Lie of the Year: ‘I Will Shutdown This Virus’

The shots were 95 percent effective against the first variant
80 percent effective against the Omicron variant

Guess how effective not getting vaccinated is?

Science denier ignores natural immunity.

Science denier.

Thats no way to go thru life, Son.
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The vaccine doesn't keep you from getting or spreading covid, you stupid moron.

No it doesn’t
But to pretend that being unvaccinated is the equivalent to being vaccinated is a LIE that is killing hundreds of thousands

The vaccine gives 80 percent protection from Omicron
No vaccine gives you ZERO protection
There is no way that we will ever become even in a rough alignment as long as the media/entertainment fiefdom acts like it does. Add the Prog politicians who promote violence for their causes and the real insurrection is you. We are far from the Constitution. We now have Free States which are Red and the new Slave States which are Blue with 95% of everything social media controlled by the modern Slave Staters.

Moving the goal posts yet again??? I don't think you can come to any alignment as long as one side continues to lie to its voters and given them false information about EVERYTHING, from illegal immigration to climate change. The Republican Party has become so dishonest, and so completely in thrall to their billionaire owners' vision of America, that it's amazing to me they haven't been stripped of their broadcast licenses.

This isn't a matter of "conflicting opinions". This is a matter of one side flat out lying to the American people - to their detriment. The promoting of "anti-vaxx" behaviour and opposition to the President's vaccine mandates by FOX News is right wing hypocrisy at its finest.

Tucker Carlson is praising people for quitting their jobs rather than get the jab would be funny, coming from a company where everyone is required to be fully vaxxed, if so many Americans weren't buying into this garbage. Murdoch's corporate policy is stricter than the Administration's vaccine mandate, and which means that Tucker Carlson is trying to convince other Americans to do something he was not prepared to do: quit his job rather than get vaxxed.

Rupert Murdoch and the rest of the billionaire right wing media owners are very much in favour of authoritarian dictatorships, because those regimes always kowtow to the wealthy. And they continue to lie to you about everything - especially covid.
No it doesn’t
But to pretend that being unvaccinated is the equivalent to being vaccinated is a LIE that is killing hundreds of thousands

The vaccine gives 80 percent protection from Omicron
No vaccine gives you ZERO protection
I have over a 99% chance of surviving the original covid. Biden screwed the pooch, just think Trump had the numbers on the way down without the vaccine.
What's your source disputing the CDC numbers?
There is no source.
What can be asserted without evidence can dismissed without evidence.
My point is the hypocrisy shown by you people ridiculing the CDC continually for political reasons and Fauci stood up to trump yet now you take the figures as gospel because you're searching for anything against Biden.
That's it in a nutshell and you know it.
I use let's go Brandon because of the children. I don't want to use profanity in front of them. Unlike you loons.
View attachment 581469

You use "Let's go Brandon" because you're an emotionally immature asshole who desperately wants to use profanity against the President and somehow thinks that children don't know what you mean.

If you had ANY concern about the children, you'd set a much better example than some ridiculous, bullying chant.
No it doesn’t
But to pretend that being unvaccinated is the equivalent to being vaccinated is a LIE that is killing hundreds of thousands

The vaccine gives 80 percent protection from Omicron
No vaccine gives you ZERO protection

THIS is the lie that is killing hundreds of thousands. How many people did you infect running around spreading Covid because your cult leader told you you couldn't transmit it?

I have over a 99% chance of surviving the original covid. Biden screwed the pooch, just think Trump had the numbers on the way down without the vaccine.

Vaccines don't work if people don't take them and half the nation is refusing to take the vaccine. Right wing media is telling people not to take the vaccine. Even though people who work in right wing media, are required to take the vaccine.

Why is right wing media lying to the American people about vaccines?
THIS is the lie that is killing hundreds of thousands. How many people did you infect running around spreading Covid because your cult leader told you you couldn't transmit it?

View attachment 581550

Do you have the clip where he said that and his entire answer???? I think your meme probably took the comment out of context, just like they this comment: "I'm going to shut down the virus, not the nation".
No it doesn’t
But to pretend that being unvaccinated is the equivalent to being vaccinated is a LIE that is killing hundreds of thousands

The vaccine gives 80 percent protection from Omicron
No vaccine gives you ZERO protection
Failed leaders always blame the people.

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