can accelerate...its why Conservatives are nasty...

Blah blah blah. Standard class envy boilerplate nonsense.
Denial denial; denial...every one knows the GOP represents the interests of the 1 percent....
Wow, only 1%?

One wonders how they win any elections much less hundreds of legislative and governor seats across the nation and strong majorities in both houses of Congress.

I applaud your effort. It is a real feat to come up with something that incredibly stupid.
They sold million of pet rocks to the kind of Americans who vote Repugnant...that is what the fear of gays , immigrants, Muslims etc is for to get the rubes to vote Repug
For your obvious lies.......chug a beer.

You are absolutely right, 1% is not enough to elect anybody. Unfortunately, that 1% has enough money to convince teabaggers and the rest of the right wing that they are being victimized by the people who are actually trying to help them . The 1% are lucky that the right wing is so gullible.
Both of those idiots could just as easily be Democrats. The worst crackers in the South usually are Democrats, and elitists in the NorthEast are almost exclusively Democrats.
The worst crackers in the South are uniformly Republican voters ...check out Mississippi "the shining garden spot of Republican policies" ...Mississippi is the future for America under republicans ....
You are absolutely right, 1% is not enough to elect anybody. Unfortunately, that 1% has enough money to convince teabaggers and the rest of the right wing that they are being victimized by the people who are actually trying to help them . The 1% are lucky that the right wing is so gullible.
Both of those idiots could just as easily be Democrats. The worst crackers in the South usually are Democrats, and elitists in the NorthEast are almost exclusively Democrats.
The worst crackers in the South are uniformly Republican voters ...check out Mississippi "the shining garden spot of Republican policies" ...Mississippi is the future for America under republicans ....
That is a false stereotype that has been perpetuated in movies and in TV. The truth is most of the stuck in the mud Democrats are trailer-trash and uneducated generational Democrats. Everyone in the family votes Democrats because they claim Republicans are for the rich.
That is a false stereotype that has been perpetuated in movies and in TV. The truth is most of the stuck in the mud Democrats are trailer-trash and uneducated generational Democrats. Everyone in the family votes Democrats because they claim Republicans are for the rich.

That explains why the GOP rules in the former Confederate States are you nuts ?...are you ?

Do you claim that the Republicans do not represent the rich/ you think they are friendly to the common people ? you are nuts ...
Do you claim that the Republicans do not represent the rich/ you think they are friendly to the common people ? you are nuts ...

WHAT??? BUT.......It's the Republicans that are pushing for an increase in MW. And aren't they the ones trying to bring back JOBS to this country? And aren't they the ones that keep up out of wars where the only ones fighting are the kids of the poor? And didn't the Repubs give those without health care a means of getting health care?
Why Repubs want to help with education costs and they want to have campaign finance controls. The Repubs were just talking about increasing union membership in all business's.

Yes sir them Republicans are ALL about helping the working man.
And I suffered a severe head injury yesterday.
Liberals only think Republicans are jerks because when Republicans control the WH, the deficit spending goes out of control. Another name for the jerks is "hypocrites".
It really depends on what it is. If it benefits America = leave it alone.

Infrastructure, science and investment into r&d = benefiting America.

It is a insane idea to cut those.

Why not raise taxes on the rich a little and cut welfare, waste and foreign aid?
Their goal is to destroy Social security destroy any protection for labor so that exploitation of the 99 percent by the one percent can accelerate...its why Conservatives are nasty...

Blah blah blah. Standard class envy boilerplate nonsense.
Denial denial; denial...every one knows the GOP represents the interests of the 1 percent....

Usually, when someone says "everyone knows", they don't.
It really depends on what it is. If it benefits America = leave it alone.

Infrastructure, science and investment into r&d = benefiting America.

It is a insane idea to cut those.

Why not raise taxes on the rich a little and cut welfare, waste and foreign aid?
Their goal is to destroy Social security destroy any protection for labor so that exploitation of the 99 percent by the one percent can accelerate...its why Conservatives are nasty...

Blah blah blah. Standard class envy boilerplate nonsense.
Denial denial; denial...every one knows the GOP represents the interests of the 1 percent....

Usually, when someone says "everyone knows", they don't.
Usually a reply like yours comes from someone utterly uninformed a Right winger BUT I repeat myself
It really depends on what it is. If it benefits America = leave it alone.

Infrastructure, science and investment into r&d = benefiting America.

It is a insane idea to cut those.

Why not raise taxes on the rich a little and cut welfare, waste and foreign aid?
Their goal is to destroy Social security destroy any protection for labor so that exploitation of the 99 percent by the one percent can accelerate...its why Conservatives are nasty...

Blah blah blah. Standard class envy boilerplate nonsense.
Denial denial; denial...every one knows the GOP represents the interests of the 1 percent....

Usually, when someone says "everyone knows", they don't.
Usually a reply like yours comes from someone utterly uninformed a Right winger BUT I repeat myself

Well, you could try to prove yourself correct, but everyone knows that's impossible.

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