Litwin has the military forum clogged up with Ukraine and Russian junk

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That's what I do when someone gets just too crazy with the number of their useless posts. The biff thang has been on ignore for at least a year.

You just can't deal with them.

Yeah, I hate putting right-leaners on ignore but the crazy is just as strong with some of them as the leftist loons.
I like Litwin's posts about Russia's aggression against its poorer defenseless neighbors. Keeps people focused on what Russia is really up to.
What about what the US/NATO have been "up to"? I'm no supporter of this carnage for either side but in the beginning, I bought into the line that Putin was just grabbing territory and was totally unprovoked. It eventually occurred to me that the same media that lied constantly about all things Trump, were all unified pushing the cause in Ukraine as though it had world-ending ramifications if they lost.

Ukraine is easily as corrupt as Russia. There are NO "good guys" in this meat grinder and if it continues, Putin may be backed against a wall and decide his own life is at stake. Anyone who has followed this man's character - or lack of same - over the last couple of decades should KNOW that he will stop at nothing to win and there is no effective power base in Russia to take him down. The US/NATO are playing a game that could end this nation as a result of a simple miscalculation.

IMO, anyone who actually believes that Russia will allow NATO to base a fleet at Sevastopol, is either dimwitted or insane. The one enduring characteristic of the Rodina is a well-earned paranoia of invasion. Those in the West who are pushing this conflict in hopes of defeating/destroying Russia as a world power are playing one hell of a game of poker and I think they're betting it all on a pair of 3s. It's insane. It's as if they WANT Russia to use nukes.
Putin is a raging scumbag. I’ll say that.
Agreed, but we in the West seem to be ignoring the fact that he's a raging scumbag with the world's largest nuclear arsenal. I discuss this on a nother site and there's a member there who swears Russia has no functioning nukes. He believes this to be true. He's advocating NATO becoming more than a supplier of weapons and he thinks Russia will simply have no choice but to accept defeat, including being kicked out of Crimea.

I think that if NATO/US begins supplying longer-range ATACMS for the HIMARS system and Ukraine becomes capable of destroying Russian logistics and troop formations, it will trigger the use of one or more low-yield nukes on Ukrainian territory. The hours after such a use will be totally unpredictable.
What about what the US/NATO have been "up to"? I'm no supporter of this carnage for either side but in the beginning, I bought into the line that Putin was just grabbing territory and was totally unprovoked. It eventually occurred to me that the same media that lied constantly about all things Trump, were all unified pushing the cause in Ukraine as though it had world-ending ramifications if they lost.

Ukraine is easily as corrupt as Russia. There are NO "good guys" in this meat grinder and if it continues, Putin may be backed against a wall and decide his own life is at stake. Anyone who has followed this man's character - or lack of same - over the last couple of decades should KNOW that he will stop at nothing to win and there is no effective power base in Russia to take him down. The US/NATO are playing a game that could end this nation as a result of a simple miscalculation.

IMO, anyone who actually believes that Russia will allow NATO to base a fleet at Sevastopol, is either dimwitted or insane. The one enduring characteristic of the Rodina is a well-earned paranoia of invasion. Those in the West who are pushing this conflict in hopes of defeating/destroying Russia as a world power are playing one hell of a game of poker and I think they're betting it all on a pair of 3s. It's insane. It's as if they WANT Russia to use nukes.
There may be no “good guys.” Honestly, I can’t pretend to really know. But here’s what I do know:

Ukraine didn’t invade a neighboring sovereign nation and conduct a horrendous war crime strategy of aggression against the civilian population.

Russia did that.
There may be no “good guys.” Honestly, I can’t pretend to really know. But here’s what I do know:

Ukraine didn’t invade a neighboring sovereign nation and conduct a horrendous war crime strategy of aggression against the civilian population.

Russia did that.
Russia almost had no choice. It cannot permit NATO on it's doorstep.
Agreed, but we in the West seem to be ignoring the fact that he's a raging scumbag with the world's largest nuclear arsenal. I discuss this on a nother site and there's a member there who swears Russia has no functioning nukes. He believes this to be true. He's advocating NATO becoming more than a supplier of weapons and he thinks Russia will simply have no choice but to accept defeat, including being kicked out of Crimea.

I think that if NATO/US begins supplying longer-range ATACMS for the HIMARS system and Ukraine becomes capable of destroying Russian logistics and troop formations, it will trigger the use of one or more low-yield nukes on Ukrainian territory. The hours after such a use will be totally unpredictable.
That’s a lot to unpack. And I’ll start by noting that I hope Potato grasps that Russia has nukes and that Putin can’t be seen as rational.

The other end of the discussion is that it may be tragically bad policy for us to be so cowed by the possible threat that Putin could even contemplate using some nukes that we basically grant him a pass on his aggression.

Accordingly, we probably need to be somewhere more in the middle? I’d say Potato is somewhere in the middle.

Now before I get mugged, let me clarify. Being “in the middle” doesn’t necessarily mean we need to bankrupt ourselves and use up all our ammo. Potato is a horror show.

I don’t claim to know “the” right answer. Of course, I’m not the President, either. I do know that Potato is wrong. Followed by wrong. And, then, wrong again
Putin is a raging scumbag. I’ll say that.

Russia and Ukraine are both scumbags as far as I'm concerned. The former's good for nothing but funny videos of drunk Russians doing shit. The latter's just a corrupt money laundering operation for elitist Democrats and RINOs.
Nobody listens to Litwin's rants but he clogs up a the military frum that might be used by American Military Veterans. Find a place for foreign based posts.
They are legitimate topics of discussion. It’s not up to you to decide what other people are allowed to talk about.
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