Live on CNN: Radical Anarchists at Berkeley, heavily armed with cardboard shields...

Sorry, but more evidence of why these kids need their Safe Spaces. They want to overthrow the government with their cardboard shields and rocks. This is the generation that is going to lead America?

I'm not making light of their alt-left intentions, but...sigh...I can't make this stuff up....whoever the Mastermind behind this cout d'etate is really needs to lay off of the Playstation and Magic The Gathering.

They don't like Breitbart. Who can blame them.
so long as the violent protests take place in the blue states, thats fine with the rest of us. but I do want to see the ladies dressed as vaginas, that turns me on.
Please nooo, VIrginia turned blue I believe 8 yrs, ago. No violence, and please no women dressed as vaginas.
How long can Dems continue to be in self destruct mode? How much longer are the patients going to be running the asylum? You don't have to be a rocket scientist to know this is not helping the brand. this won't be on the front page, but the erosion of support for liberal and leftist causes is pronounced and permanent. We may not see the real results until,the next election, but the democrats are eating their young. Americans have never countenanced anarchy. They won't now.
Fer fuks couldnt link it?
Live feed from Fox News in my previous post.

I went back and looked yet I still dont see a link.

Seems to be pretty much over now, though. The riot police are there.

Ooookay...I see a bunch of aerial shots of liberals acting badly.
What exactly am I supposed to gain from that?

Uh, more than you can from an article. Behold, the intolerant nature of liberalism on the college campus.

Well thats a given....
Surprised no one has started a faux rage thread about this already.

Its been taken over by black bloc guys, and it's devolved into a riot already.
"A group of protesters dressed in black and some in hooded sweatshirts broke windows, threw smoke bombs and flares at a building and set a large bonfire outside the building."
The Latest: Milo Yiannopoulos' Berkeley Talk Canceled

Black hoodies and masks are the "uniform" of ANTIFA, the communist terrorist organization. Since it is an international terrorist organization it is time for the Feds to move in make arrests.

ANTIFA is not an "organization".

All black is the "uniform" of black bloc anarchists.
"In line with their ideology, and as a consequence of being constantly monitored by the police, the group has no central authority. This means it has a flat organization consisting of many independent groupings, without a board or leader."
Antifaschistische Aktion - Wikipedia
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George Soros funds the Black Lives Matter, ANTIFA, anti-European, left-wing agit -
UC Berkeley's reputation went up in flames tonight. This is what happens when you let snowflakes think they're the center of the universe.
UC Berkeley protest stops Milo Yiannopoulis from speaking on campus free speech is dead in America wow
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