List of lefty riots and list of righty riots

Still wont excuse the TRUMPriot of Jan 6
Or equate with its historical significance.

You got something right for a change even though it was unwitingly.
The lefts year of across the country rioting will go down as the worst case of rioting with no cause in our history causing billions in damages to innocent civilians.
While the one protest from the right will go down as a search for justice from the source.
Quickly forgotten after the atrocity of Jan 6
We have see violent protest before

Never saw a PRESIDENT incite an insurrection and send an angry mob after his own Vice President
Did Trump tell the police to invite that crowd in? Did Trump hire Lefty Sullivan to lead them in?
Before or after they smashed the windows

View attachment 495025
Good point. Did Trump hire lefties to smash windows until Trump supporters pulled them away, or did lefties decide to smash windows on their own? Did Trump hire these guys?:



  • Screenshot_20210526-170445_DuckDuckGo.jpg
    59.3 KB · Views: 14
I'd like to make two lists of riots. One list is all the riots that righties were involved in, and one list of all the lefty riots. I'll start by putting one in each list, and then other members can add to the lists.

Lefties: Portland never ending riot.

Righties: Jan 6 DC

Okay folks, list some more riots for each side.
False equivalency is still false, lady.
Why is it false? Facts are facts. Riots are riots. Partisan bullshit is simply partisan bullshit.
Lol, no. Riots and insurrection are two different things.

Sorry for your luck.
And both riots were attempted insurrections
False equivalency is still false.
I stated none
They are accurate conparisons

Sorry for your gullibility.
Still wont excuse the TRUMPriot of Jan 6
Or equate with its historical significance.

You got something right for a change even though it was unwitingly.
The lefts year of across the country rioting will go down as the worst case of rioting with no cause in our history causing billions in damages to innocent civilians.
While the one protest from the right will go down as a search for justice from the source.
Quickly forgotten after the atrocity of Jan 6
We have see violent protest before

Never saw a PRESIDENT incite an insurrection and send an angry mob after his own Vice President
Did Trump tell the police to invite that crowd in? Did Trump hire Lefty Sullivan to lead them in?
Before or after they smashed the windows

View attachment 495025
Good point. Did Trump hire lefties to smash windows until Trump supporters pulled them away, or did lefties decide to smash windows on their own?
Interesting term, "railroaded", since the police did invite them in.
Clearly, you are not. Or you wouldn't use the term insurrectionists.
What are the motives of BLM/Antifa?

Apparently, a cool way to get a 3 million dollar home for one of the top execs real fast then quit.
So, no, you can't explain their motives without partisan hackery. If you're going to quote me, quote the full context, douche canoe.
Interesting term, "railroaded", since the police did invite them in.
Clearly, you are not. Or you wouldn't use the term insurrectionists.
What are the motives of BLM/Antifa?

Apparently, a cool way to get a 3 million dollar home for one of the top execs real fast then quit.
So, no, you can't explain their motives without partisan hackery. If you're going to quote me, quote the full context, douche canoe.
It has been explained.
Still wont excuse the TRUMP riot of Jan 6
Why won't the many democrat's riots excuse the 1/6 riot?
Look at the scoreboard with no partisan double-standard:
View attachment 494956

Your meme is too kind! For the BLM riots of 2020, last I read, official estimates were 47 police killed and about 2,000 seriously injured, not just 23 and 700!

Interesting term, "railroaded", since the police did invite them in.
Clearly, you are not. Or you wouldn't use the term insurrectionists.
What are the motives of BLM/Antifa?

Apparently, a cool way to get a 3 million dollar home for one of the top execs real fast then quit.
So, no, you can't explain their motives without partisan hackery. If you're going to quote me, quote the full context, douche canoe.
It has been explained.
I believe your explanation sucks.
I'd like to make two lists of riots. One list is all the riots that righties were involved in, and one list of all the lefty riots. I'll start by putting one in each list, and then other members can add to the lists.

Lefties: Portland never ending riot.

Righties: Jan 6 DC

Okay folks, list some more riots for each side.
False equivalency is still false, lady.
Why is it false? Facts are facts. Riots are riots. Partisan bullshit is simply partisan bullshit.
Lol, no. Riots and insurrection are two different things.

Sorry for your luck.

An insurrection without firearms?
How exactly does that work?
They were armed with the American flag and a MAGA hat.
Interesting term, "railroaded", since the police did invite them in.
Clearly, you are not. Or you wouldn't use the term insurrectionists.
What are the motives of BLM/Antifa?
Apparently, a cool way to get a 3 million dollar home for one of the top execs real fast then quit.
explain their motives without partisan hackery.

No partisan hackery needed to explain that the motives for BLM execs seems to be a GET RICH SCHEME foisted upon their idiot donors!!!

Meantime, BLM doesn't accomplish shit.
Still wont excuse the TRUMPriot of Jan 6
Or equate with its historical significance.

