Liz Cheney and Dick Cheney Voting For Kamala Harris

Dr. Phosphorous

Active Member
Sep 3, 2024
If Trump has become too extreme for fucking Darth Vader war criminal Dick Cheney, then you know the Nazi ass clown freak show known as the modern Republican Party needs to change its ways.

When you think about how far the Republican Party has fallen over the past 15's truly amazing.

One thing that was really weird about the Republican National Convention recently is that Trump and MAGA World pretend that previous Republican Presidents and leaders never even existed, like George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Condoleezza Rice, John Boehner, and Paul Ryan. None of these people want to be seen with Trump and this MAGA freak show.

They are now truly a Trump worshipping cult.
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With endorsements like this (apparently counter-political), the first question one must ask is, "Who would be influenced by this endorsement?"

Not much question here. Nobody. No Republican would be influenced by these turncoats - either one of them. No Democrats, because they are already voting stupid.

Second question is, Why? Why would Dick Cheney (assuming he is still coherent) make such a public endorsement?

Again, not much question. Trump is the antithesis of the traditional politician. They HATE him because he showed that you don't have to act like a conventional politician to get things done. Indeed his Presidency proved them all, especially the Republicans, fools and incompetents. He doesn't kiss the figurative asses of the other politicians, he appeals to the people, and the politicians had better get in line or get out of the way.

Not many (any) votes changing with this sad, irrelevant endorsement.
With endorsements like this (apparently counter-political), the first question one must ask is, "Who would be influenced by this endorsement?"

Not much question here. Nobody. No Republican would be influenced by these turncoats - either one of them. No Democrats, because they are already voting stupid.

Second question is, Why? Why would Dick Cheney (assuming he is still coherent) make such a public endorsement?

Again, not much question. Trump is the antithesis of the traditional politician. They HATE him because he showed that you don't have to act like a conventional politician to get things done. Indeed his Presidency proved them all, especially the Republicans, fools and incompetents. He doesn't kiss the figurative asses of the other politicians, he appeals to the people, and the politicians had better get in line or get out of the way.

Not many (any) votes changing with this sad, irrelevant endorsement.
Except Trump didn't get anything done....more tax cuts for the rich in 2017? Ballooning our national debt in the process??

Not to mention that he tried to steal the 2020 election on Jan 6. Trump is a traitor and a threat to democracy and even Liz Cheney and Dick Cheney can see that.
Once Donald Trump is defeated, or simply dies from a Big Mac (heart) attack, MAGAtts will lose control of the GOP.

It may take an election cycle or two but it will happen and these modern-day Know-Nothings will go back under their rocks.

Oh... I think that Populism is here to stay for a while... but they will find a middle-ground and vastly more worthy champions.

Meanwhile... whatever else Dick Cheney may be... he raised his daughter to put Country before Party or her own career, so...

I'm gratified to see the Cheney family publicly declaring against Trump, even if they have to hold their noses and vote (D)...

I'd be very glad to see the Bush family, in all its branches, and the Romneys, and the McCains, etc., follow the Cheneys' lead.

God Save the Republic.
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If Trump has become too extreme for fucking Darth Vader war criminal Dick Cheney, then you know the Nazi ass clown freak show known as the modern Republican Party needs to change its ways.

When you think about how far the Republican Party has fallen over the past 15's truly amazing.

One thing that was really weird about the Republican National Convention recently is that Trump and MAGA World pretend that previous Republican Presidents and leaders never even existed, like George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Condoleezza Rice, John Boehner, and Paul Ryan. None of these people want to be seen with Trump and this MAGA freak show.

They are now truly a Trump worshipping cult.

If Darth Vader war criminal Dick Cheney is voting for your candidate, she must be evil, right?
If Darth Vader war criminal Dick Cheney is voting for your candidate, she must be evil, right?
No, and I already explained to you why. -- Trump and the Republican Party is too crazy and extreme even for someone as horrible as Dick Cheney.

Your inability to comprehend that is your problem, not mine.
Yeah...and as warmongers they both understand that the biggest threat to U.S. democracy is Donald Trump.
Men can become women by proclamation, children should know about butt sex between men, Black people are America’s greatest asset, White people are America’s existential threat, our diversity is our strength, Trump is the greatest threat to democracy.
Trust me, we take you super serious.

Except Trump didn't get anything done....more tax cuts for the rich in 2017? Ballooning our national debt in the process??
Not to mention that he tried to steal the 2020 election on Jan 6. Trump is a traitor and a threat to democracy and even Liz Cheney and Dick Cheney can see that.
1. Trump got lots of stuff done. He built the wall and started "remain in Mexico". That there is better than anything senile Joe or Heels-Up Kamala have done.

2. As for the National Debt here are the Budgets. Biden added just about as much as Trump, Biden added way more if you add the cost for the 12,000,000 illegals he let into the country that locals have to pay for.

Biden’s 2025 Budget is $7.30T with a $1.8T deficit______TOTAL BIDEN $6.9T (in theory)
Biden’s 2024 Budget was $7.30T with a $2.0T deficit
Biden's 2023 Budget was $6.13T with a $1.7T deficit
Biden's 2022 Budget was $6.27T with a $1.4T deficit
Trump's 2021 Budget was $6.82T with a $2.8T deficit___ TOTAL TRUMP $7.6T (actual)
Trump's 2020 Budget was $6.55T with a $3.1T deficit
Trump's 2019 Budget was $4.40T with a $0.9T deficit
Trump's 2018 Budget was $4.10T with a $0.8T deficit

3. No president can steal an election. The states say who gets their EC votes. J6 was a protest against the partisan FBI, DOJ, and MSM, nothing more. The "deep state" stole the 2020 election by hiding Hunter's laptop instead of prosecuting the crimes, by paying the hitech oligarchs to censor unfavorable facts, and by 51 traitors who called the laptop "Russian Disinformation" when the FBI could have said it is real.
Not surprising. The annoying orange ridiculed Dick the Sith's world wide war effort, the lies that underpinned it and his cvnt daughter.
Wrong again Trumper. Trump was in favor of the Iraq War and has spread the lie that he was opposed to it from the start. The fact is many Trumpers today are the same idiots that were calling French fries “freedom fries” and ridiculed all those that opposed the war. They are now too ashamed to admit that truth.

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If Trump has become too extreme for fucking Darth Vader war criminal Dick Cheney, then you know the Nazi ass clown freak show known as the modern Republican Party needs to change its ways.

When you think about how far the Republican Party has fallen over the past 15's truly amazing.

One thing that was really weird about the Republican National Convention recently is that Trump and MAGA World pretend that previous Republican Presidents and leaders never even existed, like George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Condoleezza Rice, John Boehner, and Paul Ryan. None of these people want to be seen with Trump and this MAGA freak show.

They are now truly a Trump worshipping cult.
Makes you wonder what some of those classified docs Trump had contained? Perhaps they showed how the Chaneys profited from the War? Just a guess.

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