You got something right for a change even though it was unwitingly.
The lefts year of across the country rioting will go down as the worst case of rioting with no cause in our history causing billions in damages to innocent civilians.
While the one protest from the right will go down as a search for justice from the source.
Quickly forgotten after the atrocity of Jan 6
We have see violent protest before

Never saw a PRESIDENT incite an insurrection and send an angry mob after his own Vice President
Did Trump tell the police to invite that crowd in? Did Trump hire Lefty Sullivan to lead them in?
Before or after they smashed the windows

View attachment 495025
Good point. Did Trump hire lefties to smash windows until Trump supporters pulled them away, or did lefties decide to smash windows on their own?
I don't blame you for evading these questions. It's a picture worth a thousand words though.
Interesting term, "railroaded", since the police did invite them in.
Clearly, you are not. Or you wouldn't use the term insurrectionists.
What are the motives of BLM/Antifa?
Apparently, a cool way to get a 3 million dollar home for one of the top execs real fast then quit.
explain their motives without partisan hackery.

No partisan hackery needed to explain that the motives for BLM execs seems to be a GET RICH SCHEME foisted upon their idiot donors!!!

Meantime, BLM doesn't accomplish shit.
We aren't discussing accomplishment. We're discussing motives. You don't seem to understand why these organizations exist. You don't seem qualified to discuss either.
Interesting term, "railroaded", since the police did invite them in.
Clearly, you are not. Or you wouldn't use the term insurrectionists.
What are the motives of BLM/Antifa?
Apparently, a cool way to get a 3 million dollar home for one of the top execs real fast then quit.
explain their motives without partisan hackery.

No partisan hackery needed to explain that the motives for BLM execs seems to be a GET RICH SCHEME foisted upon their idiot donors!!!

Meantime, BLM doesn't accomplish shit.
We're discussing motives. You don't seem to understand why these organizations exist.

Yep. Too bad your grade-school mentality can't grasp that. BLM's motive is to fire up a lot of weak-headed nymphs like you about nothing to get angry and donate to them so they can clean up!

There are no right wing organizations to compare to BLM and Antifa. The right are a bunch of individuals, not sleeping sheeple.
I'd like to make two lists of riots. One list is all the riots that righties were involved in, and one list of all the lefty riots. I'll start by putting one in each list, and then other members can add to the lists.

Lefties: Portland never ending riot.

Righties: Jan 6 DC

Okay folks, list some more riots for each side.
Does the Civil War count as a riot? Conservatives killed hundreds of thousands just so they could keep enslaving people, and republicans openly celebrate it with holidays and statue and merchandise to this day. Get back to me if "lefties" ever declare state holidays or statues to commemorate Portland rioters.
Going from 1/6/21 all the way back to the civil war in search of a righty riot and still not finding one is a picture worth a thousand words. Thanks you for highlighting how rare a righty riot is. I think we are lucky if we can even count days between lefty riots.
Just pointing out that righties, to this day, celebrate the biggest riot of all
It’s funny watching conservatives try to justify Jan 6.
It's even funnier to see lefties list how many righty riots occurred between 1/6/21 and the Civil war. Can you even list one riot from either side to add to the two lists that the thread is about?
It’s funny watching conservatives try to justify Jan 6.
It's even funnier to see lefties list how many righty riots occurred between 1/6/21 and the Civil war. Can you even list one riot from either side to add to the two lists that the thread is about?
There have been plenty of riots. You can Google them if you want.

That doesn’t make Jan 6 any less terrible. And it’s 100% Trump’s fault.
There were patriots who were being railroaded and took action.
Interesting term, "railroaded", since the police did invite them in. Sullivan and and other lefty antifa even lead them in after the police invited them in.
Well, by railroaded I mean that demands to hold off on the vote for a few weeks or a month were roundly ignored by those who had just gained an enormous amount of power. There are irregularities in several states pertaining to the election, and these are simply brushed off as conspiracies by the gatekeepers who now have power.

Anyone with any real curiosity and desire for the truth would have taken the time (I urge everyone to do so) to look into what the protestors were doing in D.C. that day. It is obvious what they were protesting. Equally obvious, a small portion of that demonstration got out of hand when they gave in to their emotions. I have no problem with them being prosecuted for breaking the law. What I do have a problem with is the lie that has been promoted by the left in ascribing an action or motive that simply was not there.
I'm well aware of the insurrectionists motives. Now what?

An insurrection without firearms? :auiqs.jpg:
Yep. Surely you're too dumb to understand it. Now what?

Tell ya what scooter....give me a list of insurrections that have occured without firearms.
How about you pretend I did & go fuck yourself instead?

That has to be the clearest "I got nothing" admission I've ever read.
Thanks for playing.
Then stop trying to sideline with pointless deflection. You want to downplay Jan 6th. Why is that? Because they are your comrades in arms?

And you want to down play a year of constant violence against innocent civilians and their livelihoods that had nothing to do with what the anarchist and the BLM's fake beef.
Thats the equivalent of beating my dog because the neighboors cat keeps shitting in my flower beds.
Still wont excuse the TRUMPriot of Jan 6
Or equate with its historical significance.

You got something right for a change even though it was unwitingly.
The lefts year of across the country rioting will go down as the worst case of rioting with no cause in our history causing billions in damages to innocent civilians.
While the one protest from the right will go down as a search for justice from the source.
Quickly forgotten after the atrocity of Jan 6
We have see violent protest before

Never saw a PRESIDENT incite an insurrection and send an angry mob after his own Vice President
Did Trump tell the police to invite that crowd in? Did Trump hire Lefty Sullivan to lead them in?
Before or after they smashed the windows

View attachment 495025

Your reply has nothing to do with the conversation.
A broken window is the least of what the left did during their year of violence.

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